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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3116772 No.3116772 [Reply] [Original]


I noticed buy orders piling on 500 for a hour.then a full BTC. Shit aint right. I'm done.

>> No.3117858

Did you really not expect one last pump before Doctor 'dies' from brain cancer?

Doctor, Adam Guerbuez, Crowetic... They're all part of the same group of scammers, and they're going to methodically fuck anyone dumb enough to buy into this copy-pasted shitcoin.

>> No.3118092

can this meme coin die already plz

>> No.3118516

SIGT bagholders are going to be haunting this board with sigtmarine memes and refusing to listen to reason for the rest of the year

>> No.3118525

agreed. sigt needs to be put to rest...

>> No.3118529


>> No.3118562
File: 275 KB, 1164x3700, ESp2j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you bought in at 2800 sats and sold at 1900, lost $300 but it was worth the loss for the lesson of never buying a coin that isnt in the top 50 in coinmarketcap, also i really hope that crowetic hipster fuck gets hit by a bus.

>> No.3118577

I made like 300% so far. I love this coin. How can somone not love this coin?

>> No.3118607

t. Dr Pajeet Rakesh or Adam "ask for some change, your face will be rearranged" Guerbuez

either or, kys

>> No.3118622


>> No.3118677


>> No.3118792

My last entry (after buying/dumping/buying/dumping rollercoaster) is at 1400. I've managed not to lose any money on SIGT yet. I think 1800 will be my exit if it can hit it again today. At this point I don't even care what happens in the future, this coin doesn't deserve my attention anymore.

>> No.3119107

sell all your bags to me, believe in the fud

>> No.3119408

they will pump it above 2800 the next days

>> No.3119807
File: 426 KB, 285x190, 1499911051600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one dude that keeps placing mini buy orders at 1761
Who do you think you're fooling breh

I doubt it hits that at this point. The miners dedicating serious hashing power will not hold for long after the recent drama. They'll be happy with the available profits. IMO the only thing propping this up close to 2k sats again is the blind optimism from the likes of reddit and bitcointalk plebs. Even biztards have smartened up.

>> No.3120523
File: 19 KB, 540x140, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


buy sigt now

buy buy buy

marketplace in 2 hours = moon
bittrex = moon
binance = moon

i hate you faggots for not buying sigt

>> No.3120561

no siggies will never learn

>> No.3120570

Whales are trying to accumulate before it bursts through the 2000sat ceiling straight to $1. Next stop $10. Market cap is ridiculously low. You can't call it a scam coin when there is literally no money in this thing yet. Its going to skyrocket 100x.

>> No.3120572

>marketplace in 2 hours
s o u r c e

>> No.3120586


>> No.3120591

it's literally up right now, check the other thread

>> No.3120594

a market where you trade in crypto
wow such innovation
its not going on bittrex or binance
pure shitcoin

>> No.3120604
File: 477 KB, 973x742, 1466818849476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its going to skyrocket 100x.
>SIGT top 15 marketcap
One can hope.

>> No.3120731

yeah sigt was fun.

I bought 200k at 700sat and sold at 3500. From second pump I made like another 120%. Sigt gave me around $45k so I am not mad but its scam coin and people should stop buying this.

btw. I put all my money from it into DNT at 800sat. God Im good in trading

>> No.3120977


Still accumulating SIGT I see.

>> No.3121057

Fuck I need to start saving my money. You're inspirational