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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 200x200, binance-coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3050744 No.3050744 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when Binance was 65 cents? Shit's going to the moon.

>CTO of OkCoin heading the project
>Roger Ver
>Only decentralized exchange with their own token
>Use Binance Token to save 50% on transaction fees
>Highest volume exchange for NEO
>Developers/Exchange are buying back 100M of the tokens over time

>> No.3050766

How much time left? I don't have much liquid BTC atm.

>> No.3050777

Shhhhhhhh!!!!! Not yet I'm waiting for a transfer

>> No.3050782

Been in BNB since $.30

>> No.3050786

fund with ETH, they have an ETH/BNB pair and transaction times are faster. from registration to funding confirmation took me 20 minutes.

>> No.3051916

>Tfw bought BNB two days ago and sold it yesterday after 10% gains expecting another dip

>> No.3051920

No idea why I didn't buy at $.12, seemed like a sure shot even at the time

>> No.3051938

I did exactly the same thing but with 30% gains.


The Chinese are waking up now so I'm expecting a dip soon

>> No.3051965

A dip or maybe higher gains...you never know

>> No.3052087


i bought gas first and then switched to bnb
holy shit

>> No.3052726

So you have to pay for a token to get 50% off? Well its not 50% off then is it because you just paid for the token.

>> No.3052821

I wanted to buy at 0.30 but my bank kept cucked my giving me an "error". Im so fuckign pissed right now and loosing out on 2000$ because of my bank.

Fuck banks, hail crypto. It's money you greedy kikes can't wait for crypto to give the power back to the people

>> No.3053917

Holding 216 of this alongside my Neo. Good idea? Guess it can't really crash right?

>> No.3053988

They sold most of it during the ICO and I imagine you'll be getting a discount for how much it costs so:
if the price goes up you get more bang for your BNB

>> No.3054021

i bout the dip at 14k, up to 23 now, only 520 coins though

>> No.3054123

>only 500

>> No.3054149

Fuck.... I can't decide whether to just keep everything in neo or hodl some of this too

>> No.3054198

Get some more fiat in this week is gonna be fun

>> No.3054271

>Trade costs 1 dollar
>Buy 50 cent token
>With token you get 50% discount.
>Pay for trade.
>You saved 50%

>> No.3054319

what did the web developers mean by this?

>> No.3054348

It means that they are making so much ducking money off Chinese whales your $10 deposit isn't worth the hassle of hiring an English translator.

>> No.3054355

You fucks always post coins that are mid-mooning (50%+ up)

Where are you asshole BEFORE the shit starts popping off?

>> No.3054380

Been shilling this for three days and everybody flamed me when it dipped 5% and told me to stick a sharpie up my anus.

>> No.3054385

Never because +50% is when everyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts posting about it here

>> No.3054386

It only a start...this is Neo all over again

>> No.3054388

>Roger Ver
get ready for the dump

>> No.3054396
File: 62 KB, 374x767, 1502662206013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /biz.

>> No.3054406

up 15% over the length of an episode of Game of Thrones.

>> No.3054433
File: 422 KB, 1200x1739, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want in goys, how high do I set a buy order before I sleep

>> No.3054444

Can someone please tl;dr this shit for a literal retard?

I made a bunch of money off of ANS because "chink ethereum" was a good enough sell for me at the time. What is fueling this hype?

>> No.3054453

Is that shit still worth watching? Or did it go full sjw?

>> No.3054457

Maybe the low of the past hour. This thing has been constantly upwards.

>> No.3054474

If you've watched six seasons you might as well finish it. Much more action heavy and things happening than in the past. Story/dialog isn't as good without Martin's work to poach from. Root for the villains. I think it's been better than the past two seasons so far.

>> No.3054563

The chart for Binance is INSANE. Its rare, even in crypto, to see such a sustained pace of demand for a coin. This just shows how hot the market for crypto is right now. I dont think you can lose buying in before this thing hits top 20.

>> No.3054625

So everything is going great now but what happened from May to mid July? I wasn't really paying attention back then.

>> No.3054912

too late for BNB huh?

how high can the market cap go?

>> No.3054981

Definitely not too late. This is a unique coin, no other exchange has a coin you pay its fees with.

>> No.3054992

You have until the 24th when fees go active

>> No.3055002

Sell NEO. ride trends. you have no idea how hard BNB is going to trend next week.

>> No.3055019

I've never seen a more beautiful chart. there are so many opportunities to get on the rocket ship. we just left the ground. systems are go. I have never shilled a coin this hard before in my life. I have 1000.

>> No.3055025
File: 187 KB, 987x995, [ANK-Raws] ガーリッシュ ナンバー 03 (BDrip 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV420P10 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_20.42_[2017.06.13_14.45.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

38k BNB for 20 cents
got 15k BNB more at 35

>> No.3055027

We still have room to 10x. volume keeps growing.

>> No.3055036

i don't even know what to say. If thats true you made it.

>> No.3055062

Anxiety over the fork + overprice ETH caused a crash

>> No.3055089
File: 177 KB, 1172x1080, [ANK-Raws] ガーリッシュ ナンバー 01 (BDrip 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV420P10 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_15.43_[2017.06.12_16.28.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to ETH I didn't have to put money into crypto anymore.

>> No.3055105

I'm 51% in BNB right now, 31% NEO.

>> No.3055137

fuck it i'm dropping my 3 eth into BNB

gonna give it a good week or two to hopefully catch fire

did i do good boys?

>> No.3055147

100% altcoin funds in BNB. No altcoin is worth holding long term. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. (though there will be many more in crypto)

>> No.3055152

yes. look at this fucking chart. they can't stop the price they can only hope to tactically slow it down.

>> No.3055157
File: 110 KB, 1280x339, 231123234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3055169

Why BNB though, I'm thinking about an all in somewhere but I'm not really seeing the value here

>> No.3055173


i was always wary of neo because I didnt see what it provided to the user that other coins didnt

with this shit the value is self evident, and thats the kind of investment i like to make

thanks bros, to the fucking moon we go

>> No.3055189

Yeah... alright. Fuck DNT anyway. Fucking memefactory.io...

>> No.3055501

>bought more BNB
>literally fucking instantaneously up 6%

>> No.3055606

Thanks /biz/, this is a good one. All in.

>> No.3055661

where the fuck do you buy this reeeeeeeee

>> No.3055668


>> No.3055696

This is only going up...it had this dips the whole night but then it shoots up

>> No.3055707

Have you tried using that Google Web Sight??

>> No.3055750
File: 192 KB, 1258x1080, [ANK-Raws] ガーリッシュ ナンバー 07 (BDrip 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV420P10 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_11.48_[2017.06.16_00.14.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not get both?

Ah, right, profits, of fucking course.

>> No.3055768

whales got diarrhea rn

>> No.3055783

AFAIK the exchange isn't decentralized yet.
Their whitepaper gives virtually no detail on how they plan to achieve decentralization. Just "gonna happen in the future lol".

>> No.3055871

I'll jump back on it once it gets added to Binance. Hated liqui.io anyway.

>> No.3055905
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, 1496981594398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safex be very warry

>> No.3055977

idk what that even means. buy safex or sell safex?

>> No.3056015


From a chart perspective it looks like a good set up, still with good volume, and some sort of fundamental coming out soon.

Good support overall, could see a 20% bounce soon. I reccomend no more than 5% of total bank roll on SAFEX

>> No.3056232

Please send 1,000 to 0x18d6ce08b3511c85ddebe116e1b09c71dc2af7cc

>> No.3056241

relax senpai, i was there, thank you for your concerns

>> No.3056265

y'all see that whale just hook us up ;)

>> No.3056284

My sides

>> No.3056289
File: 72 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3056333

Just bought in at 32k, did I miss moon?

>> No.3056404

Nope, just getting started. This is like getting NEO at $4.

>> No.3056448

This is my first decent sized holding as a wagecuck noob, got 150, lezgo bois

>> No.3056508

Just when you think people can't fomo any harder it goes higher. And we are just getting started.

>> No.3056518
File: 18 KB, 822x154, BNB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started out as a wagecuck noob based on advice from /biz/ on ETH back in March before it hit $20.

>> No.3056554

Best decision of your life I only have 1k.

>> No.3056598

but how can this be even remotely comparable to NEO, its literally tied to one exchange, which means they can pump an dump it whenever they want, just like POSW.

>> No.3056613

is this the meme to end all memes? i'm in boys

>> No.3056651

>50% of the tokens were sold at ICO, 40% kept for devs, 10% for angel investors.
>Dev tokens vest 25% annually starting next July.
>They're going to buy back half of the total token supply (100,000,000) and burn them.
>You can pay trading fees on the exchange using BNB and get a 50% discount.
>No fees on trading through August 24th.
>Users receive monthly GAS payouts based on NEO holdings.
>Read the whitepaper: https://www.binance.com/resources/ico/Binance_WhitePaper_en.pdf
>Dev team is legit as they come

>> No.3056667
File: 3.77 MB, 2560x1440, 1466915289548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you miss this you will regret it for the rest of your lives.

>> No.3056690

Why isn't binance showing my btc deposit

>> No.3056727

No clue, my eth deposit showed up and was credited within 15 minutes.

>> No.3056782
File: 36 KB, 280x354, 1450000096487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go out and get some McDonalds or something then come back, they'll show up

>> No.3056818

I have 97 k safex. Wtf you mean, Whale?????!!!!!

>> No.3057496

Have you checked confirmation status? I've got a transaction into Binance stuck at 0/3 confirmations

>> No.3057623
File: 226 KB, 1237x1080, [ANK-Raws] ガーリッシュ ナンバー 06 (BDrip 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV420P10 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_16.32_[2017.06.15_23.22.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my eth deposit showed up and was credited within 15 minutes
>15 minutes
wat. Mine was like, 40 seconds.

>> No.3057822
File: 10 KB, 590x93, chinkcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder don't buy Bytom they are a fucking shit coin Engrish pajeet chink team

>> No.3057958

50/50 on BNB and BTM right now making gains out of this world.
Thanks biz, for once you were useful

>> No.3057969
File: 118 KB, 792x1124, 1468782653813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>70% gains overnight
Now I wish I bought more of it but whatev I'm happy I was one of the first shilling a non-shitcoin.

>> No.3058250

mmm we penetrating these soft juicy walls all day my nigs

>> No.3058262

The problem I see here, is that I'm not sure people are willing to hold these coins. I think it's more likely it will hit a certain point and crash as people cash out.

>> No.3058327

what the fuck! I tried signing up two days ago, but the registration page is fucked for me!! still doesn't work, the slider doesn't move, or I get a "network error". Literally cucked out of my gains, bunch of FUCKS.

>> No.3058400
File: 40 KB, 1101x705, binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better hurry

>> No.3058435

it was my adblocker...fuck me, first i miss neo, now this, and I got 30k SIGT, can it get any fucking worse?

>> No.3058456
File: 931 KB, 510x810, 1501590649176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, just buy now, there's still time.

>> No.3058484

Is there a deposit limit if I'm at verification level 1?

>> No.3058493

Learn from my mistake, take the cap off the sharpie before impaling yourself. I now have a jet black pucker.

>> No.3058497

No, but there's a daily withdrawal limit of 2 BTC per day.

>> No.3058519

I love how the logo has a swastika look to it. Heil Binance!

>> No.3058574

wow i thought i was gonna be fucked buying BNB at $1.10 last night

pleasantly surprised this morning

>> No.3058578


Do you even understand what BNB is? Fudders been saying this won't go over $2 and it's about to hit that mark today or tomorrow

>> No.3058607

Eh...is it normal that pending deposits don't instanlty show up in binance? I've send some ether 10 minutes ago, still no sign of it in my binance wallet.

>> No.3058655
File: 1.87 MB, 331x197, 1494903812348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 Million volume 24 hours ago

>> No.3058678

can anyone log in to binance? it keeps refreshing the page by itself for me

>> No.3058698

nevermind, clearing cache and cookies worked

shit myself a second

>> No.3059043

Wish I could have bought more earlier

>> No.3059127

Likewise, stuck for 6 hours and counting

>> No.3059174


What does it mean

>> No.3059228

It means the bull run isnt over

>> No.3059316


Oh ok. Bought 1000 BNB yesterday havent really checked how its doing so i guess its good

>> No.3059333


>> No.3059544



>> No.3059627

You got 30 confirmations in 40 seconds?

>> No.3059872

whats the binance deposit time?

>> No.3060985

depends on what coin you deposit