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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 244 KB, 1000x667, 0f96c06f-24ba-4f75-afdc-1f7b7e048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
314966 No.314966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It just hit me like a ton of bricks

Why doesn't America embark on a planet wide campaign to annex countries? Not militarily, but we'd invest massive money to spring up referendums in countries to become US states

or we'd host referendums in countries to break apart certain in a country, that'd end up becoming a state (like Sicily in Italy etc)

What do you think bros? Wouldn't it be economically beneficial to us?

>> No.314970

>wouldn't it be economically beneficial to us?

>> No.314971

>implying you have the buying power to do that
Your country's military budget is so high that's the only way you'd be able to do it, and even then good luck keeping those places....

Not gonna happen. Ever.

>> No.314988


>> No.314991

How would it be beneficial, exactly?

>> No.314997

Dude, the US cannot even get Peurto Rico to pass a referendum to become a US state.

It makes absolutely no sense to annex countries anyways. Globalization and free trade agreements make borders irrelevant anyways in terms of profiting from that country's wealth.

>> No.315004

that's why this is /biz/ related lol. I should have highlighted that bit

wouldn't it be economically beneficial for companies and our economy?

>> No.315030

Typical American post. The rest of the world already hates you for trying to be world police. You would be met with great resistance if you decided to start annexing other countries

>> No.315031

*third world shitholes hate you

it's fucking nothing

>> No.315039

*the whole fucking world hates you

You are American so naivety and stupidity come naturally

>> No.315041

But all surveys prove you wrong


>About 13% of the world's adults -- or more than 640 million people -- say they would like to leave their country. Roughly 150 million of them say they would like to move to the U.S. -- giving it the undisputed title as the world's most desired destination for potential migrants since Gallup started tracking these patterns in 2007.

Does that offend you?

>> No.315059

bump 2

>> No.315065

>wouldn't turning every country in the world on us be great!?


>> No.315067

>About 13% of the world's adults

That's not the majority, though. That's not even a proper minority of the population. Do you guys even understand how the world fucking works?

I hate this place.

>> No.315069 [DELETED] 


Also, shut the fuck up you pitiful, typical shit-flicking yuropoor wretch. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your side of the planet.

This board was started by an American you little faggot. Where is YOUR 4chan? Where is Eurochan? What's that? You don't have any websites that anyone gives a flying fuck about except your tabloid dailynews? What's that? You make 1 good TV show every 10 years and all sit around eating American food and watching American entertainment predominately? Ah, thought so... Enjoying our American Dad are you? I also noticed how greatly Euros can quote South Park. Face it, you are shit and hate us for being the culture and country you eternally admire and mimic.

You and your ancestors stayed behind while ours went out to make our own way, our own fortune, to be part of the new world and new industries. You and your royalty stayed at home fucking their sisters.


>> No.315070

Wow so just over 3% of the world wants to come to the US. You are right only 3rd world shitholes disapprove of the US. Way to prove your point.

>> No.315073 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just a daily reminder to American posters to stop idly standing by while inbred nobodies piss on your leg and the graves of your fucking war-bred grandfathers, cmon guys.

Fuck all yuropoors, fuck all resistance.

>> No.315079


Cartoons, Mcdonalds and an imageboard. What a dynasty.

>> No.315084

Britbong here. That's a nice house, how much would it go on sale for?

>> No.315087

>That's not the majority, though

no shit, but America is still above and beyond the most sought out country to live in

Gallup and Pew serveys show the only European country that dislikes us is Greece

>> No.315090
File: 81 KB, 500x526, 0720_average01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in America about 200k

>> No.315093

Shit. You guys have it easy

>> No.315098

nah I actually fucked that up, it could be in the 200k RANGE. In other words, it could be up to 280k

it depends on the state

so here's a similar size for $159k


5 beds too

price will fluctuate per state, but I'd imagine it'd be never the less cheaper than what you'd find in western Europe

>> No.315099
File: 51 KB, 564x861, yuropoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Trivializing the greatest nation on the planet

How about the computer. How about the fucking internet itself that you're posting on, yuropoor?

What's that? Never got the automobile industry going out there? Ah, tough luck. Good thing you can all make money mass-producing American inventions though, right?

What's that? No Silicon Valley, no startups that ever changed the world out there? Ah, right, well that's okay. You'll have your Microsoft some day, your Apple, surely yuropoors are capable, I mean with all your hundreds of millions of people you'd think some of you wouldn't be too inbred to come up with SOMETHING right?

Ah well, who knows.

Maybe Americans are just lucky.

Maybe it has nothing to do with the fact that our ancestors had genetics and spirit superior to your ancestors, got tired of wrecking the bottom rung of the yuropoors beneath them in battle, in business, etc. and started out to a new world. Hmm. Maybe, but probably not.

We really are just better than you, and you are mad jelly, yuropoors. We had to trade up a league, to a new nation, because you suck and provide no competition for us.

It's in your blood at this point to lay around on your front porch slurring your words talking shit on Americans with your bucktooth inbred retarded faggot friends, and if you can't do it in your city because "muh muslims and niggers gonna kill me" then you do it on the internet, on our front porch of all places, the place we fucking invented, and you come to our websites and spit shit on your shoes.

You are less than shit, you got your shit wrecked when you tried standing up to us and it will always be the case.

You are lucky we have ancestral ties to you at all, you are lucky you are our 20th removed cousins who have inbred royalty still willing to assist our causes over here, otherwise you wouldn't even be along for the ride and we would shove your asses into 4th world faster than you can finish your bags-a-crisps m8


>> No.315100

And by ancestors you referring to jews that made a FRS and use plebs like you to fight in oil wars. You even more mad than a regular meatball. :D

>> No.315103

Here in Scotland you'd struggle to find a big house like that for that price. Even in the shitteier areas.

>> No.315104


TL;DR - America wins and comes from winners, genetic superiority from the very fact that winners and braver men set out to be here. Yuropoors lost generations ago and have eternal butthurt on the internet towards us. We created the internet. Go figure.

>> No.315106

>And by ancestors you referring to jews

Nah I'm referring to mountain men as well, and farmers, ranchers, you could be literally anything you wanted if you had the balls to come over here, friend, you did not have to be a jew.

Keep making excuses just like your rat-faced little shit-for-brains ancestors did while refusing to make something of themselves as well.

>> No.315107

huh jesus. I figured it'd be that way in Southern England or something, but I don't see the logic in Scotland

>> No.315108

maybe annexing Switzerland they have all that German loot and Gold from WW2
or Norway they are full o oil, rest of Europe is a cash burning shithole

>> No.315109

Scotland is the cheapest place to live in the UK. You may find a few gems here and there but you'll be miles from the city.

>> No.315110

protip for stupid murricans: FRS is not a family radio. ;))))

>> No.315114


You look like a faggot when you type that

>> No.315117

I know I could be, so I made banks, now chinese do all work, I print money, and your children will be starving. Let's see how you feed them with Internet, downloading your lovely movies right now for free. ;)

>> No.315119

He look entertained, but you look mad. Participate in some fag parade, that usually helps your kind.

>> No.315121


we have post IDs, samefag

>> No.315125

protip for stupid murricans: you were screwed by banksters. That's how they shit on your ancestors heads. ;))))

>> No.315127

>shit tier english


>> No.315129

whatever. he is right

>> No.315134

>no brain
>cheap patriotism
murrican? ;))

>> No.315143
File: 80 KB, 805x489, 1395504385574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to annex russia

>> No.315144

The whole point is that bombing kinda expensive to do, so murrica needs to learn referendum mastery. He thinks that being US state is awesome and euro dreams about it. Poor fag forgot about Detroit already and he wants more states. ;))

>> No.315149

Yeah, new state Russia. ;D

>> No.315166

You murricans entertain me much. You think about such global problems, while jews increase your slavery. That's how your system work. ;)

>Supreme Court Rules that Cops DO NOT Need a Warrant to Search Your Home

Hmm, what other state should we add to murrica... hmm such task, how can we make a world a better place by making another shitty website, some of you even call facebook 'invention'. Soon they put drones inside your ass. :D

>> No.315167

Why are you, a russian, on an American business board?

>> No.315171
File: 184 KB, 1200x796, gay russian soldiers beats up straight man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in russia can you be attacked by a mob of gay men for being straight

>> No.315175

because im not russian and this is not a business board. ;))

>> No.315176
File: 125 KB, 1000x649, gay soldiers beat up straight man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.315180

Haha I love Russian posters.

Maybe we invade you last.

>> No.315185

so you are saying that you mexicans are done invading murrica and might invade them russians? :D

>> No.315194

guys why u so mad? im from ukraine u suppose to protect me from evil putin. :))

>> No.315208


>> No.315214

This is now officially a femen fan board:
Please make ukraine a new state. :D

>> No.315220

you want to knew some thing new murrican? Server location of 4chan is Costa Rica kinda fun, huh? :))))

>> No.315221

either the countries are sufficiently wealthy and don't want to be states, or the countries are poor enough that it would be a fiscal disaster to bring their populations into ours

>> No.315264

This imageboard was originally directly translated from a Japanese one. Copied straight off. Also, Hamburgers are German, not American (hence the name; from Hamburg).

I'll give them disney, even though they're working hard to taint any legacy he had.

>make our own way
>you and your royalty
Yet the same Jews that haunted europe came over and took near complete ownership of the US within its 150 first years, to the point where the US is now a lapdog to a Jewish nation that isn't even legally allowed to exist.

>muh tech companies

>Our ancestors etc.
No, Americans weren't superior. The Spanish and Portugese were, for exploring these lands, but hardly the settlers that were to come a century later. The reason people went to America, was because they couldn't hack it in the european competition. That's why. Because they were too weak to make it in europe, so they needed to ensure that their only competition was buffalo skin wearing idiots living in tents.

It wasn't about freedom. Why do you think you have masonic shit everywhere? It was to escape an environment too tough for your pissy fucking grandfathers. The only war that America won, it lost. The revolutionary war? No. That was the French. From an ocean away, when you pissdrinkers thought you were good, the British came to fuck you up. But the French, their arch nemesis, also came over from an ocean fucking away (as I already said), just to screw with them. So they went home. Oh, and later, they came back and burned your capitol building, the white house and assorted other blemishes on the landscape, just because they could.

The only war that the US has actually won, was the civil war. Congratulations! Unfortunately, it also killed the republic.. and both sides were funded by european Jew money.

America - Land of the Jew, and home of the coward.

>> No.315275
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1383926036547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how economy works, you dense, dense motherfucker.

>> No.316502

China is doing that, see Africa

>> No.316821


The computer and the Internet was invented by a Britbong. Faggot.

>> No.316867

Stop replying to the shitposter. Don't give him the validation he is looking for. The faster he leaves this board and back to >>>/pol/ the better it is for all of us.

See, this board is new and still vulnerable. We have to prevent it from becoming /pol/ with IDs.