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310714 No.310714 [Reply] [Original]

So Biz I come to you for suggestions, information, or help. I need to earn money fast, stocks or whatever you can suggest by all means I will listen. Anything you have to suggest I will listen.
>Lose my job a few months ago.
>Get put in the hospital and drain through my savings quickly.
>Move back home with my mother because she is sick.
>I am now broke as can be.
>She has no income and is very sick, needing medical treatment.
>I have a truck that I can maybe put up for as collateral for a bank loan of maybe $5000 if I am lucky.
>No jobs I have applied for are calling back or hiring.
Suggest in something, because I am only seeing one option right now.

>> No.310717

>neither of you have or had health insurance and she lacks social security and medicare

Thanks Republicans.

>> No.310720

Have gay sex for money.

>> No.310724

Even if that was the case, I am down to my last dime and its essentially zero month, at the end of the month thats it.

>> No.310730

>Have gay sex for money.
I live in a highly rural area with a low job count, there is nobody in which to fuck and they would most likely pay me in food stamps.

I'm looking to get started in investing but hopefully cash out quick enough to pay the load if I took one out and continue on that path.

>> No.310737


Can't you it for free now?

>> No.310738

if you're looking for quick cash in "investing" you are going to quickly lose what little you have left. If you get $5000 a great return over 1 year would be 10% which would leave you with $500 extra dollars in ONE YEAR. You need to get a job or start a business. Think outside the box.

>> No.310740

You're essentially talking about trading, not investing. You'd just lose your $5000 even if you could get it.

>and what is the loan for?
>I'm going to use it to open a margin account
>I'm going to have to ask you to leave sir

>> No.310742


Start a hauling service, maybe pick up trash for money.

Buy some landscaping tools, start a landscaping service.

Alternately, apply for social services, it's meant to help people like you

>> No.310771

Try buying used gym equipment, fixing it and reselling it.

>> No.310777

Ive actually considered this before but my only problem is due to the poor area in which I live I am not sure what would do well enough to actually stay open. I see lots of shops open and close within a month due to no customers and I need some kind of niche to stay open.

there are 3 Walmarts in the surrounding hour radius of where I am.

I just need to figure out something poor white trailer trash would love to spend money on.

>> No.310782

I used to run a hauling service for a sewing factory until they shut their doors. All landscaping jobs are now overrun by Mexicans, I used to make lots of dosh as a teenager into my early 20's running one on my own and was my second job for a long time.

>> No.310792


so... start doing it again, clearly there's a market for hauling and landscaping o_O

>> No.311464

i have tried this, i have lost over 80% of my 'investment' in a year.
it's time consuming, stressful and easier to lose money than it is to make.

>> No.311467

Mexicans will undercut his price, trust me, they undercut my prices all the time, I rely on my ability to speak English well and have references but can't match the price.

>> No.311516

>something poor white trailer trash would love to spend money on.


>> No.311523

Penguins over Rangers at -140 to win the Round 2 of the Stanley Cup playoffs. This is for the series, not for the first game.

Penguins are a drastically superior team that had a Rocky round 1, so they're paying much better than they should.

If you're still reading, don't actually make the bet, but I can assure you that it's better than any quick cash scheme to actually invest in high volatility markets. You're less likely to lose all your shit betting on the penguins and getting back 71 cents on every dollar bet.

Eurovision's coming up in a week and a half though. I've been following it for the last 7 years and the early favorite has never failed to make top 10. If you're Canadian you can make a quick 16.66% return on investment by betting on Armenia to make top 10.

>> No.311525
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Anything involving investments requires a tremendous amount of study and a willingness to take hits.

I'm currently trading the EUR/USD and the USD/CHF, but I lowered my entire cost of living to around $900.00 a month. I live in some fucker's basement and spend all my money on my account.

Wake up at midnight and go to bed at 2AM, cry myself to sleep sometimes. Just started becoming profitable and studied for 3 1/2 years to figure out what worked for me before going forward.

If you're serious, OP...I can give you books that will help you out. But if you're not willing to die for the life you want to create, go to West Virginia and work in a coal mine for $60K a year, that is my most sincere advice.

>> No.311528


I go to bed at 2PM...whoops...lol

>> No.311534


I swear you're better off learning to bet sports/events/politics.

Fact is that in currency is traded by big players and robots, sports markets are traded by drunk Irishmen and Eastern Bloc retards.

Maybe I'm just blowing smoke but goddamn would I not wish the currency trading life on anyone. Sports are stressful enough for me as-is even with surefire bets like Jon Jones to obliterate anyone he fights at a 10 to 1 favorite.

Even if you lose on a bet like that they'll never lose the next fight. So long as you never bet more than 7% your bankroll you can always recover by going all in on the next match.

>> No.311551

>Great return
lel @ non-daytraders. An index fund would've done much better than that the last years, by the way.

It's true that you can't just jump in and make money easily, though. You need to study it a bunch first, obviously, and also demo trade until you find a method that works well for you. So, not an option for OP, who presumably has limited time.

Won't Obamacare force hospitals to treat your mother?

Indeed, you can cook some meth - not that I would condone it. You'll probably end up getting jailed when they follow you after aquiring the ingredients, if they have those kinds of resources, but it's probably a good source of revenue otherwise, seeing as poor people like to use drugs to escape their shitty surroundings.

If you want to study that, Uncle Festers books seem good (he even has one called "Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture"). You need to know what you're doing, somewhat, though. He offers advice on how to make the components, and what kind of stuff to substitute the expensive glassware (as seen in Breaking Bad, very hard to aquire and kept under watch/registered) with. But again, you need to know what you're doing, and it's illegal, so don't do it.

There's no harm in reading about it, though, is there?


Maybe you should just become a burglar or something (metal thief). Again, you should refrain from crime and I don't condone it, but if you have no other way of making money, surely it's better than killing yourself?

Good luck, anyway.

>> No.311644

I'm not OP, but those book suggestions sound tempting. Mind naming a few?

>> No.311660

Where do you even bet on sporting events? It's illegal locally. I have always wanted to bet on boxing because I can call at least 75% of the fights.

>> No.311662

not how it works

If you arent insured at all in the US you get two forms of free treatment: emergency, and clinic. If you go into the emergency room, you will always be treated with the best of care (unless you are a homeless bum or drug seeker that just tries to squat there) and admitted to the hospital under medicaid. You will rack up huge bills, but since you look like a good candidate for bankruptcy anyways, oh well. If you need preventative or continuing care or birth control, you go to free clinics, which will see you quickly for an initial checkup, but then schedule you 6-8 months down the line for specialist care.

OP, if I were in your situation (im assuming you can work and arent permanently crippled) i would apply for jobs in the dakotas and canadian oil fields as manual labor, or anywhere else in the country that they need warm bodies. When you need a bus pass, walk down the road before trash day and get cans from recycling boxs. God bless (although he sure hasnt already)

>> No.311670


>Living in murica making 10% return on pleb investment
>Such is life in murica

Sure for the uneducated, non-risk takers. With a bit of practice and study, the share market is your best mate

>mfw sniffing blow off a hookers open ass crack after making 100% on a post IPO share last week

>> No.311690

>>Move back home with my mother because she is sick.
>>I am now broke as can be.

well get welfare bro. you cant work because your watcjing your mom, and your mom is sick so she can get beneifts as well. get you 150-200 bucks in a card for food, reduced or free housing, you maybe able to go to college or classes of some sort for free.general spending money.

use the free time to plan a low cost buisness idea or something. maybe invest a lil in stocks/bonds whatever

>> No.311912


So undercut their prices, it's clearly the going market rate

>> No.311939

you realize they don't pat taxes, sic. security, unemployment insurance, etc..

not that I care

>> No.311945


Nobody's asking you to start a real company, just go around offering to cut crass you faggot

No wonder you're piss broke.

Little kids shovel sidewals and cut grass, what is so hard about it?

>> No.311947

Have you tried calling the places you applied for? Only losers wait for them to call first.

>> No.312244


There are plenty of books that take US players, best one is betonline.com

Boxing is often easy to call and the payouts are small, but heavy favorites never fucking lose and are propped up by hopefuls who want to cheer for an underdog.

>> No.312271


Businesses aren't confined to the real world anymore, you're posting on the internet for fucks sake. You can sell items to people around the world.