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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 271 KB, 1500x1000, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3066829 No.3066829 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, how high will it go /biz/?

>> No.3066852
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I suspect serious resistance @ $5k but I'm not going to short it because jews are in the game now and they could push it much higher to close shorts and lock goys out of the market.

>> No.3066853

4900 by end of week

Eventually the fomotards have to run out of money though

>> No.3066860

>goldman sachs
>run out of money

top kekkles

>> No.3066866

institutions never run out of money. they just borrow more from central banks that print more. bitcoin can goto $10k without stopping.

>> No.3066867

8k at least

>> No.3066869

no doubt 10k

>> No.3066876

Jim Cramer from CNBC says $1,000,000!

>> No.3066888

There is no resistance. The bull run is in full force. No one in their right mind is placing sell orders, outside of minute scalpers.

That said there is also no support. The minute one person starts dumping the whole bubble is coming down, so have the stop losses up obviously. I am fulling in bitcoin but expect it to pop back to like $2-3k at the end up.

Who knows how high the jenga tower will get, its like the powerball jackpot, just random until it pops.

>> No.3066900

Hard to say. It's manipulated af right now. I have many BTC and believe in the future of the coin but right now this rise is retarded.

>> No.3066911

We've hit the legitimate institutional investor phase

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if we see $20k BTC by the end of the year

>> No.3066947
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In the next 48 hours. Cap this now

I like you guys and been in this shit board since '08

>> No.3067009


Here is some basic numbers welcome anyone to check this..

If World GDP is $65 Trilion and only 1 percent of world transactions are conducted in bitcoin it equals $650 billion in commerce occuring at the highest point of market efficiency - every year.. If 18 million bitcoin (remember bitcoin cannot be diluted without democratic concensus) are trying to represent that much economic activity while 3/4 of the bitcoin holders are buy hold investors you have one of the largest monetary booms in history about to occur..

4 million 'free usable' bitcoin depending on money velocity representing $650 billion in gdp is staggering $100,000 to $1 milion are realistic numbers.. Thats at 1 PERCENT of world gdp.. $7500 pftt!! Try $750,000 to start!!

Offshore unregulated exchanges will grow in direct proportion to how hard the fiat giants try to control their onshore crypto- exchanges. Trying to pressure plebs that are already squeezed to bankruptcy because of fiat debt and have nothing to loose will ignore all threats of jail for trading crypto.. Look at the dirty thirties gold grab what percentage of the public ignored the threats even with long jail sentences offered for not turning in gold..

Once someone (whoever) makes a Amazon offshore like site but trades in only crypto stick a fork in fiat its over..

Crypto will not stop wars and depressions but create them as the fiat giants lash out in their own throes of oblivion.. They will even knock down the internet but local internets and cryptoexchanges around the world will continue waiting for relink.. Because of this a shutdown WILL happen at some point and gold phyz will skyrocket..

The only loosers in 3 years are the people who stayed in fiat..

>> No.3067091
File: 154 KB, 500x351, sobright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3067168

i dumped all my alts a couple hours ago. i suspect btc will hit 5k by tomorrow night

>> No.3067169

>My 3 BTC could one day buy me a really nice house

My trading failures feel a little better today, thanks anon