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3063933 No.3063933 [Reply] [Original]

>have a low effort government job in London
>make barely enough for gym, food, tiny apartment etc
>wasted all my savings on junk food and coffee in past two years (recently given up junk food)
>have only £50 to invest in crypto but know it's a waste
>feel like a beta loser for not doing something practical or risky- get jelly at the biz excitement
>either waste my time or spend it with my nose in a book or text book(I fear being seen as a pleb or idiot)
>feel under pressure to do or learn a million things at once
>struggle to pass job interviews due to ugliness and autism

What would you be doing in my position? Programming seems the only way to something entrepreneurial (whether to make money or just improve my CV). I will apply to higher paying graduate jobs in September but the whole wagie rat race is demoralising. I will never be enough of a normie to succeed socially in a workplace.

And how do I brainwash myself in to not giving a fuck about the propaganda telling me what to do? I feel like I need to read tonnes of boring "classic" books or else I'm a pleb. I need to go through SICP before doing real world programming.

Of course I waste a lot of my time sitting around outside, drinking coffee, hoping my 20s will spontaneously become a non stop friend / gf filled party through an act of God. I am not joking

>> No.3063974

Similar boat brah.
Here is what I find helps.
>Actually apply what you read in books, advice given, thoughts. Becomes second nature after a while and you can apply even more.
>Focus on one thing at a given time frame, go 100 percent.
>Make a schedule and stick to it.

>> No.3064019
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>live in Swindon
>everything is cheap
>rarely see niggers
>Made 100k from crypto

Sucks to be you OP

>> No.3064040

i was working in swindon last month and it was like a scene from zulu walking down the high street

>> No.3064051
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>rarely see niggers
wait a minute, are you trying to tell me there are places in the west that are not 100% cucked

>> No.3064059


There's your problem.

>> No.3064066



>> No.3064146

Rarely, if ever see them in the countryside. They stay in the shitholes.

>> No.3064156

was there for 2 days and saw nothing but sand people in the streets
only white people were browsing the massive selection of pound shops

im back in truro now so its ok

>> No.3064252

Kek, if you want to have a laugh, go to Interlaken in Switzerland during the summer.

Never seen so much burqas in whole my life. And I live in Brussels.

>> No.3064603

Did you pay the tele tax?

>> No.3064678


No, and I got a threatening letter lol. I don't watch live TV. Th-that should stop them coming after me, r-right?

>> No.3064694

>live in Swindon
>rarely see niggers

That's only because you never leave your basement

>> No.3065008

I am currently in London
Is there anything fun to do besides the parks in the centre and the point of interests?

>> No.3065073

The real question is why you have such a huge stack in that ICO garbage.

>> No.3065199


>> No.3065243

Spend your entire monthly salary on a beer and stand in a bar with extremely pretentious people that think they're better than you because they wear a suit and "work in the city"

>> No.3065257

meant for >>3065008

>> No.3065259

What is your gubmint job muh friend?

>> No.3065279

>Most of it is in OMG

You've got more balls than brains.

>> No.3065288

Nogs move to nice places and make them shitholes.

>> No.3065313



corrected. also, whats a CV?

>> No.3065329
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INTERLAKEN!?!?? WHY?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.3065342
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You don't need to learn thousands of things. Just pick one thing that you like and focus on that. Experts are usually well paid, while jacks of all trades are poor assholes. Also put your disposable income into BTC. You're gonna make it brah.

>> No.3065373
