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3103444 No.3103444 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't borded the BCC pump you better get in now we're not slowing down

>> No.3103462

lets go. pump it up so i can dump it for the real BTC

>> No.3103472

BCC is altcoin

original Bitcoin BTC is King.

>> No.3103484

I went all in ($870). I think Its Looking very good right now, but watching closely.

>> No.3103490

new coiner. how do i buy BCC?

>> No.3103509

Every fucking time I see this it dumps the very same day. Lol at idiots buying this shitcoin.

>> No.3103512

buy btc first
then keep it and don't buy bcc

but now seriously, a bit of BCC is a good idea to have now, in case BTC dies in a few days

>> No.3103525


Go to an exchange, trade Bitcoin for Bitcoin cash. Bittrex is reasonable.

>> No.3103551

Go to an exchange like kraken or hitbtc.

You need to find one that acceps your country. Sometimes you need to make a hop like fiat to eth at coinbase then transfer eth to hitbtc and then trade eth to bch. Dont use btc for the transfer, cost is very high.

>> No.3103572
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>> No.3103621


I have my btc in gemini. How do i get it to Bittrex? Will it be faster for me to buy some on coinbase and transfer to bittrex to buy BCC?

>> No.3103740

What do you mean? Just that there's so low volume before the wall?

>> No.3103779

fastest is to convert btc for eth on gemini and then transfer eth to bittrex and just use the eth/bcc exchange

but none of that matters because gemini is down

>> No.3103918

>You have 4 pre-credited USD deposits waiting to fully clear
since last week?! my bank has cleared them, why hasn't gemini?

>> No.3104370

bcc to .1 tonight again. cap it bitchez.

>> No.3104499


nice to see someone else have the same problem. I'm at two weeks right now.

>> No.3104506

remember this is the literal flippening. miners need it to be .12 to be more profitable than btc. theyll keep pushing until the 19 aug and onwards to keep mining profitability higher than btc...

>> No.3104525

is this perhaps the shittiest coin ever?

>> No.3104568

not NICE to see you having the same problem.
I needed this shit to clear 3 days ago.

>> No.3104622


Yes goyim, 'tis better to have the transactions happen off the chain so we can charge fees

>> No.3105802

I wish theymos was a mod on biz so we wouldn't have this discussion

>> No.3105822
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anon, everything dies in a few days

>> No.3105863

Pumped and make me a solid $200 bucks. I sold though. Will buy back in later.

>> No.3105910

Pretty leet buy walls at finex

>> No.3105946

holding 28 bcc. hoping for a miracle since i missed every fucking moon since june

>> No.3105990

Where/how can I claim my BCC? I tried downloading the walett it was running for 3 days and only got to 25%, then there was a power sruge and lost it all, don't wanna do it again.

Where do I get my bcc?

>> No.3106010

BCC set to overtake OMG in volume!!

>> No.3106011


>> No.3106020

use a lite wallet moron

>> No.3106072

LTC wallet for BCH? Which one?

>> No.3106077

holy fuck im cumming

>> No.3106093

Wew lad

>> No.3106097

BCC wallets will require you to import your seed or your private keys,
which can be exported from Electrum. Doing so will expose all your
Bitcoin funds associated with that seed to the BCC wallet you decide
to use.

Therefore, *after* the BCC fork, but *before* you enter a seed or
private key in a BCC wallet, you should move all your funds to a new
Electrum wallet, with a new seed. You will still be able to use the
old seed or private key with BCC, because BCC has replay
protection. Wait until your funds are confirmed in your new Bitcoin
wallet, before you enter the old private key in a BCC wallet. This
will protect your BTC funds from rogue/untrusted software."

I wouldnt use electron cash for it though. But there's loads of android wallets supporting bitcoin cash.

>> No.3106144

I already took out the BTC but I don't trust electrum cash either.

is it the exact same public and priate keys? Do I have to activate it somehow or it's already there in my old btc paper wallett?

>> No.3106160

meaning are the BCC keys the same keys that I used for BTC?

>> No.3106183


ask yourself, why am I even doing this? Am I capable of storing and accessing my wealth myself or should I leave it to the professionals at the bank?

>> No.3106188

Put your money in an envelope and post it to Jihan c/o China

>> No.3106196

BCC overtook OMG a while back in volume on bittrex. on coinmarketcap it's 3 after eth.

>> No.3106212

lol you guys stick out so much

>> No.3106237

Gas yourself Goldberg

>> No.3106272

volume growing rapidly

>> No.3106477

Over 0.1 again!!!

>> No.3106536
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I feel it....Something familiar...Coming near.

>> No.3106638
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Been off this train for a bit now. Accumulating capital for Avalon ICO on the 25th

>> No.3106687

And that's not all of the selling pressure of this shitcoin. Only retard would but it when, there are literally 100's of better opportunities

>> No.3106708


>> No.3106781
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>buy btc last pumpt at .080, hold it through the pump to .120
>starts crashing, panic sell at .082
>buy ANT, OMG, Strat
>mfw it moons today and probably goes .2 at some point

>> No.3106938
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Traded gold for gems at a 5x premium.

>> No.3106962

$500+ tonight

>> No.3106985

electron cash

>> No.3107003

If people think this is the moon...
They should prepare to leave the solar system tomorrow!

>> No.3107034

What's going on tomorrow? I love btc bcc drama

>> No.3107058

How do I get my BCC fro mthe fork into an exchange from electrum wallet

>> No.3107064

The difficulty adjustment happens between saturday and monday.
Today's pump is people getting in on the excitement early.
I expect lots of movement (up and down) between now and then.
Happy trading!
Don't buy ATH's and don't spend more than you can afford to lose!

>> No.3107135

Yes sir, indeed

>> No.3107191

I'm afraid I can't tell you that anon, for your own good.

>> No.3107192

bitcoin cash will be at 600 by the end of the day. chinese are going to go crazy and buy buy buy in a few hours.

>> No.3107198

this is literally china's coin. the patriotism!

>> No.3107206


nations are for peasants. bitcoin will still be around when nations are no longer.

>> No.3107215


>> No.3107235

It's literally one whale pumping this shit up. Expect it to fall in the next few hours.

>> No.3107242

>one whale
What makes you say that?

>> No.3107247

appears to be dumping hard now

>> No.3107253


>> No.3107263
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>dumping hard

>> No.3107266


>> No.3107271

I kept 100% if my bitcoin cash because I'm not a retard who sells MY FREE HEDGE

I don't think Bitcoin cash will surpass it but you never know in this game

>> No.3107272

durrr i cant provide evidence so imma insult you cuz thats how fucking retarded i am

>> No.3107294
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>> No.3107306


This is why most of you are poor

>> No.3107309

>it's dumping
>I'm talking about rigth now
jesus just shut the fuck up already retard

>> No.3107315

also inb4 more arguments
it dumped almost 5% over the course of 30 seconds after I made that post

>hurdur that doesn't matter because muh reaosns i only buy and hold forever durr muh iron hands xdddd

this board is cancer

>> No.3107324


>> No.3107341

There may be a whale, but lots of minnows may look as a whale from a distance.
I bought 100BCC today, average price about $350. 100 minnows like me may appear to be one whale.

>> No.3107374

you were saying retard?

enjoy the lost profits

>> No.3107375

0.12 limit reached, this ain't normal

>> No.3107377

Everyone on this board needs to see that post.

>> No.3107379
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Volume is from two Chinese exchanges

>> No.3107389

got an actual point beyond just calling me names? no? fuck off
>hurr it went up again durr
you people are hopelessly stupid
you just interject just to prove you know something
out yourself as a complete dumbfuck
continue doing more of the same
all while proclaiming yourself the victor
kill yourself man

>> No.3107394

wait, did core-porate coin overlords piss off china? are the rumors of them buying into bcc just in case true? fuck man

>> No.3107396

they are korean dumbass

>> No.3107397

It is guaranteed. I know these things ;)

>> No.3107439
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Oh so it's worst Korea trying to ruin Bitcoin! Well I hope Kim nukes them.

>> No.3107458

How high can we expect this to pump tonight? It hit .14 pretty quickly

>> No.3107471

no that would be bitcoins corporate overlords and their closed door meetings.

Bcc is the true bitcoin

>> No.3107482

it hasn't been able to hold a price but if it does there is going to be insanity for the next couple of weeks
BTC's overdue for some dumpage as well, pretty sure we're at profit parity now as long as difficulty stays the same

>> No.3107498
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>> No.3107503

and now back up :^)

>> No.3107506

bitthumbs charts are fucking terrible

>> No.3107509
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>> No.3107519

who cares about these swings. just buy and HOLD, flippening will occur but not overnight

>> No.3107520
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mfw i bought BCC at .068 yesterday and sold this morning at .075

>> No.3107525

>who cares about these swings. just buy and HOLD, flippening will occur but not overnight
it's up like 70% overnight my dude, if you are holding anything more than lunch money and not taking at least some profit, u r goofin up IMO

>> No.3107529


its a free fall

>> No.3107531
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Seems Bithumb is doing this solo

>> No.3107534

yea well im not a daytrader, im holding long. i only have 28 but so il try to accumulate more thanks

>> No.3107538


yes, the less information they have the better.

>> No.3107548

just surpassed eth in daily volume, over a billion dollars, holy shit

>> No.3107553

You'd have to be completely retarded to fall for this pump right now.

>> No.3107575


>> No.3107578

lots of people bought in during accumulation, duh

>> No.3107582
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>> No.3107583

You'd have to be retarded to not profit off this right now

>> No.3107598

> tfw I fell for it hook line and sinker
I hope it holds up long that I can make at least some profit

>> No.3107611

How do you recommend someone extracts their bch?

>> No.3107620
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>> No.3107784
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>> No.3107792


>> No.3107797

Kys dumb smelly gook

>> No.3107831

going up again

>> No.3107855

Dead cat bounce over. Sell!

>> No.3107872
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>> No.3107886



>> No.3108322

I hope you anon's got out when it was high. If not, it's time to go. 60% day pump isn't going to be the new floor.

>> No.3108648

Yeah this big a pump this early on means atleast 800+ as the new floor

>> No.3108680

Checked those digits OP
BCC is king
BTC is trash
Shills are going to be out of a job soon
No more meth for you and Luke jr

>> No.3108767

Holy shit, just made $4k in profit on this.

>> No.3108787
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>mfw bought at .07
>already made 5 grand

>> No.3108798

Classic elliot wave formation atm. Buy this dip(<500), it is a blessing. Sell at the next lower high.

>> No.3108857


A classic what you faggot?

There's no precedent for this type of erratic price action.

Take your profits now, don't get greedy.

>> No.3108884


The moon hasn't even begun, faggot. This is the mini-moon

>> No.3108901

This is happening for an actual reason. That reason hasn't even happened yet

>> No.3108905


It's dumping around 1 AM EST today.

You have no more information than anyone else, don't pretend you know something proprietary.

>> No.3108920

It's common knowledge at this point and I am not going to tell you

>> No.3108937


>he doesn't know

>> No.3109003

After reading all of the threads on here, the chats, the message boards, one thing is clear: No one fucking knows whats going to happen with BCC.

>> No.3109081

am I still able to get BCC from my BTC by moving BTC to a new wallet?

>> No.3109249

>baiting people into telling you the reason

>> No.3109273

Been hovering around $500 for the past hour.
Volume still increasing.

>> No.3109308


>Pretending to know the reason

>Implying there is a reason

There is never a reason in crypto.

Even BTC has absolutely nothing but hopes and dreams to fuel it's speculative price.

>> No.3109310
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>> No.3109328

Ethereum is going to hit 500 coin be the end of the month.

>> No.3109432