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3113463 No.3113463 [Reply] [Original]

Sellwalls melting right now!
Don't miss the leap!

>> No.3113478

Tfw only 4 BCC :(

>> No.3113482

This is the time to sell not buy retard.

How new are you? You actually think miners will support jihans fucking alt coin.

Its not real bitcoin and never will be, BTC is always going to be king in the end and these prices are way too high now to be buying to make a quick flip we are riding purely on fomo now its too risky

>> No.3113492

This. If BCC were to became an actual currency it's blockchain would grow at the rate of petabyte / year. It's a fucking useless shitcoin.

>> No.3113551
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Lmao to you retards or payed fuds.

BCC is flipping tmorrow, dozens of chinese traders were talking and deleting their comments in twitter about how they would talk with the chinese miners about the flipping and how would they shit on btc.

Miners hate core/blockstream centralization of bitcoin to the soul and if you don't understand what is going on and why BCC is going moon you don't deserve to have a coin that will literally have the value of BTC in short/medium term.

Jihan, core and past core history are long and complicated, but the actual bitcoin devs have nothing to do with the original ones, they are put in there by blockstream, an enterprise leaded by guess who? Search for it.

BCC is the original Bitcoin, the top12 bitcoin holders did swap great % of their bags for it (Do you remember the extremely big pump when BCC was created? Who was buying retard? Did you see top50 btc wallet activity? They all sold and flee to $BCC).

It's mater of time.

cya, this is a topic where is really hard to find good info since bitcointalk and the rest of websites controled BY THE SAME ADMINISTRATOR ARE DELETING AND CENSORING EVERY SINGLE POST ABOUT BITCOIN CASH. GUESS WHY.

Sigh... It's just worth an evening of research, they basically delete every single post about it but there are basic docs everywhere explaining the BTC and BCC history and why is this happening.

Search for them.

>> No.3113586

thank you so much. I saw that every single post in bitcointalk about bcc (except the altcoin presentation post lol) was getting deleted but i didn't understand why and I couldn't find info about it.

now I get it

>> No.3113633


Sorry you're too poor to afford real btc

>> No.3113643

Why censor something if you don't have anything to hide?
On this principle alone I'll put my puny stack into Bitcoin Cash

>> No.3113651

It is currently 2% more profitable to mine on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

>> No.3113663


Also big blockers can easily fuck up bitcoin core by just pulling out into BCC. After they leave BTC is fucked. Everyone will jump ship

>> No.3113702


Well it was nice knowing you btc

>> No.3113708

"Why censor something if you don't have anything to hide?"
They have been hidding shit since 2015.

Read the "Brief history of block increase censorship." part of https://www.scribd.com/document/356476749/Bitcoin-Info-Sheet?secret_password=5EekczJvYtezxSLlWM31..

You can ofc compare it with another sources, it's the pure truth.

This guy is getting payed, everyone.

Let it be a 10%+ more profitable and suddenly BTC will literally stop in every sense, this weekend will be key.

>> No.3113714

Next Difficulty adjustment when!?

>> No.3113723

Tomorrow saturday.


When both lines get to touch, party will start.

>> No.3113731

Didn't the devs already stopped working on Bcash? There were no updates in 20 days...

>> No.3113741

This is the end. My only friend, the end.

Luke jr better be saying his prayers about now.

>> No.3113759

Is BCC bitcoin cash?

Because Kraken calls it BCH.

>> No.3113764

Even for a noob like me the situation is so exciting. I can't imagine how early adopters are feeling right now.

>> No.3113783


Real bitcoin is Bitcoin (Cash), retardo

>> No.3113796

Sold my bcc last night for ZRX.
Fucking faggots here told me to

>> No.3113802

I don't want anything else but bitcoin as it is with faster transactions.

I shit on everything else.

BCC has some good fomo, but I don't believe any of it. I have no BCC nor do I intend to buy a single one. BCC is unknown to everyone outside crypto -> no flippening, never ever with BCC (can't say for something else though)

>> No.3113810

BCC it's bitcoin cash indeed.

Lot of people getting payed to fud it in bitcointalk, /biz/, etc..

>> No.3113834


Also for extra keks:

>> No.3113837

i just sold my bcc at 0.14 for 40% gains. Was i stupid?

>> No.3113845


>$0.002 shekels deposited in your account

>> No.3113855

Ask that to yourself tomorrow.

>> No.3113873
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Lets poo bois

>> No.3113935

Alredy with big profits rofl,waiting for tomorrow and difficulty adjustment...

>> No.3113951
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>> No.3113955

Yall ready to watch the dump now that the difficulty is lower and miners still choose to ignore it?

FOMO retards

>> No.3113959
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i will consider buying myself back in if it drops to 0.11 again.

my terrible technical analysis skills are telling me its going to rise even more.

>> No.3113970

bcc is going to .7 dont believe me go all in btc see how that happens fucking loser do some fucking research i dont feel bad for taking you faggots money for being retards

>> No.3113982


Except the viabtc BCC pool is growing as I write this it just changed from 17P to 19P and just now 20P

>> No.3113990
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>> No.3113995

Why do you measure the price against bitcoin if BCC is so much better?

Oh that's right because BTC is the only thing that actually has value and is the gateway to actually converting these meme dollars into real money, you guys are fucking retards to think this is anything more than a short term pump n dump

>> No.3114035

Keep telling yourself that no-cash.

>> No.3114044

Sorry pajeet, should we buy espers instead?

>> No.3114077

is bcc the miner chink cash coin?

>> No.3114083

>be me 24 hrs ago
>sensing BTC would dip after the latest ATH
>trying to decide what alt to shift it all into to avoid teh dip
>consider XRP, LTC, ETH etc.
>Notice BCH is super stable over past few days
>All my coins are in Jaxx, which doesn't support BCH
>cant be fucked depositing it all to Bittrex
>Just use Jaxx's Shapeshift to put it all into ETH
>Today happens
>Could've doubled my money.

A-at least I got 2.5% gains from today in ETH r-right. That covered my shapeshift fees!

>> No.3114098

Cause ofc exchanges can't put a "BCC" altcoin-bcc exchange market headland like with eth or ether right?
It would take too much time, maybe... 24 hours?

Nice excuse

>> No.3114109

Nobody will stop using Bitcoin because of slow transactions. Never have, never will. And if the chink miners really do ditch, that'll leave Core the freedom to fuck them over however they like to fix the difficulty problem.

>> No.3114133

Jelly what price u enter?

>> No.3114164
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>obody will stop using Bitcoin because of slow transactions.
Cause slow transactions.
Cause fees will x10 in a year and will be semi impossible to use it normally.
Cause Blockstream is behind it wil centralizate bitcoin centralizating sidechains and making a separated fee for them.
Cause Blockstream kicked out with campaigns against them the whole original Core team and put in it their mans.
Cause China and asiatic miners HATE segwit and HATE bitcoin core team and they got a asiatic guy leading bitcoin cash.
Cause EDA technology won't let bitcoin cash ever die and cause bitcoin abc and the rest of developers are joining BTC cash to help them. Letting btc/blockstream alone.



>> No.3114254

thanks for this post. Extremely informative against the fudders

>> No.3114268


I have stopped using it completely. I'm sure there are plenty of others and more everyday. I can move my BCC to BTCMarkets and cash out nowdays without copping ridiculous fees and delays by trying to use BTC.

>> No.3114695
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>> No.3114789

I only have 1 BCH. My entire portfolio all the while was never greater than 0.5 BTC. Am I going to make it?

>> No.3114864

yesterday a guy said it would never go above 0.1
today somebody said it would NEVER EVER be above 1.25
Now you say it won't keep going up so it's not worth it to buy now.
I say you're wrong, as were the others

>> No.3114905


all of these can be confirmed in a single 8mb BCH block.

>> No.3114997

fuck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.3115143

bitchcoin over $9bln mcap

>> No.3115213

it will never go above 0.2.

>> No.3115228

watch me

>> No.3115234

>BCH starts to moon as soon as it gets distributed on Poloniex
Careful. Poloniex is the best at PnD strategies.