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File: 7 KB, 296x296, FsnMhCFM_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3047209 No.3047209 [Reply] [Original]

>go to bed
>wake up $10k richer from one coin
>see threads calling neo pnd
>"neo bagholders btfo"
Are these people retarded, jealous or both?

>> No.3047224

tbqh im both at the moment

>> No.3047237
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No NEOs gotta cope somehow, bro

>> No.3047239

they got btfo so hard that they are in cope mode

>> No.3047249

>Rank 7, soon Rank 5.

>> No.3047266

>>chinese scam
>>muh lack of projects
>>muh lack of github
>>nothing really going for it
>>muh massive correction

NoNeos are in the fetal position trying to cope with their own utter stupidity rn

>> No.3047277
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Almost $50 boys. Stay poor, NONEOS

>> No.3047296

I saw this post and just checked my account.
I don't feel comfortable with a 12k gain overnight. I feel panicked.

Also, nocoiners btfo.

>> No.3047318

>win money
>lol you nocoiners are so butthurt and jelly
>lose money

>> No.3047324

i bought in at $17
my only regret is not buying more

>> No.3047361

What's changed to cause this mooning?

>> No.3047374

so much larp in the one thread

>> No.3047376

bought in at 5 bucks

life changing coin

>> No.3047391

NEO is going to be like the ripple run in may where eventually people will lose a shit ton of money. Have fun while it lasts lads, but i aint touching this shitcoin with a 10 foot pole

>> No.3047392

I think there's another announcement or something Monday

>> No.3047401
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>> No.3047413

How many neo do you guys have?
>I have 350

>> No.3047420

Only 75 : /

>> No.3047430

you were probably saying that two months ago as well and you would be rich as fuck like all of us itt if you had just bought it then

$200 by october, stay poor

>> No.3047431

0.35 :(

>> No.3047432

31. At least I bought them all at $5.89

>> No.3047434
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>> No.3047437
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>tfw could have bought when it was $8, and considered it
>tfw bought when it was $42

>> No.3047440
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>> No.3047443

>had 72
>waited for the crash

better than 0

>> No.3047444

WIsh I had more.

>> No.3047445

I bought $10,000 worth of NEO at 16.50 and sold it all at $19, right before it went to 25... 35.. etc. 2 days ago and I can confirm we are in fact both retarded AND jealous.

>> No.3047457

Thank you for your honesty

>> No.3047462

Had 40 during the dip. Was going to buy more when I got paid to round it to 100 then put it away.

>moon happens

Been trying to trade it to get it to 100.

47 now. I wish I had got paid 3 days earlier.

>> No.3047466
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jealously mostly

>tfw bought 650 of them at $1.60 and sold half at $3 and the other half at $10

>> No.3047468
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>they didn't listen

>> No.3047469

Are you holding long term? At what point will you sell?

>> No.3047472


75 here too. Not too shabby once we hit 4 digits in a couple of years ;)

>> No.3047473
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>tfw bought 1000 ans @ 7/each before the conference in june
>sold at a loss cause nothing happened
I missed out on incredible money fml

>> No.3047475

Nook anon why

>> No.3047476


>> No.3047521

It just as easily could have tanked. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

You'll get on the next moon ride, bro. We're gonna make it.

>> No.3047530
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Neo blockfolios! No neos need not apply! Cya in the matrix!

>> No.3047542

Only 96, fomo'd hard at 12 and got fucked, then didn't buy anymore when it dipped.

But hey, I'll take 3k in profit.

>> No.3047548

>tfw I used to own 2500 ANS

RIP me

>> No.3047549

>Down to 150

Fuck me.

>> No.3047556

Sold them all at $50

>> No.3047560


it's better to be cynical than optimistic

>> No.3047570

do you hate money?

>> No.3047577


>> No.3047579


>> No.3047585

this. same ill buy back in the $30's

>> No.3047589

Is OMG dead in the water with how well NEO is doing?

>> No.3047590

> Do nothing for a year
> Hold a lot of NEO and generate GAS
> Wait for NEO to pass 1000$ and have tons of GAS
> Accumulate enough wealth to never be able to spend it
> goal is to retire rich, not to drive a class better car or waste it all on a single lambo

>> No.3047594


>> No.3047611

Waking up +10k must feel amazing, I think the best I've woken up is +2k. Crypto is king.

>> No.3047616
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Both checking in

>have 200 ants, all bought in the 270-290k range
>July comes, everythings crashing
> Ants aren't doing shit, start to antsy with my funds
>decide to go full retard and fall the cryptopia meme
>liquidate all my solid coins trying to join pumps and dumps
>lose 80% of my portfolio
>see NEO blasting off
>pic related

thankfully i'm not a NEET so i'm not financially ruined. Went all in on OMG when it was @60k so i'm feeling somewhat comfy. It's just hard to see the price constantly go up. fuk memecoins.

>> No.3047621


OMG is basically a cope coin for all the fudders that missed out on the neo train lul

OMG is in the same sect as monaco and tenx, payment systems to bridge crypto and RL.

NEO is in the same sect as eth, a platform for smart contracts. it's huge and it's gonna keep growing.

>> No.3047635
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>> No.3047638

Nocoiner here. I want to use 10k on NEO. If I get rich what to do with the money? I dont want to get fucked by the taxes

>> No.3047641
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Balls deep.

>> No.3047649

donate it to me

>> No.3047653

Sell on localbitcoins

>> No.3047658
File: 92 KB, 640x860, IMG_0171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEO is also a platform for digitizing real life assets

>> No.3047662

wew i got 47 too

>> No.3047664


U gotta pay ur taxes bro. Only way to legit use it for RL

Orrrr u could try cashing it out using bitcoin atms. Not sure how u would go about it but its prolly a long process of conversion lol

>> No.3047670

Then don't pay them and spend the rest of your life getting ass raped in prison for tax evasion.

>> No.3047675

Anyone think it'll keep going up today, or will it dip? I want to make a few bucks off this. Serious advice needed.

>> No.3047681

do you guys neo will dip again because of ath?

>> No.3047688

Thx mate

>> No.3047713

NEO is a shitcoin, no matter how much people are willing to pay for it. When it corrects a lot of people are gonna be butthurt they didn't sell at the ATH

>> No.3047716

This coin will make me a millionnaire before the end of next year if it continue like that

>> No.3047719

100 dollars today

>> No.3047724
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no breaks

>> No.3047738

it's going apeshit , be ready for a correction on Tuesday

>> No.3047749

NEO s-s-sucks
>sucks vitalik's cock

>> No.3047757

I came so close to missing this moon mission. Wound up taking about a 13% hit on my NEO collection. Never taking a large portion out of this ever again.

>> No.3047759


>> No.3047765

wtf, we told you to buy retard

>> No.3047777

just buy back in on next dip and stop fudding

>> No.3047783

Quads don't lie

>> No.3047785
File: 57 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-08-13-12-31-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been on a rocket ship before. I remember biting the bullet and selling my eth to go all in on ans at $8 and thinking about how life is a gamble and just fucking do it. I cant wait to be moderatly well off and give back to the biz bros. We all gonna make it

>> No.3047786

Hello me. I did exactly that with 6k$ worth in NEO. Bought back im at 35 at least so im still making mad gains.

>> No.3047787

btw i sold mine at 28 so u know

>> No.3047789
File: 229 KB, 450x500, 1467547796359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn fucking nigger me and others have been literly down on theire knees bagging each and every one of you twats to buy and hold for a couple of months

not our fold you're to weak for life

>> No.3047802

NEOfags have hit peak delusion, we're looking at the new DGB here.

$20 is a good buying point, and it will drop to that before long

>> No.3047811

i-i-i-it'll dip

>> No.3047813
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>> No.3047820

Okay, will sell my OMG when it hits the next ATH and when NEO dips.

>> No.3047825

There there, anon. It's ok. I'm sure another moon mission will come around and you can get on that one.

>> No.3047830

that's what i said at $15

>> No.3047833

Missed out 40k bro, that sucks

>> No.3047838
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bought in at $6

>> No.3047851

People still don't realize that neo is not going to stop rocketing.

People still don't realize that soon

Maybe swap #3 and #4

>> No.3047852

Legitimately had 11000 ANS at one point

Sold at $9

>> No.3047856

don't go full suicidal just jet tho

just wait for the next coin, you can always fall back on good ICO's

>> No.3047864
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here we goooooooooo 140k

>> No.3047869
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>> No.3047872
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literally no brakes. the more i watch go up the more i want to blow my brains out

>> No.3047885

60 dollars today

>> No.3047895

true, but I dont think they will allow gas to go that high, would have to be insanely expensive, would be good with all the accumulation of gas for us who hold :D
and at end of month new happeninings for NEO, when it gets listen on japanese exchanges?

>> No.3047903
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>"it's back to 110k whatever it's not gonna get to 120k"
>it gets to 120
>"surely it's not gonna get to 130"
>about to break 140

>> No.3047904
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>tfw you got called a shill for a good month
>tfw people didn't listen to you
>tfw you are now rich as fuck

>> No.3047913

it's getting late in china. the chinks are about to sell. wait a couple hours from now to buy in, sell when it moons tomorrow morning.

>> No.3047915

The difference is that OMG is actually backed by a company with clients lined up to use the technology. NEO has great tech but this is all hypetrain territory right now

>> No.3047925

Not worth trying to time the market. You believe in it, you gotto buy ASAP and hodl for lyfe. Those dips are gonna be nothing compared to what it will be in a year from now.

>> No.3047927

Waah I sold a little too early
I sold at 112 faggot

>> No.3047937

I'm trying to make a quick 5% profit, can you fuckers get this to 57.75 please thanks.

>> No.3047941

>Windows 10
>streaming anime
>that quality
Hate you normalfags

>> No.3047960

>chinks are waking up meme

>> No.3047998

most of the time the biggest dips happen is between 3-10am GMT

the huge rises a few days ago had a massive dip because of this

>> No.3048018


Just sold on 0.1275

Rise was just too fast, I made good money, but NEO needs to correct big time first .. I will be back then ..

>> No.3048021


>> No.3048049

46k now

>> No.3048058

Holy shit these crazy swings

>> No.3048061

I will definitely buy in after the inevitable correction

>> No.3048062

Normalfag here. Where can I get the quality animu?

>> No.3048078


its not gonna correct that much, at most is $10.

buy now cause its only going to keep growing. you'll double your money in two weeks time.

>> No.3048079

why would it happen, there is only 50m out there and add holders there to generate gas, simple supply and demand, with low supply

>> No.3048087
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>plan to buy 3k usd on auugust 2nd
>only have 500$, 2.5k has to come from bank
>7 day wait from coinbase
I lost out on over 10k

>> No.3048093

Hahahahaha this is actually fucking retarded. Sell now when you can, this isn't going to last forever

>> No.3048095
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>> No.3048097


you won't regret it man. although by the time OMG hits it's ath, neo may keep rising. id say, break even and buy into NEO now cause neo will rise some more this coming week.

>> No.3048115

either crunchy or you buy the bluerays like everyone else

>> No.3048119

pay 6-7 a month for a vpn from PIA

then just pirate and torrent the fuck out of everything

>> No.3048123

pic related describes my life in a shockingly precise manner

>> No.3048131
File: 227 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170813-120132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy in before it turns into 3 digits

>> No.3048140

>buy the bluerays like everyone else
what did he mean by this

>> No.3048146

>I don't feel comfortable with a 12k gain overnight. I feel panicked.
Sell and cash out to fiat then. BTC is above 4k right now, so your gainz will tank when BTC does.

>> No.3048155
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>> No.3048156

>Back down below 0.012


>> No.3048166


Basically it's time to turn everything off and come back in a week

>> No.3048178


meanwhile volume is still booming. sell me your bagssssssssssss

>> No.3048214
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>> No.3048221
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I regret selling some @ $20 (although it was less than 5%).

>> No.3048271
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>what did he mean by this

>> No.3048289

comfy sell, bought at 10, ill take the change

>> No.3048297

Not retarded or jealous.

You fags are like the ones who didn't sell ripple at .55c

A coin with no devs or real interest other then forum hype always crashes hard. As it turns out in tech the whole ecosystem meme is real

>> No.3048303

oh now NEO has NO devs. zero. lol
first it was only 2. then 1. now 0.

>> No.3048351


Coping this hard lol

Its not too late to get on. Neo will be triple digits in the coming months.

>> No.3048376

>I dont want to get fucked by the taxes
You only pay a 15% capital gains tax on any profit you make. You're not going to lose any money you already had to the government, and if you lose all of your 10k in the market, then you can write that off as taxes and not have to pay next year (like what Trump did with his 900Million loss 20 years ago)

>> No.3048430

lol, remember when libcucks were outraged about that?

>businessman who's in the business of making and keeping as much money uses tax laws to his advantage
>the IRS literally says you're allowed to do this

>> No.3048446

One question popped into my mind. If chinese are so nationalistic, and want their own product, why are they surrendering it to western buyers?

>> No.3048454

Sorry about your $400k

>> No.3048479

It's not like the Chinese gov made neo.

>> No.3048528

Very amusing

>> No.3048533
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>> No.3048539

that leads to my second concern, they can just as easily shut it down.

I'm pretty sure they would prefer a state-controlled economy to a "smart economy"

>> No.3048555

watch patterns, its gonna dip now

>> No.3048570

They won't shut it down, if anything they'll incorporate it.

>> No.3048572 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1600x415, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought most of mine at 6-8 mark. Only regret is I should have bought more

>> No.3048596

you should immediately trade it all for bitcoin. Bitcoin will be $5k in a day or two.

>> No.3048607

concept of opportunity costs is hard to explain to some people

>> No.3048616
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$100 by teh end of the month. ethereum 2.0

>mfw %700 gains

>> No.3048633

0.0115 btc-neo, mark my word

>> No.3048656


>> No.3048660

Do some people that think China is going to shut down fucking neo . Anything worth over a billion works with the Chinese government

>> No.3048787
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Anyone else moving to Hong Kong and living in a irl Bladerunner with their riches?

>> No.3048809

China will not shut this down. It would kill the rest of the world's trust in Chinese cryptocurrency. This is an opportunity for China to take a leadership role in the internet of money. There's no fucking way they lose face by smothering it unless they think NEO will lead to greater embarrassment in the future. China is pragmatic.

>> No.3048842

Holy shit I have no idea whether to sell or not

>> No.3048860

Never sell

>> No.3048863

I sold, turned into safex, gained some fast profit there now at cvc then back to neo once it drop in price

>> No.3048870

Maybe if I didnt have so deep emotional scars from DGB, NMR and the June ANS conference.

>> No.3048945

Fucking idiot. You essentially have none

>> No.3048966

cvc to mtl now, wow this strike is insane :D close to doubling my neo once I finish

>> No.3048968
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>> No.3048995


>> No.3049001

Probably thinks NEO will keep rising if BTC dips

>> No.3049051
File: 326 KB, 450x700, comboburst-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you idiots it's supposed to stop people from unloading their bags and pump it higher

it's just a psycological trick that guy/group got some money at the front to secure theire funds and have time to pull it back if nessesery

expect it to pump once more and than readjust

it's heavily overbought right now

>> No.3049068

just hedge the bets and enjoy the gains

>> No.3049107

how much will it be after correction and will it pump in a few days or weeks? Wondering if I can still get in on it.

>> No.3049125


>> No.3049128

wall incoming

>> No.3049263

Only 50million NEO available though. What if they turn this into a hold.

>> No.3049320

Well I missed yet another neo pump because I was in BTC.
Fuck that shitcoin. Had to buy back in at 1.28.

>> No.3049323
File: 714 KB, 1920x1080, [ANK-Raws] ガーリッシュ ナンバー 11 (BDrip 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV420P10 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_17.29_[2017.06.16_17.56.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So even sluts hold NEO now huh.

>> No.3049407
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can't tell all i know it that it won'd go lower than 110 and that's like saying nothing at all

i personally think about 128-ish but i will put my primarly buy order at 134
have been burdned by 1k sata the last time, that hurt way too much

lol no, you stupid?
only poor faggots hodl
this are the devs and some rich ass chinks seeking the thrill of fucking other people over


>> No.3049447

Buy now and sell at 8pm EST.
Then buy the dip.

>> No.3049475
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>> No.3049494

Calm down. We still have 8hrs of price increase.

>> No.3049521
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>> No.3049530

1768 since 3 months back. Wish I traded and rode the waves so I could hit 2k or more.

>> No.3049539


>tfw woke up with 80k

I don't even know what to do with all this money... I'll probably sell about 10k to put into OMG or something.

>> No.3049566

ignore idiots

>> No.3049590

NEO flippening to GAS.

>> No.3049603

get your OMG shilling out of here thx.

>> No.3049604

okay, i've already got some NEO. should I wait for the dip to get more, or now is the time to buy more?

can we estimate any dips later today/next week?

do you mind sharing your reason for this idea?


>> No.3049650
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Dont mind me. Just shitposting

>> No.3049663

you must be pretty happy about it

>> No.3050761

I wish I had made screencaps of all the people saying "NEO holders are going to wake up very sad the next day", damn.

In other news, when will NEO have its first ICOs?

>> No.3050794

Thank you

>> No.3050841

waiting for the 350k dip

>> No.3050855
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Never happening, faggot

>> No.3050877

sarcasm you sperglord

>> No.3050911

Then why own it in the first place?

>> No.3050946
File: 78 KB, 501x900, wcoprvywviez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is about the fly again. Drew meme lines and they holding.

>> No.3050972

It still doubled desu, no need to worry :)

>> No.3050983

can't wait to buy more at the dip

>> No.3050997

china will do everything in it's power to prop up this "currency" just to assert dominance over the US, I'm going all in

>> No.3051238
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>> No.3051271

Please dont curse us with DGB memes

>> No.3051298

Woooow the greed is big on the NEO front. It's insane

>> No.3051318
File: 11 KB, 225x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok boys pump is over. Time for some pink wojacks

>> No.3051326

No going to shoot up once more close to the first top and double top. Then the real dip will start.

>> No.3051355

0. I had 700 at $1.50 :'(

>> No.3051472

oh no guys. better sell.
>rolls eyes

>> No.3051557

All this free money is making me question the concept of money, our society and literally economically motivated conflict going on earth.

>> No.3051591

this money ain't free, faggot

>> No.3052509

you are delusional

>> No.3052518

Guy is streaming about NEO in 5 mins

Join a Fellow Biz/Tard,


>> No.3052533

it's not free, someone has to buy at the highs

>> No.3052539
File: 23 KB, 618x311, NEO_SPOONER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy is streaming about NEO in 5 mins

Join a Fellow Biz/Tard and pepe memer


>> No.3052542

Am I too late boyos? Be honest. I forgot I had a Bittrex account.

>> No.3052545

bet you said the same thing to people who bought eth for $30

>> No.3052547

>buy 20 neo at 50
>goes down $3

nice coin faggots

god im so mad

>> No.3052611

can you actually use NEO now?

>> No.3052643


>> No.3052673

Red Pulse and ALIS are two NEO- based ICOs launching in September.

>> No.3052674

no, buy my bags

>> No.3052680

1500 baybeeeee

>> No.3052682

but those dont count cuz uhhh ummmm uhhhhh

>> No.3052714

Goddamnit, I'm always missing moon missions.

>> No.3052725

this will keep mooning, but of course nobody believes that. so whatever

>> No.3052741

>Blockchain-based social media

God ICOs can be the dumbest shit sometimes

>> No.3052753

thats what STEEM is and that seems to be doing just fine

>> No.3052762

>buying 20 neo at $50
>buying the king-of-hypecoin at it's ATH for the foreseeable future
anon I...

>> No.3052769

>thinks he can call the top of NEO
>will be BTFO soon

>> No.3052787

buy more and get to at least 1 neo now before it becomes too expensive because a NEO cant be divided. the 0.35 is a lie. you will get nothing.

>> No.3052789

I initially bought it at $4 when it was antshares and sold at $7

>> No.3052804

you and me both brother :D

>> No.3052858

Selling at 390k will haunt me for the rest of my days. I'd be up 10k right now.

>> No.3052868
File: 55 KB, 370x512, neopede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Let's stand-strong NEOpedes!! This coin is the future! I heard people in China use it! GAS has value too! I don't really know what it does but I heard you'll be able to buy stuff with it some day.

>> No.3052965

>have 233 ans
>sell at .0045 because free money
>coin explodes a day later


>> No.3053000
File: 777 KB, 500x216, 1501783941663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3053018

all the people that sold during the market crash, why did you? Did you guys fall for the neo is a scam meme that noneo coiners were spewing around the board during the crash?

I mean, if you researched the coin you'd have seen the potential was high. Plus you should have noticed the market was being heavily manipulated by the whales.

Don't worry, OMG is around the corner and it's still a good price to buy in.

>> No.3053026

Dead cat bounce?

>> No.3053027



such a fucking meme going, it'll never reach anywhere near Neo. Stop being deluded.

>> No.3053028

>all the people that sold during the market crash, why did you
lmao because neo is a shitcoin and it's apparent to everyone but future neomarines

>> No.3053582

kissanime dot ru

>> No.3053937

Stay jealous, no neo :)

Any significant dips are getting bought up immediately by people far smarter than you

>> No.3053972

Its majority owned by Bittrex now its no longer a Chinese coin but has become a shitcoin.