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File: 229 KB, 1060x1078, 15968319799042037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30412398 No.30412398 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here bros

>> No.30412888

I'm here, ahhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.30413510

Nice trips, the bullish crossover in sats is just days away. We will hit .10 by next week.

>> No.30414391

wtf why is it ripping so hard rn

>> No.30414903

I sold everything at 5 cents.........
I thought it would drop to .02..........


>> No.30415150 [DELETED] 


Tell me about Mochimo.org?

What do you say?

>> No.30415467

Fuck off Rajneesh

>> No.30415553
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>> No.30415558
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Enjoy your reserved seats, gentlemen.

>> No.30415628

600k reserved seats enough?

>> No.30415631
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10 cents by April.

>> No.30415666
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Because the fud was just that. FUD.

>> No.30415715
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>inverse head and shoulders
>constant good news
>bitcoin decides to dip
>th- thanks king shitcoin

>> No.30415807

I love how this coin is the epitome of DYOR and that's why /biz/ has 0 and all the shill threads have 4-5 replies while rubik threads have 80-100 replies regularly. Not that I think rubik won't climb but this is yet another 20x /biz/ will ignore

>> No.30416263

Only have 10k, will I make it?

>> No.30416339


How does $560k sound?

>> No.30416543

Pretty good, when do I cash out

>> No.30416603

Oh bullshit. We'll be lucky if rsr reaches $1 er toke.

>> No.30416641

Hey, south american here

Nobody knows about this shit, you are buying literally nothing, we only care about dollars. And before you say it, even after inflation, its still better for us



>> No.30416672
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>> No.30416674

900k comfy stack here, 10c is a guarantee, how high are we going this year bros?

>> No.30416715

LARP. Also doesn't matter. Line go up.

>> No.30416775

Use basic math anon. 560k / 10k = ???

>> No.30416833


You want me to show you my fucking passport or what? Lol

People around my and other countries only know Bitcoin and AT MOST, Ethereum or some normie altcoin like ADA

Buy it as speculation like any other shitcoin, dont lie about it’s use.

>> No.30416840

2021 biz has 0. 2019 biz has millions

>> No.30416856

>Nobody knows about this shit,
cool anecdote bro. The waiting list was full for the app. i think there is plenty of demand.

>> No.30417126

I don't give a fuck if you like making money or not. This is a business and finance board so I will repeat again:


>> No.30417242

10 cent waiting room

>> No.30417309


Lol so much hopium. Nobody of it’s “real world use case” care for it

You just buy it like degenrate gamblers you are

And everyone is a genius in a bull market

Cheers fellas

>> No.30417441

I only have 200k of this. Will I make it with that?

>> No.30417696

100k suicide stack
1000k make it

>> No.30418021

>just buy it like degenrate gamblers
i bought at 0.6c. up over $100k. Nice gamble

>> No.30418103

my entry is .003 and I refuse to tell you how many I bought at that price because you'll think im a larp
fuck you nufag, have fun missing out on the xrp of the golden bullrun.

>> No.30418192

How about this "FUD": RSV is backed by a basket of tokenized collateral assets. That's what keeps the price stable. Except, arbitrage opportunities (the thing that makes it profitable to hold RSR) come from volatility in the collateral. So the better the collateral does its job of being collateral by keeping the price of RSV stable, the less demand exists for RSR, because its profitability depends on the volatility that is anathema to the success of RSV.

In short: RSV only works as a "reserve currency" when the prices of the assets it is backed by remain stable, but RSR only works as a profit-making opportunity when the prices of the assets backing RSV are volatile

Your response?

>> No.30418254

I'm jelly, I did manage to get some of my stack at 0.004, but on average I bought mostly at 1c, still pretty early though.

>> No.30418420
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Good luck on the breadline anon, not sure I'll be able to see you from the deck of my yacht.

>> No.30418492

Line go up

>> No.30418557


>> No.30418571


Thats exactly my point you redditors of wallstreet, holy shit are you 15 or what?

This is no different from any other shitcoin. Just try to buy low and sell high

My point is, and you keep proving it, the supposed use case for venezuela and whatever is nonsense, nobody cafes for it, its just another gabling shitcoin


>> No.30418600
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>coinbase listing coming soon
>greyscale investments coming soon
>Mainnet coming soon
>major hiring and marketing expansions happening now
>Even more to come
No one cares about your anecdotal evidence, favella monkey. I bought 1.5m of these below .009 and will likely retire next year off it. Now go home from whatever Internet cafe you’re sitting in before it gets robbed and I see you in a liveleak video

>> No.30418647


Keep proving my point

Token not needed

>> No.30418682

Yeah, that's about what I expected. Enjoy your Peter Thiel-branded PnD

>> No.30418811


You are trying to discuss with pnd niggers fella

>> No.30418997

I am up over 2,300% and have no intention of selling
you are coping with this and will remain poor

>> No.30419333


Keeps proving my point fucking lol

No wonder you are american

>> No.30419415
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we're coming for you. prepare to have your worthless native currencies and powerless governments undermined and subverted. you will eventually fomo in like all the other bizlets who didn't recognize the value early enough. dyor but iykyk

>> No.30419520
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Peter thiel is in the CIA. Destabilizing shitty governments

>> No.30419534
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>> No.30419547

Love seeing all the salt from anons who didn't buy in at sub 1c. Comfiest hold on the planet.

>> No.30419651

I have been REDUCED

>> No.30419681

Argie here. People don't know about it but are all over crypto. A good app could turn RSV into the next DAI here EASILY.

>> No.30419803

RSR is also a governance token. Its not JUST a arbitrage token. So you "FUD" is still just that...FUD

>> No.30419820

It's so fucking funny seeing people talk shit, I bought it last year for like half a cent, the only people who are salty are people who bought at 7c and even they will be happy in the next year

>> No.30419979

>governance token
Lmfao who the fuck cares about voting in retarded internet "elections," I mean seriously

>> No.30420007


20 year old reddit users arent “people all into crypto”

The only thing people here and all south america care is us dollars, thats it.

I should know, I am a fellow argie

>> No.30420034

high iq anons will make it with rsr. it is written in the simulation.

buying under $1 is considered high iq. you will make it

>> No.30420059

It's really telling that you morons literally have nothing to say beyond "line has gone up. Line will continue to go up."

>> No.30420115

What do you want me to reply to?

>> No.30420124

If you don't. Sell.
Sell any governance token..
It's not for you.
Maybe you should let the FED vote for you...Hold USD

>> No.30420152
File: 335 KB, 1060x1049, based colonizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green IDs confirming RSR as based

curry-poop-brown and red IDs fudding.

truly a based coin -- Kek wills it

>> No.30420248

Then how come all my friends and acquaintances hold DAI or at the very least know about it or have considered buying some? And this includes people over 30 who don't even know what reddit is (but granted, a lot of my friends are plebbitors)

>> No.30420327

This: >>30418192

>implying your pathetic little stacks of "governance tokens" have any more impact on the direction of the projects they theoretically "govern" than your vote in the booth has on the direction of American policy
>implying it is worth paying for the privilege of "voting" in a fake and gay internet "election"
You, sir, are certifiably retarded

>> No.30420489

who do you think we are
we arent dumb...we have ben here for ages
we have seen and even participated in FUD
You arent fooling anyone man...we can all see through you
You are not smart enough to fool us...we are all social engineers here

>> No.30420622

you have a better chance FUD'n on twitter or something

>> No.30420628

Address the substantive point here >>30418192 or shut the fuck up about "FUD" forever

>> No.30420858

I did already
even stable coins backed 1:1 to the dollar have up and down swings
so there will always be arbing oppurtunities
Plus as they add more volatile assets, like stocks and real estate...even if they are a small portion of the vault....they will still increase volatility...increasing arbing oppurtunities
and again...beyond arbing...its also a governance token...

now let me ask you...if you truly do not believe in this project...why are you lurking in this thread?

>> No.30420860

This is really hilarious to me. I had actually been considering getting a sui stack of RSR but I wanted to clear some things up about how it would make me money, and the pushback I get from you retards for asking very simple questions in this regard really tells me all I need to know.

By contrast look at some of the BAO threads. Not everyone farming BAO gets the big picture, and I don't personally own any BAO because a) I think governance tokens are retarded and b) I'm not convinced they will corner the market on synthetics the way they assume they will. But people asking legitimate questions about BAO or even just going "hurr durr food token scam" get actual intelligent rebuttals. You idiots are proud to have "line go up" as the only thing you can reply with

Enjoy holding your bags

>> No.30420909

The fact that you think this constitutes an answer to the question ceritifies you as retarded

>> No.30421055

good. We dont want the type that listen to anonymous 4chan posters for their investment advice...pls go elsewhere...nice having you in the thread....now that your mind is made up...I suppose you wont be posting anymore...dueces

>> No.30421186

Cia Troon coin

>> No.30421215

and as you can see fellas
it was just a "BAO" shill all along
anyway...back to RSR

>> No.30421337

>enjoy holding
Oh don't worry, I'm perfectly enjoying it. Imagine not being big brained enough to have not already made 6 figures off this project while it still being pre full app access, pre greyscale, pre coinbase, pre mexico, pre mainnet. Have fun playing with your food, and please stay away from RSR or its threads in the future.

>> No.30421422

conservative 2x from each of those events

>> No.30421499

RSR is going to turn us all into millionaires.

As if Sam Altman, Peter Theil, and COINBASE VENTURES wasn’t enough to convince you on this one, I can say that after researching literal THOUSANDS of shitcoins, reading hundreds upon hundreds of white papers, and having only invested in LINK, BTC, and ETH all I have to say is RSR IS THE ONLY “SHITCOIN” WORTH BEING IN.

Because it is one of the few coins out there that ACTUALLY has a higher purpose.

Countries like Venezuela are experiencing what economists call “hyperinflation” due to their corrupt government non-stop printing money.

>Imagine working a humble but honest job your whole life only to have your hard-earned savings account wiped to nothing by a few corrupt politicians in office because they wanted their 19th lambo.
Makes me fucking sick bros.

In terms of the actual mechanics, Reserve stands an order of magnitude above other coin in its implementation alone.
> Going through a centralized “incubation” phase right now in order to guarantee its success.
> Aims to be a fully decentralized global stablecoin

Its most unique mechanic is that RSR (the coin we buy) is burned in order to maintain the stability of RSV (the stable coin). This allows for a stable BACKED cryptocurrency. I highlight BACKED because this is a major issue with current stable coins like USDT which we know to be a scam and isn’t fully backed by USD.

> Feels comfy knowing my money is helping fuck over corrupt “governments” who steal labor from their citizens.
Why aren’t you all in again?

>> No.30421498

As I said you retarded faggot I don't own any BAO, I'm just comparing the response

Again all you have to point to is "line go up." Im glad you're currently enjoying some unrealized gains. Do you have a substantive response to this? >>30418192

>> No.30421566

>Why aren’t you all in again?
Because this: >>30418192

>> No.30421605


>> No.30421635
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I have nothing else to say, I'm not trying to convince you. I've DMOR, and all thats left to do is laugh at peasants like you from the sidelines.

>> No.30421803

Thats what I love about RSR
once you get it..you get it
No shills needed
barely anyone in the community even tries to shill
its lovely

>> No.30421975

Again, I don't own any BAO. But here's a true story: a month or so ago after BAO's first big dump I made a thread making fun of them because I thought it was just another food token scam that got rug pulled. An anon assumed I had been burned by the project and generously offered to send BAO to my address to reimburse me for my loss, and other anons in that thread took the time to explain why they thought BAO was a winning proposition.

I graciously declined the anon's offer because, after all, I hadn't actually lost anything, having never purchased BAO in the first place. But the more I learn about BAO the more I can see why BAO holders think they're going to make money, even if I don't quite agree with them that it's a winning token. By contrast, you idiots have nothing to point to as justification for expectations of future returns except for past performance and a couple of big names. NGMI

>> No.30422279

Your entire point is that RSR has no value when assets have no volatility?

So, when do you foresee assets having no volatility? Is that some fantasy scenario in your mind? Assets will always have volatility. You just made RSR sound great.

>> No.30422367


This lmao, show me an asset with a perfectly straight line, simple there are absolutely none RSR will always have a use

>> No.30423261

Alright Im all in, lets go fuckers

>> No.30423371

No. "Total absence of volatility" would define one asymptote of the volatility:profitability function. My point is that RSV works better as a reserve currency the less volatility there is, but RSR works better as a source of profit the more volatility there is. The components of the Reserve system exist at cross-purposes.

>> No.30423460

....and now Reserve is Pumping

>> No.30423733


the last 2 days were a great pump new ATH incoming

>> No.30423786

Im up $22k on the 24 hr chart hnnggggg, let's keep it going

>> No.30424362


>> No.30424389

Sell when?

>> No.30424410

Low volatility is totally unnecessary for RSV to function as intended. That's why the mechanisms are in place. Any other concerns?

>> No.30424419

I think we hit $0.10 in the next 2-3 days bro

>> No.30424477


>> No.30424642

This is mathematically impossible, the financial equivalent of a perpetual motion machine. If the "mechanisms" could account for an arbitrary amount of volatility in the collateral there would be no downside to loading it up with the riskiest and most volatile possible assets.

>> No.30424678
File: 222 KB, 812x629, A1A1B448-BA21-43B4-BBC7-E3EC823238DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number go uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

>> No.30425072
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>> No.30425116
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>> No.30425129
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reading through this thread feels like deja vu, people are making the same shitty arguments they made exactly 1 year ago today. RSR is literally inevitably going to be one of the best performers this run. read the whitepaper, listen to the AMAs, DYOR. I hope you guys have reserved your seats... there's not much time left.

>> No.30425180

Where do you lads store your RSR? Ledger?

>> No.30425311

Inside my ballsack

>> No.30425340

Not at all. You seem to be clinging to some weird conclusions that no one is arguing. RSR will not go to infinity. When it reaches its peak it will fluctuate like a normal commodity. In periods of low volatility of RSV, RSR will go down as there are less arbitrage opportunities. In periods of high volatility, it will go up. But neither scenario makes RSV better or worse. RSV functions the same under both scenarios. It isn't "better" for RSV to have low volatility, which was your original misunderstanding.

>> No.30425440

I would honestly buy a little bag when it next dips, sorry i'm too retarded to refute your fud though. What do you invest in? (Don't have to answer I guess, just interested)

>> No.30425803

>RSR will not go to infinity
Yes, obviously. My question is why it should have any value at all, particularly since its value can decline below 1 USD/RSV without impacting the arbitrage opportunities.

>It isn't "better" for RSV to have low volatility
Lmfao what. Either RSV is a stablecoin or it isn't. If it doesn't have low/no volatility then it has no use as a currency (see also: BTC). Simple as

Also, how is this plan any different than the magic fiat printing machine?

>What Happens When the Collateral Tokens Depreciate
>Collateral tokens are somewhat volatile. While we may be able to select a portfolio with minimal downside risk, the reality is that drops in the collateral tokens' value will happen. When this happens, the Reserve Protocol will sell newly minted Reserve Rights tokens for additional collateral tokens and add them to the backing.

"When the value of the assets backing RSV declines, we will turn on the magic RSR printer and use brrrrred RSR to purchase more collateral assets." Awesome plan, 11/10

>> No.30426072

> value of underlying assets depreciate
> RSR printer go BRRRRRRRR

great tokenomics you got there lol

>> No.30426096

I might still buy some RSR because the price will probably increase with a CB listing etc but that's basically just gambling and I don't gamble. Someone is going to have to convince me that the economics of the Reserve system make sense because I'm just not seeing it. It really looks to me like a way for people to maybe make a small profit on RSR while propping up RSV for essentially humanitarian reasons. Not a massive profit opportunity, kind of the crypto equivalent of mildly successful NGO business.

My personal positions are in GRT LTO ALGO and HBAR. Waiting for the right moment to convince myself to pull the trigger on ROSE

>> No.30426429

April is FUD

RSR goes over 15 cents this month

Screencap this pussies

>> No.30426495


reserves app is literally designed to make it super easy to directly buy dollars through their app you fucking retard, thats the whole point

currently people use localbitcoins and p2p exchanges which are a pain in the ass

>> No.30426506

>Someone is going to have to convince me that the economics of the Reserve system make sense

They can’t, I was invested into RSR until I realized AMPL was a far more elegant solution.

There’s so many problems with it I don’t even know where to start.

1) For someone to buy RSR above a dollar they have to be making a losing trade, there’s no reason for RSR to ever trade above a dollar. Look at tether, it trades at almost exactly $1. Excerpt during black swan events.

2) Reserve can’t absorb supply shocks. again, black swan effects will destroy this even if it ever gains long term adoption and it will need to be bailed out (look at maker DAI).

3) They plan to make money to back the vaults from transaction fees, this represents friction in the system and has no place in an advanced economy

4) Zero proof of adoption, mainnet is still a long ways away, and years from being decentralized. AMPL is already fully functioning as intended.

>> No.30426665

people know bitcoin bc they use it to send money to family members and exchange it for dollars

reserve basically allows people to buy dollars directly with bolivars and easily send them to other people with the app

>> No.30426730

Literally this.

Low quality FUD if I've ever seen it. Reserve actively advertise on their Twitter that it'll allow mexican-niggers to convert their monopoly money into dollars seamlessly.

>> No.30426768

>reserve basically allows people to buy dollars directly with bolivars and easily send them to other people with the app
So does PayPal

>it'll allow mexican-niggers to convert their monopoly money into dollars seamlessly.
So does Venmo

>> No.30426873
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God I love making profits on the back of mexishits. I sure hope Everest will let me do the same over African niggers.
They came here to colonize us, it's time for payback.

>> No.30426880

Venezuela here, RSR is a scam been saying this IN EVERY thread but nobody listens, NOBODY uses RSR


>> No.30426928
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>> No.30426994

Since when can you use paypal to buy dollars with 1.6 mil% annual inflation bolivars
I dont think paypal and venmo even exist in venezuela

>> No.30427161

jesus christ its you again
is your fucking mind made out of concrete
let me tell it to you slowly so that you understand: RSR HAS A FIXED SUPPLY THE BURNS OVER TIME, ITS INHERENTLY DEFLATIONARY

>> No.30427203

I have a small business in venezuela and I invoice my clients via paypal no problems. Then I cash out to Bankera / Wise and then I move my money to Binance if I need to convert to Bolivares or keep it in crypto if I need to pay for something online (bitrefill)

>> No.30427235
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1) RSV is the stablecoin, not RSR.
2) It won't, unless the entire economic system of the world (USD, etc) collapses. which probably won't happen, but if it did, you would have bigger things to worry about.
3) Valid fud honestly. The team is looking into it from what I hear so it's still liable to be changed at some point.
4) Venezuelans are already using the app, but they need to be whitelisted. The waitlist to get whitelisted is huge and will be opened up sometime this month, that's why they hired and trained 20 human support specialists last month.
If you think AMPL is better than RSV, you simply don't understand the point and target audience of RSV. Noone who isn't already deep into crypto is able to use AMPL, and it's much more difficult to get into crypto if you're local currency is shit, like in hyperinflated countries. RSV is crypto, but the people using the app have no idea. They don't need any background in crypto to use the app. anything crypto related to RSV is done in the background or involves RSR, which the people actually using RSV don't care about. AMPL and RSV can easily coexist, they serve different purposes even if they seem similar.

>> No.30427271

You were debunked in the last thread faggot.

I do believe you're actually a Venezuelan however, because you're fucking stupid as shit

>> No.30427390

You are the stupid gringo buying a coin based on lies. I'm literally telling you nobody uses it and you think a screenshot of the lowest exchange rate of binance P2P is a debunk? Rope yourself

>> No.30427391

they literally just launched their app and its not RSR that theyd be using itd be RSV

apparently I can tell fudders that theyre just flat out incorrect 1000x over and yet they insist on being illiterate and delusional

>> No.30427407
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>cash out

>> No.30427532

Me so sad. I only have 2200 seats reserved

>> No.30427580
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>> No.30427609

I had a deal with myself to sell 25% at 10c, which will basically make me free of debt and outgoings, so i'm hoping it happens

>> No.30427627

People are just retarded lol the amount of fud is outstanding, who comes to a thread about a coin they don't like to complain about it? The same people who walk into the road without looking lmao, the other guy, I hate Rsr and am not a bao shill, yet all I talk about is bao wtf is wrong with these retards..

>> No.30427720

I preferred the shitty copypastas everyone was making last year to this fud desu.

>> No.30427817

oh I didnt know that
how do you buy crypto with your bolivars?

>> No.30427892

Any news causing this pump to happen?

>> No.30427934 [DELETED] 


>these bastards can’t realize it and still try to mine their scam shitcoins
>I am not a tard who trusts this shill
>multiminer that is future for everybody

>> No.30427953

I am going to do same, but just buying sats with it. At .10 it will be a 25x from my buy in.

>> No.30427986

I come here cause it’s a scam, reserve has the most retarded tokenomics I’ve ever seen. Seeing it pump makes me angry.

>> No.30428010

Mainly Binance P2P but sometimes AirTM since some business accept airUSD (even tho that is also a scam )

>> No.30428021
File: 89 KB, 442x460, what happens when you buy rsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old shitty pastas were bored 1mil+ bagholders having fun, this new fud is people being retarded to trick newfags. but there's no point anymore, rocket is already blasting off and everyone's had plenty of time to fill their bags, and it's becoming more obvious every day that RSR will be fucking huge

>> No.30428039

I should probably do the same but my thinking is without any bills to pay, i'll be able to invest better since all my money will be my own

>> No.30428080

I come here because these bunch of sticks use the name of Venezuela to scam people

>> No.30428124

the worst thing is that its genuine

>> No.30428127
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Kek, you'd be better off using venezulen currency

>> No.30428146
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>> No.30428163
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>> No.30428171

Not to mention that until March 15th the only people being given access to the app are those on the waitlist.

>> No.30428280

$15 EOY

>> No.30428397
File: 77 KB, 899x1599, rsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a screenshot from when I was registering RSR on blockfolio after my first purchase. I knew it was going to be huge. Somebody make it an NFT :)

>> No.30428459

$10 eoy check em bitches

>> No.30428470
File: 431 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210307-190310_Reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have full access to the app faggot I wouldn't been trying to convince people that this is a scam if I haven't used it and saw it with my own eyes

>> No.30428496
File: 216 KB, 521x937, call-for-anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much did you buy

>> No.30428523

So you're autistic as fuck then? There's better things to do in life than be in a fucking thread about something that you don't own or care for so why waste your time, go buy your favourite shitcoin and good luck! We're literally all aiming for the same goal.

>> No.30428572

around 350k that very first time.

>> No.30428683

What are the odds of rsr reaching $100 in 5 years and 1000 in 10 years?

>> No.30428732

whats the user experience like with binance p2p?

>> No.30428762

kek, nobody in Mexico will use that shitcoin

>> No.30428832

pretty much 0 desu
if it gets to above $1 in 5 years ill be happy, besides, I want time to accumulate since im a poor

>> No.30428874

there's 120 million people in Mexico, even if only 1 million people use it, we're rich.
Join us amigo, it's not too late.

>> No.30429373

I know, I wrote some of them myself lol. Now it's just people who are mad that they were wrong about the project and trying to cope.

>> No.30429939

And at some point in time, they didn’t know about BTC or ETH either. Kysnf

>> No.30430668

Sorry for the delay, I was jerking off. You could have just said the money printer thing and gotten your point across much more efficiently. If the money printer was the only option in balancing RSV, you'd be 100% correct, but it's one of many options. The other stabilization mechanisms prevent this from happening. That is the risk when you invest in this token, that the team managing it will remain competent enough to not turn on the money printer. Consider it fully acknowledged. It still has the best value proposition in stablecoins.

>> No.30430811

I dont get what youre obsession is with thinking that RSR has anything to do with RSVs $1 target
The price of RSR is independent of that of RSV, as people have told you many times now in multiple threads

all stablecoins have fluctuating volatility

as I and others have told you many times, RSR has a fixed supply and tokens are burned over time. Reserve keeps a certain amount of RSR in its vault to release/sell off when needed

im just going to use this as a copypasta from now on

>> No.30430877

Lmao leave it to a favella monkey to not understand how venture capitals work. Monkey, the ONLY time venture capital investments work is when the product is unknown. That's how you get the good price. If I was late to the party, I would be another favella monkey like you. You are taking a risk that it will become known in the future, and that's how you get a 20x, not by waiting until your fucking uncle knows about it

>> No.30430905
File: 681 KB, 828x697, E2F5CD07-FA7D-402D-A28A-D4E9CB54E8B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tards can FUD
Tards can sneed
But in the end
Tards can’t read

>> No.30430956
File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, 1597853878694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy for RSR bros. WAGMI.

>> No.30431046
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This time next year

>> No.30431254


>> No.30431278
File: 60 KB, 614x518, DB5D6108-E466-42E1-96BA-47587AF1C450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw 1k on this when it was 1 cent. Feeling mighty comfy.

>> No.30431360

That's one point. I raised several others. Though kudos to you for acknowledging it's an issue.

You are still failing to understand that just because the supply of an asset is limited, that doesn't suffice to make the asset valuable. The only reason for the price of RSR to increase is because it is expected to provide some sort of ROI. My point about volatility is that the ROI for RSR depends upon volatility in the assets backing RSV, which in turn makes RSV less useful as a true reserve currency. Nobody ITT has even bothered trying to address this problem

>> No.30431387

Youre in every thread asking this and everytime we tell you we don't care. I watched you have to be explained a simple concept 3. fucking. times. yesterday. Make your one copypasta per thread so everyone can see the fud and judge for themselves and then go lol are you autistic or something?

>> No.30431502

>You are still failing to understand that just because the supply of an asset is limited, that doesn't suffice to make the asset valuable. The only reason for the price of RSR to increase is because it is expected to provide some sort of ROI. My point about volatility is that the ROI for RSR depends upon volatility in the assets backing RSV, which in turn makes RSV less useful as a true reserve currency. Nobody ITT has even bothered trying to address this problem
Exactly, a currency relying on arbitration for stability requires that people are buying RSV above a dollar, which means they are taking a loss. It’s completely nonsensical.

>> No.30431537

Lmao that shut >>30421975 right up.

>> No.30431706
File: 12 KB, 244x206, 0DEE7BF0-1FD2-4C2C-A4C7-C0B9022DF483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone dispute this?

>> No.30431741

What "simple concept" was explained to me? Citations please. You and everyone else just keep handwaving away the question of why RSR should be desirable with "the supply is limited." This is true of literally every shitcoin that has ever existed with the sole exception of DOGE. >>30431502 also raises a good point: why should anyone ever pay more than $1 for 1 RSV? Particularly when alternatives like USDT and DAI exist?

>> No.30431764

Why would you ever buy a coin where you can lose some of your stack on the rebase?

>> No.30431855

Look earlier in this thread. The only "refutation" they have is "big line go up"

>> No.30431886

Kek gottem

>> No.30431935

I got off wifi. Check >>30425803. In particular:
>Either RSV is a stablecoin or it isn't. If it doesn't have low/no volatility then it has no use as a currency (see also: BTC).

>> No.30431974
File: 108 KB, 828x461, F79BDD57-C0CC-4D57-9214-51F0D8979791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love rsr and pale goth girls.

>why yes it will be $1 EOY.

>> No.30432010

Lmao priced out at .07 cents. Sad!
Oh noooo, not Venezuela's good name! Before you guys were known for hyperinflation you were known for cocaine and chopping peoples arms off with machetes. You should go cultivate a skill or something, no one cares.

>> No.30432067

>nobody uses it
>i use it and was on the wait list to do so
Busted. Not as smart as you think you are fudder.

>> No.30432116

Haha no you fucking didn't faggot, it's all tied into that one point but I'll greentext you to continue to ass rape you. Glad you didn't have any further rebuttal, we'll consider that one finished with my point standing.

>My question is why it should have any value at all, particularly since its value can decline below 1 USD/RSV without impacting the arbitrage opportunities.
Arbitrage opportunities. You said yourself, it can dip below 1 USD/RSV without impacting those. Did you have a better point here that you didn't type out?

>Either RSV is a stablecoin or it isn't. If it doesn't have low/no volatility then it has no use as a currency (see also: BTC).
If RSV experiences volatility, the mechanisms correct the price. That's what keeps it stable. So if it experiences high volatility, the mechanisms will correct it. Therefore, high volatility and low volatility will have the same stable price. I was making these points under the assumption that you understood how this worked partially, you seem to forget some of the basics every post.

>If the money printer was the only option in balancing RSV, you'd be 100% correct, but it's one of many options. The other stabilization mechanisms prevent this from happening. That is the risk when you invest in this token, that the team managing it will remain competent enough to not turn on the money printer. Consider it fully acknowledged. It still has the best value proposition in stablecoins.
You agreed to this, thank you.

>> No.30432154

Actual economist here. I’m tired of this literal scamcoin filling up the catalog so I’m gonna take some time to BTFO it out.

Assuming 1 RSV is redeemable for $1 worth of assets there’s no logical reason why anybody would ever buy RSV for above a dollar. It’s a losing trade, it has no basis in game theory.

Now bagholders will tell you that in times of increased demand that RSV will trade above a dollar. That is very possible, demand shocks are real.

But the solution to that is to increase the supply of RSV, not try to make money off of arbitrage opportunities, because every dollar made through arbitrage represents a dollar LOST by users of RSV. Think about that for a second. If there is a billion dollars worth of arbitrage opportunities that represents a billion dollars worth of friction in the system.

It’s not a healthy Nash equilibrium. It’s not efficient. It’s not scalable. It has no users. It’s going to zero very soon...

>> No.30432205

Venezuela is a piece of shit third world country and the world would be better off without it, their women are fine, but general people society an everything else is complete shite

>> No.30432218


>> No.30432343

Insider here with some valuable information. Just got a phone call from a colleague of mine. He said there were some huge contracts and deals that were signed with RSR, but there were some legal stipulations involved, and now everyone is pulling out. The situation is looking grim. RSR will most likely pump to .10c short term, then crash back down to .2c and ultimately fizzle out and die. I'm just sharing this info with people because i sincerely care about the welfare of everyone and their families whom are involved.

>> No.30432397

Wow. I've been hearing this circulating on the discords, nice to hear it confirmed here.

>> No.30432494

>Did you have a better point here that you didn't type out?
Yes, though it's been typed out several times. 95% of this thread and every RSR thread is retarded pump cheering. Except RSR does its job as an arbitrage device irrespective of its price in USD. So my question, once again, is why the price of RSR should be expected to increase. What makes it valuable. Why should someone who doesn't have it want to purchase it. What is in it for a prospective buyer of RSR, except for vague assurances that big line will go up. Do you get it yet?

>If RSV experiences volatility, the mechanisms correct the price. That's what keeps it stable. So if it experiences high volatility, the mechanisms will correct it. Therefore, high volatility and low volatility will have the same stable price.
Addressed here:>>30424642
>This is mathematically impossible, the financial equivalent of a perpetual motion machine. If the "mechanisms" could account for an arbitrary amount of volatility in the collateral there would be no downside to loading it up with the riskiest and most volatile possible assets.

You seem to have blind faith that these "mechanisms" will work like a perpetual motion money making machine. No risk, no downside, just infinite arbitrage opportunities forever.

>> No.30432663

They dont. They sell it when its over a dollar which causes it to drop back to its dollar price. They buy it when its .98 cents fornthe arbitrage opportunity.
Im not going to search the archives for yesterdays thread so you can ignore the same posts again today lmao, nice try guy.
He didnt read the white paper. The INITIAL value is in stable coins. They branch to a basket of assets. Id imagine this would be things like gold, real estate, entire businesses eventually.
>if it isnt clear already, your fud doesnt work and btwn you and the monkey it just seems desperate
You guys arent too late to buy in you know. 10 cents isnt too late. Nor is .25 or .5 or even 1.00

>> No.30432675
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dubs checked mega keked

>> No.30432707

It’s possible to BTFO Rsr in a single argument.

If an arbitrage opportunity exists it means there’s friction in the system. Every dollar made by arbitrageurs represents a dollar lost by RSV users.

>> No.30432729

You're trying to tell me, you don't understand the correlation between supply and demand? If there is demand for a product, the price will increase competitively.

>> No.30432735
File: 95 KB, 594x793, A8C6EED4-DF14-4AD6-AD9F-466BBDDD32B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone dispute this? I dont feel so good. Should i sell my 150k reservies?

>> No.30432761

6 posts in he decides to pretend to be an economist and opens with a reddit style.

>> No.30432797

Doubt it. I can see .15 by the end of the year, though.

>> No.30432963

You sell it when its over a dollar wtf lmao this is the stupidest most brainlet fud i have ever read. Why would you make some goofy solution like print more rsr or rsv when people holding a dollar that is now worth 1.02 can sell it? The reserve buys it back at a loss. Price returns to a dollar, all is well.

>> No.30432968

>that doesn't suffice to make the asset valuable
So what makes an asset valuable? Theres no such thing as inherent value, value is consensus. Gold and bitcoin and valuable because people agree that their limited supplies and robustness/imperishability makes them a good store of value. In one sense RSR's value is a measure of the confidence in the future of the project, but it has the added utility of stabilising RSV by protecting against depreciation of some of the assets in the vault.

>ROI for RSR depends upon volatility in the assets backing RSV
Thats just not true. The assets backing RSV are chosen to have the least volatility possible, the ROI of RSR *partially* depends on the *appreciation* of these assets, as is explained in the video Ive sent you multiple times which you havent watched https://youtu.be/xqHW9mcHWeM
Arbitrage is possible just because demand for RSV (just like demand for any other stablecoin) fluctuates

>> No.30433008

50k at .02, fuck
only selling at $56

>> No.30433182

Based. got 200k at .007. Feel like an idiot for not buying more. Felt like it was a risky buy back then.

>> No.30433196

>They sell it when its over a dollar
Listen to yourself you fucking retard. "Nobody buys RSV when the price of RSV > $1. They just sell them." SELL THEM TO WHOM YOU SLOBBERING MONGOLOID

> The INITIAL value is in stable coins. They branch to a basket of assets. Id imagine this would be things like gold, real estate, entire businesses eventually.

THIS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MATHEMATICAL ISSUE HERE. I understand perfectly well that they are aiming to create a reserve currency not tied to USD. The problem is that being a reserve currency and being a profit-making opportunity (in terms of holding the currency in question) are not compatible goals. Because the whole point of being a reserve currency is that the value is stable, but with the way they've set this system up, the only way to make money on RSR is if there is volatility in [the collateral assets backing] RSV.

>> No.30433325

hahahaha RSV is the world reserve currency, they've just opened up to the entire venezuela country, moving into spain this year, launching mainnet and launched a DEX based on the RSR token. $1 is FUD.

>> No.30433408

Gold has industrial and cosmetic utility outside of its economic role as a store of value, and I'm skeptical of BTC for several of the exact same reasons I'm skeptical of RSR, so you're going to have to do better than "value is consensus."

I'm not going to watch any videos, I've read the WP but YT is for mongoloids. You should probably inform your compatriots that RSV is supposed to be as low volatility as possible though, they haven't really gotten the memo.

>> No.30433482

What's a realistic EOY scenario for this coin?
I doubt it goes over 1$ but maybe around .8$ or so?

>> No.30433503


>I'm not going to watch any videos


>> No.30433574

Why not just use Valiu? Pardon my shilling but this app allows you to buy dollars with Colombian pesos or bolívares and you can keep them in the app safeguarded. The app has been around for more than a year and it's audited by the Colombian Superintendencia iirc. If you're looking for stability I think it's better than buying a volatile altcoin which can tank the moment this bull market is dime for this year.

>> No.30433586
File: 168 KB, 808x586, reserve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30433628

yes I just did >>30432968

>But the solution to that is to increase the supply of RSV
That is literally the point of the arbitrage system:
>local demand at an exchange makes RSV trade above a dollar
>arbitragers swap RSR for RSV at $1 and immediately sell RSV at the exchange, increasing the supply of RSV

>because every dollar made through arbitrage represents a dollar LOST by users of RSV
You're thinking of traditional risk free arb, thats not what reserve is talking about

>Assuming 1 RSV is redeemable for $1 worth of assets there’s no logical reason why anybody would ever buy RSV for above a dollar
Thats obv true if people are buying directly from reserve through the app, dont get what your point is. That does bring up a good point tho, if traditional risk free arbers buy can buy directly from reserve for $1, then whats the advantage of exchanging $1 worth of RSR for RSV?

>> No.30433744

>Gold has industrial and cosmetic utility
literally has almost nothing to do with golds use as a store of value

>YT is for mongoloids
The video is literally from a lecture given by the founder you absolute fucking retard

>> No.30433790
File: 34 KB, 220x220, 1603786144083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes gold's value comes from "use value"
>he doesn't believe in BTC
did I seriously just waste time talking to this guy

>> No.30433982

>>local demand at an exchange makes RSV trade above a dollar
Why would "local demand" (whatever that means in this context) ever cause the value of RSV to rise above $1? >>30433744
>The video is literally from a lecture given by the founder
And therefore I should care because?

>> No.30434050

No, I'm trying to tell you that just because an asset class is scarce, doesn't mean that asset class is valuable.

>> No.30434370

I addressed it here >>30432963 you buffoon. The reserve buys it back.
If your critique of RSRs value had any meaning or weight to it it wouldnt even be at the .07 cents its at now. There would be no peter thiel, no coinbase ventures, no anything.

>> No.30434475

>And therefore I should care because?
Because it answers the questions regarding tokenomics youre pretending to care about.

>> No.30434584

Typical South American.
You dont know what's good for you.
Go back to eating guinea pigs and killing each other over petty crimes.

>> No.30434607
File: 41 KB, 474x474, 1577083409718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all the people making these arguments:
>Why would anyone buy RSV above or below $1?

High volume traders.
Let's say I've got $100 million in some shitty inflationary currency. Any purchase above a certain amount will trigger a price increase, but my currency may inflate in the mean time, so it may still be worth it to purchase at a higher price. Other stable coins operate on the same principles.

Are you arguing that stablecoins do not work at all? That is an entirely different discussion.

>> No.30434749

So the reserve buys back RSV at a loss when its spot price is high. And the reserve prints more RSV out of thin air when collateral depreciates. But this is totally different from a centralized fiat system you guys

>> No.30434993
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>> No.30435045


>> No.30435061
File: 567 KB, 300x456, 1577082751458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do me a favor: open tradingview, look up the USDTUSD chart, and try your hardest to explain why Tether prices fluctuate at all. I know for a fact you won't comprehend what you're looking at, because you admitted you don't understand Gold or BTC's value propositions, but I think it would be pretty amusing for this thread if you tried.

>> No.30435134
File: 252 KB, 413x422, 1614330728596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and nah, I'm watching the 5min ticks
Still comfy

>> No.30435305

I understand why USDT's price occasionally goes above $1. As someone whose geographic circumstances make navigating the various CEXes sometimes difficult, it has occasionally been worth it to me to pay slightly more than $1 for 1 USDT. But that doesn't answer the question of why 1 RSV should ever exceed $1, since the arbitrage mechanisms are completely different.

>> No.30435392


let itb rest for a bit brah, shit cant go up forever, us euros are sleeping, it boost again tomorrow

>> No.30435429
File: 54 KB, 334x506, 1613068032058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Reserve, I present to you:

The best post in this thread.

>> No.30435435
File: 80 KB, 1189x1068, stables.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assuming 1 RSV is redeemable for $1 worth of assets there’s no logical reason why anybody would ever buy RSV for above a dollar. It’s a losing trade, it has no basis in game theory.

USDC, DAI, USDT, etc. all have volatility (pic related). That doesn't mean demand suddenly stops as soon as price is slightly over 1$. If the peg went way over 1$ then demand would surely diminish, but at that point there would be an incentive to sell for a profit until the price is back to peg. This should be simple to understand for an "actual economist".

>> No.30435580

Fuck yea baby... bought this shit at 1 cent couldn't be happier rn

>> No.30435627
File: 31 KB, 999x121, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be honest with you, it will bum me out if you ever stop coming to these threads. You're always welcome here.

>> No.30435673

>fartless beans
kek you newfags are going to get dumped on so hard.

>> No.30435705
File: 1.75 MB, 306x205, 1597772329897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I lurked the thread long enough to see this guy come full circle

>> No.30435774


leave him alone lads, hes dead

>> No.30436037

hahahaahahaha holy fuck "but why male models?"
you are hereby known as derek

>> No.30436040

Where does the arbitrage opportunity for USDT come from? Compare that to where the arbitrage opportunity for RSR comes from, and you have your answer. Also worth noting that the existence of a theoretical arbitrage opportunity for RSR does not necessarily make it more valuable, because it does not directly translate into profit for me as a holder of RSR. By contrast, USDT isn't intended to make me a profit as a holder, it's much closer to physical currency in this regard

>> No.30436092
File: 73 KB, 1473x1061, zx5epfkdfzm41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be honest, I have no fucking idea how arbitrage or any of the tech really works and I don't really care. I just know it will influence the price of RSR to potentially insane levels, and the growth room for mass adoption in the 3rd world as a haven for their savings, compounded with the backing of PayPal's Peter Theil, and coinbase's possible listing can make this coin the best performing Asset of 2021.

>> No.30436142

>Gonna be honest, I have no fucking idea how arbitrage or any of the tech really works and I don't really care.
Behold, the RSR HODLer

>> No.30436272

>muh arbitrage buzzwords
>muh governance token
>muh third world shitholes

this has got to be the shittiest of shitcoins

>> No.30436488

Big if true.
At this moment if I choose to take profit I can exchange for 4oz physical gold and buy back in with original amount.
Praying for poomp.

>> No.30436677
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Have Faith

>> No.30436927
File: 239 KB, 975x583, whykofff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whykoff's hit the spring now were at LPS.

Venezueala mainnet March 16th you don't have to stress.

Sam Altman and Peter Thiel gonna thake this bank to andromeda.

Greyscale, Coinbase and Paypal just a matter of time.

>> No.30437074

Cuz of inflation.... now do you see the genius of rsr

>> No.30438290

The arbitrage opportunity comes from RSV, not RSR.
Also you're failing to realize the biggest point of holding rsr which im not even going to discuss with you because you dont really deserve to know it. But because Im such a sweetheart Ill give you a hint. Rsr is a governance token. What do you think that means in relation to rsv and the money printer?

>> No.30438442
File: 66 KB, 878x665, 1615083210060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold 400,000 this morning ay 7c to flip on shitcoins (luna, tvk, fet, sxp) with the goal of building my stack a little, still got 2.4m left which I wont touch, just wanna try get my stack upto 4m before mainnet / jumbo moon mission.
We're so close boys, it's growing so fast, our little baby is becoming a man.

>> No.30438745

>Rsr is a governance token. What do you think that means in relation to rsv and the money printer?
Yeah I'm sure your little stack and all the little retail stacks will totally stop Peter Thiel from running that RSR printer just as fast as he wants to lmfao

>> No.30439827
File: 1.74 MB, 360x359, 1454939631711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had 750k this time last year
>sold 500k at 4c
should I buy back or am I too late now?

>> No.30440031

The fud gets weaker and weaker. One look at circulating supply compared to the maximum shows he cant have anything close to a monopoly. Just go look at top token holders if youre so worried.

>> No.30440647


what the actual fuck man, how could you sell something with price prediction of 4$ eoy, are you a Pajeet or just retarded?

>> No.30440672
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Wow it bumped a whole cent
Now dump mother fuckers DUMP

>> No.30440886
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>> No.30441011
File: 203 KB, 853x1280, A68BDC41-3483-48D0-A0D0-19C0E4E35B39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50% rsr 50% avax. Yeah I’m damn comfy.

>> No.30441446

Bunch of moonboys thinking the Venezuelan government is going to let some private American company run off with their economy. They might not be able to block the app itself, but you know what they can outlaw? Every bank and merchant transacting with it. No on/off-ramps means no use-case and if you think abuella is going to be happy that her money has been stolen by conman gringos when that happens you've got another thing coming.

>> No.30441574

Coinbase listing tomorrow?

>> No.30441677

it spent a month crabbing between 3 and 4 cents bro

>> No.30441788

You hate RSR because of its based aesthetics. Because Peter Thiel's backing it. Because it fucks with socialist economies.

>> No.30442234

>thinking the Venezuelan government isnt getting paid off.

>> No.30442388

>thinking Marxists will ever settle for less than absolute control

>> No.30442480

Cope and seethe. You're priced out, sorry.

>> No.30442521

Good luck with Maduro doing to your portfolio what he did to the bolivar.

>> No.30442669
File: 663 KB, 1488x1800, 1614207796742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fud just gets worse & worse lol, comfy.

>> No.30443525

Nobody gonna talk about how he replied to himself?

>> No.30443699

the number of newfags flooding into rsr threads is insanely bullish

>> No.30443803

Im a 130k stacklet
Im hoping to get to 250k or more by mainnet

>> No.30443897

>private American company
you mean the glowies from the "Paradigm Academy" black-site?

>> No.30443982
File: 169 KB, 745x1200, B560C476-7716-43D3-A0B1-FC22C3E5215C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSR is a Groyper coin

>> No.30444118
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1613538831466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish u luck buddy

>> No.30444687

>asshurt fake venezuelan and dedicated fudder
You just know this is only going up

>> No.30445476
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thank you friend

>> No.30446483

>Why would RSV ever be above 1$
Two reasons, 1 is the natural fluctuations of the market. If you compare several stablecoijs you'll see there is always a small variation.
But more importantly, RSV will be backed by a basket of assets. APPRECIATING assets.
e are needed. To counteract the above scenario, RSR holders will do the inverse trade by minting new RSV. Increasing supply and reducing the price.

>> No.30447187

Holders with over 1 million rsr, what's your plan this year?

>> No.30447381
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Thanks for asking, well with my 3m I'm trying to be careful, as I'm kinda sick of losing 100k in 2 days and pulling my hair out, so I'm tethering 10-20% of my stack and using part of that 10-20% to swing / flip with shitcoins to also grow my stack, I'm very conscious of losing it all in a chaotic dump so I'm just trying to be moderately safe.
Best case scenario we 2-3x from here which would give me half a million - 600,000 USD, if that happens I'd leave where I am currently and move to portugal, gain residency and wait for 1$ so that I avoid tax and can withdraw 50% to buy my dream house. What about yourself?

>> No.30447496

RSR was shilled heavily and most people fell for the early fud.
I did as well and I’m salty as fuck, but not so salty to dedicate my time to FUD a project.
Good on you guys for believing in this, unfortunately my hands were weak. I bought 1M stack back when for $3k and sold at a loss a week later.

>> No.30447515

is the fud seriously that it won’t go over $1??? because that’s still over 10x from here lmao just doubled my stack

>> No.30447538

I bought 1.1 million last year with an average buy in of 0.004. I plan on selling off when it hits $1 and then paying long term cap gains tax

>> No.30447671

bro I sold 4m for 10,000$,
thank fuck I kept 3 or I would rope.

Good luck king.

huh? nobody can predict what happens but even 50c is a gigantic ask, 1$ is possible but it won't happen overnight, patience is important.

>> No.30448511

Only got 2k RSR aigmi? Will it dip soon?

>> No.30448957

You need to get a dayjob and start to live as frugally as possible, dump everything you own into not shitcoin low-medcap crypto and hold for 1-2 years, 2000 will unfortunately not give you much in return, even a rope stack of 100,000 isn't nearly enough.

>> No.30449229

do you recommended any low caps that haven't pumped yet?

>> No.30449388

What country are you from?

>> No.30450319


>> No.30450504

a mix of places in europe, nowhere with good crypto tax rates anyway.

>> No.30450620
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>Rope stack 100k
my stack is only 10k

>> No.30450915

do the same thing i said to the guy above, beg, borrow, steal and work ur ass off to buy crypto. There was kids in here 2-3 years ago grinding in burger king to put all their paychecks into link, they're multi millionares now, it can be done.