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30444666 No.30444666 [Reply] [Original]

WOJAK has launched literally hours ago, and is bullish as fuck

>High APY yield farming, and Wojak NFTs coming next week.
Pepetoken got a 300k MC in a few days, and it had a bad idea and ugly site, this is an easy 20x from here

Literally ground level on the next big meme token
>ALL liquidity locked forever (sent to burn address), so rugpull isn't possible
>Devs confirmed non-curry


>> No.30444872

Wow site actually does look really good

>> No.30445245

Thinking of APING in, how long until a pump?

>> No.30445492

Platform literally just launched, and has good website with farming, I think pump should definitely be in the next 48 hours, maybe sooner

>> No.30445540

C-checked.... Wtf is with the liquidity? Price impact too high on minimal buys.

>> No.30445657

If you buy it you better sell as soon as you get 2x your money. 3x if you're being really reckless.

This is an obvious Pump and Dump.

>> No.30445709

Ok thanks sage

>> No.30445758

Just grab a small bag for now, it'll stabilize in a few hours once the token goes x5 or x10

>> No.30445933

Curry hands wrote this post. Bogged and Pepe both did 50x from launch this weekend, while you were getting rugged by stupid food defi tokens. Stay poor fag

>> No.30446030


>> No.30446043

Sure are defensive about a coin you barely found out about a few minutes ago.

You fucking nigger discord tranny. Kek

>> No.30446107

man how the fuck do i get bnb if i can't use binance

>> No.30446130

Wait did Pepe actually rugpull? I just checked their telegram and looks normal to me. lol

>> No.30446223

why would you buy a coin with no purpose?

>> No.30446275

No rugpull, dev just had a super hard spergout and banned basically every active member of his community after he launched a farm that was blatantly scammy. The wheels fell off that shit so fast.

>> No.30446292

100$ does a 12% price change hahahaha scammmm

>> No.30446609

I'm a poorfag software dev so I couldnt put much BNB in the initial pool, it'll stabilize soon. All it means for now is that the price goes up really quickly, as you may have already seen

>> No.30446650

all it means is that whoever buys is going to lose all the value of their investment you utter cunt

>> No.30446759

Yeah cool thanks retard you clearly know nothing about the maths behind the pools so stfu. All dev liquidity is locked forever


>> No.30447111

aped in

>> No.30447136
File: 19 KB, 1676x808, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lold desu

>> No.30447193
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>At launch, we have a BNB-WOJAK LP pool
>At launch, we have a BNB-WOJAK LP pool
>At launch, we have a BNB-WOJAK LP pool

>> No.30447315

Get back to me in 3 hours pajeet

>> No.30447336
File: 651 KB, 500x422, 1608372003596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMINDER TO NEWFAGS: these coins are rugpulls 100% of the time. You will lose every dime you put into this. Even if they do use a script to get digits.

>> No.30447437

I almost sold the top, but still got a x4.5. So can't complain.

>> No.30447439

Dev liquidity permenantly locked in the burn address, can't be rugged: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xc320bc5fef163257ffff179335c3d6e3b2c34bf2bf499b881fcc0fe9d549b54e

>> No.30447577
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>> No.30447693
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>liquidity locked
Just like mcdonaldscoin then, kek


>> No.30447777

I hope this isnt a rug lol the website is clean as fuck. Aped in after checking out the farms seeing how nice everything looked.

>> No.30447851

>Curry hands wrote this post.
Well at least you admit it
Pancakeswap scams need to be banned

>> No.30447993

Quints checked. I aped in my pepe winnings.

>> No.30448464

I give up. you deserve to lose your money

>> No.30448470

Checked. It does look really good, normies are gonna eat this site up once it hits them

>> No.30448564

Genuinely have no idea what happened to MCD coin, I stayed away it was scammy as fuck. Presumably it ended up rugging?

>> No.30448617

Yes. Oddly enough, its liquidity was locked! and it rugged anyway! Google mcdonalds coin liquidity locked to read all about it.

>> No.30448696

Wow thanks pajeet, better only go for coins that don't lock their liquidity lmao

Literally sent liquidity to burn address so it's locked forever

>> No.30449151

bullish af, went all in (8 usd)

>> No.30449290

I got quads so I think you're wrong, stop wishing bad upon me nigger it'll reflect back to you. I just baby aped anyways who cares if it moons we make money if it doesn't oh well. The meme coins are mooning left and right so why not?

>> No.30449865

Site actually looks kino. I'm gonna ape in when I get homr from work.

>> No.30450677


>> No.30450949

Hopefully it doesnt spread around to normies on telegram before then or I'll be pissed. I missed LINK, I missed PEPE and if this ends up mooning before I'm in I think I'll just end it all

>> No.30451241

where is the contact address?

>> No.30451419

The website is actually shit lol

>> No.30452206

Contract here

Website at WojakToken.Finance

>> No.30452265

Looks really good on my phone

>> No.30452528

It’s pumping

>> No.30452921

why do people buy this shit