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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3136780 No.3136780 [Reply] [Original]

>only 50,000,000
>distributions of new tokens to holders
>listing on new exchanges soon
>still cheap

Why haven't you bought MBRS yet?

>> No.3136793
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Bag holding 1400 MBRS reporting in.
Anyone know whats up with the symbol change in etherdelta?

>> No.3136862
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Hai hai!~

To anyone hold or trading MBRS, we've got important news from the main dev!

First, concerning why MBRS is showing up as EMB on Etherdelta:

>The issues with EtherDelta all starts with the update the system underwent at the worst possible time.

>The update automated some backend items that are hopefully going to address some of the issues it has been having and also is playing with the MetaMask interface to make it easier.

>Because the two systems communicate on the basis of the token contracts, instead of explicitly programming the names, it of course, wants to just pull it from the contract.

>The token contract has Embers set as a symbol EMB. I cannot change it. But by the time we learned of Embercoin, it was too late and the only way to fix it would be to re-release the token under the new symbol. But that is a cumbersome job to do early, and the token is temporary until MVP any way.

>Ultimately, the ticket is set by each exchange anyhow, even BTC has ticker symbols that are not the same. The reason all this is exacerbated is because we are only on one exchange. I want to be on every exchange they are so they are forced to change it to MBRS, the ability that the update to EtherDelta accidentally removed from the Devs hands. So he is working to correct that.

tl;dr - It's being worked on. Though it seems its safe to buy and sell MBRS (temporarily EMB) for the time being.


>> No.3136930
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1) IDEA token, the first token that was distributed by MBRS and one of the projects in their ecosystem, now trading *LIVE* on Etherdelta:
If you held MBRS during August 1st, then the token you received can now be sold. You free money has arrived!! (personally, I'll hold onto mine).
If you want to learn more about IDEA, see here:
Yes, the website is a bit barebones right now, According to the main dev:
>Yes, there needs to be more information. Yes, it will happen a soon as possible.

2) TOV token, which was the token for those who held on August 15th, is coming on Monday. Per the main dev:
>there has been a number of issues with the Ethereum network since the 0x launch, which exacerbated an already boggy network. This is causing some issues with properly calculating the gas cost for many different smart contracts, hence the problems sites like EtherDelta and apps like MetaMask which do automatic gas calculations. And the delays are causing slow refreshing of expired or claimed contracts, and the more clogged it gets, the longer the refresh delay gets and in an exploding market, can add up fast.
>So originally I was waiting for the network to simmer down before trying again, so I am working on trying to get the SlipStream contract to finish off the distribution in 10-12 batchs so as to allow me to verify all transactions manually again. This should not take as long as before, but it will take a little while. We still intend on having the TOVs all distributed by Monday.
TOV token should be tradeable in due time as well fellow (soon-to-be) holders! Look forward to it!

2.5) TOV holders will get another token distributed to them: Descryptoia (DES). More information to come next week.

To everyone: MBRS is still relatively cheap, we still have exchange listings to look forward to, and the Domain token (DOM) snapshot for distribution is only 11 days away!

>> No.3136951
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Hai Anime-chan. Thanks for the wisdom and insight as usual

>> No.3137019

anime-chan always with the gems

>> No.3137111

hi anime person
I've got 21k IDEA Token? What is the estimated value of this? cheers :)

>> No.3137385
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Anime-anon, seeing both EMB and MBRS on Blockfolio confuses me.

It says that MBRS can be purchased on Etherdelta with only ETH (which I am guessing is what Etherdelta uses exclusively?) would there be a way to purchase MBRS with BTC?

It says that EMB can be purchased on Cryptopia , Novaexchange, and Yobit but only with LTC and BTC. EMB is one of the tokens that were distributed for MBRS holders, correct? And if I am wanting to get into their main project, purchasing MBRS would be the way to go?

>> No.3137441


Thanks anime girl san~

>> No.3137461

I dont know what that anime is about, but if that chick isn't a Jordan Belmont level, coke inhaling billionaire, i'm gonna be real upset

>> No.3137813

Awesome that they added Idea on ED already. I might pick up some more depending on the price

>> No.3137858

you can literally look it up on etherdelta you dingus

>> No.3137895

little over 1 eth you cunt

>> No.3138996

Mmm juicy free tokens mmmm

>> No.3139082

Serious question to all spreading FUD about this coin? Are you just trying to delay the spike to add to your own bags or are you simply too dense to understand that this will be 5x once it releases on major exchanges? Why should this not reach 50M market cap?

>> No.3139127

Maybe they are fudding, maybe you are shilling. Who should I trust?

>> No.3139134

hehe it's a legitimate question

>> No.3139184


I suppose time will tell. My arguments though:

>Low market cap
>Only on ED
>3 new exchanges soon, maybe 4
>Regular airdrops for new tokens
>MVP release + Genesis block in October
>Only 50 million coins

I'm not selling this anytime soon. Also up 150% already so not holding any bags either.

>> No.3139193

Source on new exchanges?

>> No.3139884


>> No.3140066
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Yes anon. Their CEO confirmed it on their telegram. Now you are asking: "who the fuck is in the telegram group of some random shitcoin?". The answer - almost noone. Hence why this thing is gonna fly under the radar until the coins either actually hit the exchange (still going to take a little) or some other outlet covers it (could happen any minute).

Further thing he mentioned is that it might be among the first tokens on RadarRelay once that releases.

Know the saying "buy the rumor, sell the news"? This is the rumor, anon.

thank you for your valuable input anon :)

>> No.3140117

I feel like that is from weeks ago and it still isn't on bittrex.

>> No.3140179


It's not, it just feels like that because crypto. Also, time scale is "before the release of DOM". The DOM airdrop snapshot is 1st of September.

>> No.3140204

Anime Anon - I know you like Obsidian. Did you also shill ChainLink and RedPulse?

>> No.3140224

The snapshot is the first but is that the actual release?

>> No.3140263

Nope, they haven't had a look at those two yet, or they're saving it for themselves so you sheep don't pump and dump it straight out of the ICO

>> No.3141144


We've got some more information on Tokenverse (one of the MBRS ecosystem projects). If any of you are aspiring/amateur crypto journalists, writers, commentators, podcast hosts, etc., consider looking into it:

You can look it up on Etherdelta anon, as others have said! I'm going to wait awhile though for people to figure out a fair price.

As explained above anon-san, this is a temporary problem on Etherdelta's end. Not much we can do about it until they fix it and/or we're on other exchanges. That means (for the time being) we can only buy MBRS (temporarily EMB) with ETH on Etherdelta. DO NOT buy EMB from any other exchange. That is an entirely different token.
I look forward to Radar Relay going live within the next week or two so we'll at least have MBRS on that, practically guaranteed:
And the MBRS ecosystem tokens are Idea (IDEA), Tokenverse (TOV), Domain (DOM), SlipStream (SLIP, being worked on), and Descryptopia (DES, being worked on).

Something of a smart troublemaker, anon. Let's leave it at that~

To be honest anon-san, my original plan was to accumulate more MBRS tokens at a reasonable range over time before breaking the news to /biz/. In fact, I kept dropping hints to people who know me on the discords and in a few threads relating to 0x and Obsidian. Unfortunately, it was the exchange news (dropped around Tuesday or Wednesday) that forced me to accelerate the timeline and tell /biz/ before everyone elsewhere heard.
And anon, the Telegram group is open to anyone. Everything I cite on /biz/ is open source information. There is no one or nothing stopping you from looking up the same information I look up.

So far, my only public comments on ChainLink and Red Pulse are that I'm looking into them. However, I am *extremely* interested in the two of them and others coming next month.

>> No.3141286

are you active on other discords/telegrams? if so which ones?

>> No.3141479

>m *extremely* interested in the two of them and others coming next month.

what are the others you are interested in?

>> No.3141720

noob question: if it's not on the exchanges, then how do I buy it?

>> No.3141725

Its on etherdelta right now.

>> No.3141801

so... it can only be traded against ETH coins? How should I move my eth from Coinbase so they don't freeze my fucking account or something?

>> No.3141827


Go through the instructions here.

Yep can only be traded against ETH

>> No.3141844

Protip: Don't keep your coins (no matter what they are) on Coinbase. Get them off into a real wallet that you control the private key of, and forget Coinbase exists except for laughs.

I won't flame you for not knowing better. Just do yourself a favor and get your coins off there ASAP.

>> No.3141876

Thanks friendo, furthermore, any guides on where I should store my ETH?

I've already moved my BTC from coinbase to blockchain.info.. it says it can hold "ether" but it's not 100% if they mean ethereum.

>> No.3141903

Yes I've been moving on that. I only got into crypto a month ago and my computer almost immediately hard crashed, and I had many family emergencies and an interview across the country. I can only start devoting time to crypto again now, a wallet solution is my priority.. is blockchain.info good?

>> No.3141909

Thanks for your insite, it's always interesting to read

>> No.3141935

Congratz, you jus tjumped from pool of shit to pool of vomit. Enjoy your swim, you uneducated noob.

>> No.3141947

pls explain, there is so much misinformation I don't even know where to get legit info.

>> No.3141995

How is bittrex? Also how do i get into these coins? I want them

>> No.3142015

what can i do with this coin?

>> No.3142021


i use myetherwallet for all my ERC20 and ETH storing needs.

>> No.3142331
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Oh, I'm here and there. Not really committed to any single one though. It grants me more flexibility.
By default though, you can find me on the /biz/ discord. You'll know me when you see me:

Now now anon-kun~ You can't possible expect me to share *all* my secrets, can you? Especially when I'm still researching them.
I can tell you this though: everyone should be fundraising between now and Sept 7th to prepare for all the ICOs that are coming.

I'm thinking of holding an "ICO Festival" sometime near the end of August/start of September, where all I dive into all of the upcoming big ICOs.

You're welcome!

Long-term hold of a blockchain platform with limited supply and big ambitions. If you want to know more, see my original explanation (>>3096113) and/or go to their website and read up.

>> No.3143213
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we gon make it brahs