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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3130314 No.3130314 [Reply] [Original]

Btc shills on suicide watch

Please call

>pic very related

>> No.3130326

Dear God.
SELL BTC while you can.

>> No.3130334
File: 22 KB, 686x610, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off chink, Jihan has already been mining Bcash

>> No.3130346

Solid %100 proof m8

Stay poor and stay sucking that nice core-porate cock of your btc overlords.

>> No.3130347
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>> No.3130357

so Jihan literally controls 90% of BCH hash power?
That's insane people are buying into this shit coin

>> No.3130378

>proof of jihan

Yea totally btc hasn't been pissing off tons or people or deep pockets at all.

Asians totally weren't mining bcc this whole time as an insurance policy.

That policy is about to pay off bois. Have fun with core-porate

>> No.3130379

Doesn't matter who runs it as long as its better than btc and it is now unfortunately. Btc fucked itself.

>> No.3130414

>he doesn't understand why someone having over 51% of the mining pool is bad

>he thinks he will make money without knowing the basics of crypto

>> No.3130429

>btc shills backed into a corner trying to fud their way out of coreporate bullshittery, manipulation, censorship


Enjoy the next hardfork

>> No.3130431
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>What is speculating

>> No.3130435

Derp, Jihan doesn't control 51% of the hashpower. A bunch of miners, who can switch to another pool at any time can.

>> No.3130439

just wait till everyone on antpool and btc top switch

Can't wait to see your wojaks kek

>> No.3130457

Can't wait till antpool and btc top all switch over and they keep screaming


>> No.3130561

>Jihan doesn't control over 51% of the hash rate he just controls ant pool which controls over 91% of the hash rate

Jesus christ you idiot, at least the other bcash shills know what is going on but your just blindly shilling. Go all into double spend coin dumbass your normie ass deserves it

>> No.3130570

Is that est on the 7 to 9 op?

>> No.3130590

imagine antpool is hacked
the hacker can create as many BCH as he wants

>> No.3130629

Btc lied, censored, manipulated bcc every way they could.

>owner of bitcointalk and /r/bitcoin scammed 6000 btc for an upgrade that never happened

>mods banned users and removed comments exposing ant btc bullshittery and positive news about bcc

>mods/theymos streamlined an attempt to rebrand bitcoin cash to "bcash" to distance its name from bitcoin and got all bitcoin fanboys onboard coordinating efforts.

You're getting fucked by coreporate assholes who are fucking up btc so bad it's hardforking AGAIN and blindly doing their work for them.

Fuck off dumb cunt

>> No.3130672

Keep spamming that pasta dumb poster

>> No.3130683

But he is correct though

>> No.3130726
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>90 blocks till difficulty drops again
no weak hands here.

>> No.3130749

why do you guys act like there are not "corporations" on both sides

do you think bitmain is not a company or something

>> No.3130771

bitbean is the only true libertarian coin

>> No.3130804

BCC is just like any other altcoin, no matter how good they are, BTC still holds strong. You know why? It's the one thats called "bitcoin", The name "bitcoin cash" makes it look like it's a cheap knockoff of the real bitcoin, a scam. You and I know what it is, most do not.

>> No.3130820

87 blocks to go ;)

Then we wait for antpool and btc to open their bcc pools.

>> No.3130841

Why does block confirmation time matter when we have instant transationcs using the lightning network?

>> No.3130856

because once we reach block 479808 the difficulty drops making it more profitable than it even is now. Major pools also opening bcc pools now. Get ready

>> No.3130860

I'm confused, are you talking about bitcoin and segwitcoin?

>> No.3130892

It's ok everyone will just call bitcoin cash bitcoin once all the miners switcher over boosting the price while btc hardforks AGAIN and causes more arguments/disagreements/problems with deep pockets.

have fun shilling

>> No.3130900

This argument works only for profit oriented miners who instantly want to sell their coins.

Turns out if you sell your coins the price goes down. Turns out if there is no use case for your shitcoin except speculation then there is no buying pressure and it will die.

>> No.3130916

If a hardfork means free money again then I want one everyday.

>> No.3130937

I'm so excited. we gonna be rich /biz/

>> No.3130961

should I go all in on bch lads

>> No.3130980
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better take the dip while you can

>> No.3130993

also volume exploding on korean markets again right now. hitting 800+ any time now

>> No.3131001

Koreans are asleep right now because it's 4AM there. Jihan bots confirmed

>> No.3131025

even better they wake up to the new difficulty drop and a shit ton more profitability on bcc mining.

Praise kek

>> No.3131044

$840 in korea land.

>> No.3131121

where are you monitoring the price

>> No.3131157

lurk more

>> No.3131165


>> No.3131178

ffs its like the second thing in google if you type crypto markets


>> No.3131192

Good day to own Bitcoin Cash dont lose all your bags folks

i can hear blockstream fags crying now

>> No.3131227

you could have just said bithumb

>> No.3131270
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holy kek the chinks even shill while its in freefall

>> No.3131274

You sound like a mindless drone.

>> No.3131278

it's more like bch shills on suicide watch. they know asicboost is done after segwit activation.

>> No.3131280

Bless the bean and never re-fry him.

>> No.3131291


do you even know what an asic is?

>> No.3131295

segwit is only going to send bcc to the sky. stay poor

>> No.3131297
File: 174 KB, 1500x1477, fuckingkidding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correction from a +100% move

>> No.3131299

Bitcoin is the same thing as segwit coin. Bitcoin Cash is the new King of Crypto.

>> No.3131310

Biz is officially dead. Jihan cock sucking shills everything. I'm out for a while.

>> No.3131312

keep telling yourslef that if it's any solace.

>> No.3131317

>not smart money moving back to btc and good alts after profiting from brainlets

>> No.3131324


go back to propaganda land, normie.

>> No.3131331

Weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth galore.

>> No.3131334

He was implying that Bitcoin cash is the real Bitcoin

>> No.3131336

I just want my 1/2 Rupee paycheck

>> No.3131348

>not calling it /biz/
Nice attempt at blending in faggot

>> No.3131351

Ah I see, then he is correct. Two coins, Bitcoin and SegWit Coin.

>> No.3131358

go back to the rice fields, chink

>> No.3131375


lol it's funny how these blockstream shills come out of nowhere and have their talking points (jihan, china, shills)

couldn't be more obvious. probably pajeets working for 3 dollars an hour. I'm making more mining with my gpu and calling them out. lmao

>> No.3131407

you do realize not mining btc would be like miners shooting themselves in the foot.

nobody hates money, except people who think bcc is anything but a scam. stop being retarded.

>> No.3131502

Smart money entered at $200-$300 and is still in, waiting for possible effects of mining power switching during the next week.

>> No.3131710

cheers, strapped in from $380

>> No.3131719
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>> No.3131722


everybody who doesn't think BTC is the future are falling into the bch scam. Big money is ready for btc. they dont even care about bch.

>> No.3131742

smart money took their profits, because smart money knows that bcash is a shillcoin with no real world usage, until i can buy games on steam or computer parts on newegg with bcash it remains a shillcoin, i mine eth and a couple other altcoins and
only invest in hardware not speculation so i dont care either way im just saying it how it is

>> No.3131755

Yea we can talk about lighting once it's actually being developed. Til then it's speculation. Btc has been outed with their manipulation, censorship, corporate bullshit, breaking agreements, causing multiple hardforks with another one coming.

gtfo go suck that core-porate cock

>> No.3131757

cya guys off to the moon

>> No.3131768

volume and price booming in korea. they are waking up to that sweet sweet imminent difficulty adjustment

>> No.3131792

Man, whoever is paying all you guys to brigade this board is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>inb4 I get called a jihan loving chink

>> No.3131800
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M8, companies switching from BTC to BCC is trivial.

>> No.3131811

Its less than trivial, it's a complete non argument.

>> No.3131823

>until i can buy games on steam
You can buy games for bch on keys4coins. There are also several stores that are using rocketrnet + some vpn.
That's an impressive support for something that young. Bitcoin Cash has the single best community.

Most of bitcoin-accepting stores are using Bitpay. I would expect Bitpay to start accepting bitcoin cash if segwit2x fails.

>> No.3131848

74 blocks left bois

>> No.3131942

>if segwit2x fails
it already did

>> No.3131989

what do you mean?

>> No.3132013

At current pace difficulty adjustment will be around midnight EST

>> No.3132059

About 7 hours?

>> No.3132078

yep, about 10 an hour with 71 left

>> No.3132080
File: 97 KB, 1210x812, Selection_064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, just moved my miners earlier today. ;)

>> No.3132125

I would have bought some bitcoin cash on their 300 dollars, and would have sold it already. The chinks can't be trusted.

>> No.3132172
File: 209 KB, 600x469, c8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to .19

>> No.3132292
File: 36 KB, 128x128, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we .18 now nigga

>> No.3132310

Anime laugh intensifies

>> No.3132325

jihan needs to keep his asics valuable. How? Make a new chain to use them on

>> No.3132537

that climbing hash rate.


>> No.3132553

>tfw sold in increments from .22 to .20