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File: 37 KB, 500x333, Doutzen-Kroes-Most-Beautiful-Dutch-Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3120920 No.3120920 [Reply] [Original]

Are women the biggest bubble to ever exist?

>> No.3120930

Because they're difficult for you to get into?

>> No.3120946

Were. It already popped and they are desperate to become valuable again.

>> No.3120949

Stop posting 3D roasties, I'm trying to eat.

>> No.3120950

becuase their value peaks early and then gets dumped over time with little to no chance of recovery

>> No.3120965

>value skyrockets around 17
>crashes to shit at 26

>> No.3120988

>ITT: coping betas

>> No.3121023

>falling for the woman meme

>> No.3121029

oi lass show us ye tits

>> No.3121033

You don't need to be a beta to realize that women are indeed the biggest bubble of all time.

>t. anon who's fucked a lot of chicks

>> No.3121044

I need to get repeating digits, out of my way.

>> No.3121081

Stop send pls

>> No.3121086


>> No.3121094


>> No.3121101


>> No.3121135
File: 642 KB, 650x2220, women-purchasing-power-infographic-spending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire American economy and by extension, the world economy, is driven by the outrages spending habits of women
>they spend all of their money on overpriced crap
>and then they spend their partner's money too
>they're so spoiled that they stopped having kids
>which means the ponzi scheme our entire society is built on will soon collapse

Yes, women are the worst bubble in history. I just hope I'm not around when it pops. Pic related. Even if the stats are inflated a bit, it still shows how fucked everything is

>> No.3121206


>> No.3121254
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A macbook air is not a pc.

>> No.3121270

Uh despite what apple wants you to think, it is.

>> No.3121286

apple are a bunch of gaywads

>> No.3121713

sub7's dont count

>> No.3121734

Yes. You better get out of WMN before the first news of viable robot replacements comes because that's the moment it pops. Don't be a bagholder.

>> No.3121735
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You tell me.

>> No.3121741

roastie detected. must feel bad to be a walking depreciating asset

>> No.3121815

bitterness garuantees you wont attract a mate.

>> No.3121844
File: 97 KB, 978x550, OKUPERT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tt have limited supply.
Time to build mass human cloning plant and produce enough female slaves for sell

>> No.3121983

how often do you have to pay this?

>> No.3123327

*Blocks your path*

>> No.3123338


>> No.3123385

Of course. Marriage is literally bagholding a depreciating asset that you bought into at the ATH.

>> No.3123611

Yes. Women spend more than they contribute, so they are operating at a loss.

The price you pay for women is half your net worth and half you income.

Women are a terrible investment. Don't fall for the tax savings memes.

>> No.3123686

this: >>3121844

>> No.3124006

>>consumer wealth

>> No.3124039


The bubble will pop with sexbots

>> No.3124211

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.3124267

Underrated. Here's a well earned (You)

>> No.3125231

This. Fuck.

>> No.3125244

That's his child payments, anon. He pays that every month.

>> No.3125259

Im literally saving this quote

>> No.3125269

>women are a significantly premined token

>> No.3125327

Fuck, that's golden.

>> No.3125371

men own things that increase in value
women own things that decrease in value

>> No.3125569

Oh putain

>> No.3126349
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>> No.3126538
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How will women every recover?

>> No.3126551


Ironically, she's yours and you're hers. This makes you objectively more valuable as a gay man

>> No.3126553
File: 919 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these lonely betas. Rampant misogyny at it's finest, keep it up /biz/, the normies are watching.

>> No.3126559

Came from that page, gonna lurk /biz/ from now on, the other threads I've checked out look good.

>> No.3126567
File: 772 KB, 740x1047, 740full-elsa-jean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone gets old and dies.

live ur life while u have it stead of worrying about others online is my unironic advice

>> No.3126602

What the fuck is your post.
Kill yourself

>> No.3126609


hey kid, wanna buy some digibyte?

>> No.3126618
File: 157 KB, 1328x620, Screen Shot 2017-08-19 at 3.45.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.3 million women earn more than 100k a year... yet they control so much wealth

meanwhile 11million + men earn over 100k... yet they're not in control of any of the wealth in the country...

>divorce rape / henpecking en masse detected

>> No.3126627

So, according to this chart 91% of al house sales go to women? Or am i too dumb to understand?

>> No.3126629


>> No.3126653

I wish we could still buy the ICO.

>> No.3126664


No, that's Christianity.

>> No.3126667

>tfw you will never be ghengis khan

>> No.3126679

bloody marvelous

>> No.3126850

since PC stands for Personal Computer.... macbook air is indeed a personal computer.

>> No.3126860

shut up

>> No.3126931

end your life

>> No.3126971

Marriage is DGB?

>> No.3126980


this. men start with nothing and build up. women start with everything and lose it

>> No.3126991
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>> No.3127123


Gynocracy confirmed.

>> No.3127205
File: 14 KB, 244x207, 1502570126157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jesus
The only FOMO ive ever felt

>> No.3127220

Capitalism itself is the biggest bubble.

>> No.3127485
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Kys commie kuk

>> No.3127516
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>> No.3127546
File: 496 KB, 633x758, 1494021909059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, you have showed me the light.

I will not fall for the marriage meme.

>> No.3127577


Best reply.

>> No.3127906


Lmao, good post

>> No.3128386


>> No.3128497

women are more like oil than anything. their value is propped up by the matriarcal society and it's anti-male laws preventing you from literally just taking them.

Go to any arab country. They don't have these problems.

>> No.3128614


>> No.3128655

how to short

>> No.3128992

Careful now. Normie men being exposed to these truths is a good thing. At first they will be offended (bbbut muh messogeenee), but they will remember these truths and over time they will become self evident.

In other words, bringing light to this won't help your cause, it will only redpill more men.

>> No.3129016

It all makes sense now.

>> No.3129132

Holy shit

>> No.3129347
File: 11 KB, 447x378, 1588114fb07ce9846bb16ffbedb69b8c0e5a40ad18519952a1ac6e84c6bca7bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fuck

>> No.3129404

Holy cow, is that why the concept of a dowry came into existence? It never made sense before... until now.

>> No.3129478
File: 297 KB, 1288x966, 1500334246951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're theoretically not just purchasing a woman for her looks.

Marriage is meant to be a contract where a man trades his excess labor capacity for a woman's excess reproductive capacity.

That's why before the sexual revulation, and marriage reform laws going back to the 1870's, children born to a married couple were the property of the man, while children born to unmarried prostitutes were the property of the woman.

Of course, today, none of this applies because our marriage laws have been hopelessly debased into a meaningless contract (no-fault divorce, thanks '60's) that results in no protection of the men's rights to their offspring, and expensive alimony payments.

>> No.3129554
File: 176 KB, 682x1024, 1455360075017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be late to the dating market
>never invested in yourself
>when you finally decide to do the step, you dabble into some ugly alts
>after a few years you finally understand the game
>all girls your age group have been heavily premined by Chad
>finally get to know chick right after her ATH
>get into a long position
>never gonna get rid of those bags (of tits)
>no more funds
>you see your friends scoring all the moons

>> No.3129568

>Marriage is meant to be a contract where a man trades his excess labor capacity for a woman's excess reproductive capacity.
but it's not a very smart contract TM

>> No.3129579

>you're not just purchasing a woman for her looks.
this. it's also to have a friend in life that has the same interest: to make your home comfortable. of course, if you marry a bitch, she is going to ruin it. you need to find the jewel among dirt.

>> No.3129591

only after 30, they are still hot commodities with diminishing returns in effect from mid 20s

>> No.3129629

>Marriage is meant to be a contract where a man trades his excess labor capacity for a woman's excess reproductive capacity.

If you classify it as such, the best move still is to drop the bags with minimal loss once you've had as many kids as you wanted

>> No.3129637

men = bitcoin
woman = digibyte

>> No.3129659
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>> No.3129710
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>> No.3129739
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>> No.3129786
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 20225587_370461650035519_7259586811574353920_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously the best investment is asian waifu
>minimally depreciating, forever young unlike pump and dump russians or southern chicks
>entire family will shame her to death if she ever starts getting fat
>deathly loyal
>recognizes constant sex is a responsibility of hers
>usually incredibly cheap and/or incredibly loaded. She's either costing you nearly nothing or is giving you megabucks
>turmoil can usually be diffused with a string of cat, heart and kissy face emojis.

>can get really pissy if you don't take off your shoes inside
>really likes German cars

>> No.3129922
File: 260 KB, 1040x638, 1490232011359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the women marines

>> No.3129992

I made this post as a joke

>> No.3129996


>> No.3130017
File: 56 KB, 342x342, 1501811357854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top fucking kek
how will females ever recover, jesus christ