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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3143572 No.3143572 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on IOTA? I think this will be huge very soon.

>> No.3143596

10 USD end of 2017.

Quote me on it.

>> No.3143613
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>> No.3143707



>> No.3143817

i dont really know anything about it I'm just going on my general feelings and the amount of background noise I've heard about it and I have to agree with you, it'll probably follow a similar path to ETH

>> No.3143870

>doesn't know anything about iota

Kys. Also when you lose all your money because you're too stupid to research even common aspects of this space remember this comment and you'll have your answer.

>> No.3143926

I have researched it but I don't understand enough about the technical aspects of IOTA to determine if it's bullshit or not and to be honest neither do most of the people who invest in cryptos, at least I'm honest about my ignorance.

>> No.3143938

I went all in on ETH at 40 dollars. I went all in on IOTA at 80 cents. 10b market cap coming soon friends.

>> No.3143952

got ma bags lolz

>> No.3143968

i plus one this

>> No.3144015

They are doing an AmA right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/Iota/comments/6uxipy/iota_paragoncoin_david_s%C3%B8nsteb%C3%B8_jessica_versteeg/

>> No.3144023

With as many coins as IOTA has, whats a realistic price point this could reach?

>> No.3144041

Well it lives on unfullfilled announcements like EOS and most of the other shitcoins.
>inb4 what is speculation

>> No.3144074

looks good to me desu:

>> No.3144103

anyones guess here is as good as anybody elses.
when will you newbies learn.

i hate this place

>> No.3144244

Agree, research has to be done. But not all people are very technical and see a chance to make money fast. There is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3144257
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Machine to machine economy will require a constant supply. The marketcap of M2M will be in the trillions.
If one percent of the IOT uses Iota, the sky is the limit. Notice cisco in this graphic, who is already working with Iota, along with Bosch, Foxconn, Volkswagon, and others.

>> No.3144323

This jsut proves that people are unsecure because of BTC and BCH and are looking for new hodls.
Interesting to see the amount of trust iota gets

>> No.3144447

Well, if you look at the project team and their history i can kinda understand where that trust is coming from.

>> No.3144467

The coin ahs crazy technology desu
Problem is, people buy coins just for daily news, if the industry find out about it (Elon Musk rumors), we will fly to jupiter

>> No.3144495

Ive been telling you faggots about this coin since it was on 0.15. Seems like a lot are finally catching on but you guys already lost out on 600+ % profit.

t. 20 GIOTA holder

>> No.3144559

where to buy this coin

>> No.3144599

>>>3143572 (OP)
>where to buy this coin


>> No.3144625

when's a good time for me to buy moar?
I'm considering buying 1btc worth

>> No.3144675

How to bitfinex as an american?

>> No.3144701

Just don't register as US citizen and pay with BTC - that's the official Bitfinex statement

>> No.3144748

Usually at about 05:00 am CET, so far i know

>> No.3144848

How is /biz/ not all over this coin?

>> No.3144880

i bought in at 20cents and i'm more than happy. It's fucking amazing how well it performs at such an "early" stage!

>> No.3144901

I was wondering this too.

>> No.3144903

I don't know, asking this myself. Maybe because you can't trade it in US markets

>> No.3144908

BIZ has an uncanny knack for being only interested in hype pajeet pNd projects instead of legit coins with solid project, devs, whitepaper and backing. The same reason SNGLS is never shilled on here despite being one of the most serious projects out there.

I told you faggots about IOTA in july, now Im telling you SNGLS will moon by the end of October. No one will listen though, you will buy DNT or NEO at ath and then whine when other coins start mooning.

>> No.3144935

I like that companies are backing iota.
Who is supporting SNGLS?

>> No.3144947

for the real geeks here, i suggest you watch this interview with one of the founders. Pretty much as technical as you can get. Hard questions answered like a pro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2FJ9hH66b8&t

>> No.3144979

forecast for SNGLS? entry point?

>> No.3144995


Same podcast but on soundcloud.

Nobody on here has any excuse to complain when it takes off.

>> No.3145019

listen to this guy!

>> No.3145039

First altcoin I ever bought. Invested a whopping 10 USD! At 0.2 USD per MIOTA. If I only knew. Still only hold the initial amount I bought. Would buy more but there has always been that other coin in the horizon, omg, neo, monaco etcetc.. Think I'll consider putting everything into iota when I go on vacation.

>> No.3145040

every single normie once a legit content creator embraces the project, which they will at some point as its the logical economical move for them to cut out agents, production companies and other leech middle men.

>> No.3145099
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>I told you faggots about IOTA in july
No you didn't, I did.

SNGLS is a shitcoin that is falling because it already mooned.

>> No.3145167

>PRG is not just a crypto currency it's an eco system and a multi layered solution for the cannabis industry.
Fucking lol do these people even listen to themselves? I guess it would sound pretty good if you're a druggie pot head.

>> No.3145180

so from what i can see people here are actually bullish for this coin. Why do so few people talk about it here?

>> No.3145247

Most of /biz/ is trying to convince other people to buy their shitcoin bags. We don't have any bags to sell so we get drowned out.

>> No.3145256

maybe because they are just looking for some quick bucks an not for an investment. idk
maybe cause it's only listed in bitfinex so far... and soon at binance.

>> No.3145275

I made much more investing in iota than day trading some shitcoins. It's just funny to me how careless people are.

>> No.3145285

I fucking hate people like you. It's because of fucking trolls why i missed out on buying TenX at $3 its at $4.50 pushing 5 today

>> No.3145335

same here my friend. A good investment has just to work out once. Margin trading is far more risky in my opinion.

>> No.3145346
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Been buying all the way up; it's treated me well.

>> No.3145372

Well maybe it's good that there is not as much buzz around iota. stable and predictable grow. more time to buy in all the way up.

>> No.3145421

294%? That's nice, my first investment is 'only' on 142 percent.

Yeah, that may bei true.

>> No.3145451
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Just the beginning for us honestly anon.

>> No.3145488


IOTA Fundamental Analysis

>> No.3145490

>stable and predictable grow
it's just bots trading on one exchange. are you retarded or pajeet?

>> No.3145505

still stable and predictable up until know, am i wrong?

>> No.3145522

if you really thought bots were stable and predictable you wouldn't be here.

>> No.3145523
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Hope so.
Bought in a little bit later, but it also works Out great so far.

>> No.3145543


>> No.3145548

you're not wrong, but i do trust in the technology, and so do the people investing in it. i assume you bought in as well.

>> No.3145551

better to store iota on the light wallet or leave it on bitfinex? the former seems to be still be in a beta stage. not a yank btw

>> No.3145571

that's what I was saying.

>> No.3145626

IOTA wallet is super weird. I understand the tech background behind them and why they do what they do... But it's still slightly annoying

>> No.3145732

yeah the wallet is not intuitive enough right now. seems they are working on it tho.

>> No.3145807
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Your Favorite biz/Tard is live streaming in 25 mins! YAS

>> No.3145882

Texan here. What's the move here?
I can't cash out of my IOTA if the SEC seizes bitfinix wallets

>> No.3145900

Market cap is maxed out. I think the project is good and the lead devs are geniuses but the growth potential isn't high

>> No.3146002

If you want to run with your short term gains, sell and transfer your BTC out of bitfinex

If you believe in this project long term, move your IOTA off of bitfinex to a local wallet

Either way you gotta move

t. Austinite

>> No.3146039

thanks dude.
you think I gotta move quickly?

>> No.3146066

You've got about 70 days to make a decision

>> No.3146107

so how am I supposed to sell my IOTA once i have it? will it come to another exchange?

>> No.3146127

It will most definitely be on another exchange before the 70 days expires. The team has made this a priority.

Ethereum has a 30b market cap. IOTA is easily capable of another 5x growth in the short term. And I don't have to worry about my money disappearing overnight either.

>> No.3146141

you mean because they only pumped iota to get cheap bitcoins?

>> No.3146305

Lol if you think lead devs can pump their own coin to a $2B marketcap

>> No.3146318

Sell on bitfinex, move BTC to wallet or Bittrex if you want to buy something else

>> No.3146332

i wasn't referring to the iota nerds. i know what wash trading is though and i see what's happening.

>> No.3146365

sauce on sec bar

>> No.3146379


Ain't got it myself, just saw it in previous IOT threads

>> No.3146438

all the buys are on the usd/iota pair and all the sells are on the btc/iota pair. they are using "usd" to buy iota, then sell it for bitcoin. there was never any selling resistance on the usd/iota pair, that's why the price went up and up and up.

>> No.3147194

You know nothing. Why should we talk about such a good coin on biz, before we finish buying more IOTA?

>> No.3147200

wait until it's on other exchanges and costs less than a dollar.

>> No.3147251

It will be, I just bought 20k.

>> No.3147262


>> No.3147347
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i got in at 30 cents, i got 3 miota sitting in my wallet - i wanted to double up but then suddenly all u fags had to rush in and boost my gains so high that im not sure if i should. im 2.3k up or so atm

>> No.3147363

Chinese joe Rogan vs Chinese Alex jones?

>> No.3147367

wow 3 miota u are rich man sir

>> No.3147377
File: 58 KB, 1404x359, bogGAINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u never had a wallet with iota in it then u are fine, but if u had a wallet u will need to do the "transition" which is kinda gay but not hard at all - ALWAYS STORE IN WALLET UNLESS TRADING

>> No.3147448


oh my man my mistake i got 3 Giota : ( im praying it hits 10$ this year then im set, i have17k invested and almost 20k in profits, when i hit that ill pull my original out and just use the 20k profit, im a noob so my gains are retarded because i didnt get enough of all the coins i wanted but all my coins are profitable but LBRY credits - even my ripple is up 20$

>> No.3147476

thats how the chinese govenment keeps the populace undercontrol

>> No.3147487
File: 147 KB, 1280x1040, 1502481609375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Internet of Things
Such a shitty meme idea
>hurr durr my toaster is connected to the internet

fUCK OFF. Not investing even if I miss profit

>> No.3147501

You have three million there if you can hold those iotas for 7-10 years.

>> No.3147508

leave faggot.

>> No.3147527

i dont think holding is a problem once u start seeing the green arrows and bars and increasing value everyday - make me wanna hodor harder

>> No.3147547

*slams the smart door which logs my exit with Sheckelburg Inc on the way out*

>> No.3147593
File: 68 KB, 1415x965, gijoeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in your iot car powered by iota and get fucking rekt on road post because the sentient bot net knows what you said today 20 years in the future

>> No.3147625

If you're buying IOTA now you probably won't have to work for sheckelburg anyway

>> No.3147658

Whale just caused a massive dip right now is fucking PRIME time to buy

>> No.3147715


>> No.3148135

How many mIOTA to retire at 25 with minimalistic lifestyle in some years? I got 1000 only

>> No.3148180


Yep, glad I got in time.

>> No.3148476

I would like to know this as well, I only have 250

>> No.3148588

look at the cap you retard

>> No.3148661

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE help a Texan on how to put my IOTA into a wallet

>> No.3148673

Just download the wallet on github, create an 81 character seed (look up examples), then transfer iota from the exchanges

>> No.3148688

Then i just put it on a couple external harddrives and put it in a safe?

>> No.3148704

Your seed is your password, i.e. you can access your balance from any computer, so just guard your seed with your life

>> No.3148889

are you insinuating its going up?

>> No.3149814

Thank you Bogdanoff !!2apM5IKGTcI
Got in @ all time low

>> No.3149913

the FagBalls keep out of here

>> No.3149979

Texas bro remember your 81 character password has to be capitalized and can only have the number 9 if you use any numbers at all.

>> No.3150054

Wtf why.
Gonna buy this shit soon.

>> No.3150299

>Wtf why.

just how it is. Secure.

>> No.3150539

10x gains? It's only 0.8751 now.

>> No.3150730

should i buy ark or more iota

>> No.3150869

Iota, no question. Just hold it for a week and have fun.

>> No.3151072

Ark is a scam coin.

>> No.3151203

yeah, sure, that's a racing stripe, if you consider diarrhea to be a sport.

>> No.3151249

No, it is an autist coin with an autist community but sometimes autists strike it big and ARK has a lot of autists deeply invested.

>> No.3151405

you're lucky dom isn't here to read this drivel.

>> No.3151407


>> No.3151456

I'm not watching this faggot talk for 45 fucking minutes.

>> No.3151469

oh, for sure.

>> No.3151522

This is an autist message board. He is probably here.

>> No.3151533

lmao just him reading this and crying

>> No.3151612

you're thinking of craiglist's missed encounters.

>> No.3152230


>tfw his autistic village is just right around the corner of my autistic village

>> No.3152505

>Offline transactions
>0 fees
>premined by founders, held by only 50 wallets

It's a scam. They promise the sky but their application is shit.

>> No.3152514

Therea no mining though....