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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3084701 No.3084701 [Reply] [Original]

you fags ready for double digits

>> No.3084706

i sold and will rebuy low with a profit so

>> No.3084708
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under 0.002 now

>> No.3084711

just bought 330

>> No.3084716
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>> No.3084721

Bought at 156 sold at 205.

Thanks for the pump and dump fellas

>> No.3084728

Just getting started my friend

>> No.3084731

you rainbow road gayboy omg hitting 2b marketcap.

>> No.3084732

selling at the top to rebuy, even for a 10% swap, is smart you fuck

>> No.3084733

I agree but I expect a pull back short term so Im cashing out profits. 25% in a day is good enough for me lol

>> No.3084740

10% with no leverage lol fag

>> No.3084752

i'm doing the same, just wondering when i should buy back in now

>> No.3084754

>tfw sold at 208k and bought back at 192k

free 26 omg

>> No.3084759

probably gonna dip even further, 180k

already at 189k

>> No.3084765

aya but i think its going to rebound up so i didnt want to miss that

>> No.3084777

>wake up
>it already dipped back down to 205k again
>nice profits
>set cheeky sell order at 210k
>surely it gonna fluctuate back up a little
>down to 200k
>oh shit lets better put sell at 205k
>plummets back into oblivion
Why am i so greedy /biz/?
It was 100% clear it would dip, but i missed out on the sell/rebuy because of literal pennies

>> No.3084784

i have no idea what the fuck is going on here

>> No.3084786

Im looking at 180-185 atm. Might change if it drops quickly or drops slowly.

>> No.3084791

gotta act fast and capitalize on the pivots. thats why i stare at charts for 10 hours a day

>> No.3084792

was thinking of 185 too, but it might not dip that low, seems to hover around 189

>> No.3084808

It wont dip anymore the market cap is getting higher and many are holding

>> No.3084824

time to get back in then?

>> No.3084834

Think 190k/180k is today's bottom. Remember there is still some news coming omisegoys..

>> No.3084837

Burgers are waking up soon.

Unlike the Chinese, burgers lack patience and fomo hard. Wouldn't be surprised if we got a rally to $8.50

>> No.3084844

ill let you losers in on some insider info, apple pay will soon be annoucing partnership with omisego

>> No.3084848

made a couple hundred bux already today, wish i bought back in a bit lower, but this will have to do.
If the burgers start fomoing hard we might look at a bit more profits

>> No.3084875

Let's pretend you're not dirty liar for a second..

Why would Apple partner with a relatively obscure crypto from Thailand, rather than say, Etherium

>> No.3084934

its not just a crypto its a company already with 130 employees in 4 different countries with a market that apple isnt in yet.

>> No.3084939

That's what I did, accumulated more.

>> No.3084948

was a good call apparently, looks like 190k is the new floor

>> No.3084968

don't be ridiculous

>> No.3084984

look at the volume mate.
Also this coin is what? 2 months old?

>> No.3085001

I am trading out of experience, shouldn't doubt me and already up.

>> No.3085022


While it's unlikely I reckon it'll dip to 160k-170k once more, all those buy walls are whales fucking with people.
But if the news ignite the flames, yeah 300k is happening.

>> No.3085348
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one more dip to190k area and we breaking ATH to 300k target

>> No.3085368


when this guys posting this shit going to moon

>> No.3085374
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OMG Shuttle, this is Houston. You are go for Throttle Up. Repeat; You are go for Throttle Up.

>> No.3085384

we need apple to announce compatibility with OMG, so OMG skyrockets to fkn heaven itself

>> No.3085386

it will go to 10$
thats 20% rise from the current price

>> No.3085399

How much should I buy. I got 9 right now

>> No.3085401

i bought at 0.00153 and sold at 0.00165
and now i bought again at 0.00198
from a scale from 1 to full retard
how smart am i???????

>> No.3085430

unless you're daytrading / looking for immediate gains, try to spend less time watching the charts

>> No.3085481

But Anon, watching these charts gives us Autistic Savants the same rush mommies get from horse and or car racing and or sports.

>> No.3085489

i've been in this shitcoin stuff for about a month only, and i must agree

>> No.3085499

so i made 25% by selling at 210k
when is the time to buy back in?
200k? 190k?

>> No.3085514

this is true.


>> No.3085527
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>> No.3085533

Should I sell my ICN for this?

is it too late?

>> No.3085542

get in you faggots

>> No.3085543

I wouldnt jump in now, set buy orders below 6.50$

>> No.3085551

sold all my btc for this
its not wise to buy high and sell low but im taking that risk
get rich or die trying

>> No.3085559

Not to late, Anon. I saved you a seat. Come sit by me. I will even let you have the window seat. I've seen this ride a thousand times.

>> No.3085576

Buy orders below 6.50. Dammit. You made me spit my coffee all over my keyboard laughing.

>> No.3085595

so whats the expected % change for today?

>> No.3085602

tfw poorfag and only could put in .5btc @ 194 I hope the news will drop

>> No.3085605

>set buy orders below 6.50$


>> No.3085622

Do you really believe this is the new floor?

>> No.3085637

what would you estimate as the new floor then bih

>> No.3085641


>> No.3085652
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>> No.3085687

Poor Normie went to sleep and missed the Space shuttle. Wants us to set back down so it can get on. Nope jpg.

>> No.3085699


>> No.3085708
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>> No.3085714

no fukin apple

>> No.3085715

Damn wall at 200k

>> No.3085767

Alright, time to see if 190k is really the new floor

>> No.3085812

i just bought $14,000 usd of this. will i make it

>> No.3085822

yes sell it when it goes low

>> No.3085829

It is the /biz/ philosophy.

>> No.3085845

also what 90% of people here do
Myself included =)

>> No.3085914

any more twitter people i should follow?

>> No.3085937

Gambling money you can't afford to lose has that effect.

>> No.3086135

My wife and I have been doing this for three weeks. We balance each other out. Each time one of us panics, the other brings it back to reality. We started out with $500 worth of bill money we could not afford. We are up $3268 plus the original $500. We made 378 of that in bitcoin, but bailed on that when we heard Goldman Sachs bought in. We are holding OMG, Binance, and Safex. We bought in Safex at .008, and are holding 97k coins of that. I just bought in Binance 1578 coins at 1.40 And rode it down to .92 cents like motherfucking Dr Strangelove. No one can accuse me of having Weak Hands. I could crush you very soul with one Death Grip. It will pay off when Safex goes to a dollar, Omg goes to 48, and Binance goes to $200. Post to be in Ebic Bread.

>> No.3086155

Me and my wifes son are accumulating tolerance coin. We started with 3 bitcoins and now we're at 1.5. I'm not upset I'm still tolerant and happy that I can prep my wallet for other bull runs.

>> No.3086175

/Pol/ is that way------------> You have to go back.

>> No.3086187

Binance will never be a triple digit. According to my analysis OMG will be $100+ by September.

>> No.3086195

i started with 5 and went down to 2 back in july
after bcc i was on 8.5 and cashed out my initial investment
got 5 not to play with shit coins
go all in on shit coins when u feel confident
or rob ur son and run

>> No.3086248

let's hear your analysis

>> No.3086269

possible if the whole market goes x3 or x4 otherwise I dont think so tim

>> No.3086272
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>OMG will be $100+ by September.

>> No.3086279

Fuck is neo gonna moon now too? Munching into the omg gains

>> No.3086388

no neo got killed

>> No.3086510

>According to my analysis

You tards are always the best the laugh at

>> No.3086535

NEO is dead anon, sell it now while you can.

>> No.3086550

Fucking kek I love you autists

>> No.3086562


He is right though

>> No.3086572

Money skeleton has spoken. Neo is dead.

>> No.3086582

I'm all honesty I hope he is. I would be rich.

>> No.3086587

Please present a plausible scenario where omg moons that high in a month

>> No.3086598

Tfw only 49 OMGs

Congrats on the spike lads

t. Ark hodler

>> No.3086599

It starts with A and ends with E

>> No.3086743


>> No.3086776

Actually there are multiple partnerships, the other being with S.E.A

>> No.3086887


Anyone care to share what the fuck they are talking about, rather than just saying 'It's dead'?

Is there any reason for this, other than the usual FUD?

>> No.3086917

Money skelly told everyone to sell. So we did. Noone wants a coin that doesn't have money skelly's blessing. NEO is dead mate.

>> No.3086993

Fair enough.

>> No.3087104

omg is kill again

but for real this time

>> No.3087115

Nice bought the dip

>> No.3087164

faggot signing in

>> No.3087178

Should I buy now or is it too late?

>> No.3087337

I would wait for news and buy accordingly

>> No.3087363

it's going through it's dip now btw so get in if you were late.

>> No.3087390

bleached buttholes as far as the eye can see.

>> No.3087395

buy somewhere in the 170s

>> No.3087538

price is low!!!
sell now

>> No.3087630


>> No.3087658

absolutely this