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3065562 No.3065562 [Reply] [Original]

Umm...why are there people still buying BTC?

Isn't it obvious to everyone this shit will crash fucking hard just like it did literally every time before?

>> No.3065570

Are you retarded?

>> No.3065671

Because the 'recovery' was fake, people subconsciously know another recession is coming and possibly they might be drafted to fight a war with Mongolia in response to a nuclear attack from Korea (kind of like invading Iraq in response to Saudi Arabia's WTC attack)

>> No.3065675


>> No.3065696

Everybody knows BTC crashes every once in a while, but it's still worth it to buy it since it'll go up on the long run and nobody can tell exactly when it's going to dip.

>> No.3065737
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its been a long while since ive encountered autism this strong. this nigga makes /b/ look like a bunch of scholars

>> No.3065776

Whoa, didn't know Alex Jones posted on /biz/.

>> No.3065788

As if anyone will get involuntarily drafted when all you have to do is say you identify as a tranny.

>> No.3065811


the chart literally shows 1 longer period of decline/stagnation, and it was when crypto lacked credibility and the largest exchange was hacked. a 10k btc is closer than you think

>> No.3065826

It's because idiots fear that they will miss out on the crypto riches.
Once jewman sachs dumps crypto it will plummet back to the 2000s maybe even dip below that.

>> No.3065850

>he didnt buy the dip

>> No.3065875

if you're still a noicoiner, i'd average in
these prices will look cheap in a year, at the same time it'll probably be lower than it is right now soon

>> No.3065879

>but it's still worth it to buy it since it'll go up on the long run and nobody can tell exactly when it's going to dip.

If everyone thinks BTC is going to go up long run, then it won't go up long run.

The price does exactly the opposite of what "everybody thinks"

>> No.3065891

if it crashes to 1000, people will just buy it up cheap again and price will again rise.

>> No.3065895

Cool buddy. Just short BTC then, easy money.

>> No.3065896

I'm not a nocoiner. I'm the guy with 690'000$ crypto portfolio, but I'm pissed that price is rising so fast and not gradually. Every time it rises fast it is just a mania and then bubble pops and losses hurt more than gains.

I literally bought all of my BTC at $70 several years ago, Mr. Laggard.

>> No.3065898

If everyone thinks the price of BTC will go up to 10k, then people will keep buying it until it reaches 10k. It wouldn't magically fall just to go against what everyone thinks.

>> No.3066051
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>Isn't it obvious to everyone this shit will crash fucking hard just like it did literally every time before?
Yeah but it will still stand pretty high, also it might do better than many Altcoins...

>> No.3066093
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>War with Mongolia

Someone's been spending too much time on bant

>> No.3066110

Why are you faggots so afraid to post proof? Sign your fucking wallet and post the address.

>> No.3066147
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>> No.3066158

Because GS is spoofing bitcoin to artificially inflate the price before crashing it. Which is why it doesn't crash when it should crash or dip.

>> No.3066160


>> No.3066172

please explain how it's obvious that i will crash

>> No.3066314
File: 58 KB, 1158x604, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no reason at all goyim, keep buying for maximum gains.

>> No.3066331


bitcoin has mooned so hard it has gained sentience

>> No.3066350
File: 62 KB, 657x526, 1464711418605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that bitcoin is a jewish invention
don't you have a dodge challenge to buy and some manchild to run over?

for you :^)

>> No.3066360

kek, this

>> No.3066367
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>he doesn't know why the blocksize is still 1MB

>> No.3066372

Please explain why it isn't?

What is your reasoning to this trend continuing?

>> No.3066381

People who need it to invest in altcoins keep buying, what's so hard about this? I don't think it will but it can easely go to 5000+ and stay there

>> No.3066385

And how'd you come to this conclusion?

>> No.3066391

to keep the poorfags out of it
if you can't afford 10 bucks to transfer money you deserve to get put to death

newton's first law

>> No.3066427
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>> No.3066530
File: 239 KB, 873x883, spoofer identified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a fact that someone with unlimited funds is spoofing BTC. Its been reported on every major exchange since the bubble started. Its a fact Goldman Sachs is developing their own blockchain and BTC is a threat to them and all centralized money. Its also a fact that picture related.

GS is going to crash BTC to steal normalfag money and deal a huge blow to public faith in bitcoin. All alts will also suffer because people are dumping their alt money in to it.

>> No.3066538

They dont Know that BCC IS FLppNing Right now fwauk em

>> No.3066541

>tfw been waiting for a dip since 240

>> No.3066554

Google "goldman sachs bitcoin" they're pumping it

>> No.3066565

My greatest fear is btc going to 15k or and crashing to a permanent floor of $5000

>> No.3066703

This isn't something physical and is not applicable to the situation. Sorry bud.

If you want to go around saying shit like that, What goes up, must come down.

>> No.3066716

>What goes up, must come down.
which is what op was implying, that was my point

>> No.3066745
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1501198468676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can honestly predict when BTC will crash you should be swimming in the labia fluid of 10,000 10/10 models while they bathe you.

>> No.3066762

But Goldman Sachs is predicting then it will crash, which is 4800, because they are the ones spoofing it.

>> No.3066780
File: 573 KB, 681x718, Shorted BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm...why are there people still shorting BTC?

Isn't it obvious to everyone this shit will moon fucking hard just like it did literally every time before?

>> No.3066840

They dont know about the manipulation.

>> No.3067467

Sold at 3150. Got ass fucked hard. Bought back in and sold at 3500. Ass fucked again with no lube. Bought in a 4000. Learned my lesson. Run in the same direction as the bull not towards it. Don't care why people are buying. I'm in. I'm ready to bail out though.

>> No.3067965

Buying it up until Avalon(AVA) drops. It's mostly the gooks now

>> No.3067981

>9 No.3067467▶
>Sold at 3150. Got ass fucked hard. Bought back in and sold at 3500. Ass fucked again with no lube. Bought in a 4000. Learned my lesson. Run in the same direction as the bull not towards it. Don't care why people are buying. I'm in. I'm ready to bail out though.

If you bail you haven't learned your lesson.

>> No.3068042


If I do bail I'm going to set buy stops in case it bounces back. I am not going to try to predict the crash and sell at the absolute peak, but I am not going to be a bag holder loosing 50% in a crash, so if it starts trending negative I'm bailing after 5-10% down from ATH. I can always just buy again if it bounces back.

>> No.3068045


And BTC crashed to $1850 a month ago and now it's over $4000. Who gives a fuck if it crashed once in a while?

>> No.3068124

>Goldman Sachs is looking at paper charts of bitcoin with a fucking magnifying glass
Someone shoot these dumbass journalists in the back of the head.