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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3083120 No.3083120 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/ I'm interested in recommendations related to the academic treatment of 'money' broadly defined.
> I'm reading Knapp (1924) The State Theory of Money, Georg Simmel's sociological classic Philosophy of Money, and Hayek (1974) The Denationalization of Money
But I would love some other recommendations. Please add them to this thread and with a brief summary of their merits for consideration.

>> No.3083171

>The Theory of Money and Credit -- Ludwig von Mises

>What Has Government Done to Our Money? -- Murray Rothbard

Massive redpills contained therein. Austrian monetary theory is the root of faith in BTC, it shows why we NEED decentralized currency.
Hope you like it :^)

>> No.3083181
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The founder of Xapo said that this was crucial to his understanding of money and finance. It led him to going "all in" on crypto since 2012-13.

Haven't had a chance to read it myself, but I hear good things.

>> No.3083264

Brilliant thank you very much
Also I would like to extend the recommendations to the concept of decentralization and probably anarchy defined as the absence of hierarchy. :^)
> yes I am a researcher.

>> No.3083314

Advocacy for decentralization can be found in Mises and Rothbard's political writings but they were diehard capitalists so you won't find much by ways of absence of hierarchy, at least in the colloquial sense.
To find that crap you'll need to look to utopian socialists, though your time would be better spent researching literally anything other than that bullshit idealism.
Maybe take this one to /pol/, they're better suited for such general political questions.

>> No.3083329

The Wealthy Barber

It's full of outdated, normie-tier ideas about investing. Except that if you follow them you will actually retire rich instead of wasting your life trying to trade crypto.

>> No.3083364
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Hmmm~ That's a tougher one. I can think of two off the top of my head.

The first is the original 1960s document by Paul Baran at RAND, which introduced the idea of distributed networks (though it was in the context of post-nuclear war communications):

The second is The Starfish and the Spider:

A bit more conceptual, but I think they might help!

>> No.3083868

Cheers but /pol/ is mostly a hotbed of people discussing racism/sjw stuff
Thanks but not really academic more like "light reading" for high school students.
Awesome thanks for this :^)

>> No.3084268

So I was reading the wealth of nations not long ago. Got a good laugh out of the big cost benefit analysis he does on slavery, and proves how much more profitable it is to hire wagecucks.