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3053037 No.3053037 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /biz/, amateur bag holder here, and I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to what price is a good one to set stop losses at.

I've got a few speculative purchases I want to set stop losses for, but I'm not 100% sure what an acceptable % loss would be for them.

>> No.3053049

depending on how volatile 5-10%
and thats if you buy in at support

>> No.3053060


It's been extremely volatile lately so I wouldn't set your stop loss too high. I usually set mine at 25% lower than what I bought in it. It hasn't fucked me too hard yet and seems to survive pump and dumps.

>> No.3053075


Yeah I'm a little worried about how volatile everything is, and I'm confident in the tech I chose to invest in for mid-long term gains so I dont wanna totally fuck myself

I think I'll go 25% under as well

>> No.3053090


It's a good place to start, but do what you're comfortable with Anon. If it dips below that stop loss there's some heavy shit going on.

>> No.3053339

Stop loss orders are market type orders or limit type orders? depends on the exchanges? Say Polo and Bittrex.

>> No.3053347

holyyy shieeeetttt i need to get a gf that isnt fat :(

>> No.3053358


By my calculations.

That's a vagina.

>> No.3053360

nice poosay and feet

>> No.3053387

limit or you will lose all of your money to flash crash manipulation. this is VERY important. stop-LIMIT, NOT stop-loss. do NOT set a stop-less, EVER. LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT.

but generally speaking, dont set a stop-limit unless you absolutely have to.

>> No.3053395

I learned the hard way on polo.

>> No.3053400

I case of a P&D is it wise to set a Stop & Limit?

>> No.3053410

I fucking hate pussy. Especially pic related

>> No.3053419

I think I know this fat bottomed girl.

>> No.3053483


>> No.3053497

Show your work anon.

>> No.3053499

Hailey Joel Osment

>> No.3053510

this is a blue board. reported

>> No.3053521


Is it normal that I want her to sit on my face so i can sniff and eat her ass?

>> No.3053559

You can't post stuff like that here faggot.

>> No.3053592

> reward>risk
> the previous minor low

isnt difficult nsfw-poster-faggot

>> No.3053613


Why the fuck are girls so hot holy fuck it's not fair