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3088415 No.3088415 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I recently turned 18 and I'm a senior in high school. I'm applying for college with my first choice being gonzaga up in washington state. I have a 4.4 gpa and 28 ACT. Getting in is no problem. However, money will be. So I was wondering if any of you knew a good place to search for scholarships or some specific ones I should apply for. And here's some generic info about me that may help.
I'm a catholic man, living in Oregon State. I plan to major in International Relations and minor in french. I am white and also like a 16th or 8th Pacific islander (no proof other than my grandma telling me that stuff as a kid). I also have aspergers. So if any of you guys have some advice I would really appreciate it.

>> No.3088447

go larp on leddit. we are all neets here. why not start getting kneepads and start your business.

>> No.3088500
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>IR major
Good man!

Here, use this:

And if you want a chance to work under a former UNGA in Serbia, hit me up in the discords anon!

>> No.3088545

>I'm a man, I am white
I don't think you qualify for any scholarships

>> No.3088654

What can I expect to learn in IR? I hear it's just like political science but with more economics and a second language

>> No.3088662

I can claim that I'm Pacific islander if need be

>> No.3088698

frankly if money is the major issue then you should be commuting to a state school, its far more economical. $10k a year vs $50k+

>> No.3088716

Throw in a bunch of history to that as well! In fact, I would argue that history is probably the most important bit. You're going to have learn a lot about the theory first. The main three schools (Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism), the philosophical underpinnings(Hobbes, Locke, etc), comparative political systems, a possible regional specialization, etc.

>> No.3088767

No public state school offers what I plan to study. Just 2 private schools.

>> No.3088781

Get some kneepads faggot. your life is over

>> No.3088790

That sounds very interesting. I love studying history. European History was my favorite class personally.

>> No.3088820
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Sounds like a shit major. Are there any job opportunities?

>> No.3088868

Diplomat, politics, UN, private sector in washington, immigration work, international businesses and banking, nonprofits, etc

>> No.3088892

>international relations

Unless you're in government, you will make literally nothing

>I have aspergers

I hope you can control that shit because ever person I've met "on the spectrum" is a fucking dick which won't bode well in a communication major

>> No.3088937

Kek. You're from the U.S., I hope you have badass connections for any of the jobs that pay higher than minimum wage, because youre not getting a sweet diplomat job unless you're from a tier 3 country or very connected.

>> No.3088940

Listen to the other people in this thread, go to your state school and study politcal science or something like international relations, no one really gives a shit what you major in, and once your at the state school you can apply to transfer. One of my good friends transferred to northwestern from a state school with a 40,000/year scholarship

>> No.3088959

IR is literally just political science with a different name, you're not going to get a different education than if you go to a state school and frankly nobody really cares what your undergrad is in

>> No.3089010

you don't need an IR degree to do any of that
how exactly are you planning to become a diplomat, that's a political appointment. If you want to be a foreign service officer you'll need at least a masters and decades of experience.

most politicians have a background in law and to be a staffer you don't need an IR degree

in what capacity? The UN employs tens of thousands of people in a variety of fields.

>private sector in washington
again in what capacity

>international business and banking
not without a degree in international business you wont

difficult to get NGO work without a masters