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30419112 No.30419112 [Reply] [Original]

>march madness

>> No.30419477

I'm getting pretty mad bros

>> No.30419516


>> No.30419890

2 more weeks

>> No.30420017

Why do you niggers keep making statera threads?

>> No.30420026

there are no devs lmfao.

>20k daily volume


>> No.30420103

thanks just bought 10k more

>> No.30420112


>> No.30420195

sold this garbage already lol

>> No.30420350

Big Dump comming this weekend. Im going to swap to something else. You have been warned. Fredick Reversal - If your an OG youll know what I mean.

>> No.30420626

Same, made it out in the green luckily. Fuck, this project is pathetic. Never trust a team with a tranny.

>> No.30420815
File: 39 KB, 965x776, ss+(2021-03-07+at+03.46.26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much ETH did you lose dumb nigger?
>he trades in USD
ngmi lol

>> No.30420956

Bro, don’t even wanna think about it.

>> No.30421483

This is what cope looks like on biz

>> No.30422304

I dropped an ETH ($600 at the time) on this at 6 cents. Probably gonna just cut my losses.

>> No.30422526

Cursed token

>> No.30422918


>> No.30423277


>> No.30423337

You are gonna regret you didnt bought statera, just saying

>> No.30424007
File: 85 KB, 1920x800, 9FAB8A45-E07E-44F8-A413-713111D292EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did buy actually, and I regret it immensely. Fuck this shit

>> No.30424573

I lost 5.5 eth doing the same thing, but I got in at $.035. Sucks bro, but life goes on I suppose.

>> No.30425337

i bought in pre hack, held the bottom, rode back up to 40c and back to here. i could have held literally anything else and made bank. the fundamentals are strong but that doesn't matter when the team are swingy fucking retards.

>> No.30425525

When we saw that puny whitepaper pump I warned you fags that this was going to continue bleeding back down, but you dismissed it as fud in your usual coping manner. Have fun holding this dog shit token run by a dog shit team

>> No.30425722

knowing that Eric the Insufferable is losing money too makes it all worth it

>> No.30426212

Always the most toxic threads on this board

>> No.30426323

I hold 200k and even I've lost 5 ETH on this.

>> No.30426445

All my other coins mooned pretty violently and I just leave this in infinity pool. I'm confident it'll eventually go up or do nothing.

Keep in mind price reflections of the token don't account for pooled gains.

>> No.30426534

Definitely my riskiest hold. Don't really regret buying it. It's got a lot of entertainment value just with the insanity that is the telegram and fud alone.

I like Statera threads more than any other coin on /biz/ except maybe Kleros. I am thinking about buying Kleros to get it on that shitshow too. Cardano is a great token for making money, but it's not very entertaining to hold.

>> No.30426660

Buy rbc

>> No.30426738

if you think the “souvlaki sex castles” copy-pasta and other dumb shit that comes along with this token is entertaining as opposed to cringe then you deserve to stay poor.

>> No.30426910

what is the fucking point of being alive if you don't have a sense of humor? if you're 2mature4it i have no idea what the fuck you're doing on an indian basket weaving forum

>> No.30427047

>Willingly becoming a bagholder just so you can fully participate in board culture
I like you, Anon

>> No.30427173

I come here to make money off unknown gems, not sit around all day on the telegram making faggot inside jokes with you guys. Keep at it bros, just don’t say “goy” or the Dok will appear out of nowhere to scold you

>> No.30427355

gonna let you in on a little secret newfaggot. biz lies, and most of the time, has no fucking idea. if you can't embrace the absurdity of this place, you need to leave.

>> No.30427614

I’ve been here since chainlink toilet fud. This shitcoin had good meme energy (i.e wisdom of the crowd) like link last year but the inept team ruined the project. Nothing funny about it now desu other than the tranny calling it a shitcoin and everyone trying to cover it up

>> No.30427843

what happened to lain anon

>> No.30427844

Does Megan the tranny still work for STA?

>> No.30427857
File: 210 KB, 828x1280, 1611884252989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inept team
what has the Bitcoin team been up to lately?

>> No.30427933

Honestly if balancer didn’t have an exploit the Statera team wouldn’t have had to scramble to do all this shit and we’d all be rich as fuck already.

>> No.30427961

Oooohhh wow so true!!! Never thought about it that way, that's bullish!!

Keep this pathetic cope to yourself.

>> No.30428019

I'll see you at 10 dollars a few years from now

>> No.30428064

To be fair the source code for Statera is available online and it’s not the most complicated project in the world.

However, the economic ramifications are quite large. Definitely a coin that’s more economic minded than code driven. But that’s fine with me. DeFi is coo.

>> No.30428225

see you at 2 cents a few weeks from now after the paid youtube shill barely moves the price and you see what real capitulation looks like

>> No.30428249

Somehow I think you’re german and completely humorless. If you don’t think a coin coded by an autist with a Nigerian and a tranny as the outward facing team that has Harvard educated people working on it is at least interesting, you’re probably boring.

I definitely wouldn’t tell someone to go all in on Statera, but I don’t regret holding it and probably won’t ever sell it.

>> No.30428342

I’ve already watched it go to 3 cents and kept holding it. It will probably crab a second hut the downward price action is far lower this cycle which is extremely bullish for the next one.

>> No.30428428


>> No.30428442
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, 2388043A-6D6A-48C3-9C91-3A7952FD392C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I was there memeing with you guys for months. But then cracks started forming in the team’s performance and it’s been all downhill. Had a 100k stack that I could’ve had in any other coin that’s mooned hard so watching this trash bleed stopped being funny.

>> No.30428493

Overall I like Statera a lot and really don’t mind seeing FUD. Coin is definitely not a scam and is a risky investment, but...it’s a fun one. I have a 100k stack for fun.

I may get rich, I may not. I already made enough off ADA this bull run that I don’t really have to care that much about whether my Statera makes money.

>> No.30428694

I guess this is a dumb mentality to have. However, I feel like if I was right about other coins in my portfolio, as interest in DeFi comes around it will moon.

I just wonder if Statera is capable of switching networks when EVM porting comes out. Statera without impermanent loss would be fucking insane.

>> No.30428782

BSC is being mentioned
if/when this goes to BSC/MATIC the implications will be huge