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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 22 KB, 532x646, 1495658710798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3087743 No.3087743 [Reply] [Original]

DGB is guaranteed to go back to at LEAST 700

easiest 2x gains of your life

>> No.3087770

Yup and make sure you have SHARPIE handy just incase.

>> No.3087773

Fuck that, about to make 2x right now on ark and again on xvg, then edg. While you pack your bags you'll actually be missing the flight. Are you this stupid?

>> No.3087779

The dip...
Good one.

It's been crashing for a while... Sorry you still have bags

>> No.3088413

BTC dead cat bounce. It'd due for another major dip.
Just a few days ago, when BTC dipped, it made DGB spike by 60%.
Seriously, I wish I could invest more but I'm already all in DGB.
This is the week that Digimarines will earn the medal of honor for bravery. A shiny 24 carot solid gold medal.

>> No.3088480

xvg looks like it was already pumped anon

>> No.3088489

You mention about the upward spike but you don't mention about downward spike.

>> No.3088492

Just overlay the graphs (BTC/DGB and BTC/USD)
Past few days they've been inverse mirrors of each other. BTC will crash, DGB will spike, and then rebranding and citibank awards will send it to the moon.

>> No.3088532

show me your graph

>> No.3088861
File: 67 KB, 1184x344, dgb reversed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any TA software so I just did it in fucking photoshop

these are 48 hour charts, one is flipped upside down and set to 50% opacity

>> No.3088869

Yep. Mission starts for real when they guve us a fucking date for those awards.

>> No.3088995

For your logic to work, Bitcoin needs to go down so that Digi could go up.
So what are the chances of Bitcoin going down? I am curious. It didn't go down after Aug 1st, instead it kept going up while Digi kept going down and it seems its going down harder.

Rebranding and Citibank rewards...you think it will help much?

>> No.3089167 [DELETED] 

>48 hour charts
correction, they're 4 day charts

>> No.3089196

>48 hour charts
correction, they're 4 day charts

BTC went up too fast. I think it's in a bubble. There will be a correction, no doubt about it. Then it'll make a slow climb back to previous ATH. Question is will it keep going up for a while before that happens, and how high will it go before the bubble pops.

>> No.3089213

but then again, I bought DGB at 2200 full of fervor and hype. so plz take my TA for what it's worth.

>> No.3089233
File: 7 KB, 467x377, tumblr_inline_o78eltLfkE1u1xff4_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad man hope you will be good

>> No.3090281

we are the digimarines

>> No.3090314

Why anybody here wouldn't sell DGB and go buy TME right now is beyond me. You will literally triple your money and can buy back into DGB again tomorrow.

>> No.3090374

How much DGB to fuck her?

>> No.3090447

I know right....I don't know why they are even shilling DGB instead of TME..amiright?