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File: 22 KB, 612x491, 636108652280583995766440092_Pepe Confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3113588 No.3113588 [Reply] [Original]

>Try to figure out the truth behind BTC vs BCC

>browse r/bitcoin and r/btc

>everything they believe is literally the polar opposite of the other

>can't even tell which side is shilling

I don't get it. Everyone is so staunch about their views and nobody makes any concessions at all. What is the truth here? Should I actually be investing in BCC?

>> No.3113803


no you shouldnt be investing in either. The ultimate red pill is that both groups hate bitcoin. They couldnt accept leaving bitcoin alone and making their own coins, they just had to impose their will on everyone else.

The successful investments are run by altcoin developers, who go off and create great things instead of squabbling for years to get a line of code added. They are not afraid to start off at a very low valuation.

bitcoin developers (all of them) are complete cucks.

>> No.3113814

This. Go read about ETH and Vitalik and see what the rest of us are doing.

>> No.3113827

Everyone will just shill bcc to you here right now because it is pumping at the moment and they want to make a profit.

About 1 week ago no one would of had anything good to say about it because /biz/ had no money in it and its literally a chinks private chain completely separate to the peoples bitcoin.

There is benefits to both but the truth is BTC will always come out king in the end

Wouldn't recommend buying in now as its risky territory but it could end up profitable for you

>> No.3113846

You choose: a few guys who started blockstream wit vc money vs HODLers getting fed up with them after fucking up for over 2 years already...

>> No.3113849

They're both pretty shitty. Never underestimate the power of shitty internet politics.

>> No.3113851

/r/bitcoin is heavily censored, and /r/btc is comprised of the people who were heavily censored. Given that history, the outcome you're describing is to be expected.

Segwitcoin will die, BCH might replace it, or it might be too late.

Focus on alts. I have 5% in BTC which I keep to buy underpriced alts when the opportunity arises, and 10% in BCH because it's the real bitcoin.

>> No.3113852
File: 80 KB, 1333x900, 245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the lamen term answer

Thymos run r bitcoin censor everything cause he evil ass nigga

r btc is made cause bcc is bad ass lower fees, faster, cheaper etc and mainly the solution to the scaling problem

btc no longer profitable to mine

bcc now profitable to mine plus all its benifits no brainer

so get in or lose your bags

>> No.3113871

Bcc mining heavily centralised. It's over. We're finished.

>> No.3113879

basically another alt trying to be btc

>> No.3113898


1. Go back to /r/bitcoin
2. Ask why you can't see votes
3. Ask yourself who controls /r/bitcoin, bitcointalk, bitcoin.org
4. Ask yourself why people complain about censorship on /r/bitcoin

Realise blockstream is controlling all the information being fed to you via those 3 said channels + an army of paid shills on other sites such as 4chan to influence your thoughts.

>> No.3113973

the problem right now is the only people squabbling over what the 'real' bitcoin is are the developers, miners, and crypto nerds. none of the institutional money understands that there is a second bitcoin. the major gateway for retail investors - coinbase - has and probably will not acknowledge BCH as the dominant chain and until that happens I don't see BCH fully overthrowing BTC

>> No.3114016

>/r/bitcoin is heavily censored, and /r/btc is comprised of the people who were heavily censored

Haha, what the fuck? Goodness 4chan is such a blessing. You can shill here, but you can't censor.

>> No.3114039

the real truth is that the handful of people that really really know, aren't saying shit.

>> No.3114052

Exactly, what a shit show...

>> No.3114055

Not true:


>> No.3114564


what about bitcointalk ?? They barely talk about BCH at all. Are they censored too?

>> No.3114574
File: 623 KB, 1024x642, zbkaPetQUNQJHyJEREZC37RD-XUby64NzQTHfzf69As.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3114641

Yep, by the same guy even :)

Both are "moderated" by theymos.

Go ask him what happened to the 6000 bitcoin he got from the communitty to update the forums. Or just open a thread about the /r/bitcoin censorship :)

>> No.3114916

BCC fags tell you that segwit is centralisation.
Ask them how a decentralised system (basically like the internet) is more centralised that miners that only the rich can afford (the blockchain will grow at 1 PETABYTE per year if BCC were the dominant chain)

Ask them how a system where ANYONE can be a hub is centralised.
They won't know how to answer

>> No.3114929


How is BCC centralized and BTC isn't?

>> No.3114961

with 8 MB blocks, the blockchain will grow at 1 petabytes per year.
That means only rich miners will be able to buy the hardware. The regular folks won't be able to participate in the bitcoin distribution.
So only rich people will be able to hold the blockchain, and check that a transaction is authentic.
Which is something I can do right now on my pc at home. I won't be able to do it, so I will have to use a centralised system, also known as a bank, to check for me if the transaction is legal.

>> No.3115013

>BCC fags tell you that segwit is centralisation
Segwit is the first step towards the lightning network, KYC, btc will basically be unusable on-chain, and you'll probably have to register with an ID just to use it.

Also the massive censorship on /r/bitcoin and bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org, combined with the smear campaigns against core devs to kick them out, banning of wallets and organized trolling (Bram Cohen actually incidentally showed a tab with the organized-trolling slack in one of his presentations) is one step beyond centralization, it's full-blown dictatorship, North Korea style. You retards are falling for it. Your portfolios will also fall, give it a few months.

>> No.3115036

>with 8 MB blocks, the blockchain will grow at 1 petabytes per year

Are you a paid shill or just bad at 5th grade math? Or both maybe?

>> No.3115054


6*24*365*8*1000000=420.48e9 bytes= 420 GB

>> No.3115072

maybe you should have started paying attention 5 years ago you chan tard dipshit

>> No.3115101


tomorrow bitcoin cash will be >50% more profitable to mine than bitcoin. the bitcoin network already being slow, what do you think will happen to bitcoins price when people realize you cant actually use the network anymore?

>> No.3115119
File: 52 KB, 614x500, 1497698430922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just spouting memes I read
But you're right
I've been lied to.
Bigger blocks is the real solution

>> No.3115160
File: 993 KB, 2670x2136, liftoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BCC will fly to the moon, that's what will happen.

>> No.3115178

This sounds a lot like American politics.

>> No.3115196

both sides just want to tap into fee money and got a bunch of retards to shill for them on reddit and elsewhere by using meaningless terms like "satoshi's vision"

>> No.3115212

absolutely this. don't get caught up in the shit flinging fest, it's all bullshit.

>> No.3115229

So the gist I'm getting that is BCC is centralized because the hardware demands are getting higher. And BTC is centralized because of Segwit & Lightning Network being some Jewish scheme.

This sounds like Bitcoin in its original vision completely failed. But it can't be dethoned so easily because exchanges use it as a mediator in trade (which is effectively a type of merchant acceptance), and now the public at large only is in on this and typically does not care about ideals or principal.

>> No.3115255

Look on the bright side. The shittiest coin is going to die and may the greatest alt take its mantle.


>> No.3115280

My btc transaction has been stuck for 5 hours no with no conf. Guys... stay on the exchanges, buy as much bcc as you can... tomorrow it will be even more profitable to mine bcc.

>> No.3115294

Okay, and then what? A bunch of miners switch over, difficulty increases and it becomes less profitable.

>> No.3115303

it will still be more profitable then bitcoin reguardless once miners leave it will collapse

>> No.3115304

>BCC is centralized because the hardware demands are getting higher.

Oh no, someone will have to buy a 1TB hard drive instead of a 500GB hard drive

Storage technology will always become bigger and cheaper. Can you say the same thing about a centralized second layer payment system? No, the fees will always get larger and larger.

>> No.3115309

and meanwhile btc slows to a halt because it can't adjust for weeks or months

>> No.3115319

bcc is the true bitcoin not another alt coin thats what they (btc) want you to think cause they know its better scales better cheaper fees and is faster

>> No.3115334

it's amazing that bcc is third in market cap when all discussion about it in the main channels is being suppressed. that should tell everyone something.

>> No.3115338

Holy shit, looks like Bitcoin is going to tank hard.

>> No.3115348

One thing is sure.

Devs of BTC are still working on BTC.

Devs of BCH aren't work on the coin anymore.

>> No.3115349

and bitcoin transactions slow to a crawl. the bitcoin network becomes unusable. everyone accepts bcc as the new bitcoin.

it's already happening today. my btc transaction has been stuck for 5 hours with no conf... its technically more profitable to mine on the bcc chain now and tomorrow that profitability will increase with 50% due to the difficulty adjustment.

>> No.3115372


>> No.3115486


ok if BTC is going to die why should we switch to BCH and not some other coin? What does BCH have over litecoin ?

>> No.3115502

Yea but bcc didnt change much just bigger blocks. Core is the one implementing all this other shit for who knows what.

>> No.3115509

BCH is a fork of the original BTC chain. the only difference from orignal BTC and BCH is the 8MB limit, including block history

>> No.3115513

if it succeeds it will have waaay more miners than LTC, thus making it the most secure crypto on the planet. It also has 8 years of security cred.

plus everyone that wasn't actively against BCC (most normies) still own the equivalent amount in BCC so the distribution is fair

on top of that most alts have some fucking stupid premine or other nonsense

>> No.3115518

Why would the fees get higher on Lightning Network if its any full node being the intermediary for exchange (which more people are capable of running than mining). Which the fee is optional or the node is compensated when it catches a double spend.

So the fees would get higher for both because BCC is the original bitcoin with the blocksize increase?

(The storage space will increase but so will the computational power needed.)

>> No.3115526

but the only reason we've stuck with btc so long despite promising alts with better tech is name recognition, mass adoption, vendor acceptance, trading pairs, etc

if we're going to switch to an "alt" why BTC-with-big-blocks and not something more advanced with dedicated developers?

>> No.3115541

18 days ago they were the same, so "if you didn't touch your bitcoin since august 1st, you're ok"

>> No.3115580

>with better tech is name recognition, mass adoption, vendor acceptance, trading pairs, etc

Why do you alt guys ALWAYS leave out security? That's like criteria #1.

because when you don't allow bitcoin to scale as well, you are effectively killing the main competitor from the market

Listen, I like second-layer systems but they should be OPTIONAL. There's no good reason we have to cripple bitcoin to force people to use them.

>> No.3115601

BCC will be 50% more profitable to mine tomorrow dont be stupid btc is already slow af dont take that shit off exchange

>> No.3115606

Bitcoin died 150 times already, didn't you hear? I'm sure this is the REAL big one though....kek.

>> No.3115626

Two words sheeple,

Difficulty Adjustment.

BCC has it, BTC never will. That's why BCC will never die, and BTC will get rekt.

>> No.3115666

Man people actually believe this bullshit.

If it was all about fucking difficulty profitability DGB would be the best coin to mine but there has to be a fucking demand for the coin and a reason for it to have that price.

BCC is fucking nothing you can't change your bcc to real money without going through BTC.

BTC will always be king but this is a good pump to join if you got in early

>> No.3115687

If there is enough demand there will be services that exchange BCC and fiat. At the moment this is not the case, but who know what will happen?

>> No.3115691


its called a fork dipshit bcc btc the same different protocals whichever is better will win

bcc solves a lot of prolems btc doesnt
difficulty rate change
cheaper fees
faster transaction times can handle more transactions per second.

bcc will replace btc and is the true bitcoin do some research fag dgb is a gaming fuck coin

>> No.3115804

Do you even know how a fork works?
It was only btc until the 1st block mined on BCC then it just became a shitty alt coin.

Anyone can create a fork off the btc chain it doesn't mean it has any value btc chain can be forked 1000 of times.

I guess you're just new to this but I've been around long enough to see this shit happen before with Bitcoin+ and Bitcoin unlimited

Always ends up like this, pumps with a bunch of retards holding the coin thinking their gonna be fails whales and then the money all moves back to bitcoin in the end.

>> No.3115853

Both will fail and ETH will be the way going forward.

>> No.3115867

What even caused the recent BCC rise?

>> No.3115873

8mb block with almost 40,000 transactions?

>> No.3115887

mining it will become more profitable than BTC by sunday