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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3127154 No.3127154 [Reply] [Original]

....ive shilled this shit so fucking much and for what missed out on so many other opportunities and you cant fucking deliver a logo the week u said it would FUCK u jared dude u downie motherufkr whats your problem god. damn it man after all ive fucking done for ur useless fast cojn what the fuckignshit duckf cult member my ass cock fuckd igifbyte robit. lambo snsh

>> No.3127164


>> No.3127184
File: 233 KB, 808x805, 1499306269196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but muh citi awarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrds

>end of the mooooooooooooooooooooonth

>> No.3127212

Im holding and going down with the ship

i unironically own 100k usd worth

whatever...im rich so buying memes is what i live for now

>> No.3127257

I wonder what's going on in Jared's mind right now.

Is he thinking "haha just wait, I will work in the shadows and then people will naturally gravitate to my coin when they see how good it is"

Since he hates marketing or doing anything that involves interacting with the community.

>> No.3127260

I'm going down with the ship too boyos.
It'll come back when it's good and ready like MCO did recently. I thought that fucker was done and dusted and then BAM! 600%

>> No.3127272

Die, Heretic. Only the faithful shall prosper

>> No.3127327


if you guys want to make money on a project that everyone hates, then join the ripple ship. We will hit 1 dollar before digi will hit 5 cents again.

>> No.3127393

>Im holding and going down with the ship
>i unironically own 100k usd worth
wew, whats your entry point?

>> No.3127415

you know the longer you wait you minimize your gains

you might be lucky to break even, sell the fuck out and buy back lower.

>> No.3127457

im fine, thangs4urgoncern rly abbreciate it

>> No.3127593

we are the digimarines

>> No.3127629


Except when it's trading at 4000 sats what will you say?

>> No.3127737

i got in at about 150 sat

yes i could have sold at 2k sat but i dont really give a shit

>> No.3127744
File: 10 KB, 250x226, 1497031394522s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digibyte has been a harsh lesson in treacherous shilling, greed and FOMO.

bag folding 100k at 900 sat avg. buy in. Going to hades before I sell out; the Citi awards are in Oct after all- they're being held at the IMF too...

>> No.3127758

be patient buddy

>> No.3127785

seriously, where's the Tweet saying re-branding was this week?

I'm beginning to think there was no re-branding planned at all, but that person tweeted it. Can they be held accountable?

>> No.3127805

It's in the official Telegram news channel

>> No.3127820

exactly, they said this week, the weeks almost over. If they don't do it by Sunday, wouldn't that mean they lied? Aren't there legal repercussions about that?

>> No.3127836
File: 438 KB, 808x805, 1503145545338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without rebranding and that citi event has been moved to October this coin could steadly go to 100 sats

>> No.3127856

Well, there is a rebranding planned is all I'm saying.

It sure hurts to see price go down and it would be great if they had better communication with the community but I'm not super worried. If rebranding doesn't happen before weekend's over I'm gonna be pissed though.

>> No.3127952
File: 239 KB, 1112x1600, Victoria Justice - black tight pants - concert in Universal City-June 21,2013-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just waiting for 2.6k sats again.

When it hits that, and I'm sure it will. We will finally have justice from all the biatchez who said this is a shitcoin.

But, I have to be honest, and say this is the hardest thing to go through in crypto. a literal 10x rise and 10x drop within 1 month.

Were it not for Victoria Justice's supple body, who knows...I may have ended up in a mental hospital :'( ....AMA


>> No.3128054

big cock

>> No.3128077
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>> No.3128085

>being a digicuck

Bought $250 worth of these for shits and giggles.

Bought a few grand of Antshares, glad I picked right.

>> No.3128248
File: 1.75 MB, 259x259, 1490000215576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digibag threads are the best threads, thanks for the wojaks and chuckles

>> No.3128257


>> No.3128280

I'd buy bitbean over digicuck anyday

>> No.3128788

>being held at the IMF

This makes me feel like something is coming. Why at the IMF? This chick has also been tweeting more about blockchain tech on her twitter:


FUDing and shilling aside, this has a very weird feel to it.

>> No.3129422

just HODL u freaking faggots. are u gonna sell in loss.. dont be such a retard pls for real

>> No.3129450

sorry. They consistently lie about everything. They've lied about Citi awards for months now. They lied about re-branding. Fuck I wouldn't be surprised if Citi awards are never announced. It's just a ruse to string people along so people and keep the price ~300 so people who bought in at 100 dump very slowly at a profit.

>> No.3129494

You know there are way more finalists right?
Way better blockchain finalists?

If there really does happen to be some blockchain related reason then it's for one of the other 5 companies that were well liked, got partnerships from companies, and won awards. Not bumass Digibyte which got no recognition except from idiots spamming memes on twitter that day.

>> No.3129495
File: 91 KB, 299x225, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if it doesn't go up!?

>> No.3129501

No pls. Im already down 7k out of my 9k investment. I cant take much more.

>> No.3129522

Umm, you do know the awards given out on the demo days were peer/audience awards, right?

>> No.3129546
File: 77 KB, 600x536, WE ARE DGBMARINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3129557

I never understood the DGB meme. Why the fuck did anyone expect it to go up?

>> No.3129576

because every day on /biz/ it was
>citi bank awards next month!
>re-branding next week!

Every day for months this has been going on. It's never coming ......

>> No.3129577

i have 2.4+ mil
First mil @100
Second mil @400
some more around 300

Did not sell at ATH

That's unironically my ticket out of wage slavery, I'm serous.

>> No.3129581

Umm, you do know that there were three types of awards given out on the demo days, one from the citi tech t4i judges, one from the peers and one from the audience, right?

And even if it were just the peer and audience awards, it doesn't help digibytes case one bit considering they still didn't win either of those.

>> No.3129588
File: 181 KB, 318x381, 1464638254558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He put his lifesavings on a speculated minecraft related server that would bring autism bucks and /v/fags
>He believed this
>He actually believed in this

>> No.3129608

and want to add I remember reading pompous digicucks produly saying that the minecraft server was going to be a huge thing and that twitch streamers would exclusively use digibyte as a method of accepting donations.

I do not have a smug enough picture for this.

>> No.3129617

haha keep bagholding cuck, I'll just sweep in and buy in at 100 sats after I make a profit on other coins while you were stuck with a useless shitcoin just to break even

>> No.3129627

why didn't you sell at ath anon
any specific reason or just pure dgb believing?

>> No.3129636

I only been in this for a few months now
and DGB was the first coin that made me FOMO and fall into the "TO THE MOOOOON" "LAMBOS AND 8 YO THAI HOOKERS WHILE DOING COKE!" and I bought 4k at around 1800.
Do I regret it? Meh not really cause I'm glad I learned a really harsh lesson really early on. Now I've grown up to big boy coins.
Do I still fuck up? Of course Do I fuck up as bad? Nope. Everyday learning and everyday bettering.
So actually thank you DGB I'll always keep you on my exchange to remind me if I ever start to panic.

>> No.3129654

you man of steel you!

>> No.3129666
File: 145 KB, 736x627, 1470825554744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when they tried to spam /v/ about it only to get shut down?
Remember how all they talked about was how DGB had to be big since it was targeting the gaming "niche"?

>> No.3129678

his name is 'jared'

>> No.3129707

Really I'd be pretty disappointed if we didn't even get the logo that was promised for this week

>> No.3129729

if it ever gets there again it's likely because it's going a lot higher

>> No.3129733

everytime i see a dgb thread i remember about limbo. how low can it get?

>> No.3129798


I know what you mean. Why move it from wherever to the IMF? Probably not to enrich a bunch of losers posting wojacks, but you never know...

>> No.3129811

We're all gonna make it, anon.

>> No.3129818
