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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 278 KB, 1826x453, omisego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3055796 No.3055796 [Reply] [Original]

chart attached for your review, brah.

>> No.3055806

your charts are trash. the price goes up when the gook robots decide the price will go up. your gay lines can't predict the robots!

>> No.3055818

my gay lines can predict when i buy and sell so thats good enuff for me but your feedback is greatly appreciated.

gookbots can suck my nutz i'm cashing out at tomorrow's HOD.

>> No.3055839

gay lines? HVF?

>> No.3055841

I fuckin FOMO's on 195k...I really suck at this. Hoping it breaks ATH on this next pump.

>> No.3055843

settle down, pervert.

>> No.3055854

300 OMG reporting in.

>> No.3055859

omg is going to moon.
omg is going to moon.
doesnt moon.

>> No.3055879


Only 404. We'r gonna make it anon, just give it a few years.

People don't realize how rapidly crytpos and blockhaintech is gaining momentum.

People will call me a rtard but OMG is going to be four figures in 2020.

>> No.3055887

what's your favorite flavor crayon?

>> No.3055889

what did you use to get a dark background?

>> No.3055915


I've propably been longer in crypto than you. I had 14 btc in Cryptsy and we all know how that played out (doub't you even know what im talking about)

Started again 1½ months and I'm up about 650%.

>> No.3055920
File: 59 KB, 1592x400, fractal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt color cheme

>> No.3055923

you sound like a nice lady. i'm guessing....purple.

>> No.3055932

I'm referring to the page, not the chart.

>> No.3055946

i like it. looks like the Rockies.

>> No.3055947


>> No.3055954
File: 41 KB, 1183x396, stococo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever bro, check out my color schemes

>> No.3055968

oh shit here comes the buy support

we are going UP

>> No.3055990

Honestly, I want to use this but I really dont like how much access it requires to your pc, seems really dodgy.

>> No.3055998

>Using TA
>Not using Trading View

>> No.3056019

Well I use it and have for awhile with no issue. Also use it for dark version of chan.

>> No.3056024

Man fuck crypsty and everyone that ever was involved in that bullshit

I hope that slut whore that took all her husbands stolen Internet monies and refuses to give it back gets cunt cancer and dies a slow painful death

>> No.3056035

Only been around for 4 months, was Crypsty worse than the recent chaincoin?

>> No.3056069

i bought 65 of these at 149 id love for it to shoot to 225 again for a quick 2day $200 profit

>tfw throwing money at altcoins at a low and selling high is earning me more money than my shit fulltime job

>> No.3056089

We really need more memes, images, activity...ANS community was strong through all the FUD, really helped push the coin and get people interested.

Come on OMG!

>> No.3056104

more like OmiseNO...seriously thought I need this shit to come through for me, but i'm not convinved since it's already close to 10x since the ICO.

>> No.3056111

im surprised... with a name like omg why isnt there a porno meme with gains coming out of a blonde pornstars asshole with her face expression like OMG

>> No.3056129

no thats retarded

coin is a coin. if anything the ans fomo was detrimental

>> No.3056138
File: 63 KB, 1200x405, 645ef274772d3e5f26abc6f155a67582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

Zero hour at 6am EST?

>> No.3056142


to a coin that shot up 385% in the last month kek that might be one of the dumbest posts I've seen on /biz/ to date

>> No.3056209

450 OMG checking in. Ready for the imminent moon mission

>> No.3056237

1010 OMG here

going to bed. I want at least 25% more profit when i wake up.

>> No.3056319

just waiting on Chink whale to pump. 1800 OMG down from 2800 kms...at least its something.

>> No.3056669

10200 of these bad boys.

Bring me moon.

>> No.3056693

moon mission baby