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File: 39 KB, 1129x611, 1472925985994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3151888 No.3151888 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a drill.
BCC hashpower is overtaking BTC.
If this keeps happening BTC will enter the death spiral.
I know you guys only understand graphs and TA and not the technology behind it.
This is a fact, BTC is going down, Exchange all your BTC for BCC, or stay safe in USDT or something.

You have been warned,
Good luck

>> No.3151895

>nor staying safe in bitbean


>> No.3151901

whens the next pump?

>> No.3151910

As soon as whales done accumulating.

>> No.3151921
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Thanks Jihan

>> No.3151923

will you shills fuck off away from our board.
its bad enough your ugly autistic chinky cult leader is going to destroy the whole crypto market without having to read your bullshit propaganda in 30 threads everyday here

>> No.3151925

fuck off chink jew enjoy your bags

>> No.3151946

> BTC with only 75% of the hashrate
> Retards start using ad-hominem because they realise there is nothing they can do now.

You can still change to BCC anon

>> No.3151992

Then why is the BCC price going down?

>> No.3152002

Because whales are accumulating and keeping the price down.
All markets are manipulated

>> No.3152018

On the contrary, there's massive buywalls preventing the price from falling any further, but each peak is lower than the last. Grim times ahead, Jihan.

>> No.3152025
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Because its actually being mined now and spewing out BCC like crazy into the market.

This whole thing is just a short term attack to kill bitcoin.
>Jihan pumps money into bcc for a week to tempt chinks to mine bcc
>Chinks start mining bcc as its more profitable btc/hr
>Jihan desperately pumps more money into bcc to keep price up to keep the chinks away from real btc chain
>BTC chain suffers from this slowly as less miners = longer transaction times and more congested network

It's simply just a hostile attack on bitcoin using greed and money bribing due to this stupid little chinky not getting his way and now hes throwing a tantrum and abusing the money and position hes in it to get it.
But the problem is the whole situation is terrible for crypto for a whole and all hes going to do is bring the whole crypto market down to nothing and his shit coin is STILL going to irrelevant.
I fucking hate this ugly cunt

>> No.3152053

because people mine BCC for more mining money and then sell these BCC for the real deal.

As soon as BCC is less profitable the hashrate will switch again

t. now BCC miner

>> No.3152065
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No one would have had a problem had he just made his own coin. But he had to come in with a hostile takeover attempt that is going to send the entire cryptomarket plummeting, shaking confidence in the system to its very core. If BTC can be so easily usurped, then the idea of "digital gold" means nothing, and it's every man for himself.

This faggot chink is going to crash the global crypto economy just to make a buck. This is Soros levels of evil.

>> No.3152379

>implying ETH and other alts don't take from BTCs hashrate too>>3152065
>No one would have had a problem had he just made his own coin. But he had to come in with a hostile takeover
>also implying ETH and other alts don't take from BTCs hashrate too

>> No.3152386

>stay safe in USDT

this is bad advice

>> No.3152413


>> No.3152524
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Off you go, mongoloid

>> No.3152543

>"m-muh death spiral"
>"the flippening will happen this saturday!"
>"the flippening will happen this sunday!"
>meanwhile BTC price hasn't budged at all
>BCC price down 20% since yesterday

we get it, you got fomo-ed into BCC, so you desperately hope it will succeed. atm BTC is mostly used for investment and storage though, people don't care about ridiculously slow transaction speeds or the high cost of it, if you want those things you can easily exchange for something solid as ethereum.

>> No.3152594

Really mis informed anon.

Eth and most alts can’t be mined by ASICS (it’s a completely different encryption) or at the very least ones that can be Asic mined are extremely inefficient compared to gpus and these farms were built purely just to mine BTC.
The only coin these farmers are able To farm at the scale they have without crashing the coins price to oblivion is BTC

>> No.3152640 [DELETED] 

>Eth and most alts can’t be mined by ASICS
Extremely valid point, my dumb>>3152594

>> No.3152646
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>Eth and most alts can’t be mined by ASICS
Extremely valid point, my dumb

>> No.3152843

None of this is an argument against the 27.5% hashrate now in favor of BCC

>> No.3153615

Bcashtards need to watch this


>> No.3153633

>bch shills panicking just before segwit because they wont be able to use asicboost anymore
You shills are hilarious

>> No.3153653


the miners that are going in just want to dump bcc so it remains less profitable than btc

your masterplan is over

>> No.3153656

Who the fuck is richard heart?

>> No.3153691

the guy who will tear roger vermine a new one

>> No.3153699

BCH and BTC are going to be competing for the hashrate regularly.

The market is pretty dumb so the BCH will pump every time it becomes more profitable to mine, attract new miners, then they'll switch back to BTC.

BCH is very young, not all platforms accept it. But time plays in favour of BCH, I'll buy it everytime after it dips and just before difficulty adjustment.

It will spike a few times like that and make juicy profits.

I already made good ones with this reasoning.

>> No.3153898

Is supply and demand enough of an argument for you on the BCC shitcoin express?

>what do you mean you don't want my bullshit Chinese knockoff bitcoins born from some chink throwing a temper-tantrum?

>> No.3153981

Supply and demand doesn't mean shit if you have no more miners left.

>> No.3154047

>thinks coins go away if miners do

>> No.3154278
File: 11 KB, 220x240, 1488521103418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCC is crashing. -25% at the moment

>> No.3154293

It's going to spoke again when the mining profitability drops closer to 10%

>> No.3154510

Won't the hashing power just swing between the two until it reaches some equilibrium?

The more miners on BCC will increase the difficulty so they will go back to BTC etc?

Am I missing something here?

>> No.3154671


faster diff adjustment of bcc

>> No.3154690

i moved everything into eth and monero. at least they have a future.

>> No.3154697

BTC difficulty takes longer to adjust, and adjusts slower.
If it's too high, blocks are mined much much slower, and it takes like 2000 blocks. Now we have less than 4 blocks per hour, instead of the usual 6.

The problem is that mining BTC will become less profitable, and the miners are losing money by mining it.

>> No.3154717

the miners wont care considering they have been charity mining it for months anyway.

>> No.3154721

Buy the dip

>> No.3154925

> trusting this ugly chink geek

call me simple and stupid, but in my life I've learned that physiognomy is actually real and correct more often than it is not.

I'll stick with BTC. Thanks.