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3123016 No.3123016 [Reply] [Original]

Guys im a depressed 29 yr old male who has accomplished fuckall in his life so far. i need some advice on where i can invest say 2000$ that would give me a decent return of money so i can stop thinking about fucking killing myself everyday and have some sort of income and accomplishment. You will literally be saving my life. Ill take any advice you can offer. Thanks a lot.

>> No.3123060

Investing into crypto will make you want to kill yourself more. If you're going to invest $2000 then make sure you're completely okay with losing all of it.

BNB should be a safe bet to invest before 24th,
and 0x might also be a good investment.

>> No.3123062

neo. now

>> No.3123074

Everyone's just going to shill whatever crypto bags they're holding, anon. You won't really have a way of telling good from bad advice unless you do your own research.

>> No.3123080

look for coins with low supply and solid tech

>> No.3123082

this, start by reading trading books on how to read candle graphs and market prediction techniques
makes sure you know what the fuck crypto is before you decide to go in
then research what the coin you're actually buying is

>> No.3123086
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Honestly you will not be able to do that with $2k so invest it in yourself, whatever that may be (gym/clothes/school/etc).

I wish you the best.

>> No.3123102

BlockCAT is very cheap. You can only buy it on etherdelta which keeps most people away because they dont know how to use it. It is set to pump extremely hard once it hits a better exchange. It has a good platform where smartcontract programmers can submit their code and get paid. It has a working prototype that you can download, so it is ahead of many coins. It has about a 10 million dollar market cap, so it is in its infancy.

>> No.3123115

That's not honesty, piss off

>> No.3123118

dude im the same age as you and listen to this guy>>3123060 ive almost had a heart attack and stroke cause of this shit. just work man

>> No.3123134

Not only that but $2000 is shit.

You need an income if you don't already have one OP. Then you need a budget. Then you need to increase your income but either acquiring in demand skills or rising the ranks at some job. The former is quicker in my opinion.

IT is a good field. Get an associates in it and if your program is worth its salt you'll pick up a few certs. Self-study like a bastard and ;earn new technologies. There's AWS techs and consultants making $400/hr contract jobs.

Or work a shit job and gamble on crypto like all these other losers who are LARPing.

>> No.3123139

Buy some DUK.

It's a pretty stable utility stock that pays a nice fat div. wont make you rich but you said you wanted income so that's income.

>> No.3123140


dude, this shit is a once in a lifetime opportunity. otherwise i'd agree

>> No.3123141

dedicate all your time to learning as much as you can, not just about cryptocurrencies themselves but the trading. chart reading, how markets work and the full lot, its all on youtube and other sources and theres amazing books out there,

i was like you about 2 months ago and ive learnt so much this past few weeks for the first time in a long time. i started with $450 and i have about $2100 right now. its nothing crazy but ive just focused on the learning before i start really going for it.

id suggest researching some popular coins once youve gone through the basics of trading and crypto and spreading $1500 into a couple and holding them for a few weeks. then use the $500 to play with a bit and short term trade.

feels fucking great to wake up to a nice $150 profit, sell it and then just relax and watch shit and learn more the rest of the day because youve already made money that would be a standard days work in a job and you basically got it for free.

>> No.3123169

Its also a once in a lifetime opportunity to lose your $2,000.

>> No.3123184

Use the money to go to community college or get an apprenticeship as an electrician or plumber. Those jobs are in demand and pay well. Get a minimum wage job in the meantime for living expenses.

>> No.3123213

I'm a 38 year old faggot who has been in the same shoes. Worked in McDicks until my pajeet manager who is 20 years old started yelling at me for being slow. I was 28 at that point. Got into IT, never looked back. Currently at least i can get to kms in the comforts of my own paid house if i need to. Get into IT. It's the future.

>> No.3123220

This is good advice, take out $200 and get some sportswear, maybe two shirts and some under-armor jogging shorts. Exercise, even if you are just on some easy shit like the ellipitical at the gym, you will get an endorphrin rush after a while. Your mood will be elevated for hours. Cut body fat and get a bit of muscle and you will get higher testosterone, which might make you feel better.

>> No.3123221


Thank you bro!

>> No.3123256

My nigga. IT is where it's at. Especially if you're anywhere near the development (aka money making side.)

In addition to what this guy is saying if you are skilled enough people will start hounding you to come to them which feels pretty damn good. I don't even have that much experience and I still get recruiters hitting me up.

>> No.3123274

Watch out for getting too obsessed about crypto and the market. Once you have a few dollars on the line, you will not be able to look away and you might miss out on other stuff in life. When the "studying" the market just becomes mindless stimulation, you will be losing out on normal fulfillment. Make sure you can split you time evenly between health and the market or you will wind up fucked.

>> No.3123276

Guys thanks for all your advice <3

>> No.3123354


Computer Science is the only (barely) acceptable related degree. Enjoy being outsourced by 2020

>> No.3123391

IT and Healthcare are some of the biggest growing fields.IT is also a broad field with lots of overlap, so if you know your shit you can find a job wherever if you're willing to move. Some things like system admins are phasing out (slowly) but you're just here to gloat. Let me guess you started learning Python last week?

>> No.3123410

i wont lie youre 100% right and the fact a random guys comment on 4chan has alerted me to the fact i might be focusing too much on it lately.. which says a lot.

even if im not trading i just stare at charts and twitter and other websites constantly refreshing in case i miss something big.

since youve said that its got me thinking of taking some profits and going on a cheap weekend away somewhere and just leaving crypto out of my mind

>> No.3123427

>Get into IT. It's the future.

lol bitch are u new here??? all those jobs have already gone to the ginders overseas

>> No.3123449

This. I started with 25k invested in May. I have about 120k worth of crypto now and it is getting out of hand how much time I spend thinking about it. But on the other hand I would not forgive myself for not trying to ride this out to the end

>> No.3123902

what moves did you make to get to 120k?

>> No.3123931

>$2000 investment

i think annon you are mixing trading and investing, you can buy a bunch of rocks for 2k and wait for this shit to go south and sell said rocks to protesters in the future, good luck, meanwhile you can trade 2k on crypto and perhaps you make 50k by an accident

>> No.3123980

with $2k and no experience in crypto, you stand much better odds putting it on roulette and hope to double it 20 times

seriously don't put all your savings into crypto with no experience in it, you'll be sharkfood unless you get incredibly lucky, but again, i recommend roulette

>> No.3124000

any book recommendations

>> No.3124067
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Any suggestions?

I'd really like to start getting into this shit, but I don't have the slightest on where. In terms of what the fuck even is cryptocurrency/altcoins/etc, and the aspect of trading. I've never even heard the phrase "candle graph" before now.

I also was pointed towards this one article that explains what a blockchain is, and even after reading it I still have no idea what it actually is. I might just be retarded, though.

>> No.3124150

I made massive gains on biotech, canadian weedstocks and got into crypto fairly early making 50x at times.
I dont know about other people, but I am not an active trader. My most successful buys were after noticing something after maybe 2-3 days of looking at a sector. After those 2-3 days, I spend maybe 200-300 constantly reading about them only to reenforce my beliefs and just see things that say "yeah, you're going to be rich." Such a waste of time.

There are some psychology studies that have found that simply hearing about your choice stocks/crypto and fantasizing about the riches, provides a very comparable dopamine rush to actually making your million dollars. It took me about three years to know the fine line between mindless stimulation and regular research.

I am working on putting in 100X less time into this to make my earnings truly passive.

By the way, people don't like talking about crypto or stocks, they will either think you are stupid and chasing money, or they will become envious of your "undeserved" gains. So picking up a hobby is a must.

That's why I am always wearing the sports gear and let people try to coach me about shit at the gym even though I have been going for years. It is a pretty good front to my unacceptable hobby.

>> No.3124345

Don't worry, you're not retarded. The way this is explained is not very good for beginners. There are two fundamental things to learn.

First is know the most basic ways to interpret what a crypto is currently worth. Look on coinmarketcap, you'll see that market cap (entire value of the project: $68 Billion) is there. You'll see Price per bitcoin, which is what the bitcoin is worth compared to the US dollar ($4100) , and you'll see the circulating supply which is how many there are.

Keep in mind with some coins the circulation supply changes through mining or cash raising, but that is more advanced.

If you bought one billion dollars worth of bitcoin, you are buying 1/68 ownership of all the current bitcoin project. Some coins have many in "current circulation" some can have 1 billion total coins and others can have 1 thousand. No matter how you slice it though, you are buying 1/68 of the bitcoin project. It really means shit all if you can buy one billion $1 coins, or one single billion dollar coin when considering other cryptocoins, NEVER let that that fool you. It is one of the most common pitfalls for beginners. Candlestick graph reading is controversial in it's effectiveness, some software can calculate when it "should" bounce, but I have mostly rejected the idea and invest mostly on the market values of fundamental technology.
Second, learning about basic transactions and wallets and exchanges. You usually obtain crypto currency for cash on an exchange, you can also use an exchange for trading one coin for another type. You can store your coins in a wallet and use the wallet to send the crypto.

The hard part is combing through the projects and determining if you think the price is fair, and that the project will be successful. This is where my two points come together. I hope this helps somewhat, and is a super bare bones explanation.

>> No.3124380


Read the book 'technical analysis of financial markets'

Go youtube and watch 'intro to finance' lessons there's a lot of free good ones

Educate before you buy anything

>> No.3124450

So are you guys just NEETs making money trading these coins? Why isn't this shit more popular? Just too technical for normals?

I've known about Bitcoin for years, actually I remember when it first hit a dollar in value, but I never took the initiative to buy any because I was too young. Who actually invests in crypto these days, is it just autist circles?

>> No.3124462

It does help, thanks. There's so many fucking numbers going on, it's hard to get a firm grasp on everything, but your post remedies that some.

The concept of predicting bounces sounds really sketchy to me, so I think I'll disregard that myself.

>> No.3124471

Fuck emphasizing technical analysis. Every noob thinks they are supposed to be analyzing the unchecked influx of money with their little boner charts and "trade" their savings away. Technical analysis is just about as effective as looking at the chart and "feeling:" if it should move up or down.

Learn how to valuate actual fundamental metrics compared to today's pricing and you will be better off. Learn mining profitability and how to compare technologies. A beginner should start learning fundamentals and only when they are far more advanced and can factor in the actual developments and disasters only then can they effectively trade, and maybe try to incorporate some technical analysis.

>> No.3124499

You are off to a good start. Buying news and rumors is more effective than trying to predict something that is inherently unpredictable and overloaded with variables.

>> No.3124530


Excellent posts anon. Youre making the board a better place.

>> No.3124809

See for me so far I haven't done TA and I have made gains. Sometimes I can't help but feel I have just been lucky.

I see these guys I assume are making crazy money weekly on youtube and such showing you their crazy charting and how they predicted a break out and I feel thats how a proper crypto trader should be doing things.

But your posts are reassuring to be honest, I think buy the rumor sell the news is the best little quote that gets flung around.

I just buy into coins that are generally in red that have a good team behind them and good activity, then all it takes a little bit of an announcement and boom I just made profit. There is some really nice projects out there that not many people know about because they haven't just focused on marketing but the actual project under the radar.

Linx is a new one I am really interested, the amount of work and little updates the devs are throwing out on their chat channels is great, I feel it is just a matter of time before they get some news out that will be spread to a lot of people.

For OP I think just sticking to research and focusing on the actual coins devs and tech is the best thing to do as a beginner and don't try to time the market or FOMO (fear of missing out) a coin that is already 50% up in price, I mean it seems to be working for me so far.

>> No.3124936

Youtube TA traders are sketchy, I know that along with talking about their gains, they really quickly mention to their audience to buy at specific prices. The might not say it directly, but it might be more like "Today's coin is doing well, but it is nearing the top of the formation, I'm going to set my sell to $4.83." They fucking know that there will be 100 people the next day doing exactly what he mentioned. Where he can sell into them or use the viewers as pawns in many different ways. My only belief in TA is that other people are doing similar trades, so they can be gamed.

>> No.3125007

"My only belief in TA is that other people are doing similar trades, so they can be gamed."

Well shit, that has just made me look at it from a completely different angle.

>> No.3125057

I think what he means is these times we live were crypto is in its infancy is a great opportunity that will eventually be gone.
Think of it as me looking over bitcoin when they were 6cents each and now wishing I'd bought 5 bucks worth.