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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30444955 No.30444955 [Reply] [Original]

>buy ounce of silver for $30
>melt it down into grams of silver
>sell grams of silver for $2
>just made $30
>repeat but with 500 ounces
What in the fuck?

>> No.30445332

Thats smart but probably illegal.

How did you even get to melt it down anyway?

>> No.30445482
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28.3 grams to the ounce my nigga

>> No.30445525

It's legit though, search up 1 gram bars on eBay its like 60 bucks to get enough for once ounce

>> No.30445556

You would have to do this on a massive scale to make any money. Crucibles cost money. Furnaces cost money.

>> No.30445564

why would it be illegal?

>> No.30445603
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>> No.30445949

Couldn’t you just do this with silver shot, thus avoiding the melting process?

>> No.30446017

yes you can and people are already doing it on ebay

>> No.30446072

Why would it be fucking illegal????

Time is money, buy a forge spend your whole day melting silver for what profit?
You could just spend the same time building a business online with affiliate ads

>> No.30446083

I am saying this with absolutely 0 research. But I think this could work if you bought like 1000 1oz coins and then sold them individually. Probably best to get something with a bit of premium but not a ton. Like Perth Mint coins maybe.

>> No.30446450

>buy chicken for $10
>it shits eggs
>sell eggs for $20
>just made $10
>repeat but with 500 chickens
What in the fuck?

>> No.30446529

yes, I'm asking why that retard thinks it would be illegal
I didn't say it's smart you giant faggot