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File: 92 KB, 750x1334, 20931131_1432472213500764_1165258198_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3110299 No.3110299 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 20 year old with 101k. What the fuck do i sell ??? What would you do in my position. this is mental. Started with 5k in march by the way

>> No.3110315

Sell 90k and trade with 10k
That way if crypto crashes you'll still make good profit

>> No.3110324

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.3110325

nice stack but that's not 100k

embrs and zrx are trading for half that

>> No.3110330

AUD bud

>> No.3110340


Diversify. 100k is borderline change your life forever money if you're smart about it. Keep 30-50k in crypto and keep working it, take the rest out and put it into other investment vehicles.

Don't risk losing it all in crypto. Your 35 year old self won't forgive your 21 year old self if the money evaporates.

Protect you from you.

>> No.3110343

switch your blockfolio to usd and try to make an actual 100k first before you start bragging

>> No.3110344

This is good advice. Thank you.

>> No.3110352

Smart man

>> No.3110354

Euro* or GBP*

>> No.3110360

>Started with 5k in march by the way

Have you just been day trading?

>> No.3110368

Bought ethereum, rose to 91k > held all the way back to 34k in july then started buying ICOs and here we are

>> No.3110381

While i agree with diversifying would it be wise to perhaps just increase my bitcoin stack? It's almost a certainty that it will continue its upward climb in the long term

>> No.3110394

why not hedge somewhat with bch? or have you not split your coins yet?

>> No.3110402


If you sell it all, and invest 100k into index funds, and wait until you're 60 without touching it, you'll have about a million dollars.

That's retirement money right there kid, hope you make the right call.

>> No.3110407
File: 102 KB, 800x822, john candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remember, cars depreciate in value.

>don't waste it on a car

>> No.3110409

you could lock away what btc you do have currently and cash out 75% of whats left. BTC is theorized to continue only upwards long-term. The last correction lasted what, a week?

You seem to be skilled and attentive, so no reason to fret over getting out of the market. You'll know if / when it's a good idea to get back in if there is a crash.

No one here mentions buying property or opening a business you actually would enjoy. That's what I will be doing, or expanding the business anyway....

GL cunt

>> No.3110415


listen to this guy OP. Time to get educated about finances and retirement and INDEX FUNDS, ASA-effin-P. I am 30. I would have killed to have 100k at 21. I would have done dumb shit wtih it though. You can eitehr "have fun with it" or do the smart thing which future you will thank.

>> No.3110418

take like 70k or so out so if bitcoin crashes you dont get completely ass fucked and if it doesnt you still had money in

>> No.3110425

Just started. This is essentially my plan: build up a stack, take out my principle and a nice chunk to say that I did good if things go sour, then use the remaining NASA budget to take a shot at the moon.

>> No.3110431

you'll be regretting that almost certainty for the rest of your life

i'll break it down for you:

1. btc double topped after a legendary bull run and the sell orders in the books don't look pretty.

2. eth is getting a network upgrade soon called metropolis, causing entire coins to become irreverent as it absorbs their tech. this will cause shockwaves in the crypto environment, and btc is already shaky.

3. major investment firms like goldman sachs are predicting a retrace soon to sub $3000 levels. obviously btc won't hit the $4800 meme.

4. tether is sketchy as fuck, and has never been audited. you just have to trust them that the $80M they just printed and immediately dumped into btc is actually backed by usd and not a fractal reserve scam.

you can't be 100% sure of anything in crypto.

>> No.3110432

I drive a beat up 2005 hyundai elantra, Not going to waste money on a car untill it becomes 5% of my portfolio
good advice thank you
Sold my BCC low unfortunately, might buy some more
I'm thinking my next venture will be something to do with Ecommerce or perhaps search engine optimization, Currently studying a marketing degree which i hope helps me.

>> No.3110461

Hedge out of crypto. It's great while it's great but if BTC crashes to $3000 usd tomorrow your portfolio is now a 70k portfolio. Get some of that cash out now and drop it into a targeted index fund (Vanguard, etc) and forget you have it.

I'm making great gains in crypto but I've
got a $150k/year job and a 250/year household income plus substantial retirement accounts and equity in my home. If any one of my investments goes to shit I'm hedged.

You should be, too.

Protect yourself from yourself. Crypto is all fine and dandy until it's not. You have the gains you do now, but you might not have them tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with taking profit. Gains are not real until you realize them.

>> No.3110467

All in bitcoin. It's almost impossible for this coin to not hit at least 5k this year. It's been flirting with it this past week.

>> No.3110472

>The last correction lasted what, a week?

>implying this is a good thing

>> No.3110504

did you do heavy research on the ICOs you were investing in or did you just randomly choose ICOs to buy into? i guess what im asking is how did you choose what ICOs you wanted to buy into? ive been holding eth since march as well

>> No.3110516

In what scenario does crypto crash to 0 though? I understand shitcoins dying off, but Bitcoin? Ethereum? I'm pretty confident these are here to stay. Not saying it can't happen, but what would trigger such an event?

>> No.3110518

if you had 100k back in 2013 these faggots would tell you to sell, hold btc till 2020 and trade alts with btc to make more btc

>> No.3110521

Heres a VERY good spreadsheet from a reputable source.

>> No.3110545

I hate you. I started with £900 in Late june, missed the epic mooning of march and april of sweet sweet 10x gains, then lost money because of the June crash as the market was over saturated. Still in the clear at £1500, but I could have been easily sitting on £9000 to £30000 if I had of just been a month or 2 earlier.

Anyway, congratulations. If I was in your position, I would cash out a small percent, maybe 10k just incase everything goes tits up, maybe even 20k. Keep the rest invested in crypto for now :)

>> No.3110552

so according to that, Enigma looks very good and it comes out in 3 days. will you be buying that? also, i don't see Avalon on that spreadsheet, have you heard anything about it? ive been thinking of buying some

>> No.3110560

Thanks, aussie anon. Poorfag here trying to make something of myself.

>> No.3110564

Yeah, I'm going heavy into enigma. It's the presale in 3 days though, the actual ICO isn't for a while. I'll check that out now, thanks mate.

>> No.3110608

thank you as well for the spreadsheet. so how much have you gained from ICOs and how many have you bought into if you don't mind me asking? i've been hesitant to part with my eth but i think i may dip my toes into these ICOs far larger gains. but i also feel like eth id due to break out with metropolis around the corner.. tough decisions m8

>> No.3110629

Always have a nice pile of ETH, It's recent stablity is proving the be a nice hedge against volatility of my other shit coins. It's looking like its priming to breakout soon, but as always its dependent on what the big daddy btc does. But some major news like metropolis dates might shake things up

>> No.3110643


smart thing:
33% index funds
33% BTC
33% shitcoin trading

>> No.3110664

>Your 35 year old self won't forgive your 21 year old self if the money evaporates

I started years ago and do not forgive myself for not starting in crypto with 100k, I can get over losing money, especially this money which has never been more than numbers on a screen to me, but the bitterness that comes with half assing being so right is a horrible fucking feeling I'll likely never get over. I would rather burn with this crypto mistress than have her leave for the moon without me, see you in hell anons.

>> No.3110689

>It's the presale in 3 days though, the actual ICO isn't for a while.

What's a presale? A private selling? Then regulars like you or me can buy in september?

>> No.3110732

good work but your life is still gonna suck unless you get really rich. keep going

>> No.3110733
File: 5 KB, 646x40, presale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, found it myself, I'm not as completely helpless as I thought. Presales are for whales investing big money and get to buy first as a privilege.

>> No.3110741


Thanks, where'd you get this from?

>> No.3110791

from ((them))

>> No.3110815

godspeed edge-bro

>> No.3111095

>agrello the ico i put $100 in isn't listed in either the completed or upcoming icosections
what did the spreadsheet meme by this?

>> No.3111113

also is this spreadsheet being updated?

>> No.3111122

Poorfag reporting in, feeling generous enough to throw me a bone? Willing to work for it.

>> No.3111126


Appen (ASX:APX)

>> No.3111136
File: 20 KB, 404x329, Land of Dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 20 year old whose the exact opposite of OP living in someone else's basement!

>> No.3111138


>> No.3111156

thats why crypto will keep rising.

People "cash out" to fiat and hand the coins over to the next one makint 5x to 10x before selling again.

When will you learn to hold.

>> No.3111158

It's from a telegram whale group, It gets constantly updated. If you follow this spreadsheet you can't lose.
pull your head out of your ass and work cunt

>> No.3111181

sorry but i only have about $800 in crypto all up
consider investing in some kneepads or asking someone who has actually made big bucks in crypto

>> No.3111183

So you need 100k to invest in the presale jesus. Whats the total supply on this coin and how much per coin.

>> No.3111195

Wanted to ask OP. My bad, good luck man.

>> No.3111202

"lmao work harder xDDD"
because this meme always works

>> No.3111220

I think he's more saying wageslave to get fiat then invest it into crypto. Then eventually you'll just be able to live off your gainz.

>> No.3111292
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 1488336663001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do none of you retards notice the 24hr change in his blockfolio? This is a troll thread.
He literally added all these cryptogains a minute ago to make this shitty troll thread.

If you calculate it, he initially had about 700 AUD, then added a bunch of coins because he thought this thread would be funny and it got to 100k AUD, which is a rise of about 14.4k%.

Ya'll retarded.

>> No.3111295

another smart man

>> No.3111363
File: 87 KB, 606x586, 1454707521166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats just 14k more added not the percentage of his gains you fucking abysmal faglord drooling retard

>> No.3111378

thats $14k not 14k%. you can change between each it if you tap the text

>> No.3111387

god you're stupid.

>inb4 teehee i was just trolling you guise I'm not actually retarrrdd huehue

>> No.3111665

>calls people retarded
>doesnt know the difference between $ and %

10/10 kek'd

>> No.3111687

Lol. Rekt.

>> No.3111770

fucking cunt

>> No.3111831

I agree, but I would advise to take even more out of crypto

10k is plenty IMO. I would cash out the rest.

>> No.3111845

Wait till you got 1m AUD then buy land

>> No.3111945

Hmm I wasn't planning on putting more money into crypto this year but the meme spreadsheet has tempted me into enigma and chain link

>> No.3111998
File: 378 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170818-055708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im only 25 and Im gonna be a multi millionaire within years. Its truly surreal. Were all gonna make it.


>> No.3112008

Posted from my phone. inb4 why so many shitcoins.


>> No.3112036
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>> No.3112041

>It gets constantly updated.
The link you posted updates itself? Or do you have to find the new versions yourself?

>> No.3112073

What was your initial investment.? Also do you make the majority of your gains from icos or day trading?

>> No.3112084

Congrats on the gains, but I truly believe that shitcoins are ultimately all useless, and their only merit is that at some point, many of them might have a sudden spike or two that people can make money off of, before inevitably crashing.
For that reason I can't bring myself to pay attention to them.

>> No.3112088

holy shit this looks like a fucking goldmine bro

>> No.3112120

wew i want that much btc wtf.

>> No.3112169
File: 226 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170818-201910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about joining the navy and putting all disposible funds to crypto for the next bitcoin harvening?
>16% superannuation along with disposible income
I hate my life currently. Only hold and buy high, constantly checking blockfolio. Likely wont make it at this rate

>> No.3112175

Around 2-3k back in Feb/March. I got very lucky off ETH and used the gains from that keep going.

ICOs are a scam. Day trading doesn't work. You will see people tell me shit coins are worthless and I'm wasting my time, but they won't have gains like me. If you really want to make money read what I am about to link. I have been doing this method for months and that's how I have gotten to where I am.


To that, all I can say is you don't make money chasing coins like NEO or listening to /biz/. The real money are in what everyone likes to refer to as "shitcoins" which is basically what someone says when they are talking out their ass.

>> No.3112184


Gibs something plz rich OP, I need money for unspecified meat trading

>> No.3112193

This is entire thread just shows how feeble this crypto market really is...Christ. You other "hodlers" should pay attention to sentiment like this.

If all people want to do is be in for your quick buck, then out, then I have my doubts.

>> No.3112200

I would love some too, if someone feels generous. My health got fucked up, can't find good job because of it, trying to make money off crypto trading.


>> No.3112210

Happy for you op
I got in with 12usd just a couple months ago
I simply had not much extra more
More than doubled it now. My only sad feeling is that i had no more money to enter with

>> No.3112221

>ICOs are a scam
what a stupid fucking thing to say

Yeah, most ICOs are shit, but to throw down a blanket statement like that after shit just recently like district0x, 0x, STOX, OmiseGo, Status, etc....

Just dont pick shitty ICOs, if you pick a good one you will make so fucking much money..

>> No.3112223

All shitcoins are doomed eventually unless bitcoin itself somehow falls to the wayside.

>> No.3112224

Shoo pajeets SHOO

>> No.3112234

Congrats on your twenty four dollars.

>> No.3112244
File: 207 KB, 400x386, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly do not believe you only had 12 dollars to put in
Like if you work a job, that's less than 2 hours of pay.
Even with bills, and being in college and 20k in debt i still throw down like 100$ a week on crypto.
Started in June of this year, 1800$ total initial investment over time, 7500$ portfolio value today.

literally this.

>> No.3112287

Thankyou senpai. I shall heed this wisdom.

>> No.3112339

Im also a young ausfag with a similar amount in crypto and i say dont believe what these autistic oldfags have to say. We are both young and will otherwise be destined to lifelong wagecuckery if we dont auccessfully execute a shitcoin trading career. You will always be able to make money but you wont always be fortunate enough to be as young as you are with the amount that you have invested in this emerging new asset class when its still in its infancy. In the end do what you are comfortable with but avoid being a total cuck.

>> No.3112349

Does anyone have a working link for this document?

>> No.3112360

Don't cash out Ethereum or ZRX for 2 months at least. Metropolis coming in September for Ethereum. Ethfinex and Token coming within a couple months also(built on 0x protocol, ZRX is the fee used). You will have 200k easily man. .

>> No.3112379

ICOs are a scam.

If youve made so much off them post your gains.

To anyone else reading this. DO NOT BUY INTO ICOs!!!

Wait until they hit the market and give them about a day or two and then see if you want to enter. TRUST ME! Sure, some of them do moon, but a SHIT TON drop when they hit the market.

>> No.3112428

This. They always dip in the first few weeks or so.

>> No.3112437

Nice work mate. Ausbrah here too, 25. I just cashed out 40k AUD worth of NEO on a gut feeling at just over a million sats. It dumped hours later. Started with 3k investment. Leaving 15k of alts to fuck with.

Don't get clouded by greed if that money can change your life. Start with a few grand again and play with that~

>> No.3112460

err anyone that bought into the ZRX can sell rn for like 6x profit

>> No.3112518

Put at least 1 BTC in a paper wallet, store it in a safe. Don't touch it until you need it.

>> No.3112557

OP, fellow aussie here. Where do you trade ? Good work on the gains , if I can turn my 5k into 50k over a year , I'd be stoked.

Do you think NEO will outpace ETH and that BTC will dip again like Goldman Sachs predicts ?

>> No.3112596


Awesome gains OP.
If I were you I'd cash out and look for a low risk investment till the crypto and/or stock market crashes.

>> No.3112623

>70% BTC
>15% ETH

you're only 20 you don't need to start living like a rothschild just because you've got 100k on hand. if you work continue as normal and set aside a reasonable amount to dollar cost average into btc/eth. keep it all locked away in cold storage. gamble the 5% until you lose it or grows into 30-50% of your holdings, then convert all but 5% into btc/eth/gold and start again. rinse and repeat until global financial armageddon and convert into property/catgirls.

>> No.3112681

Thanks a ton for the link, anon. You're the kind of hero /biz/ needs.

>> No.3112734

Could you link/send me the telegram invitation? Temp email whale@TempEMail.net

>> No.3112782

>20 y/o

You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers

>> No.3112838

This thread is making me really self conscious about my 2k portfolio

>> No.3112857

wait till the bitfinex scandal emerges, btc price was fake-pumped since march. be ready to lose all your gains senpai.

>> No.3112860

can you give us some hot tips on how to? If those are rookie numbers i'm nowhere :(

>> No.3112862

If you know about it, it emerged.

>> No.3112967
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>got a $150k/year job and a 250/year household income plus substantial retirement accounts and equity in my home. If any one of my investments goes to shit I'm hedged.

Uhhh.... listen American.


>> No.3112974
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>> No.3112994
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They think everyone can live as good as them.
Its kinda funny to see how naive they are.

>> No.3113089

Wow, this guy nailed it right on the head.

You guys really think you aren't the last to hear news?

>> No.3113141

hot damn i love seeing that ass