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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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304157 No.304157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any kind Anon's here who would be willing to fund my Youtube channel?

The money would go toward a gaming PC (I've shopped around and found one at a VERY reasonable price, good spec too!) I know this sounds like I just want to mess around sitting on my ass playing PC games all day but I genuinely have a plan made when it comes to this.

I'm well spoken (British) calm, friendly and funny, I want to set up a cross between a Let's play and a simple strategy guide style channel (using my knowledge of various games to help people get better) along with real life videos of me completing various challenges (stay the night in a haunted house etc) aswell as hosting a few twitch streams to help generate subscribers.

I also have access to a closed beta of a new game that's coming out (I can't discuss details here for obvious reasons)

I'm asking for $3000 this will cover the full cost of the PC, mic and webcam.

Please email me if you would like to know more, I can also add you on steam if this gets off the ground so we can chat and discuss ideas.

Alternatively if you want to donate however much you feel I deserve I have a bitcoin address and a pitchin page, anything is appreciated.


http://pitchinbox.com/redirect/2821192977 (Totally Anonymous, I won't post your email)

Any in depth questions you want to ask? please feel free to email me.

And this is NOT a troll.

fingers crossed there are some kind rich people here

>> No.304159
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>this will cover the full cost of the PC, mic and webcam.

oh and a cam that has night vision

>> No.304160



>> No.304162

dude, chill out, have some faith in your fellow man

>strawmanning this hard

you dont even know me kid.

>> No.304164

Post your sample video for everybody to see again so investors can know you have the ability to produce quality content. Please. I need to see this shit again.

>> No.304165

I always lmao when I see you posting this. Even if you are a troll this is hilarious stuff man.

My favorite part:
>real life videos of me completing various challenges (stay the night in a haunted house etc)
Ahahahahahaha. omg great

>> No.304166

If my PC didn't break obviously I could have uploaded a worthwhile video

also, to clear this up yet again

this video was a TEST so I could familiarise myself with youtubes video upload process

feel free to laugh your ass off though

>> No.304167

You mean that wouldn't be worth watching?

I should add that it would be a solo stay-the-night deal

just me, a camera and a sleeping bag staying the night in the most haunted places I can find.

It's youtube gold!

>> No.304168

>Guys, give money to an anonymous kid on 4chan
>W...what do you mean you want proof I can do something worthwhile and not cut and run with your cash?... h...h..here... h...have this.... it's le bad xDxD

>> No.304169

I promise you'll make your money back, it might take a couple of months but you have my word that I won't just 'cut and run'

I'm aware of the nature of anonymity though so I can sort of understand your paranoia

>> No.304170

This fucking kid. Kills my sides.

>> No.304171

I'm confused, what's so funny?

>> No.304176


>> No.304179
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1369027673001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I report this stupid fuck posts if the fucking captcha doesn't show up.

>> No.304223


I'm also reporting your youtube channel

>> No.304225

just hide the thread if it pains you so much

>"omg asking for money from rich people!!!"
>"he's worse than hitler!!!"

>> No.304237


Like any rich person would give money to a stupid fuck like you.

Any person in this world with an IQ above 80 knows you should have been aborted at birth

I reported your stupid channel too btw.

>> No.304241

>stupid fuck like you
there you go strawmanning again

I'm not stupid I'm actually pretty smart

>Any person in this world with an IQ above 80 knows you should have been aborted at birth

wow that was super edgy dude! but why not try explaining what makes me so stupid instead of hurling random insults at me

>I reported your stupid channel too btw.

wow internet police are out in force today huh, you ask for a donation and suddenly you're labeled stupid and that you should have been aborted.

you need to take a chill pill, all that cortisol isn't good for you.

>> No.304254


>> No.304258

Is this copypasta now?

>> No.304265

Jesus Christ fuck off you autist.

You aren't getting any money from anyone on this board; fuck off to /g/ or somewhere. There are numerous reasons why you are a bad investment:
1. You could just cut and run.
2. Your YouTube idea is shit, it is such a saturated market you won't make money. You know what? I'm calm, well spoken (raised in the wealthier part of Chelsea) and (durr) British. Anyone can do what you want to do.
3. The fact that you just expect someone to give you £2k reeks of laziness, are you even working to contribute to the price?
4. Wealthy people don't spend their money on shit which probably won't make them anything back. I personally have £8k just sitting there right now. Am I investing in you? No. I'm investing in a local brewer because I know a certain wholesaler is looking at his product (and have a friend in the selection process whom says they'll jump for it). Guaranteed return on my money.
5. You haven't even put up anymore videos. If I wanted this type of money online I would work my arse off to make a good demo happen. I would visit one of my friends and borrow their computer and play a shit game. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I brought them some beer. Now if you say you don't have any friends then that is a sixth reason not to invest; because it means you are antisocial and don't work well with other people.

And don't just act further autistic and call this argument a strawman. You posting this every fucking day is a perfect example of autistic behaviour. You are a cancer on this board and while I thought you were funny at first, you really need to stop posting.

>> No.304269

You're not asking for domnations. You're begging, mr Smart guy.

And you're utterly, utterly pathetic.

>> No.304273

>1. You could just cut and run
again, this is a trust issue, I've already said that I can pay it back it just might take a few months to be able to

>shit idea
no it isn't, it's actually a pretty good idea as far as youtube videos are concerned, trust me I've studied this field passively for going on 5 years, I think I know more than you at this point.

>it is such a saturated market
granted it might be, but that's why I have ideas for videos that could potentially net me millions of views

>anyone can do what you do
you're implying that everyone is exactly the same, if that were the case then everyone on youtube would have 26 million subscribers.

>3. The fact that you just expect someone to give you £2k reeks of laziness, are you even working to contribute to the price?
I've been trying to find work for a long time now, I can post proof too, where I live it's ridiculously hard to find work.

>4. Wealthy people don't spend their money on shit which probably won't make them anything back
You seem to be underevaluating my talent and knowledge of this field, I've lost count how many times I've looked at a youtube video and thought "this guy isn't THAT interesting" lo and behold that person has over a million subs

>5. You haven't even put up anymore videos
That's because my old PC died and the laptop I have has 2gb ram and a duel core CPU with no integrated graphics card, it also has really shitty driver support for stuff like microphones and webcams
>I would visit one of my friends and borrow their computer and play a shit game
None of my friends are into PC gaming dude, hard as that may be to believe it's true.

>You posting this every fucking day is a perfect example of autistic behaviour.
Autistic? not really, I'm simply casting the net, not all rich people are as tight fisted as you seem to be, hell if it were (cont.)

>> No.304274

...me reading this thread I would have invested already without even blinking, but I'm a nice person so what do I know, it's actually suspicious the reception I have been getting in every one of my threads

this is a classic example, no friendly advice or anything, just straight to the insults and self aggrandizing attitude.

And to answer his question, I'm simply putting forth an idea I have and hoping that somebody has the foresight and the willingness to at least give me a chance.

>> No.304280

Just filtered "sell me" "pen" "how do" and "how to" among a few others and over half of this board is hidden. Now there's this fucker.

>> No.304284

thanks for sharing that utterly useless information

>> No.304296


As if this thread isn't? You've been posting it for months all over 4chan. Nobody cares.

>> No.304300

yeah maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, because you people seem to be wicked and evil.

I suggest you get yourself exercised.

>> No.304301


I suggest you get a job. You could made your $3K by now. You're like a fat kid who blames variables for your lack of success.

>> No.304303

kill yourself

>> No.304306

sent :)

>> No.304308


Go back to Facebook

>> No.304309
File: 68 KB, 500x282, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not stupid I'm actually pretty smart

>Goes on 4chan asking for free money because he's too stupid to make money on his own

Protip: Most retards believe they are smart.

>> No.304310

That sounds awful.You've taken qualities from other channels and assume that they go great together? Channels are more recipes not just points. You can jam chocolate with beer and a fish and it wouldn't be good.

>> No.304312

>Calls everyone out for strawman
>uses strawman

>> No.304313

obviously I'm talking to some kind of internet youtube guru here

fucking this thread I need to go hit something for a while

>> No.304314

Would need to see a detailed business plan showing potential returns, use your computer setup as collateral for a loan and have some official documentation that can be used as a repayment plan.

>> No.304318

>I suggest you get yourself exercised

>> No.304319

>fucking this thread I need to go hit something for a while
You hit Minecraft blocks all day because you're a lazy uneducated welfare NEET. Now you need to go hit some more?

>> No.304320

You don't sound smart.
You have a shitty idea as explained by a poster before I.
Then you're mad at anyone telling you so.
You're so stuck up your own ass that their are two answer styles you'll see
1: Shit/Bad/retarded/Strawman answer
2: Right answer from someone donating

>> No.304321


Moot needs to add some more rules and stickies.

Just like you can't post "how do I lose weight" threads on /fit/, people shouldn't be allowed to post 50 threads about "how do I make money" "I have 50k how do I invest"

All the college ret ards coming for career advice should also fuck off, it has nothing to do with /biz/ and just pollutes the board over and over again.

Moot needs to ban that crap and add a link to something basic like investopedia

>> No.304330


What this guy said. show us a plan, several samples of your work, create a pitch as to why we should lend you money so you can invest in something that is risky, and offer us some indication about the returns that you'll provide

>> No.304347

try harder kid, that insult was something a 16 year old would come up with

>> No.304364

>again, this is a trust issue, I've already said that I can pay it back it just might take a few months to be able to
You should never 'trust' anyone online. Also the key here is 'a few months'. Making a hit youtube channel takes a long time, you don't get millions of subs in a few months. Just look at Cr1ti1kal, he is the funniest and most talented guy on youtube and he doesn't get that many views.

>trust me I've studied this field passively for going on 5 years, I think I know more than you at this point.
Yes, I've watched youtube videos for 5 years as well. That is all you are saying afterall. Studying 'passively' isn't studying at all.

>granted it might be, but that's why I have ideas for videos that could potentially net me millions of views
The key word here is 'potentially'. Why would anyone invest in this gear for you when in two months you could go 'oh sorry mane its not working out, I only have 300 subs. thanks for the computer tho'. Ideas that have 'potential' are a dime a dozen bud.

> if that were the case then everyone on youtube would have 26 million subscribers.
Then what makes YOU special? I think you are over-inflating your self worth.

>I've been trying to find work for a long time now, I can post proof too, where I live it's ridiculously hard to find work.
I personally read this as 'My CV isn't as good as it could be/I'm not trying hard enough/I'm not networking at all'. Seriously bro, getting a job isn't that hard. I've been in constant employment since age 15. I've held 9 positions in jobs ranging from construction to finance.

>You seem to be underevaluating my talent and knowledge of this field, I've lost count how many times I've looked at a youtube video and thought "this guy isn't THAT interesting" lo and behold that person has over a million subs
They must be doing something right. You are once again over-inflating your self worth. What is to say people will find YOU interesting?


>> No.304369


>> No.304374

>None of my friends are into PC gaming dude, hard as that may be to believe it's true.
No I believe that, not everyone HAS to play PC. You misunderstood my point. Are there gaming cafes anywhere close to you? Google it, they usually have the hardware you need. There used to be 4 near to me and that was an average sized town. The going rate was £15 for 2 hours worth of gaming. There were mics and webcams too. Or why don't you invest in a thing which can record console play? I heard they were like £40. Then you can upload it to youtube.

>not all rich people are as tight fisted as you seem to be
Most are. How do you think they became wealthy in the first place? You can harp on about how Bill Gates donates fuck loads of money, but thats only because after your first billion money loses its value.

>I'm simply putting forth an idea I have and hoping that somebody has the foresight and the willingness to at least give me a chance.
I'm sorry bud but loads of people have had this idea. You will have no way to separate yourself from the crowd of kiddies who thought making youtube videos like Pewdiepie would make them rich. Your idea for a youtube channel is retarded, it sounds like the bastard child of shitty tv ghost programmes and and a lets play channel. The haunted segments will be underwhelming but made overly 'HURP DERP SCARY WHAT WAS THAT NOISE' (protip, was the house getting cooler overnight) and the gaming segments (which you apparently need the high end computer for) will be generic as fuck.

Seriosuly brah. I'm trying to set you straight. I know when you have an idea it sounds like the best thing in the world to you. However if when you share it with people and they say its crap, chances are it is. Accept it. If your concept was better maybe people would invest. Problem is it isn't a good idea.

As well as this I don't know why you need £2k. My gaming PC cost me £600, monitor £150, mic was £40 and webcam was £20. Total cost of under a grand.

>> No.304383

The ironic part is that you're the kid who play the same video game every day and goes to 4chan asking for free money.

Who's the real kid, kid?

>> No.304391

OP got fucken #rekt

>> No.304394

>hey guys buy me a bunch of shit and I will implement this shitty idea that won't work or make money

>> No.304401


OP please kill yourself

>> No.304402

Are you cool with getting a personal loan with repayment within 6 month? Since you spent half a decade studying the market it's likely your know the market inside and out. $300 isn't that much for a flight to meet in person to decide on an agreement form and collateral.

What's your skype?

>> No.304404

OP make a vacaroo describing what you envision doing on youtube and I will donate if you don't sound awful

>> No.304409

>Since you spent half a decade studying the market.

I can't tell if this is joke. But that's like saying that people know the cinematography market just because they watch a lot of movies

>> No.304417

>I've lost count how many times I've looked at a youtube video and thought "this guy isn't THAT interesting" lo and behold that person has over a million subs

The time he has spent has obviously been well placed. He has acquired a taste that has superseded the majority of the population's. So I can easily see him as having an understanding of quality which is far far ahead of the curve.

>Majority of population can't really appreciate classical music and opera.

OP please respond to my previous post.

>> No.304432

Samefag behind a proxy eh?

You are either OP or are retarded to think that. I can tell you numerous youtube trends just by having spent some time on the site. E.g. indie game reviews and lets plays are on the up and have been for awhile.

If you are really retarded enough to give the guy money (if you aren't him), give it to me and I'll 'make' a youtube channel.

>> No.304449

Same offer applies to you then, but I will need you to be more clear on what kind of youtube channel you will do. Do you have 5 years experience like OP?

>Are you cool with getting a personal loan with repayment within 6 month? $300 isn't that much for a flight to meet in person to decide on an agreement form and collateral.

What's your skype?

>> No.304454

Damn, I actually like that idea, it's just a shame I'll have to pay to upload a video to youtube that will undoubtedly take hours, assuming the internet speed is even good.
I don't have any gaming console, I sold my 360 so I could buy weed.

> it sounds like the bastard child of shitty tv ghost programmes and and a lets play channel
thats because you're wording it as such, you can cast anything in a negative light if you wanted to.

>The haunted segments will be underwhelming but made overly 'HURP DERP SCARY WHAT WAS THAT NOISE'
nope, you're assuming AGAIN, seriously you need your head checked, this is embarrassing to read.

> (which you apparently need the high end computer for)
youtube is based on trends, therefore I would need a PC capable of running current trending video games.
>will be generic as fuck.

how old are you? your arguments are literal shit to read.

>Seriosuly brah. I'm trying to set you straight
No you aren't, you're trying to vent on the internet under the guise of giving advice, you should do something about that because your attitude fucking STINKS.

>As well as this I don't know why you need £2k. My gaming PC cost me £600, monitor £150, mic was £40 and webcam was £20. Total cost of under a grand.

Then give me a grand instead.

I don't play video games at all.

I don't have skype, but feel free to email me

I would totally do that, drop me an email and I'll get a mic and I'll do that

I'm glad someone understands, I've even written up a list of certain youtubers 'unique' video making quips and tricks.

You're doing absolutely nothing to shake my confidence, you might aswell give up.

>> No.304456

Like I said though, any in depth questions I would much rather answer through email

>> No.304464

>Just look at Cr1ti1kal, he is the funniest and most talented guy on youtube and he doesn't get that many views.
he's good but he still needs to improve his commentaries, sometime it seems a bit forced, his 'what the fuck is this what the fuck is that' attitude is p funny though

>Yes, I've watched youtube videos for 5 years as well. That is all you are saying afterall. Studying 'passively' isn't studying at all.
But this is in one particular field, I've seen it all at this point

>Why would anyone invest in this gear for you when in two months you could go 'oh sorry mane its not working out, I only have 300 subs
I'm not the kind of person to just quit on something though, I've made numerous threads about this project, some having over 400 posts, if that doesn't show commitment I don't know what does

>Then what makes YOU special? I think you are over-inflating your self worth.
I'm not, I'm just confident in my abilities

>What is to say people will find YOU interesting?
I am handsome, funny and well spoken, I also don't swear which is a good point to make

>> No.304466

>Damn, I actually like that idea, it's just a shame I'll have to pay to upload a video to youtube that will undoubtedly take hours, assuming the internet speed is even good.
You haven't even looked and are just shooting down any idea that isn't you getting a free pc. The internet speed was quality, it was one of the main draws because in the area most people had shit internet.
>I sold my 360 so I could buy weed.
Do I even need to go into this? How fucking retarded are your priorities? How do we know you won't just smoke bud and not put any work in? I've smoked up a fair amount but I've never sold my shit to pay for it. Its a slippery slope when you're selling your own stuff.

>nope, you're assuming AGAIN, seriously you need your head checked, this is embarrassing to read.
How else would it be? What would you do if you promised a 'haunted house' vid and then nothing happened and it was an hour of you going 'ohmergehrdmane'. Would you even put the vid up? You wouldn't get many hits and then you'd just be ANOTHER generic channel.

>how old are you? your arguments are literal shit to read.
As you are fond of saying; Strawman.

>No you aren't, you're trying to vent on the internet under the guise of giving advice, you should do something about that because your attitude fucking STINKS.
You're reacting this way because you don't want to acknowledge that your idea isn't the best. That is fine; it is a common psychological response to overwhelming rejection and criticism. My attitude isn't the problem buddy, yours is.

>Then give me a grand instead.
If I could slam a setup together for under a grand, why couldn't you? You're just trying to score a quality free PC.

>I don't play video games at all.
Then why do you want to make this channel? If it is just for money it will shine through and alienate viewers. You need to LOVE games to be a good lets player.

>> No.304467
File: 48 KB, 365x214, 1393282415431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.304471

>Do I even need to go into this? How fucking retarded are your priorities? How do we know you won't just smoke bud and not put any work in? I've smoked up a fair amount but I've never sold my shit to pay for it. Its a slippery slope when you're selling your own stuff.
I've since quit and been sober for over a month, completely cold turkey too

>How else would it be? What would you do if you promised a 'haunted house' vid and then nothing happened and it was an hour of you going 'ohmergehrdmane'. Would you even put the vid up? You wouldn't get many hits and then you'd just be ANOTHER generic channel.
I would spend the entire night by myself and record myself at hourly intervals, if nothing happens nothing happens, but don't expect me to fake anything.
I lold

>You're reacting this way because you don't want to acknowledge that your idea isn't the best
I feel my idea is good and you don't and we disagree, there isn't much else to add to that.

>If I could slam a setup together for under a grand, why couldn't you? You're just trying to score a quality free PC
And a camera too, infact, let me build one on that pc builder site and I'll get back to you.

>Then why do you want to make this channel? If it is just for money it will shine through and alienate viewers. You need to LOVE games to be a good lets player.
I love video games, but I am very poor so unfortunately the only way I can experience them is by watching longplays and the like.

>> No.304473

>I don't have skype, but feel free to email me
I would feel more comfortable at least speaking to you first. If we are talking about $3k the least you could do is set up a Skype account.

>I've even written up a list of certain youtubers 'unique' video making quips and tricks.
Not that I want to steal your secret sauce or anything by could I see some of your notes?

>> No.304474

ok nevermind I found a decent build for cheap


all it needs is a decent graphics card and it should be good to go

>> No.304475

>I would totally do that, drop me an email and I'll get a mic and I'll do that
So you aren't even willing to drop ~£6 on a mic.

>You're doing absolutely nothing to shake my confidence, you might aswell give up.
I just don't want people on this board to get ripped off and for you to waste your time.

>But this is in one particular field, I've seen it all at this point
As have the millions of other viewers on all these channels. I've spent a fair amount of time watching youtube vids and can say the same. Saying that doesn't set you apart from other people.

>I'm not the kind of person to just quit on something though
I'll give you that. However, when someone can gain something of considerable value (such as the setup you want) they can be motivated to keep going until they get it or forever. See the psychological responses some people have to scams; they keep sending money even though they know they aren't going to get anything from it.

>I am handsome, funny and well spoken, I also don't swear which is a good point to make
Same here. The swearing isn't really a thing to worry about anyway, pewds swears often and people don't care (or bitch and get him more views) and kids (as long as their parents aren't watching) love hearing bad words.

This all said I am enjoying this debate and if you do get a sponsor I'd totally play you at something.

>> No.304477

I don't need 3k, hold on I'm trying to sort this mess out

>Not that I want to steal your secret sauce or anything by could I see some of your notes?
ahhh, now that I can't do, I could give you a COUPLE of notes, drop me an email bro

>> No.304480

>So you aren't even willing to drop ~£6 on a mic.
I am, like I said my laptop is running linux so it's finicky when it comes to stuff like that

>Same here. The swearing isn't really a thing to worry about anyway, pewds swears often and people don't care (or bitch and get him more views) and kids (as long as their parents aren't watching) love hearing bad words.

I know that too, but in moderation of course, look at syndicates newest videos, his language is disgusting and his channel has taken a hit as a result.

>This all said I am enjoying this debate and if you do get a sponsor I'd totally play you at something.
you're more than welcome to add me on steam if I get something sorted

>> No.304501

Ok this is embarrassing, it seems like I asked for way more than I needed

>> No.304508

dammit now I look like a complete idiot

>> No.304595


All of the college students who give investment advice because they've taken a few semesters in their accounting major is what pisses me off.

>> No.304618

your ID says sex