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File: 14 KB, 334x151, bcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3105406 No.3105406 [Reply] [Original]

While btc hardforks again and continues to piss people off the light shines over here.

>> No.3105730

When is difficulty adjustment?

>> No.3105756

What happened to the original 1 mb bitcoin? Theres either segwit or bigger blocks but no original chain anymore? why is that?

>> No.3105851

Since everyone signalled segwit the non-segwit transactions won't be mined.
So it's just not there anymore

>> No.3105866

In like 2 days

>> No.3105870

soft fork vs. hard fork

>> No.3105937
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How much do you think today's bump is caused by this?

>> No.3105988


If bch suddenly gets more profitable to mine, then miners will mine it instead of bitcoin. Price will go up, profits too, and btc price will go down. Then miners stop mining btc. With such huge difficulty if miners stopped mining it, it would take forever for difficulty to drop. Transaction times will be x100 longer. Price will drop like a rock.

Basically there is a possible scenario where "the flippening" could happen. So people are buying just in case

>> No.3106038

Feel a lot better about being mostly in BCC.
...It's been an emotional week.

>> No.3106042
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Latest news from the Bitcoin Core clown show:

Bitpay has released instructions for its customers to upgrade to SegWit2X software in preparation for the fork. In response Blockstream has come out calling them fraudsters for misleading their customers.

Yes Bitpay the biggest Bitcoin payment processor.

Blockstream has now removed references to Bitpay from their websites and are censoring Bitpay discussion on r/Bitcoin.

Their smaller investors are already screaming bloody murder for burning $20,000 per month on their satellite PR stunt.

SegWit2X still has supermajority support from miners, exchanges, and some of the biggest businesses.

Blockstream now considers "Bitcoin" to be the Bitcoin Core software ie. SegWit1MB, regardless of miner support, economic support, or public opinion.

They have made themselves irrelevant and have vaulted past dishonesty to straight up lying to users of r/Bitcoin, anyone who follows their Twitter feeds, and readers of several op-ed articles.

BCH or SW2MB is irrelevant as they must compete with each other, meanwhile Blockstream edges closer to criminal negligence and conspiracy to commit fraud.

This gets more entertaining every day, and I'm up with my BCH to boot!

>> No.3106045

segwit isn't activated yet.
when it activates there could be 4 chains. Original, Segwit 1MB, Segwit 2x, Bitcoin Cash

>> No.3106067

jihan should die slowly and take all his devs with him

>> No.3106090

Man eth is a dictatorship but at least it's organized. BTC is like the United Nations

>> No.3106203


That reminds me, why doesn't Trump come out with his own coin?

>> No.3106210
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Thank god I invested in the REAL bitcoin while bankers convince normies to fund their pump n dump on Bitcoin core.

>> No.3106255
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With any luck this will happen.

I'm in for 14 bcc so bring it on.

>> No.3107459

Why is this shitcoin mooning?

inb4 "core=evil" BTC has been mooning all week

>> No.3107465


>> No.3107481

if you were one of the top dogs in bitcoin, and i mean top 10, and you wanted to unload your bitcoin for BCH, would you just dump or pump first?

>> No.3107484

>Why is this shitcoin mooning?
because it's a pump and dump
this is the pump

>> No.3107573

thread theme


>> No.3107586

I would hold it because I know by now the value in building wealth not riches.

>> No.3107599


>> No.3107616
File: 129 KB, 640x616, Pepesniffing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10 BCC here (100% of my monies)

I bought them at $200, feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.3107618

Swag is for boys, class is for men

>> No.3107621


>> No.3107632

when's the next best time to buy into BCC


>> No.3107633

This could go both ways. both are being pumped. And BCH is 10000x more likely to get dumped.

>> No.3107644

I feel sorry for Chris Rock because he changed my perspective on money. But Im not black.


>> No.3107650

well I got out. I hate being poor. 100% gains is too much for me to lose. wish I could ride it out, very possible we see 200% tonight..

>> No.3107655

I'm predicting 0.15 before midnight EST.

>> No.3107671

literally the weakest hands

>> No.3107675

I'm fresh off the boat and have no fucking clue what I'm doing.

I got 1 bitcoin cash and am at $20 profit is it gonna keep going up or down.

I will (not) believe anything you tell me.

>> No.3107690

The segwit chain is compatible with the """"original"""" chain. I use quotes because the original chain was modified many times, so in that sense the original chain hasn't existed since 2008. Something like segwit is only another of the many changes, although it is a big change.

On the same note, BCC's 8mb change is also simply another of the many changes, making it technically "equivalent" to the segwit chain, except for the fact that the segwit chain has more mining power and a higher value, meaning most people treat that chain as bitcoin.

>> No.3107691


it's different when you're in debt and literally every penny you have is in crypto, not a savings account.

>> No.3107700

Put a buy order of half at -10%? That way you might profit off someone making a dump and secure profit.

>> No.3107710

You made the right move anon.

>> No.3107712

Only on Biz could you be chastised making 100% gains in a few weeks.

>> No.3107715


>> No.3107717

Fuck em already doubled my money bcc going hard today. Bout time people woke up damn. Not even close to stopping just started

>> No.3107721

>savings account

I hope no one on this board is dumb enough to have their money in a savings account. 0% interest and the bank owns your money. You have no one to complain to when they take it from you.

>> No.3107735

When miners move when difficulty shifts then we will see some real money this pump is the beginning

>> No.3107750

>all my money is in a savings account
>own 3 ltc
>only coins

Am I fucking up?

>> No.3107751
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>> No.3107758
File: 66 KB, 800x600, 1502678642400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.
It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.
It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.
It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.
It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.It is currently 0% more profitable to mine on the original chain.


>> No.3107773
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>> No.3107788

Debt is 20 trillion and there is a massive crash looming. The banks own your money if its in a bank. Look at Cyprus for the ramifications of that.

>> No.3107795
File: 47 KB, 456x432, 1411268810148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fugg should I go all in?

>> No.3107802

got in at 380 so w/e lol I'm waiting till tomorrow

>> No.3107810

wait, it's been in free fall the past 15 min

>> No.3107819


>> No.3107834
File: 236 KB, 808x805, 1501765923511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 16 minutes ago.

>> No.3107847


Yup, but even if you're too much of a pussy to go in you should definitely get the fuck out of BTC that shit is going to tank hard.

>> No.3107848
File: 22 KB, 255x228, 1497912656557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was saved from going all in by a pending deposit, i will be ready for when it goes back up!

>> No.3107867


>> No.3107893

lol wtf, the only crypto you own is ltc?

>> No.3107898

ltc is unironically the silver of crypto look at that stable price

>> No.3107901

> mfw I bought at .128 and sold at .112
yeah I'm off to kill myself allright. At least I learned that I should wait for the dip. This stunt cost me about 40$ ;_;

>> No.3107913
File: 621 KB, 1200x800, 1500831568295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how high do you think its going tonight boys?

>> No.3107919

KRAKEN is a piece of shit,
takes 1 min to submit or cancel an order.......................................................................................................

>> No.3107924

it'll hit 180

>> No.3107933

Where's the bottom at?

>> No.3107967


>bitcoin digito gode
>litecoin digito silver
this is the retard you're investing in.

>> No.3107998

normie trusting the fake media

>> No.3107999

How can I sweep my BCC out of the paper wallett to somewhere i can tade it? BitcoinABC takes forever to load, Bitcoinunlimited leads to the sae filename .qt, and I can't use Elecctrum cash because I use Electrum and only have one device.

>> No.3108006

Ok I bought now

>> No.3108039
File: 7 KB, 224x225, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought at 0.134

>> No.3108043

The rides over, back to earth now...

>> No.3108044


watch from 3:10

I kek'd

>> No.3108059

The mining adjustment hasn't even happened yet

>> No.3108096

Shit will go back down to 0.09 in the next few hours. Buy then and wait till the difficulty adjustment.

>> No.3108121

Buying at .085 I think

>> No.3108138

Who the fuck buys something that has been ATH for like 12 hours already? This same shit happened to BCH like 2 days after it released. If you are gonna buy a peak, buy an hour or two in and hope that it continues to go up.

>> No.3108164
File: 67 KB, 1868x967, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prevous high of 0.12 was broken but buyers have failed to hold it. Support 0.11700000 failed to hold as well.
Next levels of support: 0.1100, 0.10425, 0.9500

>> No.3108215
File: 92 KB, 1868x1016, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larger picture shows seller have been leaning on the houlry 100 SMA keeping price in a consistent downtrend until buyers finally managed to push above. Stay above keeps buyers in control. Plenty of room for correction. Topside new high of 0.13756178 will find sellers and is now a target to get above.

>> No.3108327
File: 248 KB, 1280x915, 1470773253883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your prediction for the next 3 hours?

>> No.3108340

Yeah I guess my rationalization was to buy the most stable one and figure out how to use this shit.

>> No.3108459

BCH is more profitable to mine than BTC now. This is the real flippening.

>> No.3108537

It's on a swing low if buyers fail to hold the support levels that I mentioned than it's a failed break. If buyers manage to hold the levels than I expect buyers to eventually push higher and make an attempt to break the 0.13756178 high. May take a few tries, that's ok. If buyers keep pushing higher than watch how low the swing lows are getting. If each swing low is higher than the last than buyers are coming in earlier and earlier aka a trend is developing HODL, otherwise markets range bound buy low sell high until a trend starts to develop.

>> No.3108549


Now get it out of the exchange before it gets stolen

>> No.3108712

Reminder that an exchange in the united states is one of the safest places to store you're crypto besides a paper wallet.

>> No.3108786

There's a lot of people holding a shitload of bitcoin who can't be bothered or don't know exactly how to dump this shitcoin. Future software will make it easy to dump though


>> No.3108793


Cryptsy was based in Florida, look how well that turned out

>> No.3108799

What the fuck is going on?
I went out for an hour or two and it jumped to $500

>> No.3108818

>exchange in the united states is one of the safest places to store you're crypto
Go away Yellen

>> No.3108849
File: 149 KB, 800x820, you have to go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes no sense, because BCH has a fraction of BTC's hashrate.

>> No.3108858

Hash rate has nothing to do with profitability short term. Profitability has to do with coin price and difficulty.

>> No.3108871


>> No.3108873

Did bitcoin always have its block size limit hard coded? For some reason I remember an article at one point stating it didn't.

Cam anyone help me answer this? Google is useless, any reference to block size only talks about the most recent fork.

>> No.3108896

coin price and difficulty
less difficulty
less power consumption

this is the point everybody misses

>> No.3108913

When Bitcoin was worthless it had effectively no block size cap but Satoshi added a 1mb one since anybody could spam the network and create huge blocks at no cost. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1347.msg15366#msg15366

>> No.3108927

AND? It was going to be about the same from the beginning. Price is not depended on that. Is it all this shitcoin has? Few Chinese miners? It centralised more than a fucking FED! + it's boring as fuck, nothing new

>> No.3108935


>> No.3108942

Sorry to break this to you, but all Bitcoin have are also "Chinese miners".

>> No.3108953

you cunts better hope that this doesn't happen, because it would mean death to all non eth alts

>> No.3108966


>> No.3109004

Well, BTC is the one devoid of innovation. But hey, believe what you want to.

>> No.3109503

Yeah a pump and dump lasting all day yeah right read up losers if your counting on btc your going to see the miners move to the more profitable coin bitcoin cash which also scales better and is by the person satoshi left bitcoin do don't be left in the dust

Also maybe be drinking also balls deep In bcc yeet

>> No.3109548


>> No.3110116
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, 1492948499501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have been good to me being new and all, but it's past my bedtime in texas.
Should i sell my BTC right now or do i need to hodl?
kinda worried about the whole fork situation.

>> No.3110205

This is it it ain't goin up from here, it CERTAINLY ain't going to no 0.4 territory like it did on the first day, you can stop fantasizing about that boys. Not happening.

That being said - I thought about going in - feel bad that I missed the pamp.

>> No.3111283

It will keep going up until difficulty lowers in like 2 days

>> No.3111343

There's 94 BTC bet on this..


>> No.3112068
File: 52 KB, 599x298, thats fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, you guys stil HODLing or did you sell out?

>> No.3112213

I sold 2 because I bought too many.
I want to diversify in other shitcoins