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30413670 No.30413670 [Reply] [Original]

>A friend told me about a crypto pump and dump that would take place today.
> Got added to the telegram group where they had video's of previous pump and dumps
> Think I'm smart and check out the cryptocurrency on the date they claimed they did it.
> It checks out

Well the second I bought the price went down like crazy and I lost $300. Why am I telling you this? Because maybe if people know there are people more retarded than them they feel better. Also don't fall for the video's and screenshots. While the cryptocurrency was nosediving in real life they posted screenshots that it was climbing.

>> No.30413752

Do your own research
Or just hang out on 4chan more and pay attention

>> No.30413950

>a friend
Your problem started here.. rest is maybe more understandable, scammers are getting good.
300$ is hardly a loss OP, you will be fine

>> No.30414264

lmao, if you get invited to a pump and dump there is a good 90% chance you are the one buying the top
unless you organize one with the pajeets

>> No.30414441

Found that out the hard way yes.

Thanks. In hindsight they used every trick in the book to get people to join.

>> No.30414967

Did you not see the chart before buying? Usually pnd charts have already a green dildo of 50-100% when you recieve the signal

>> No.30415149
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here is an explanation

>> No.30415250

coin was announced at 16.00 on Telegm

But admin announced it 10 minutes earlier to his secret friends group

Admin himself was buying it since days ago to dump of pajeets like you

>> No.30415363

In hindsight they used a sense of urgency to make sure I would buy as soon as they told us wich cryptocurrency would get pumped:

5 hours remaining until the big pump today! Here is everything you need to know about this pump in order to make the most profit possible.

- Our target will be 500% profit.
- Hundreds of thousands of traders will be buying at once, make sure you buy early before outsiders do.
- We will be using the BTC pairing on Binance.com to pump, meaning that you need to have BTC in your account to buy the coin.
- If you plan to use your whole balance, you can buy using 75% of your balance initially at market price, use the remaining of your balance to place buy orders!
- When you buy the coin and it's time to sell, never sell on the buy supports! Instead sell slowly in parts as the price goes up.
- Our pump will have many waves as our whales will actively be buying with our members to support the price, there will be a lot of possibilities to make profits many times during the pump!
- After buying, we highly suggest to place buy orders below the market price as the price moves up.

Lastly, enjoy the ride up! This pump will be the biggest we have done so far, be ready.

>> No.30415510

>joining shitskin telegram group
You deserved it. Fortunately you HOPEFULLY learned an important lesson for the relatively low price of 300 bucks. A drop in the bucket.

>> No.30415541

Report them to police or FBI :^)
anonymous tip

>> No.30415578

don't worry Anon,
Zenonners are more retarded

>> No.30415644

>I lost $300
Just a day of wagecucking

>> No.30415695

Retard op honestly

Just take even 5 seconds to think how such a thing would work in the first place

>> No.30415749

like the other anon said, you learned a useful lesson, only the admins make a profit out of it and the other partecipants are dumped on, you can make money only if you get the signal at the same time of the admins, or you are lucky if you can make a few %. Btc only pairs tho is one of the first red flags.

>> No.30415751

Retard to fall on this

>> No.30415838


Losing 300$ in crypto is a fart. Even poor fags like myself lose and gain that amount every single day.
So dont feel bad.

But dont get into pumpanddump group stuff. Only if you personally know the organizer and you know you can trust him.
Buy solid projects: ersdl, bnt, qnt, link and hodl, or learn to trade.

>> No.30415862

Yes I did, I was greedy and retarded and AFTER I got scammed I suddenly knew exactly what to Google to find out if it was a scam. I hope I can at least warn one person to not fall for it or make them think: at least I'm not that stupid.

>> No.30416042

You took part in a PnD. You just got the D part

>> No.30416135

Whoa, 300 whole dollars??

>> No.30416273

you probably bought the top

>> No.30416348

thanks for this thread op

>> No.30416449

Well, thanks for bringing more attention to the problem, especially newfags need some reminders of the traps out there, so they can avoid them and only invest in legitimate projects like Cardano™

>> No.30416472


>> No.30416639

Don't be elitist. For europoors that's a lot of money since we get the shit taxed out of us.

>> No.30416686

You didn't get scammed, you knew exactly what this was. In any case, me and my buddies made a nice profit off of you gullible idiots. Ever wonder why we announce the pump ages in advance? Because we already started loading our bags ready to dump on you once we announce :)

>> No.30416815

you can never scam an honest man

you thought you were being smart fucking others over and instead got fucked

lesson learned

>> No.30417124

There is a pnd group I follow. I know its pajeets running it but their picks always seem to pump for 5 to 10 minutes. I always buy straight away when announced and get out once I have 25% to 30% gains. I know i am running a risk but I've never lost against them yet.

>> No.30417157

A hard truth but it's the truth. Lesson learned.

>> No.30417197
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You can totally scam an honest man. There's loads of charity scams...

>> No.30417678
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You werent scammed. You got greedy so you gambled your money for a quick gain and lost it. Until you accept this for what it is, you're doomed to repeat it. Invest in projects with good fundamentals. Protect and grow your stack steadily. Crypto gains compound. 5k now will be 10k in 2 weeks. 10k in 2 weeks will be 20k in 4 weeks. 20k in 4 weeks will be 40k in 6 weeks. You could legitimately have 100k by the end of April if you just dyor and dont sperg out on every okie doke drop.
Youll make it OP.

>> No.30417764

That's why you don't throw your money on tearjerk cuck charities like muh tigers or muh paki village children

>> No.30417946

Soon theyll offer you an expensive token to pump (.01+). Dont buy it. That will be the last p&d and the group is the ones getting dumped on.

>> No.30418078

>I lost $300
get out of here

>> No.30418098

Yeah I get that but my only point is you CAN cheat an honest man, provided he is sufficiently naive or dumb...

>> No.30418341

Charitable (tax exempt) orgs make up like 15% of the US economy. The amount of oversight for them is surprisingly very low. Start some sort of activist website and apply for grants from the thousands of NGO's trying to implement global socialism. You can also claim a bunch of everyday expenses through it under line items like travel, rent, utilities, etc. Tax paying wagies basically subsidize you.

>> No.30418575

>apply for grants
I want to implement a tranny friendly social media. Where can I do that? Please tell, I noticed other getting similar things granted

>> No.30418786

I am FBI. Please let me know. I need a good collar to become section chief.

>> No.30418909

So do you regret your decision to scam people or just the fact you lost your own money?

B/c either way, you can go fuck yourself. :) I'm glad you lost your money btw.

>> No.30419038

my thing, because it's all speculative, it's still a gamble, regardless of the amount of research that you put in

>> No.30419126

Some gambles have better odds though.

>> No.30419294

>thousands of NGO's trying to implement global socialism.
I had the impression these were the Glowies exploring alternative way of financial support. But maybe you are right: I can set up one of my own and get social justice money just like this

>> No.30420397

yeah buy some random shitcoin like us legit people, now thats hard and honest work! we keep the world running!

>> No.30420774

Which ones?

>> No.30420897
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how was OP not able to follow a chart on his own, and if not why would he believe fake screenshots am I missing something?

>> No.30421178

implying half of this thread looks at charts

>> No.30421363

>make sure you buy early before outsiders do.
What outsiders are gonna buy? Are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.30421476
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No this is what happens when a greedy retard thinks he can make a quick buck and there is a sense of urgency and fomo.

>> No.30421806

Jup. In the first hype message they talked about all the messages thanking them they got. But you can't send them messages. All the red flags are so clear to me in hindsight but maybe I should go to the doctor and get diagnosed with late onset retardation. Here the message they put out for my fellow greedy retards so we'll join:

Pump result : More than 1500 btc volume in a few minutes which is around 77 million $ with a peak of 427%! If we compare our previous pumps to this one, we realize that this one did not last as long as our previous one and went down quicker than we anticipated even though the volume was much bigger. We believe that this was due to outside selling pressure coming from the PPT team. Our whales have tried to keep the price up but the sell pressure was too big. You can be assured that in our next pump we will take every precaution to make sure this doesn't happen again and that all our members make profit like in our previous 2 pumps. Our whales will guarantee profits for our whole community in the upcoming pump by buying massive amounts after all our members. Stay tuned!

>> No.30422602

No I'm done now. I had a funny feeling about the pump they offered today. Turns out it was the same pump that caught the OP. I'm glad I didnt do it to even get a 20 to 30% gain because I dont think it even went up 5% it just dumped straight away. Made a bit of profit on previous ones they posted but I'll consider myself very lucky I didn't get shafted and walk away now while I made something off the pajeets