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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.95 MB, 1101x1849, Capture+_2017-08-18-13-40-07-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3118208 No.3118208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I never thought Id do this, but Ive fallen on rather tough times. But dont worry anon senpai I know the drill. Pic related

Any kind btc or bitcoin cash donations are appreciated

>> No.3118223

every day we stray further away from god's light

>> No.3118225

isnt this the digiass? the hairiness seems familiar

>> No.3118231
File: 357 KB, 910x752, 1500497633582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the new standard for this place now

>> No.3118236
File: 156 KB, 924x694, 1501621683248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some dignity

>> No.3118248


>> No.3118249

The price has increased since the last thread this worked. It now costs Sharpie in pooper + dubs to get attention.

>> No.3118254

dunno what that is but im assuming same boat but asking for digitbyte?

but no ive never done this before

>> No.3118267
File: 369 KB, 1296x968, americans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yanky doodle detected

>> No.3118268
File: 52 KB, 493x820, choochoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is doomed

>> No.3118276

Is it in?
I'm not giving you a single sat if you're holding it with the cheeks.

>> No.3118285

how does this even happen
looks like it's about 2/5 of the way in

>> No.3118317

that's not even in your butt OP, you are just holding it with your giant flabby pathetic ass cheeks

>> No.3118389

Thank you

>> No.3118392
File: 2.59 MB, 1440x2093, Capture+_2017-08-18-14-03-48-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like two inches in? Idk also how tf would you just hold it there without in being inside

>> No.3118415

>>31**judging intensifies**

>> No.3118423

Ah! A fellow digimarine! I spare coin for all friends of mine!

>> No.3118439

Doesn't seem conclusive enough. twist it around a bit just to make sure,

>> No.3118455


Careful anon, he's going to enjoy it.

Once you've learned the pleasures of anal stimulation you can't go back. It's like fruit of the tree of knowledge.

>> No.3118459

you give 1 address but beg for 2 coins

>> No.3118478

no just whatever is more convienent. my wallet is based of a seed so they share the same one

>> No.3118506

get lost poorcuck. nobody is going to give you coins. you're a drug addict.

>> No.3118531

Drugs are degenerate
>Inb4 shoving sharpies in pooper is degenerate
Life is a bitch
>>3118455 Im much too afraid to do anything in case i tear something

>> No.3118536

I'd consider giving some spare change for a cute ass, but your ass is disgusting.

>> No.3118587

Not everyone is a chad

>> No.3118606

This is no joke. It's practically the only way of cumming without touching.

>> No.3118618

just shave you disgusting manchild

it's so fucking easy to take a razor to your ass cheeks while you're in the shower

>> No.3118621

shave it at least
shave it clean and I'll send you .1 btc

>> No.3118626
File: 4 KB, 240x240, crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you degenerate animal.

>> No.3118634
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1501570066958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyday theres another one

>> No.3118652

Why the fuck would I do that? Is there any practical reason to shave my ass?

>hurr durr ur a toddler u have hair eww whats that
>i like male pornstars they shave, thats a real man

>> No.3118654

A shame you use a VPN for you transactions, was just about to call you out anon.
Pro tip - don't an actual in use btc address

>> No.3118666


>in case i tear something

You won't. I mean, don't go stabbing a sharpie into your ass like a crack addict or anything, and don't let a horse mount you. You'll be fine.

Your ass is incredibly resilient. Think about the largest shits you've ever taken. Your ass handled those with ease. Stimulating your prostate with an 8" silicone dildo or even your fingers (just clip your nails) isn't going to cause any harm.

>> No.3118667

Total received 2.30503823 BTC 6,462.80 USDt
Total spent 2.30503823 BTC 5,265.11 USDt
Total unspent (balance) 0.00000000 BTC 0.00 USDtoday

>> No.3118684

You have a point? Its called financial difficulties for a reason, I had to sell everything

>> No.3118691


>> No.3118697
File: 106 KB, 580x552, starting-hands-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guy, how's it going?
not sure where you're at (inb4: 'murica) but surely there must be a better way of earning bux other than sticking sharpies up your bum. i don't understand why you thought that this was a good idea unless you actually enjoy sodomizing yourself with daily objects or if you're doing it for the lulz.
i'm in ethiopia now, but here's how i made a living whilst i was in london.
>go to pokerology
>study how to play poker
>read up whatever you can on single table sit n' go once you're done with the basics
>put a few bux on paypal and transfer to donkeystars, or better yet, pkr (3d poker host, players are mostly old folks or fishes who play there for the 3d wow factor)
>disable 3d so as to not get distracted
>turn off chat
>buy in at a single table six player sng ($5 preferably)
>look up every one of them on the pkr website (search username)
>rate according to their rankings and adjust play accordingly
>use pic related as guide, it's a tight handed chart but it works best for a beginner
should take you about a week to start seeing profit. and as a final note, forget about cash games, or tournaments, just download and read up on 6 players max normal speed sit n' go and dominate. lest you become a jack of all trades, master of none.
yw, post pic of spread boipucci please.

>> No.3118708

Bro you could shave your asshairs and sell them as hair extensions

>> No.3118728
File: 869 KB, 3088x2320, 1502609086030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing.
[/pol/ gave this idiot almost one bitcoin for this btw]

>> No.3118731


Actually yes. I know, I know. Doubt. Just hear me out though.

I started shaving my ass crack when I was working a shitty outdoor job in 100f+ weather. Why? Because every day I came home from work and no matter how much I showered I would get the swamp ass. Nothing really repulsive, but enough that the first thing I had to do was shower every day. No exceptions.

Cute girl wants to meet after work? Not a chance. You never, ever go to meet a cute girl unless you're ready for her to stick her face in your crotch and you don't want to be fucking sweaty and smelly for that.

So on a suggestion from /b/ or something I decided to shave my ass. Next day at work, I was immediately sold. My ass FELT better. I didn't smell when I got home. It took my skin about a week to get used to being shaved daily / every other day, but I haven't gone back since.

Makes wiping after a poo easier. Makes smelling good easier. Makes your ass more aesthetic (I didn't think there were "ass girls" out there, but it turns out there are. My ass gets a ton of attention now from my GF).

Just do it.

>> No.3118761


>> No.3118778

>feels refreshing
>your balls always feel aired out
>you don't literally shed
>much harder to get swampass since the sweat acts like sweat on the rest of your body
>you don't subject us to nasty ass pictures
also this
try a glass buttplug it'll warm you up and feels fucking 10/10

>> No.3118787


>> No.3118820


Sounds like you're afraid anon.

Afraid you've been missing out on the glorious feeling of a clean shaven ass all these years.

It's not to late to get in. Smooth asses have been mooning for years, there's no end in sight.


>glass buttplug

A+. I've got a high polish stainless one, it's great for the same reasons.

>> No.3118860

and, if you're not just bs and real looking to make money than you're better of looking outside the us. what you don't realize is that you've got something of value which is your skin/nationality. people in asia will gladly pay you a decent salary (by western standards) for teaching english at one of their many institutions. or, if you rather not leave, just post ads on craiglists for fake marriage.
>get paid 1/2 the amount
>get married with prenup
>bring a bitch to the states
>live together for a while until she gets naturalized
>get the rest of the amount
>rinse & repeat for unlimited bux

>feels refreshing
feels weird
>your balls always feel aired out
not everyone wears spandex
>you don't literally shed
>much harder to get swampass since the sweat acts like sweat on the rest of your body
that's why you shower daily
>you don't subject us to nasty ass pictures
hairy ass is aesthetic, fuck your pedo standards
Makes wiping after a poo easier.
>not using baby wipes

>A+. I've got a high polish stainless one, it's great for the same reasons.
>Smooth asses have been mooning for years, there's no end in sight.
post boipucci and let us be the judge

>> No.3118862

Glad I'm not this hairy.

>> No.3118876

So you don't get dried shit nuggets tangled in your hide you filthy ape.

>> No.3118907

>not everyone wears spandex
i wear boxers
>that's why you shower daily
yeah because being forced to shower before work, after work and before sleep during the summer is efficient and good for your skin, right?
>hairy ass is aesthetic, fuck your pedo standards
noone on god's green earth likes hairy asses and (if) you have a GF she'd appreciate a clean shaven ass, trust me

>> No.3118936

>how does this even happen

I think in that case he really did slip and fall
Probably off a large height or something and landed somewhere unfortunate

>> No.3118988


>hairy ass is aesthetic

Scientifically inaccurate. Go look for hot ass pics. 99.9999% are hairless. There's a reason for that. "Hairy" is a shit tier sub-fetish on the same level as piss or feet.

>not using baby wipes

I use baby wipes too. It makes for the most glorious, smooth, refreshing shit & wipe you'll ever experience. You could eat right out of my ass crack after I take a shit.

>Implying maximizing your pleasure returns on the one bag you can't offload (your body) makes you a faggot.

I'll post my boipussy if enough people really want to see it on /biz/.

>> No.3119005

post it /biz/ ass bro

>> No.3119115
File: 66 KB, 640x585, 04e9c642a8e5f3421185c272fcf9fbbef80d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can girls get some love too?


>> No.3119116

>noone on god's green earth likes hairy asses
>"Hairy" is a shit tier sub-fetish on the same level as piss or feet.
I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a hairy guy as well that I'm a sucker for fellow otters. I'm aware that it might not be popular these days, but that's mostly because my generation is superficial and brainwashed into thinking that the nature of things are repulsive.

boipucci og gtfo >>>/out/
same goes for you. if there's ever a time to show off your shaved ass, it's now!

>> No.3119132

>or feet.

don't talk shit about feet

>> No.3119151

did he died?

>> No.3119183
File: 28 KB, 480x271, 1493959168964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even a timestamp

>> No.3119291
File: 1.52 MB, 320x240, 1344219215005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not in roygbiv order

>> No.3119336

mods please ban the virtual hobo I'm sick of begging threads clogging up /biz/

>> No.3119364
File: 1.36 MB, 2576x1932, SHARPIE-MARINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3119388
File: 75 KB, 558x880, the-sharpie-marines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon too.
What say you digi bros

>> No.3119405

Marker end in and uncapped retard

>> No.3119415

sent ;)

>> No.3119647


As you can see here, this specimen known as a "human" is shoving a writing utensil into its anus in the hopes of monetary gains through entertainment. Like-minded humans find this activity degrading and if one human finds this degradation more entertaining than the rest of the humans, there maybe a chance at monetary gain.

Rules have been put into place in order to receive a better chance at monetary gain, such as a "timestamp". Where the human must write, using the writing utensil that will be inserted into his or her anus, the date and time onto a writing surface that must be included in the picture.

Now there is still no guarantee of monetary gain, as these humans are interesting animals that don't usually sympathize with activities involving degrading one's self - unless of female origin. It is to be noted that being a female does up the chance of reaching monetary gain for such an activity, but that doesn't mean there still isn't a chance at monetary gain for this blistering faggot they call "OP".

We shall standby for more on this intriguing activity.

>> No.3119681

It needs to be a webm to confirm authenticity

>> No.3119694

Hey guys. Whale here. If someone sticks a sharpie in their pooper and then sucks on it for 10 seconds, I'll give you 0.2 BTC.

This all needs to be in the same shot. 5s in pooper, at least.

>> No.3119725


Here we see one human suggesting a video in order to legitimize this degrading action even further.

We shall see what happens. Will the blistering faggot OP take a chance for monetary gains?

>> No.3119726
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, Shaved ass about to moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Here /biz/. Sorry about the shit quality pic, the office bathroom has terrible lighting. I've got better pics, but no timestamp so it wouldn't prove anything.

I literally couldn't find a sharpie in my office, but it'll have to do.

I did this mostly to prove that shaven asses are superior, but feel free to tip if you benefited from this glorious new knowledge and I'll use it to fund my moon mission, where glorious smooth asses will dominate the lunar economy.

>Send BTC

>> No.3119769

0.0001000 DGB has been deposited.

>> No.3119785

Good thread

>> No.3119788


This just in! One human is requesting that a video be provided, but in exchange for said video OP has a chance at, what they call, bitcoins. Only 0.2 bitcoins, which is worth $826.80 in their usual "fiat currency" that's the standard across their world for purchasing goods and services.

Will OP take the chance? We'll keep you tuned.

>> No.3119844

cute butt bro

>> No.3119851


A shaved anus has been displayed for the rest of the humans to see. The poster is requesting BTC to be sent for their troubles. Will they receive such monetary gain? There is a limited chance due to two rules being violated. Poster has not included writing utensil in anus along with a valid timestamp.

Although that is a clean ass and still might have a shot at enticing one of the humans into giving over some monetary value.

Lets see what happens.

>> No.3119951


Thanks bro.


I'm not playing anons .2BTC challenge. I'm proving a point. If he wants to pay me for sex acts he can do it the same way as everyone else, with tokens on chaturbate.

>> No.3119958
File: 1.63 MB, 3164x2448, 05-24+23.00.39_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice hairy butt desu

>> No.3120016


Good narration, btw. Never a dull moment in the human zoo.

>> No.3120044


month day year objectively makes more sense and is more aesthetically pleasing

>> No.3120055

Go to r/btc, they have revived the tip bot

>> No.3120618
File: 117 KB, 1531x841, if_all_crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every one of you heathens has got to be fucking kidding me with this shit.

>> No.3120631


>> No.3120645

one of the stupidest charts in the pol repertoire

>> No.3120699

How much do I need in crypto to get a hairy friend?

>> No.3120720

t.low iq mongrel prone to violence

>> No.3120729


>> No.3120740

t. echo chamber retard who doesn't understand how poverty impacts murder rates

>> No.3120766

Shave your lower body and your ass. Jesus.

>> No.3120791

Not really. I did anal when younger and stopped because fapping is better.

>> No.3121084


>fapping is better

To each their own anon.

I maintain a healthy diet of both. I've only ever experienced the heavenly purity of the hands free anal orgasm once, if it was easier to achieve I'd probably fap less.

>> No.3121092

2/5? That fucking log is coming out his back.

>> No.3121161

t. echo chamber retard who doesn't understand how race impacts poverty rates

>> No.3121182

t. echo chamber retard who doesn't understand that if you remove the most violent group of every other country as well Amerisharts would get knocked back to the top of the list
If you only counted my good games I'd be a grandmaster.

>> No.3121192
File: 28 KB, 499x322, 1362960884714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once got banned just for ironically posting in a begging thread.

Why the fuck hasn't this thread been deleted yet?

>> No.3121195
File: 281 KB, 495x451, Tiresome_nigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr durr
shut up nigger

>> No.3121209


Mods like ass.

>> No.3121247
File: 606 KB, 1600x1600, 1386388772806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3121252

>nonburger plugs

>> No.3121361

those are 100% britbongs

>> No.3122031


>> No.3122053

Lol we don't use those kinds of electrical plugs in America. Nice b8 though

>> No.3122462

eyes on that nurse tho

>> No.3122572
File: 95 KB, 250x250, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically what would happen if it went in the water?

>> No.3122803

It's a surge protector so it will protect them from the surge! Taking all the damage on itself like a valiant warrior.

>> No.3123287
File: 271 KB, 800x800, 1500295065705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, Jesus. At least shave that ass to make it a bit more feminine, you piece of shit.

>> No.3123602
File: 3.75 MB, 5184x3888, james-padolsey-152010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit sheldon get a JOB

>> No.3123642



shave the asshole