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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30405274 No.30405274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>slav migrates to white western country because he thinks he’s white
>can’t racially connect with white people because they have empathy and self respect
>leeches off the government and calls himself based
>laughs at white people because they work on a common goal and are civilized

>> No.30406169

Did a slav fuck your mom or something

>> No.30406237

what exactly is the common goal you are referring to? It must be flooding the country with illiterate niggers cause frankly there isn't anything else any so called white country have in common with another

>> No.30406331

Slavs are based though

>> No.30406426

Oh no OP the angry slavs are gonna flood this thread now. Watch out for the dimitris and vadims!

>> No.30406470


>> No.30406549

White people love me
>T. 6'5", strong face genetics, 130iq slavchad

>> No.30406609
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c o p e

>> No.30406708
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Slavs are subhuman and incapable of intelligent thought

>> No.30406726

Why are we pretending slavs aren’t white? Fucking look at them.

>> No.30406731

yeah I hate welfare queens, regardless of race
but polaks and ruskis are the worst

>> No.30406787

common goal of integrating as much brown dick as possible

>> No.30406799
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>> No.30406844

It's the western basedboy brain at work. They're more of the nigger and sandnigger type of trash.
We don't have to worry, in 30-40 years they'll be gone.

>> No.30406918


kek, look at all those triggered slavcunts

>polaks and ruskis are the worst
that's right anon, every actual european despises them, the fall of the iron curtain was a mistake

>> No.30406927
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I was reading about dog skulls, there was some thing called brachycephalic vs doliocephalic skull, and well brachy types are overly domesticated and inbred af, the picrel is what happens, shorter skulls, broader and wider face etc. basically they turn into pug-likes
you can clearly see that in many russians from the lower class of their society and many far-east polaks, sure other nations have them too, but not as much

>> No.30406933

>slavs aren't white
fuck off retard
aslo /biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.30406977

yeah and welfare and taxes are related to biz, you slavnigger

>> No.30407004

Some tell you to sell
Other try to bring you fucking scam

>don’t believe in this scam, a lot of trash on biz today
my friend always tells me - want to mine and get profit - use non eth blockchain
>take a look at ENQ, this is top eco for this year

>> No.30407070

You won't have to tolerate slavs for much time.
Slavs will have to tolerate niggers and sandniggers which will inhabit those places. Don't worry, you know it's true :)

>> No.30407092

imagine if eurocucks had to deal with niggers and spics

slavs would be the least of their problems

>> No.30407131

Wtf is that real?

>> No.30407143

it's a shame that real game pixel are is dead, replaced by this cheap and fast clownworld 3D idiocy.

>> No.30407144

t. mutt

>> No.30407171


>> No.30407177
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you didn't hear?

>> No.30407196

Western cucks are infested with them. All major "european" cities are moslim and negro. It's hilarious.

>> No.30407243
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