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3083437 No.3083437 [Reply] [Original]

You guys, do you really thing that ETH isnt going to be the highest value coin on the market in 8 months?

Do you really think that the most active group of blockchain devs in the world hasn't expanded its capabilities since its boom?

The boom of ETH and crypto in general should have a compounding affect on the value of ETH.
>News/New features
>Price boom
>expanded capabilities
>New features
>Price boom


It will be the fist coin normies turn to after buying BTC.

>> No.3083493

In fact, when people can no longer afford to buy 1 Bitcoin, they'll start looking for the most promising alternative market, which is Ethereum. Fanatics tend to forget that Ethereum is not just another crypto, but an entire market on its own.

>> No.3083606

Yolo I'm. All in on ether. The devs are the best, most focused and with actual product

>> No.3083621

BTC will still be higher than ETH in 8 months. In a few years ETH may be higher.
>tfw bought ETH at $1

>> No.3083639


It's going to be Bancor

>> No.3083726

can you expand on this further, anon?

>> No.3083775

What impresses me is the amount of ETH spruiking I see going on around, fb ads, google ads etc, marketing companies saying ETH will be the 'next best thing' after bitcoin.
Someone has taken shilling to normies on ETH, and I LIKE IT because I want their money.

>> No.3083849

>continuous stream of hacks
>continuous delays in their false promises like PoS and sharding

you idiots realize bitcoin has colored coins (ICO) and is turing complete right?

ethereum is 100% hype, no substance. they have not delivered a single tangible improvement. on the other hand, they have to fork to fix hacks, the devs can't even write a solid smart contract, can't stay on schedule, etc etc

ethereum is a scam. not one of you faggots that love it has actually looked under the hood

>> No.3083867
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>Fudding this hard
Hello Rajesh