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File: 226 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170818-221833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3113836 No.3113836 [Reply] [Original]

See y'all after your BTC becomes fucking worthless.

>> No.3114030

Yes very good white piggu keepuh buyinguh worthless chink coin. It will not dumpuh I promiseuh

>> No.3114070

That money isn't real until you sell it before the dump.

You know sell it with real bitcoin the only gateway to actually get real world value to convert into fiat, your chink copycat is worth nothing until its BTC

The whole BTC vs BCC thing is gonna fucking crash the market completely and everyones going to be rushing into btc so they actually can cash out

>> No.3114085


>> No.3114092
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Real nikkah chink hours
>who the fuck woke

>> No.3114110

How did you accumulate so much BCC?

>> No.3114113

Being retarded

>> No.3114122
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lets see we have BCC
Fast transactions
CHEAP fees
CHEAP price
SCALES better

yet we have btc
SLOW af transactions (even slower when miner leave)
HIGH fees
Only 3TPS cannot scale for normie adoption
Difficulty takes years to lower

if these are not good reasons to get in ur stupid af honestly

>> No.3114139

Idiot. BCC is bitcoin and until all gateways support it there's always tether directly into my bank account. Stay free, no-cash.

>> No.3114152
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so yes go to btc give me all your monies also another thing to think about there is 1 bcc for every btc and bcc just got released on the market so theres double the amount of btc on the market double the bages doubles the profit double everything double this double that ive already doubled my money since yesterday fucking losers stop shilling blockstream or i will fucking murder your soule take that bitch from your with my little hands

>> No.3114168


"Cheap", good joke buddy.
Why don't you use LTC as an example, it's cheap, it's fast, it's scales perfectly so far...
You know why?
Because fucking no-one uses it, same for BCC.

Should the flippening happen (which will not) all the old problems will come to BCC.
Think for a second...

>> No.3114190

The name is shit. Who puts "Coin" and "Cash" in the same name.

>> No.3114219

>no one uses it
uhhmm sweetie... thats no true

>> No.3114247

last time I checked btc fees were upwards of 3 bucks while bcc is wayy under a dollar so yes it is cheaper.
Were not talking about different coins you fucking stupid bitch. Bitcoin just forked whether you like it or not thats not just bitcoin releases alt coins u fucking tard it is a fight to the death on who will with and a fork is a protocal change so if that protocal is better then bitcoin it will prevail and bcc sclaes better can handle more transactions and btc can handle less and has higher fees while bcc doesnt. your trying to rationalize btc being expensive and slow by comparing ltc to fucking bcc by saying no one uses it. while at the same time mining pools are moving as we speak you sir are a fucking retard what u got now bitch ur a fucking loser

>> No.3114258

Lol yeah 2 days of pumping = new bitcoin

You guys are deluded as fuck

>> No.3114294

>implying you can erase the years of free bitcoin advertisement the world has had, to bitcoin cash, which still holds the name of the original coin.

>> No.3114308
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>> No.3114371

pretty much this brother, amen

>> No.3115394

because I am honestly scared that with the lower transaction fees, quicker deposits/withdrawals and miner profitability could lead to BCC flipping, especially with segwit 2x and the bcc difficulty decreasing in the next few days. I saw what you wrote about how it's a scam with the ASIC miners but will that really be enough to off put other miners? Can't miners also use ASIC? As you can probably tell i'm fairly new to crypto so trying to make sense of it all is sometimes a little confusing.
to be honest, crypto is a rabbit hole
anyone who purports to know it all is full of shit
hahaha, yes it does seem endless
and it's also filled with speculation and politics and indeed it is possible that BCC is just better than BTC time will tell here's what it comes down to there are two fundamental camps with regards to development
one camp wants to keep BTC as simple as possible with as little "attack surface" as possible that is original btc?
see the Nick Szabo intereview with Tim Ferris, easily findable on google
correct BTC = original BTC
if I say BCC/BCH I mean BitCoin cash of course

the other wanted to develop BTC to scale better but there are some issues with this
if you do some searching you will find that there are several reasons why it was determined to be a bad idea to increase the block size and the centralization argument is the bottom line as far as I recall
and it's a fair argument

Roger Ver makes the argument that everyone can participate in the ASIC game but the bottom line is nobody will catch up to China
they basically came up with an idea they thought was superior, then created hardware to rig the system to their advantage, then they whined like babies when Core didn't want to adopt it
it's all about greed/money and yet Roger Ver stands on his libertarian soap box
(I did read your cheat sheet which is generally right on)
you are approachingthis the right way by not getting emotional about it just trying to uncover the truth
I get emotional about it

>> No.3115405

it because i see it as hostile takeover attempt by the Chinese primarily

I think from what you've already told me, It's safe to say that btc won't instantly flip just because of the segwit2x and lower difficulty fees, if anything it would be a gradual meet to equal value, with btc being slow and high transaction fees on one side, but with bcc having security issues and being rigged by miners already

okay so getting back to my "two camps" point, listen to the Nick Szabo Tim Ferris interview
it gives you some good history and it's an interesting listen he also explains smart contracts well

The only reason I was emotional about it was because I don't have very much money invested in crypto, but most of it is in btc right now, so if it was to flip, it would be a total disaster, and I kept hearing arguments from both sides, got a bit confusing

yeah don't listen to that shit

think of it as someone trying to take your BTC and hodl

or BCC hodlers trying to get paid

if you actually have insider info as to when the pumps will happen you could play with fire but you might get burned trading it
probably yeah, even though btc is manipulated, it's so huge it's generally sort of consistent, I guess all the insider pumps from bcc are from a few limited groups
I didn't even hold btc for the hard fork haha, didn't believe it would be worth anything, sort of regret it due to that 1k pump but ah well, no matter
Anyway, thank you so much for explaining things to me!

you got it it's all manipulated but less and less the more people buy in

>> No.3115416
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See you on the other side my friend

>> No.3115459

Buy BTC. BCC is a ploy by Goldman Sachs to extract MORE wealth from you before they start pumping BTC again. Notice why BTC hasn't dropped at all despite BCC 2x'ing? Because if they keep it propped up, the vast majority of people will just happily stick with BTC. And the vast majority is always right in the free market, even if they are technically wrong.

>> No.3115613

The point is it doesnt matter if the fees are low dumby. BTC is king. BCC won't top it and the tether scandal shit will barely faze the price

>> No.3115630

>BTC is king. BCC won't top it and the tether scandal shit will barely faze the price

Three statements in a row that literally don't mean anything.

>> No.3115655

Why not just invest in ARK since it will connect everything?

>> No.3115672

nop. there's lots of bch to fiat gateways now :)

>> No.3115758

Core = controlled by usa gvt
BCU = controlled by chinses gvt

>> No.3115764


>> No.3115962
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/biz/ is always late.

>> No.3115974

the us govt doesn't even acknowledge crypto, that's why the USD is going to get BTFO and the world economy will collapse

we should be fighting a crypto war right not, not pissing around with north korea

>> No.3115983

actually now that I think about it, could the NK escalation be tied to China using cheap North Korean slave coal to subsidize their electrical costs and centralize crypto?

fuck I think I just thought of my next steem post

>> No.3116041

Its going to be bad for coinbase if it does happen. They have no plans to get BCH online until like November. If BTC crashes down to 10 dollars they are going to be hurting for funds.

>> No.3116052

>the us govt doesn't even acknowledge crypto
do you think the secret service would let the bitcoin devs become a threat to the usd? that's why the core team isn't allowed to make bitcoin a currency but only an asset.
USA really goes hard against all those who threaten the usd.

>> No.3116071



Never going to happen.

>> No.3116086

Isn't all this Bitcoin Cash shilling an attempt to offload bags? Think about all the people who bought at $700 and watched BTC rocket up while BCC crashed. They'll sell as soon as they break even.

>> No.3116088

The whole purpose of this pump is to drive the btc price down to gain cheap btc by selling the idea to bunch of poorfags that they can become whales with their fake bitcoins.

It'll never get anywhere near as low as that lol

>> No.3116094

You're onto something lad

>> No.3116136

>The whole purpose of this pump is to drive the btc price down to gain cheap btc by selling the idea to bunch of poorfags that they can become whales with their fake bitcoins.
>It'll never get anywhere near as low as that lol

I'm thinking BCC will pump to $800 and BTC might slide to $3700 at which mass BCC dumping will occur.

>> No.3116167

Truth is there are better coins that can be used as currency and have more technology behind them. BCH is a better store of value than BTC. BTC has nothing but being the first and the biggest. Its also decaying right now. The only volume today are the sales. The buys are all little boost sales to drive the price up.

>> No.3116182
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>> No.3116193
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>> No.3116212


>> No.3116218

One chinese company is mining over 95% of BCC, stay away from that crap

>> No.3116381

I apologize desu. I bought some to make up for my behavior.

>> No.3116408

who cares. I dont mine anyways so Its not like they are stealing any gainz from me. Plus its in their best interest to keep the coin going if they control it so it wont fail.

>> No.3116415

Major Chinese mining facilities are built next to large hydroelectric dams. Since you can't turn off rivers, it's basically free electricity.

>> No.3116443

How much money is there to be made on steem posting?

>> No.3116449
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It's just gonna keep getting better....

>> No.3116488

Please come back with your sob story when you've been totally pwned.
OMG the stupid here is incredible. You're being played like a fiddle (or are YOU the one playing?)

>> No.3116514

So if everyone dumps BTC for BCH, wouldnt that completely murder the value of Alts? Are people really going to destroy the value of their investments? I dont see BCH/alts on any exchanges.....

>> No.3116547

Remember the alt crash last week?
Big holders preparing I bet.

>> No.3116556

No, the value of their alts would be unchanged or they would go up in value vs bitcoin but down in value vs the dollar.

>> No.3116578

You're wrong.
Bitcoin cash is leaving no survivors.

>> No.3116602

That would be funny though.

1. Slowfag wakes up and checks his NEO and Gas
2. NEO 6.5 Bitcoins each!
3. Euphoria sells his NEO
4. New USDT worth of 65 dollars.
5. ????????
6. Lands on Quickfag Anonymouses old Taurus that he abandoned when he bought his lambo with his BCH fortune.

>> No.3116608

>Major Chinese mining facilities are built next to large hydroelectric dams. Since you can't turn off rivers, it's basically free electricity.

from what I have read, not that its possible to get real information, this is literally warehouses built within view of these hydro dams, the mining operations are getting megawatts of power for 50K a month, something that would cost approx 1 million a month in the vast majority of US markets.

>> No.3116619

in 10 years it will turn into infinite USD

>> No.3116636
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>he doesn't know about the bubble


>> No.3116721

>Bitcoin cash is leaving no survivors

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3117043
File: 66 KB, 1369x671, download (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trendline as a low risk entry. BCH/USD is near a mirror image of this.

>> No.3117092
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If BCHUSD can hold the trendline and BTCUSD breaks below hourly 200 sma, it's being tested now, then BCHBTC has nowhere else to go but up so those are the key levels to watch.

>> No.3117174
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Here's BTCUSD it's been struggling to stay above $4200 for the past week and buyers have now faild to hold it, again. It's going to be an interesting week if buyers can't get back above $4200 asap.

>> No.3117544

Does anyone know how many more blocks until BCH difficulty adjustment?

>> No.3117609

BCC: $600
LTC: $45
Stay mad bitcuck

>> No.3117636

>Jews (Blockstream) take over Bitcoin
>oldfags fork off into Bitcoin Cash and pretty much say "fuck off"
>low-IQs can't into logic and think that BCC is a takeover attempt
I bet you think the USA will still exist when niggers and spics are the majority of the population, too

>> No.3117658

bcc isnt a take over attempt the guy that satoshi left bitcoin too is the same purposed who proposed this solution to the scaling problem cmon do some research btc is an old fart slow af 3tps high ass fees bcc cheap fees fast af and scales wayyy better upwards 9/10 transactions per second

>> No.3117862
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>> No.3117863

I enojy reading how ass blasted those bcc shills get everytime they get shit on

I always use LTC if i cash out or want to put more money into crypto

BCC has a long way to go and the promissed flippening won't be there for another 10years

>> No.3117871

It's going to be an interesting weekend.

>> No.3117964
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>> No.3117970

I don't like the way bitcoin is now, but no way I'm trusting some random fucking chink with the most punchable rapeface in existense as the "savior of bitcoin".

>> No.3118186
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*blocks your apology*

>> No.3118219
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Good! Ees Top Coinu!

>> No.3118426

Holy shit. tf is this?

>> No.3118496

i dont trust chinks at all

>> No.3118671


chinese seem to know what they are doing when it comes to coding tho

and there's nothing stopping anyone from mining BCC. soon the US government will be mining BCC or BTC.

>> No.3118834

what do we think the target price of this BCC pump is? 1k USD / 0.25 BTC region?

BTC is now sub 4k and probably going to drop to 3800, if you were to guess, what is the floor for BTC and ceiling for BCC?

>> No.3118859
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update, looking forward to tomorrow, going to sleep without a stoplimit now

>> No.3118870

just close already

>> No.3118881


>> No.3120082
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>> No.3120117


btc to 200 and bch to 4k

>> No.3120140

Is this good or bad?

>> No.3120172

A few options, BCH to USDT to LTC or ETH to coinbase to $$$$$

>> No.3120207

If that order gets pulled and the price goes higher then this trader is spoofing the market.

>> No.3120235

84 million vs 21 million

>> No.3120249

OP forgot that 90% of miners already voted in favor of Bitcoin Core

Press F to pay respects for this fucking idiot

>> No.3120446

and you think 176 TPS can compete with VISA's 3 000 000 TPS ? are u retarded ?

>> No.3120471

What? A 600 btc sell wall? What's so special?

>> No.3120616


90% of miners voted for SegWit2X, which is not Bitcoin Core software.

Get your facts straight faggot

>> No.3120672

next stop 0.2, then it's easy pickings.

>> No.3120771

pajeet amounts. its a clone of reddit with pajeets just upvoting and commenting eachother.

Yes fine sir. Very intelligent post. I wish a great life for you family.

>> No.3122112

Bitcoin cash is never getting off the ground. Ever.

>> No.3122129

>...says the increasingly nervous BTC holder for the 15th time today.

>> No.3122470

because building a dam is free

>> No.3122486

90% of miners voted for a higher block limit before bcc emerged bcc now emerged this is what they voted for we dont want segshit same shit as btc slow af high fees fuck outta her youll see soon enough lol when i have all your bags

>> No.3122633

say no more anon

>> No.3123261
File: 155 KB, 1000x1400, makifes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is overpriced.