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File: 7 KB, 491x87, cole_macy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3081499 No.3081499 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone make a collection of these with some frogs?

I'll continue posting more.


>> No.3081518
File: 8 KB, 483x93, edward_hanlon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3081522

i love how normies think they have it all figured out when in truth it's an excuse for their laziness

>> No.3081553
File: 5 KB, 361x50, jennifer_campbell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3081568
File: 5 KB, 450x61, ernest_buckley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3081589
File: 5 KB, 461x60, john_pohl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on gois, I need some frogs.

>> No.3081596
File: 6 KB, 474x65, kirsten_husted_quinn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3081603
File: 8 KB, 492x132, michael_talley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3081618
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>> No.3081659

No please let the normies remain retarded. It's the way the world works

>> No.3081698


Some people screenshot chan comments for later, thought Facebook comments could be of interest.

I'll link it instead of posting now:



Going to look over these comments in a year. Going to be a great read.

>> No.3081701

they're not normies, they're middle aged people and upwards

millenials are mostly open to the concept of bitcoin because they're not too old where their brains shut down at the mere thought of learning something completely new

>> No.3081709

His thread is triggering me

>> No.3081757


>> No.3081773

All these retarded normies.

>You can buy nothing with haha ROFL LMAO
Sure thing man that is why there Bitcoin ATM's now right? Where you can withdraw your shit fiat.

Or stores that accept Bitcoin as payment. But that does not count for some retarded Normie reasoning.

>It's not backed by anything.
Neither is fiat you dumb piece of shit. Fiat has been decoupled from gold for a long time now.

>Who controls how many coins exist?
Unmutable code that dictates a maximum amount of 21,000,000BTC. Farms will get fewer and fewer amounts.

>Much pedo and drugs
Better put all your money on the bank then. You have nothing to hide right goy?

The Danning Kruger effect is killing me here. Fucking retards.

>> No.3081800

That's not true. Heaps of old dudes into bitcoin

>> No.3081843
File: 206 KB, 500x468, 2017-08-15 23.02.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I may not be understanding the question

>> No.3081868

I'm crying

>> No.3081879

The majority of the retarded people who don't understand bitcoin are old, the early adapters are gonna make a fortune as the old people die off

>> No.3081880
File: 69 KB, 283x423, 2017-08-15 23.05.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3081924

well i think we should be glad normies are still exeptical, it means more time to collect, then they will kiss our asses for a few satoshis!

>> No.3081943

obviously there are old people invested into bitcoin because most of them are actual traders with knowledge of the industry and an open mindedness towards bitcoin

most old people are fucking retarded. they even refuse to learn how to use their smartphones properly.

try getting them to understand how blockchain tech works.

>> No.3082007


Yas. That is what I'm talkin about.

>> No.3082029

Yeah I'm glad we are on the right side of history here

>> No.3082967

>the gold standard still exists
What the fuck?

>> No.3083259

we will truly only be in a bubble once these types of normies are trying to buy crypto

>> No.3083316

This is the type of dumb arguement Glenn beck says too. Heard his snippet on btc (from yesterday) today. They all think physical gold is better since you can hold it. When in truth, you have to find an actual place to trade the gold just like trading BTC. And more and more places are accepting btc as form of payment, can't say same for gold.

>> No.3083358

>give me real money, of any country anytime!
She should get paid zimbabwe dollars

>> No.3083402

Thats partially because gold can be traded only as a commodity and not be used as a currency. Bitcoin is like your bank deposit, backed by actual value behind it and not the jews claiming "its there gois, we definitely did not gamble with your shekels or gaved it to some other goyim to collect interest from them".

Gold is like cash, the only downside of gold as a currency is that its hard to transport and its not really divisible... like cash. The same way you can't pay that guy $2.50 by tearing the $5 bill into 2, you can't pay that guy 1/2 ounce of gold by snapping the coin into 1/2.

Precious metal and crypto = backed by their store of value. Fiat = backed by nothing. The entire financial system has been a fraud. I'm still laughing when people are cashing out into fiat.

>> No.3083410
File: 36 KB, 313x471, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clear 99.99% of normies don't have a clue what money is.

>> No.3083416
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>tried to give the restaurant one whole bitcoin? He must have ate a lot of food.

>> No.3083421
File: 1.53 MB, 3628x1847, a fucking rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for coming in to work overtime Kirsten, we really appreciate it

here's your pay

>> No.3083424

>normies think fiat has actual value other than the value of their enslavement to the government

>> No.3083451

my sides are mooning

>> No.3083465

This thread made me feel good about myself, thank you.

>> No.3083467

I fucking hate normies.

>tfw they'll be my slaves in the post-fiat economy kissing my ass for a few satoshis

>> No.3083779
File: 3 KB, 125x121, happypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this thread is great, I needed this anon. Thank you.

>> No.3083803

bottle caps for currency, this guy played fallout

>> No.3083822
File: 819 KB, 900x861, pieces_of_eight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly pieces of 8 were literally partial pieces of a coin, I think the main reason gold coins can't work is because biz would be cutting little flakes off all day. I think it was just called coin clipping or something.

The goyim are going to be furious if btc keeps climbing, this might trigger them into thinking about inflation.

>> No.3083843


somebody give this retard a redpill stat

>> No.3083941

Yeah, one shitty part about precious metal is that handing your gold coin over 5 guys would probably chip that shit into 1/5 of its original size, while silver would probably reacted with anything it can come in contact with unless you vacuum sealed that shit or something.

The way I see it crypto is like a currency during the gold standard, except it has a limited mintage, hence securing its value over time and prevents an its inflationary supply from devalueing the existing supply ib circulation.

Supply has to go up so that people can board in and have a medium to transact with, but overinflated supply fucks everyone else. Crypto solved the problem of having to trust a central party not to fuck you over through inflating its money supply by having you to trust nobody but maths. Pretty ingenius desu.