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3047883 No.3047883 [Reply] [Original]

Officially the most massive scam in crypto history. It is now entering $3 billion and all the naive mindless investors have no idea what they are investing in and that it's absolute garbage chink vaporware.

>> No.3047902

Lots of words but no proof duder

>> No.3047910

You are right but all the idiots high on their temporary gains will call you a FUDder

>> No.3047911

My current strategy is to buy into coins the will go up in value once these people are forced to sell their bags and reinvest it into their "NEO 2.0" delusion, which could be anything like Stratis or ARK, which both have real fundamentals in the long run.
Have fun loosing all your money to scamming chinks until then.

>> No.3047943

Hahahaha. Pathetic attempt at FUD.

Sry fgt. Chyna is the next big market. Sucks being obsolete huh?

>> No.3047986

>ITT: more noobs who don't understand NEO pays dividends in the form of GAS and there's no reason to sell regardless of what the price is doing

>> No.3048003

o look another angry no neocoiner

>> No.3048007

Noice. I am also trying to pick up good alts for cheap right now. It's still nerve-wracking since the market doesn't seem to care about project quality at all right now.

>> No.3048009


Fudding this hard lol

If you really had good fundamental analysis, you would have bought antshares when they were just $3

>> No.3048011

You're like 2 steps ahead of us man.

>> No.3048026

It's like Ripple all over again.

>> No.3048038

why you don't own any neo? just because you hate it lol?

>> No.3048179

NEO has potential but this shit is at massive levels of FOMO hype. They literally only have 1 developer on the project. I'll enjoy watching the smug faggots suffer during it's crash soon

>> No.3048191

can you tell us lucky neo owners when this crash happens? so we can sell high and buy more low.

>> No.3048212

>They literally only have 1 developer on the project.
wrong. you NEO FUDsters are so jealous that all you have to attack us with now are lies. it's sad.

and you call us delusional, but the only delusional zealots I see are the faggots who think ETH can never be removed from its number 2 spot.

>> No.3048227

The sad thing is it happens every other month. POSW, Digibyte, Chaincoin and now Antshares. Is no one learning or its just new people every time losing 90 % of their money?

>> No.3048241

I literally have NEO shares faggot. I was expecting this coin be $20 dollar range at this point, not $50. Massively overvalued relative to what they've actually delovered so far

>> No.3048242

ethereum is shit.you buy it to to pay for some skinny retards hoes to suck his small russian dick.

>> No.3048245

the fact you can't differentiate between things like Chaincoin and NEO proves your lack of intelligence.

>> No.3048272

I'm starting to believe it's paid shills or just people shilling their bags to sell them to some dunce

>> No.3048273

This cope reminds me of the ETH craze in april-may

>> No.3048378

What do you think about selling when it reach 0.015 btc?

>> No.3048393
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No way $50 is the new floor

>> No.3048392

I have a few sell orders in place
at 0.1 BTC ;)

>> No.3048419

>thinks that china's communist government won't regulate this eventually


>> No.3048428

we'll probably see a 20-30% correction. Still if you bought and held since a month ago and stomach the downturn you will be rewarded with even more all time highs.

>> No.3048445

>thinks being regulated and thus endorsed by the chinese government would be a bad thing

>> No.3048450
File: 34 KB, 1859x382, 344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bittrex is such a fucking scam

>> No.3048477

they adding GAS ability maybe?

>> No.3048487

Altcoin traders are pure speculators. At least bitcoin can be used to buy stuff.

>> No.3048513


I only got into crypto this may but i saw the potential of antshares and bought in at $4,$7 and $9.

May i ask, wat were things like during the eth boom? Were people fudding as hard as they are now?

>> No.3048522

people always hate on things they don't understand and own .

>> No.3048536

I love how the higher it goes the more out of their minds and hysterical the FUDers become :)
missed the train faggot?

>> No.3048541

oh yeah. people are jealous as fuck of us NEO holders dude.

>> No.3048546
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this is their wallet

they own 0.3% of all NEO

Binance owns 1.7%

>> No.3048631
File: 26 KB, 742x354, reversal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've reached reversal point, downtrend has started, this is the correction kicking in.

My advice, sell now, buy it agaiin in a few hours, 20% cheaper.

I've grow my NEOs from 300 to 750 just doing this in the last 5 days.

>> No.3048672

NEO is definitely overvalued. not total vaporware but not even like 20% of what they're promising. investors are idiots, but thanks for the quick buck today I guess

>> No.3048709

to be honest compared to Eth we're having it easy ( so far at least ). Eth triggered some FUders to the point of fanaticism. At the sightliest drop of value they would immediately scream to everyone that Eth was finished. We're not there yet with Neo but I reckon there are a lot of similarities. Watch them when the coin reaches the hundred lol.

>> No.3048718

sounds like ETH

>> No.3048811


LMAO. thx for the response. Damn, but i mean all they'd have to do is buy a few shares? Then theyd be making money too! Why didnt those eth fudders just buy in? Does the fud freeze them to the point of inaction?

>> No.3048874

This sums up every fudder.
Very limited intellect to decipher the difference between cryptocurrencies, blockchain platforms, and startup tokens built on platforms.

>> No.3048898

I don't care. My initial investment was 3000€, cashed out already 6000€ and still have more than half my stack in, while also riding the waves for an extra 150-300€ a day. Whatever it does, I'll keep profiting off it.

>> No.3048901

Npe that is why people hate NEOfags you are all noobs who came to crypto 2 weeks ago and think your random shitcoin is the next big thing. Ahahhahahaha. You'll learn soon enough

>> No.3048934

Has anybody done enough of a meme line analysis to give me an idea where a good entry point in neo is? I'm too new and don't trust myself not to buy in too high or at the wrong place.

>> No.3048949

itll crash hard but eating money of normies and ppl buying ath is lovely, neo became day trading now which means on the longer run it wont survive

>> No.3048959


Let's say bought some NEO and I had some NEO on an exchange. How would I then I get it to start paying me dividends in the form of GAS?

>> No.3048964

Sure. Same arguments than eth at 40$

>> No.3048976

you do realize ANS has been "became day trading now" since $7 right.

>> No.3048998

This shit is absolutely crazy, I don't think anyone that isn't trying to FUD would disagree that neo has some huge potential and it is most definitely not a shitcoin pump and dump.
But $50, for fucking nothing.... nothing at all apart from ideas and speculation.. it just passed litecoin marketcap a name that even some normeis outside of crypto will be aware of anyone who has heard of bitcoin soon hears of litecoin also and now we have this random coin which seems like yesterday was stable around $5-7 up in the top 5 marketcap.

This is total madness FOMO and the inevitable dump that's going to happen due to this is probably going to ruin the reputation of a good coin and product

>> No.3049008

did someone already had the idea to day trade btc?

like buy for 3800$ and sell at 4200$. should work no?

>> No.3049014


Bahaha. I was in ethereum from $42

I recognised the identical potential of antshares as soon as i understood what it was. Never even in doubt.

You let your casual inner racism fall for the "chinkcoin" meme. Asia is leading the way in economic tech, and they work harder at achieving it. Stay poor buddy

>> No.3049025

eh, it's just easier to day trade alt coins dude. buy and hold btc

>> No.3049036

Personally I'm in crypto long enough to have seen and bought 5$ Eth. And I can tell the similarities with Neo are incredibly striking.
Keep denying it and scream it's a shitcoin, I'm sure it will do you a lot of good when it reaches 250 in a couple months faggot.

>> No.3049044

Pretty much this. A slow and steady rise would have been much more sustainable.

This will damage it in the short term.

>> No.3049048

>it passed LTC, a worthless shitcoin that has no reason to exist. EPIC CRASH INCOMING

>> No.3049052

lol literally the same chaincoin chink scam, now fuck off you pajeet scammer

>> No.3049121

anyone who thinks NEOs current price is legit is fucking insane

no, it's not total bullshit - there's an actual product there somewhere

but not a single thing has been built on it. you can barely write a single SC on top of NEO right now. All the nodes are managed by onchain. The whole thing is 100% unproven and missing almost ALL of the big features that ppl keep talking about - fiat transactions, digital identity tracking, "smart economy" - all of that shit only exists in the whitepaper and in ppls hopes and dreams

>> No.3049130

I bought in at $5, and sold at $41. Quite pleased overall. I missed today's massive gainz, but I'll also be missing the massive crash.

>> No.3049143

just sold all my 1745 NEO

>> No.3049153

there's no massive crash coming you tards, lol

>> No.3049158

Literally nothing alike. You are embarrassing yourself now bud. Just because you lost out or missed out, doesnt make it a scam

>> No.3049172

You are right.

However, Ethereum has yet to deliver on any of its promises, and it reached an all time high of $400.

Admittedly, it had the advantage of being listed on Coinbase, but there is not reason NEO can't achieve similar gains in price. This market is completely driven by greed and hype.

>> No.3049174

crash will not happen because of GAS

>> No.3049182

Even if there's not, then I've still made enough in the past few weeks to pay off my remaining student debt. Shit's cash, breh.

>> No.3049188

exactly. you faggots are giving NEO such a double standard by acting like ETH is perfect and delivering on all its promises, lmao

>> No.3049195

The scams are getting bigger , it was ok when it was smaller scams like Beancoin but now a scam is in the top 5 its undermining all of crypto

>> No.3049209

Can you explain why NEO is scam?

>> No.3049222

It will go up as long as bitcoin does. Once the fomo ath buyers faucet dries up it will correct like there is no tomorrow.
Until that happens though, never sell all your coins.

>> No.3049229

you should accumulate eth,

>> No.3049252

>Coming Dip? Correction? Crash?
>Bought 5K ANS weeks ago @ $6

>> No.3049259

Not so much a scam but nowhere near it's current price when you see whats been delivered so far.

Honestly. I've backed NEO for a few months but this exposure is insane.

>> No.3049277

I was thinking so too, but its obvious that these shares are a holders dream. No whales in their right mind will want to sell when their shares are literally just printing money aka gas.

Less supply will always equal higher demand. With first 2 dapps/ico's very close its wise to stock up on neo now, hence the buy up.

This will dip and cool but due to the above factors, probably not more than 20%

>> No.3049280
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red is coming

>> No.3049281

So tell me why it still hasnt crashed going from 6 to 54$ ? There is no crash, this coin is crash proof because it generates dividends. People do not sell cos its free money

>> No.3049300

>this coin is crash proof because it generates dividends.

It's currently crash-proof because enough people believe it's 'the next ETH' and because of that are less likely to sell. Less sellers = higher overall value. The fact that it's following this trend justifies their own holding, becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.3049311

And why would that belief ever go away? They will keep developing the platform which will only make it more expensive as news keep rolling out. Also the supply is so limited and it cant be mined which makes it even more scarce. This will go into 500$ territory if not more

>> No.3049312

Crypto is future, NEO is 200-300$ in 1-2 years

>> No.3049314

I unironically believe neo is an elaborate scam

howver, the price quadruple because its releasing ICOS on its blockchain

>> No.3049325

Then you are unironically retarded

>> No.3049328

Sold my 2405 for enough to buy a very nice car. I have like one NEO left. Thanks for the tip though.

>> No.3049344

Well said anon. The only ppl acting like it's the Holy Grail are a bunch of nu-coiners and plebbitors who got into crypto in July

>> No.3049356

All that is is top tier cope lol

>> No.3049370

What is FUD

>> No.3049377


not op but there's a big difference between what NEO actually is and what NEO sells itself as

what NEO is : a .NET compiler, a simple VM, a dBFT prototype, a few managed servers (consensus nodes) that run at small scale, a smart contract implementation / API that's basically at alpha stage, undocumented and that nobody's actually used yet, totally un-tested, unvalidated security model, barely any test coverage and the whole thing was basically built by 1 dude

What NEO sells : a smart economy platform with digital identity that supports real currency / fiat transactions at scale, support for 90% of the world's programming languages, easy and super intuitive to use, super duper secure

also they / onchain, control all the consensus nodes, they generated all the tokens and hoarding 50% of them for a rainy day dump. derp.

>> No.3049387
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NEO could dip to $10 and I wouldn't care
Ive held since $4 y'all are all late adopters

>> No.3049391

Faggot I've owned ANS for months, as soon as it dips to mid $40s I'm selling. We're giving you all advice based on our experiences in crypto but please plebbit tell me why I'm coping

>> No.3049396

>doesn't lurk
>doesn't use Google

Having a good day so I'll humor you, newfag. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

>> No.3049410

People who bought some better have no sleep because they could wake up with -90% of their portfolio

Also as a developer, I hate .NET
I don't have any faith in that shit.
C# isn't open source...

>> No.3049414

>C# isn't open source...

>> No.3049418

I need this shit to crash to I can sell it and buy it again.

>> No.3049426

NEO a functioning platform that can be built on, not a scam currency. the reason you are probably poor is that you didn't learn the difference

>> No.3049427

>whole thing was basically built by 1 dude

I thought it was 2 full-time devs? Or is it the backbone of this is all on one dev

>> No.3049428

24h low $36.34 crashing soon

>> No.3049432


Biggest crash was Ripple, which went like 300% in a day, then collapsed big time.

I lost some money that day, because I was very new to trading crypto's.

>> No.3049440

I have already doubled my money with NEO, should I sell and buy something else instead?

>> No.3049443

Not a chance it will crash. Ethereum money is being transferred to NEO.

>> No.3049446

Trying to buy ath? enjoy your loss.

>> No.3049465


pls. try to build something.

>> No.3049476

don't ask others, just remember a profit is profit.

>> No.3049480

Guys, it's been 'about to crash any second' for an hour. What the fuck is going on? Stabilizing is the wrong word for what it's doing. It's fluctuating increasingly violently between two values that are getting closer.

>> No.3049501

I have x10 my money and I don't know what to do, just holding like I've did in the past

>> No.3049504


there might be multiple devs, but over 98% of the code was committed by 1 guy

>> No.3049516

I was in on NEO from 3 dollars, sold over 70% at 50 today and got into OMG. My biggest issue with NEO is that it's picking up in the west, but very little hype in the east. Look at coinmarketcap NEO trade volume, 70% or so is in the western exchanges. Look at Yunbi inactivity and price difference compared to Bittrex: https://yunbi.com/markets/anscny..

I mean if this doesn't look shady as fuck to you then I don't kow what does. Something is going down for sure.

>> No.3049526

13 posts by this fucking ID

Holy shit I've never seen someone cope this hard did you only buy in at $50 or something, this moon mission isn't going to last forever we have to return to the norm eventually

>> No.3049549

>70% or so is in the western exchanges

Goddamn did it pick up that much? Yellow fever is real

>> No.3049582

10x is huge, try to diversify, pull out maybe 50% and put it on another safer coin.

>> No.3049585
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>anything that moons this hugely without me is a scam

>> No.3049592


the hype is in big part western investors jerking off to the thought of owning stake in blockchain baidu

NEO marketing is on point and pushes that idea hard af

>> No.3049599

Ya, it's insane. 49% on Bittrex lol also a lot of traders on Binance are westerners, when ANS(NEO) started trading on Binance most people on Reddit said they are gonna trade their NEO there too. Binance and ANS paired up and Binance got some nice publicity.

>> No.3049607


I'll give the NEO team one thing, their marketing is on fucking point

>> No.3049616



>> No.3049620

>hurr durr, all just a chink scam. evil chinks stealing dumb white man's money. hurrrr

>> No.3049629

do whatever you want, but don't fucking sell because of these idiots FUDing about chink scams.

>> No.3049632

Long term NEO holder here. Sold 70% and bought OMG.

>> No.3049636


Have you made huge gains? Take some (not all) and put them into pure BTC to hold. BTC is likely to always move up as long as crypto is a thing, everything else is a gamble

>> No.3049649

I cant imagine that there wont be a correction. Then again i thought it would stay at 35ish for a while.

I dont know what to believe.

But yea pull out some profit

>> No.3049653

Sell half

>> No.3049654

How could you afford 2k >>3049616
NEO? How much money did you start with?

>> No.3049666

This exactly. NEO hasn't delivered anything yet and is purely driven by hype.

The main thing troubling me is the de site holding 50% of the total.

>> No.3049667

I don't think it's a scam at all but anyone who has been around long enough to see this happen with other coins knows what is going to happen eventually.

>> No.3049695

I'd sell at least some, but maybe not half.

>> No.3049702


Man I used to own 2500 when it was ANS. Still kicking myself over that. Still good on that guy for making big gains

>> No.3049715


Plenty of easterners would be on bittrex for ease of use too. Would like to see the stats of koreans and japanese on bittrex, there is no way this rise isnt being fueled by their deep pockets as well.

>> No.3049717

Ok most of my sells now got filled at 0.01385.
Going to hold some remaining 10 NEO, but Im mostly out, sorry, but this is too scary for me.

I finally made my 400 bucks to 5000, not going to risk losing those gains.

>> No.3049720

At these prices you could take out around $20k and let the other $100k ride to the end times. Just remember that whatever you do it won't be the perfect outcome. If you keep everything in you'll eventually catch the crash and you'll call yourself a retard for not selling. If you take a part out it will moon even more afterwards. So hedge accordingly.

>> No.3049726


I started with about 500, and I started back in Feb with ETH and got into RDD and DGB and sold those at highs. Yeah I got insanely lucky and saw the same potential with NEO for ETH gains. Now I am not sure how much to sell...

>> No.3049756
File: 3.45 MB, 480x270, 1498095996824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rothschilds getting into crypto
>BTC currently skyrocketing
>people buy Neo because they want Gas and it will be the BTC equivalent of China
>We have entered the golden age of crypto-nationalization
>implying anything will crash right now
It's like your FUDing because you're butthurt or something. Get over it. You missed the chance just accept reality.

>> No.3049766

luckily pulled out at 1,36m , please drop some more

>> No.3049768

You started with $500 and now you have almost $120 000? HOW? That is absolutely insane! I have $1000 right now. Hope I could make 50% of your gains :)

BTW sell half, that's my advice.

>> No.3049780

It will dip no doubt but good luck to time the bottom. That thing can rebound in a flash.

Reminder that when Eth was going into orbit, it used to grow 30% one day, crash 30% the day after, then rebound higher 2 days later.
You're WAY better off holding and enjoy the ride. As for me I'm seeing too much similarities with Eth to ever let go of that coin before at the very least 100$ a piece.

>> No.3049805

It's crashing
no wait it's mooning ahhh

>> No.3049807

I lost 90 ANS, down 240 from 150, I feel sick please console me.

>> No.3049809

Okay but if they can buy for neo for 41 usd and sell it on bittrex for 50 then what is stopping them from accumulating a huge amount of neo and then dumping it, which is actually happening right now. Whenever the YUNBI exchange catches up Bittrex sees a price increase, just like today. Now price is dropping, yeah seems fishy as fuck.

>> No.3049813

it already had a big dip the first day after it mooned to about 760k. it was bought up so fuckin fast your head would spin.


this coin isn't going anywhere. yeah there will be dips, and I'm sure you'll post pink wojaks on every single one. but this coin is going to fucking pluto whether you like it or not. NEO is the real deal.

>hurr durr vaporware
if NEO is vaporware than so is ETH. ETH can't do shit except make shitty scam tokens despite all its promises about doing so much more. So put a sock in it, haters.

>> No.3049834

You must be new here. This has been happening since sub 300k Antshares. To stop arbitrage, yunbi froze withdrawals for a certain amount of time. It's a bitch to go back and forth, by the time you do, you'll have missed the dips and tips. No point doing it.

>> No.3049856

Also North Kora is mining too! This shit is here to stay, it will litterally rival BTC and ETH. Either China or Hong Kong will back it up. My bet is HK.

>> No.3049865

>Buying a depreciating liability. Topkek

>> No.3049866

He has so much because he doesn't take your advice... selling in a bull market leads to misery

>> No.3049901

>Having lots of BTC which is likely to always rise in value leads to misery

I don't know about the 50% number, but selling off some on the way up is never a bad idea

>> No.3049918

? You just hold and watch it rise in value. It's so easy kek

>> No.3049938

you're replying to the wrong person. I'm balls deep into Neo, won't sell my coins under any circumstances and believe we're just a big news away from rocketing to 80-100.
However there will be dips or even crashes, just like for Eth. And it's fine, that's how things go in crypto.

>> No.3049958

it's a universal YOU to all the FUDing faggots
we had to deal with a lot of em these past 2 months
but in the end, we will be victorious. and i mean REALLY victorious

>> No.3049983
File: 62 KB, 670x447, bonobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt they're using their gains to float their operations too. This doesn't end well if NEO crashes, which means exchanges like bittrex have a vested interest in it not crashing, which probably increases the chance that it crashes.

>inb4 people who didn't know that exchanges use their users' coin to float their operations
>inb4 people who don't know what floating is

>> No.3049996

>thought buying $100 worth at .006 was too risky

Surely if I buy in now it'll crash right?

>> No.3050001


True, yeh cashing out to BTC is always a good bet, but in NEO's case its really still just beginning in terms of growth. it depends on what you want i guess. Its good to have an endgoal, and not sell your potential short

>> No.3050017


How? Being lucky. I got in on nearly every moon mission early. 100 sat DGB, 5 sat RDD, made some off Lomocoin, ETH gains and bought ANS during the mega dip, when everyone else was posting wojacks, I was buying because I saw ETH 2.0.

>> No.3050030


That logo looks like it was made in two seconds on blender.

>> No.3050093
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>> No.3050204

Don't worry fella. I just took that bullet for you. Down we go.

>> No.3050322
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Funny thing is, despite everyone crying its too high and it will drop it keeps climbing higher and higher.

You guys can fud 24/7 but in the end we still win, and it will keep growing. Like all your arguments are invalid because the price speaks otherwise

>> No.3050478

When NEO crashes will ETH surge?

>> No.3050489

NEO won't crash
And ETH won't surge

>> No.3050518

NEO investors in a nutshell

>wow I missed ETH better shill something else
>bootleg Chinese ETH
>guiz this is like ETH but CHINESE u know what's big, CHINA!!!!
>we r entering new paradign
>tfw NEO is $7 in a month
>guiz I bought neo at $50 and now I'm poor send me btc at this adress thanx

>> No.3050557

I like what ARK's trying to be but I think its delegate system is retarded. NEO gets it right with the shares idea.

>> No.3050575

>that guy unironically pushing with a non-fake 5k NEO buy order

>> No.3050602

Neo is the best named crypto coin ever.

It's going nowhere.


seriously what fools named these coins?

>> No.3050603

No NEOs:
I missed the most epic moon of 2017, FUCK MY LIFE. FUUUUUUCK
It must be a scam. It's gotta be a scam. HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO FUCKING STUPIIIIID

>> No.3050612


Name one coin whose reputation was damaged by its market volatility

>> No.3050614


>> No.3050620

The hilarious thing about 'Chinese Ethereum' is the Chinese do not give two fucks about this piece of shit. All the market volume is in the US. Even chinks know it's a scam.

>> No.3050629
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Keep them tears coming and dont take your eyes off that price as it keeps rising and all your fud is completely pointless

>> No.3050644

Half of it is on a US exchange that people all over the world are using.
The rest is in china itself.

>> No.3050815

what do you think happens with the fee you play for every buy and sell you do?

fucking retard....

>> No.3050833

y-you will see when BTC forks again ETH will take the place, r-right guys?

>> No.3051162
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> he doesn't know about trading bots used for arbitrage and pumps

bittrex =/= the west

>> No.3051749

Keanu Reeves 1/4 chinese
the plot thickens