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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3101355 No.3101355 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3101363
File: 261 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170817-105517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's my play here?

>> No.3101372

Well BCH is the actual bitcoin, and a difficulty adjustment is coming.

>> No.3101378

>tfw you were going to buy a bajillion bcash yesterday but decided against it

>> No.3101387
File: 11 KB, 200x200, BITB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on Bitbean.

>> No.3101392

ugh, I'm gonna stay away from this now

>> No.3101398

Don't be a pussy and don't fuck around. Hope you didn't plan on doing anything else today

>> No.3101417

That's right, newbies Bitcoin Cash is the original Bitcoin and it's about to get many times more profitable to mine

>> No.3101421
File: 11 KB, 300x168, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a happy sponge

>> No.3101422

Sell them, now

>> No.3101426

Hindsight = 20/20

>> No.3101464

Is it already coming back down? Fucking chink tricks

>> No.3101505

it was over a 20% rise in valuation, of course it will be followed by a sell off. even if it goes back down to $320 it doesnt matter. any (upward) movement is good because BCH has been pretty much stuck at $300 since the fork

>> No.3101535

Is a lowering of difficulty really this important though?

>> No.3101553

it's already ogre

the whale has returned to the ocean

>> No.3101566

Reminder that the overall trend is still down.

>> No.3101578

The only thing that matters is the insatiable greed of the whales anon.

>> No.3101589

I'm pretty new but I've never seen one so close. I feel like I'm literally out in a boat feeling the spray of his majestic blowhole

>> No.3101611

It's just whales scalping the newbies. Chill your pants.

>> No.3101708

one of a number of scenarios will play out over the weekend

1) BCH difficulty lowers while valuation maintains or climbs. BCH mining is now more profitable than BTC mining. miners switch over and BTC tx times and fees skyrocket. BTC crashes irrecoverably, the "flippening" happens

2) BCH mining profitability does not trump BTC mining profitability either because the difficulty does not decrease enough or the valuation lowers significantly. BTC keeps enough hashrate for its current difficulty to keep tx times and fees tolerable. BCH valuation crashes irrecoverably.

3) Same as scenario one, except BTC does not crash irrecoverably but loses significant value. every two weeks miners chase profitability leading to wild oscillations in value for both BTC and BCH. hodlers panic and run on the banks crashing BTC and BCH and possibly all of crypto. BCH could still prevail in this scenario if emergency difficulty adjustments are sufficient.

4) Same as scenario one except BTC miners do NOT chase profitability to mine BCH either because of loyalty to BTC or cooperation. BCH valuations goes down never to come back up.

place your bets. personally I am holding 25% ETH, 25% BTC, and 50% BCC with stop-limit orders active on all three.

>> No.3101793

Your scenarii are too extreme.
The extreme is never sure.

>> No.3101840

I tried to present the full spectrum. in all likelihood something more reasonable will happen, like "BTC has been manipulated to keep profitability up, so while some miners will switch to BCH it won't be enough to matter. that combined with people's emotional unwillingness to commit to 'the flippening' will keep BTC on top." better?

>> No.3101875

Yeah, that's 2 but without the last sentence. More reasonable.

>> No.3101899

well you pointed out the one part thats hard for to grapple right now. I dont want any scenario where a hardforked chain and its counterpart both survive. that's not how it was designed to work. BCH cheated with the emergency difficulty adjustment. I want them to lose for that, but I also want blockstream to lose for its unwillingness to hard fork bigger block sizes. I'm conflicted as fuck right now.

>> No.3101943

I bought this expecting at the very least 600 dollars. This coin is still grossly undervalued and that was just a 20% price increase.

>> No.3101947

just tell me which one the jews control ffs

>> No.3101958

Jews control Bitcoin; chinks control Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.3101988

Post-fork bitcoin values are at all-time highs, and the Chinese are accumulating BCC/BCH.

Bitcoin values may also be being manipulated, likely being pressed to all-time high with printed money, that is the $80 million of tether that was placed into the market around 18 July.

There is a significant amount of hashing power has been pointed into BTC over the past few weeks to drive up difficulty on the upcoming adjustment. Some of that power has been pulled off now and is not doing anything.

I think that the Chinese/Bitmain are playing the long game and are creating a BTC bubble to sucker in new money before the difficulty adjustment. At that point they will pull ALL of their hash power off of BTC and shift it to BCH, stagnating the BTC chain.

It's going to be a blood bath and is exactly why I'm hedged into BCC/BCH right now.

>> No.3101990

Yes but do we trust the jews or chinks?

>> No.3101994

Good article explains enough.
TLDR jews irreversibly destroyed bitcoin in order to profit from off chain transactions.

>> No.3102002

jews and chinks control bitcoin cash. Crypherpunks control bitcoin.

>> No.3102012

give me one good reason why bitcoin couldn't have just increased the blocksize

>> No.3102031

My guess would be money. Peope are guessing that core will implement transaction fees off chain which means more money for core

>> No.3102041

>literal astroturfing post full of bullshit
>unironically linkind r*ddit
pajeet pls

There are a million reasons, but you won't like them because:
a) you are too retarded to understand them
b) you are paid not to
My guess is b. There has been a clear influx of r/btc goons since bitcoin cash was created. I don't know why Roger thinks astroturfing /biz/ will bring him any benefit whatsoever but I hope he keeps doing since he's only wasting his money

>> No.3102048

That's for you to decide.

>> No.3102068

>There are a million reasons, but you won't like them because:
>a) you are too retarded to understand them
>b) you are paid not to
>My guess is b. There has been a clear influx of r/btc goons since bitcoin cash was created.

Every. Time.

There's no good reason, and BCC is proving that point exactly.

>> No.3102089

Segwit is completely fucking useless and you know it. The lightning network completely destroys and centralizes btc which you must also be aware of. Fuck over the users and fuck over the miners for our own profit, the blockstream corp exists to make money off of fucking bitcoin.

>> No.3102098

I got 5 at 0.1, so still in the red

>> No.3102114


My guess is this Satellite news from Blockstream may have been the straw that broke the camel's back, a total vanity project with no real-world use and they are sacrificing scaling up the network for it.

>> No.3102142

not just that, but the major downside to satellite transmission is bandwidth, which they'll just use as an additional excuse to avoid scaling block size

>> No.3102161
File: 1.16 MB, 943x825, judgement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that filthy usd coin out of there and put it into stox.

>> No.3102164

in scenario 1,2,3 the already-taxed bitcoin blockchain will become very very slow(or crash completely) which i think will drive bcc adoption.

>> No.3102181

>There's no good reason, and BCC is proving that point exactly.
it lowers security and improves centralization without fixing any of the current problems Bitcoin has. It is a retarded way of improving tx output that has literally no advantages but a lot of disadvantages. It also makes finding better solutions harder.
Literally every single person competent about blockchain and cryptography, and that has been studying this matter for many decades agrees that Core's way is the only way possible, otherwise Bitcoin will simply die. Look up Nick Szabo for example, probably the greatest expert on this matter.

>Segwit is completely fucking useless and you know it
Wrong. It fixes lots of stuff, while enabling future improvements that are otherwise a lot harded to achieve.
>The lightning network completely destroys and centralizes btc which you must also be aware of.
It is the opposite. Exponential on-chain scaling brings to centralization. Do you want proof? Pretty much 1 or 2 single miners are mining Bitcoin Cash. Nobody else. One of them can literally double-spend and you would never be able to stop it. Doesn't get anymore centralized and censored than that you fucking cuck.
> Fuck over the users and fuck over the miners for our own profit
Nice r/btc retardness. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.
>the blockstream corp exists to make money off of fucking bitcoin.
Every single fucking company in the whole fucking world exists to make money. Do you think Jihan and Roger are doing what they are doing because "muh satoshi vision"? You must be an even bigger cuck than I thought. They are only doing this because Jihan wants to become the new chairman of the Fed, and Roger the new Rothshild. But they can't because the network doesn't belong to anyone, and developers are not going to suck their cock just because they are rich, since they have principles.

>> No.3102186

>investing into stocks
>investing into stocks just before september

my 60-day IRA rollover expires in two weeks, I'm maxing it out this year on crypto gains and sticking it into mining operations

>> No.3102226
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>off chain nodes that handle the transactions are not a form of centralization.

>> No.3102233

and by that I mean actual mining, rare earths

>Wrong. It fixes lots of stuff
Tx malleability, which is debatable as to whether it needs fixing since its used for all sorts of cool things like conditional payments. I agree that BC needs to fix Tx malleability, but their current plan is to do it in the smart way using a hard fork instead of writing workaround code. I will admit that segwit is elegant for the constraints that core had, but those constraints were artificial.

>Pretty much 1 or 2 single miners are mining Bitcoin Cash.
Because its difficulty is sky high right now and hence not profitable. The fact that it made it through the first difficulty adjustment is proof that it will succeed. When the diff adjusts this weekend, watch the miners start to switch.

>> No.3102237

explain to me how decentralising something is centralising it please.

>> No.3102251


You're wrong about everything in this post.

Segwit fixed problems, but not in the way bitcoin was originally intended to operate. The off chain transactions with lightening network are egrious and the transaction fees will exponentially rise

Why can't you wrap your head around that?

Combine that with Blockstream Jews and you have huge conflict of interest. What's so hard to see?

The miners won't double spend or it will ruin their investment. You could say the same thing about bitcoin if the Chinese miners all agreed to it which could be done just as easily.

>> No.3102256


>without fixing any of the current problems Bitcoin has.
> literally no advantages
>It is a retarded way of improving tx output

thats contradictory and makes it seem that youre more than a little biased. It may have consequences, but increasing tx/sec by itself is a fix to a MAJOR bitcoin problem,

>> No.3102266

When it's one group running the decentralization.

>> No.3102267

With Jews you lose. You can make money with a chink if you know how to think.

>> No.3102268

You don't suspect me of such a giant stupidity as recommending buying stocks, do you?
I meant stox.

>> No.3102271
File: 82 KB, 239x229, WHAT THE FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I bought at .0705

>> No.3102277

but anyone can create a segwit node, in fact, I plan to do it.
Now it won't just be miners controlling everything and the only ones getting fees

>> No.3102282

>it lowers security
Wrong, Segwit lowers security, see Craig Wright's blog post about it

>It is a retarded way of improving tx output that has literally no advantages but a lot of disadvantages
Advantages: simple, greatly improves transaction volume
Disadvantages: ?

>It also makes finding better solutions harder.
How? That's exactly what Segwit does, making finding better solutions harder, I honestly thought you were talking about Segwit the whole paragraph

>Literally every single person competent about blockchain and cryptography, and that has been studying this matter for many decades agrees that Core's way is the only way possible, otherwise Bitcoin will simply die. Look up Nick Szabo for example, probably the greatest expert on this matter.
Wow nice appeal to authority here buddy. Hint: not an argument

>It fixes lots of stuff, while enabling future improvements that are otherwise a lot harded to achieve.
Fixes what? How about the issues it brings? Are these future developments really "improvements"?

>It is the opposite
Lightning network centralizes off chain

>> No.3102362

so what are the chances of these (((chinks))) selling us out for shekel crumbs? i know with jews it's 100%

>> No.3102421

I don't care about analyses over the tech.

To me, I am holding my Bcash for 1 reason:


This is a chink pump coin, and I am going to sell when they stop pumping it. Period.

Anything else is bullshit. If anyone actually uses Bcash to buy anything within the next year, I will be shocked.

>> No.3102526

WHO THE HECK IS REALLY BUYING THIS SHIT COIN. Enjoying the gains on my free bch rn though.

>> No.3102550

Who the heck is still holding their free bch

>> No.3102562

there is a 0.0001% chance that BTC will die in the next days (literally, nobody will mine it, so it will actually die)
so just in case.

>> No.3102575

Would say 10% chance

>> No.3102584
File: 6 KB, 305x126, bcct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for the flippening bros.

>> No.3102593

The higher bcc goes the more profitable it will be the more likely it becomes.

>> No.3102596

do you think anyone will use your node when you have 100$ on it?

>> No.3102613
File: 3 KB, 868x32, bcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are small time

>> No.3102621

more like $10k

>> No.3102629

Could you throw some at a 3rd world country poorfag? Willing to work for it.

>> No.3102652

take a picture of a sharpie in your pooper with a note that says 3Ptv/H/e
and I'll give you 1 BCC myself

>> No.3102663

No thanks man, appreciate it tho.

>> No.3102678


This is why you're a poor third worlder

>> No.3102681

lol, I don't even have 1 BCC, all my BTC is stored in paper wallets and no BCC in them.
You did the right thing

>> No.3102691

that's still quite small... no one will use those small nodes because they have to be reasonably sure someone won't scam them, which i am afraid is an unsolved problem with hubs now. So theyll put their trust in big money nodes, probably like how they put their trust in exchanges now and it will probably be the same people operating them.

>> No.3102704

nice "moon"

>> No.3102712


>> No.3102715

I guess so man..
Worth a try

>> No.3102726

It wasn't even supposed to do this today.

>> No.3102737

jebus crust. this could be the opportunity of a lifetime :O

>> No.3102773

Yeah sure, check out some other threads and anon going
>biz has been saying since weeks that BCC will moon on the 17th August

>> No.3102795

That guys a fucking retard

>> No.3102799

32% up in 4 hours :]

>> No.3102815

lads, if you have BTCs just swipe them to BHCs

enjoy the doubles.

BTC is sinking anaways

>> No.3102823

>started crypto only because I knew BCC was a solid investment
Feels good man.

>> No.3102828

but he was right(btw it was me). i also told u about binance at 6000 satoshi :)

>> No.3102839

I need this to go to .12 so I can break even. To hell with BCC, I want off this train

>> No.3102842

This is not a "moon". Stop calling every whale flexing his muscles with no support and looking to make some quick money a "moon".

>> No.3102855


>> No.3102917

I am holding 50 BTC, 150 ETH, 110 BCC. Good mix?

>> No.3102939

And I'm holding 150 BTC, 300 ETH, and 1000 BCC. Good mix?

>> No.3102959

Just bought 100k of each!

>> No.3102981

Okay, but seriously, I'm a noob that happens to have crypto and I feel like these are the 3 options, right?

>> No.3102995
File: 177 KB, 436x361, inspectorpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not fucking genius but all i know for sure is BTC has been pumped artificially the last week and it will dip / crash atleast to 3000$

Fuck it, I put it all on BCC because i ride positive trends.


>> No.3103002

It is a relative safe mix, just stay on top of the btc devellopments. It is going to be make or brake. If it brakes you have good protection. If it makes you have 50 btc and those can tripple easy.

>> No.3103007

>and it will dip / crash atleast to 3000$
hi goldman sachs

>> No.3103027

Goldman has investment on s2x and s1x companies

>> No.3103052

You guys are fucking retarded.

Don't you even follow news? Or do you just read the shit posting here?

Grow the fuck up. Make some money. Stop being a little Beta SJW liberal bitch.

>> No.3103053

Its happening

>> No.3103057
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Goldman Sachs is this weeks crypto meme ey?

>> No.3103105

Thanks friend. I've accumulated crypto somewhat by accident so I'm learning...

>> No.3103260
File: 145 KB, 1828x591, one giant leap for mankind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next moon mission is about to happen folks. This is going to be a very, very profitable night.

>> No.3103272

>buy BCC at USD 340 sell when it hits 290

Where is this news pls

>> No.3103292


>> No.3103313


holy shit... this is going FAST now yo. Like 25 USD up per second wtfffff

>> No.3103350

over 0.1 on poloniex

>> No.3103360

guide me kek.

do I flip now?

>> No.3103381

>This is going to be a very, very profitable night.
Not for the majority of biz.

>> No.3103391

Any of you trading on bittrex, I used to see to third collumn ob studies but since 1 or 2 days it is just empty (I'd like to use the RSI..)

does any1 know why that is or had the same problem?

>> No.3103422

i think BCC has been pumped artificially

but it wont work, original Bitcoin, BTC is KING and number 1, bitcoin cash is altcoin

>> No.3103437

i think it needs something like 0.12 to reach more miner profitability than btc.

>> No.3103463

I think BCH will pump for a while since its going to get easier to mine, everyone will want to accumulate. Just don't hold too long as they're going to want to cash out sooner or later. Buy the pump sell the dump, don't hold as a legit investment.

>> No.3103474


BCH is the original bitcoin you retard

>> No.3103496

Kek, most of /biz/ don't buy BCH and it moons like this. Nice.

>> No.3103499

unless the flippening occurs...

>> No.3103537

Holy shit, Jihan is trying hard. I almost feel bad for him.

>> No.3103542


Always do the opposite

>> No.3103575
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the fl- flippening... w- will it happen... today?

>> No.3103586


>> No.3103588

Nice try /r/bitcoin, now go back.

>> No.3103624

some serious resistance at the moment. If it manages to break trough, we're going towards +50% i'd say. Going to be interesting to see how this develops over the next two or three hours or so.

>> No.3103635

theyll try to hit 1.2, itll need to be 1.2 in 2 days.

>> No.3103637
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Tell me when it hits .27 again

>> No.3103638

stop loss where. i gotta take a nap

>> No.3103654

already mooned 50% at the most in 6 hours.

>> No.3103661

Can somebody ZA WARUDO please I need to take a shower.

>> No.3103747

going up again on polo

>> No.3103766


going up on bittrex

>> No.3103778

hitting .2 today easy peasy

>> No.3103786


>> No.3103811
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going to sleep

>> No.3103837

but it can't even hit .1?

>> No.3103852


>> No.3103940

vol and price picking up again on bittrex

>> No.3103948

Come on, everyone can see this is an orchestrated pump from a mile away. But despite all effort, the 0.1 ceiling is impossible to break.

>> No.3103955

was 0.1063 on polo.

>> No.3103960

yep i guess it's time to go back to our omg and neo threads

>> No.3103976

if this is the bcc interest actors(among with half the crypto world who wants a quick buck and also supporters of bcc) they will want to keep this going until the diff reduction happen on aug 19.

>> No.3104146
File: 44 KB, 710x577, pepedf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get home
>open /biz/
>Well, herp derpa fuck I'm a retard
>oh I see (You) talking about chinkcoin, let me jerk you off about it
>Hey (You)s I'm trying to sound all professional and shit but at same time claim to unironically be 50% into chinkcoin because that's a sensible play
>le offchain meme uuuhh be very scared

Didn't even break 0.10 BTC. You guys are fucking pathetic with your try-hard shilling.

Do the world a favour and kys asap.

>> No.3104175


Go back to r/btc, you chink loving fags.

>> No.3104186
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1495403821861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong pic

>> No.3104214

Holy shit crashing sell sell sell sell!!!

>> No.3104216

Aaand were going up again!

>> No.3104303

Clearly not a pump this is legit and healthy growth buy now and don't fall for the slight dip

>> No.3104403

just bought

>> No.3105025

ctrl + mouse wheel can do that, you zoomed out too far