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3121602 No.3121602 [Reply] [Original]

sup /biz/

Is the deep web still safe to buy off?

If I use Tor from a coffee shop, do I need to have VPN and use Tails?

Can I just get a gram of weed sent to my house once a month? or is it too risky?

>> No.3121613

>going through all that effort to buy a gram a month
just go to the local skatepark and ask the stoners you fag

>> No.3121614

How much ARK does it take to fuck a girl like this?

>> No.3121623

the fuck are you sending a gram of weed for I literally have that sitting in crumbs at my feet

>> No.3121632


I don't want to ask around. I'm a white collar dude that has no low life friends..

>> No.3121656
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>being a degenerate

>> No.3121676

then why the fuck don't you buy more at once

>> No.3121681

Do you own your own house?

If so, just invest in a little grow contraption that helps filter out the smell

I would agree that getting just a gram per month is kind of dumb, but thb, even if they catch the package, all you need to do is clean your house, DENY DENY DENY, and theyll leave you alone over a g of weed

>> No.3121682


Jesus smoking a bowl on the weekend and listening to some music isn't that bad

>> No.3121694

I am boycotting the dark web because they host evil natzees

>> No.3121709


I don't want to get busted with too much. And I'm such a light weight that a gram lasts me like a month :D

>> No.3121751

a lot of smokers arent low life my dude. you probably have some white collar people you know that can help you out

>> No.3121755

lmao faggot, go to your local nigger meeting place and yell hey afro american man, do you have some vegetables for me?

>> No.3121776


I don't know how to speak nigger. I went to my local indian at the coner gas station if he could get me weed and he just looked at me like I was crazy. wtf

>> No.3121822
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you must be american op...


>> No.3121840

find a nigger thats walking alone near a bar or club and ask him for weed. if he gets you good stuff, ask his phone number and he'll probably deliver to you

>> No.3121862

did he grab onto a wire?

>> No.3121974


>> No.3121980

Don't do it. You sound like an idiot, you'll get caught. And by the sound of it, you'll get life.

>> No.3121999

I don't see shit

>> No.3122021

What is this from? You can tell it's fake also from the woman's hair

>> No.3122038

the "space" program

>> No.3122062

>buy signatum
>go to https://signatum.store

>> No.3122146

this is not real
like its not actually nasa

>> No.3122172

tfw you live in a thirdworldshithole where you can find weed at $40 the ounce or $10 for 12 grams. literally in 2/3 hoods
(pssttt: coke at $5 per gram with 80% +/- pure or $10 the 100% pure gram)

>> No.3122210

tfw live in rural 1st world state where you dont have to worry about getting stabbed or shot at any given time

>> No.3122241

lol agree, just jokkin you know

>> No.3122245

true, but fr what's OP gotta do

>> No.3122308

btw, how much cost coke in the us. when i see us or european turist i try to give them a good time here being kind and shit, and if i recognize them as drug users (cool ones) i guide them for good deals, (sometimes they get surprised on how much coke they can buy with $50) weed isn´t good really i think you in the us have the advantage of buying high quality buds on states like california

>> No.3122330

around my parts it can cost up to $50 for a g of becky. Yeah, I'd say the bud's pretty top notch though for burgerland

>> No.3122331

So OP when it comes to the deepweb
>Obviously pay in bitcoin, use an encrypted wallet and send a few transfers to different wallets.
>Have it shipped to your house
>Don't do anything you wouldn't do for a normal mailed item.
The feds couldn't care less if you buy a small amount of weed, anything under an ounce is basically meaningless and anything under a pound isn't worth their time.
Main thing to do: don't use a fake name for the shipping address. It's a red flag (mail carrier might see a different name for an address he recognizes, that instantly is a warning sign). Just use your normal name
They don't use dogs to sniff out mail
Most international (or national) drug shipments are sent in a double vacuum sealed bag.

And the best part is
>Get caught for some reason, maybe they smelt it on an off chance
>Cops come to your house
>"I've got no idea what the fuck this is or who it's for lol"
Since it was purchased in buttcoin, they have nothing linking it to you besides the address, and they can't remotely prosecute you for that, especially for a gram
>source: I've spent alot of time researching buying drugs online because I'm extremely cautious and sketched out by the darkweb, but it's alot safer than you'd realize

>> No.3122353

all right, good look anon hope you catch the next moon mission

>> No.3122391

you too anon, bless

>> No.3122441

Come on, rich or not everyone knows at least one black dude that sells weed.

>> No.3122474

>shipped to your house
really now?

>> No.3122553

>really now?
Yes, postal offices are a bit riskier but sketchy drops are the only alternative and that's adding a whole level of unnecessary risk. Delivered to your house, even if they find out there's drugs, they can't prosecute you (and they definitely won't for a small amount).

>> No.3122654

what if it aint drugs per say

>> No.3122693

>not knowing that every administrative worker and intern in your area is stoned off their ass by 6 oclock

>> No.3124303

t LEO judencuck

>> No.3124383

2 since ARK will be worth 5 billion each in 3 weeks.

>> No.3125043

lmao calling other people low lifes for doing the same shit

>> No.3125097

All you practically need is Tor with a bridge + not keeping your PGP keys on your HDD or at home.

>> No.3125157

>tfw my PEDs are decriminalised and I can buy on clearnet with BTC

Just order the weed. They won't care about a fucking gram.

>> No.3125644

Nah where i live we get really shit drugs most of the time i need to resort to legal drugs or buying garbage. A tor site for buying thats not a scam would be appreciated.