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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 310x163, BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3104420 No.3104420 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend and I have saved up 150K for a good down payment on a big condo. But then I thought to myself, even though I'm new to crypto, how hard would it be double that 150K investment if I put it into crypto? Would it be wise or too risky? If we lose it, there goes our down payment.

>> No.3104429

put 20k into BNB and double it in a week.

>> No.3104432


>> No.3104433

Put it all on red

>> No.3104436
File: 739 KB, 1920x1080, BizPatricianStarterPackToRiches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, got you covered, my man.

>> No.3104439
File: 27 KB, 527x409, 1452385188017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a condo
>dumping ALL of your money on anything
don't be a retard

>> No.3104449

Go buy a comfy house instead

>> No.3104455
File: 415 KB, 3076x1243, OmiseGO analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dump it all in OMG and forget about it for a month

see pic related. I literally post this analysis everywhere.

>> No.3104478


why does something like OMG have value tho even if the business is successful?

we're not stockholders of the company by owning the tokens

>> No.3104522

Don't be fooled by all those "success" stories on biz .Even in crypto, it takes time, discipline and experience, to make consistent gains. So unless you have been trading for quite a while now and actually know what you are doing I wouldn't risk it. That said, don't be stupid

>> No.3104562

LMFAO these responses. ETH and BTC are guaranteed moons over the next 6 months or so, just go all in you fucking reatrd.

your shitty 150k house could be 300k ez.

>> No.3104591

Gamble your girlfriend's money or no balls

>> No.3104632

Put it all into Bitcoin and break up with your girlfriend

>> No.3104643

jesus fuck a $150k can get you a house in the suburbs in my area

>> No.3104658

yes anon, gamble your housing on crypto.

>> No.3104660


>> No.3104696

Invest only amounts you are prepared to lose. Swings in crypto are no joke, especially with 150k invested when your not really a ''gambling'' guy..

>> No.3104754

this is exactly what (((they))) want you to think, they wanna make it so that you feel dumb for having cryptocurrency so you divert to stocks (((they))) control

good job, goy

>> No.3104793

why would you buy a house with someone you're not even married to. retard

>> No.3104859

>Hey honey, about those savings.. I tried investing them into this new cryptocurreny. Some nice people online told about this super great opportunity but i lost 50% of our savings in under a day. I, uhhh, kinda panicked and tried to withdrawal it again. I must've entered a wrong address or something and it's -how do i say this- gone? I love you sweety you know that right?

>> No.3104879

well ask yourself, if that 150k vanished would you be okay with that? can you continue living and be happy with that?

if not, keep going down that number until you can say yes. invest that amount.

>> No.3104881


Normie piece of shit I hope you choke on an avocado

>> No.3104887

Women like to play house.

>> No.3104901

Whatever you do

don't trust her with the money

>> No.3104908

bro... don't be a retard... put maybe 10k in bitcoin but just buy the damn 'condo' hopefully those 2 bitcoins will pay off your (((mortgage))) in a few years

>> No.3104915

It's harder than you think to make gains in Crypto.

Trust me.

>> No.3104942

>Stock is ownership in a company
>crypto is an virtual free for all speculation game
Yes, definitely the Jews wanting to scam you, luckily you're too smart for that...

>> No.3105339


This is why smart men buy annuities for their wives so some swindler can't take it all of them when they pass. Although marriage in 2017 is a huge l o l, so theres that.

>> No.3105402


>> No.3105410

Your a fool. Your asking if you should compromise housing for a chance to lose everything

>> No.3105495

Buy that fucking condo, then save up 1k to gamble with on online shitcoins. Never put any money you cannot afford to lose into this sort of market, OP. If you do, I'd slap the shit out of you if i ever met you.

>> No.3105779


find price of cheapest place you could live, gamble with difference.

what could possibly go wrong anon?

>> No.3106380

This is b8, but if for some reason it actually isn't, look into AVALON. The ICO price is extremely undervalued, as soon as it hits exchanges it'll be 2-3x that.

But, buy the condo man...