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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3093465 No.3093465 [Reply] [Original]

Could it have been anymore obvious that this is one of the few coins that exists with a practical use?


>> No.3094886

Agreed. The talent on the team alone speaks volumes

>> No.3094913

whats the target on this. 1 week, 1 month

>> No.3095631


Would you download a new browser for some weird Bitcoin advertisement shit that you don't understand or care about, if you had no skin in the game?

Why do you expect other people to?

>> No.3095693

Yes and No.
Yes practical but have seen some shitty coin that people have made money off of.
So you do the math.

>> No.3095695


>> No.3096317

Already have. I started using Brave just to get away from Mozilla and Google

>> No.3096348

Brave is actually pretty solid. Lots of good built in security features. The project was started by the Mozilla founder.

>> No.3096357

until i can open 10 pornhub tabs without it crashing im not swapping

>> No.3096364


That's probably more an issue of your shitty piece of shit computer than any browser.

>> No.3096366

This is easy 5x in the next month or two with the new updates coming out. It's an absolute no brainer considering the tech team. They haven't even spent much of the ico money on marketing. Once it starts, this will go to mars

>> No.3096381

Fair. It definitely needs polish but not being able to run 10 tabs of porn isn't enough to put me off

>> No.3096401

I've been using the Brave browser on android for several months and it works great, the selling point is that it has ad block out of the box.

It is easy to block adds on a computer but I still get them on my phone (before brave). Maybe there is a way to put an adblocker on chrome on android and I just never bothered to dig into it.

The linux desktop version of brave had very poor performance the last time I used it some months ago. I expect it will be like a normal browser before too long.

I don't know how this token fits in exactly, but I know they wanted to implement a browser level advertiser scheme.

Seems interesting, bought a few tokens and will just sit on them for a while.

>> No.3096465

The shill campaigns on /biz/ are so transparent. From here it's just do you hodl too long.