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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 172 KB, 1080x759, Screenshot_20210307-154426__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30402661 No.30402661 [Reply] [Original]

$1.9 trillion printed out of thin air. Reminder in the first few days of hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic, people thought everything was getting worth more and were selling assets because they were getting a lot of money in return. Sounds familiar huh. Stocks at an all time high. Houses. Bitcoin. People earning six figures becoming "normal".

We're close.

>> No.30402712

Close to you getting priced out?

>> No.30402754

Based and truth pilled

>> No.30402817

Green id and this is fake news.

Red id it's real

Other- then maybe

>> No.30402881

We are about to enter the crypto degeneracy age

>> No.30403092

Can you taste it bro
What does hyper inflation taste like?

>> No.30403125


>> No.30403176

You're so woke, anon. Is it the schizo meds keeping you awake?

>> No.30403192

>printed out of thin air
The US government is authorized to print 1.9 trillion in debt. Get it right

>> No.30403269

I don't think anon knows what a debt based economy is

>> No.30403288

Truthful news. Don't ever sell your hard assets. Just lend against them or else you will own nothing but paper.

>> No.30403408

All I own is chainlink and bitcoins. How fucked am I??

>> No.30403443

Why no republican support, burgers? I saw how those fuckers stabbed Trump. Why won't they support this bill.

>> No.30403588

maybe ideology or maybe zog kabuki theatre
if they didn't support it under trump when it could have won "their side" reelection why would they support it now

>> No.30403650

Will I eventually be able to buy a 6 bedroom house off some starving boomer with one of these?

>> No.30403667

How do we protect ourselves from democrats communist hyper inflation? I already have a fuck load of guns and ammo. Where do I park my money?

>> No.30403694

because most of the bill was "pork" or bullshit unrelated to covid added for each individual senator as bribery to get them to vote for it.

>ie: pretend youre a senator and they need your vote last, obviously you now have leverage and that leverage turns into pork. Now imagine every senator thinks they are the last needed vote

>> No.30403696
File: 125 KB, 1318x920, 6F16E548-F1C3-4ED3-8158-892B7D2AF99B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe? Nigga they cut billionaire and milionaire taxes by trillions and told you 1200 to every American would bankrupt your kids future. This is beyond kabuki

>> No.30403701
File: 56 KB, 512x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.30403715

Because all of the funds are directed towards niggers and massive cities. Neither of those two things help real Americans

>> No.30403729

Sounds like you need to invest in some books and the kind that isn’t mainly pictures rofl

>> No.30403732

And you will sell the Top again. You will make it.

>> No.30403762

us becomes venezuela when?
i say 5 years

>> No.30403771

Because it's not "their" relief package.

>> No.30403791

>t. Basedboy leftist who has never taken a single economics or business class.

Your party produces nothing of value

>> No.30403819
File: 114 KB, 1200x884, 1612519940244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the US dollar collapses, Doge Coin will become the new world's reserve currency

>> No.30403826

you don't. When the system crashes everyone's going with it

>> No.30403828
File: 13 KB, 468x390, 31BD9E85-34C8-4043-BA27-1B237E07E6A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever get tired of playing the race card to cover your inadequacies

>> No.30403842

No because they would just rent out a few of those rooms. What kinda retard would trade a roof over their head for a paperweight

>> No.30403844

No, you're going to lose all your wealth to someone more hateful and despotic than you. I've seen what happens to the 'own the booms'. Even if you get what you want, you'll be miserable internally as long as you think this way.

>> No.30403872

Since when has s o y b o y been filtered? Oh well either way kill yourself niggee

>> No.30403873
File: 111 KB, 866x1390, 974AFE3B-626A-4E39-8A0D-09CB5E35E367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your party
I’d definitely recommend some 7th or 8th grade reading level how to economic books

>> No.30403893

You own the best two cryptos so you should be fine long term.

>> No.30403921

Your salty tears have value.

>> No.30403922
File: 129 KB, 1200x696, 6467DE71-6E9B-40AA-B267-485CFE1CDAB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long have you been posting here? And so be honest

>> No.30403924

Thank the Lord for Planned Parenthood.

>> No.30403931


>> No.30403942

the normie threshold for "making it" ($100k/year salary) is the same today as it was 20 years ago. really makes you think.

>> No.30403944

>lockdown 4eva
>30 million unemployed “cuz covid”
>people go to trading stocks
>stocks go up, people start to make it
>>ohnononono, can’t have this “cuz hyperinflation”.

>> No.30403959
File: 266 KB, 898x1900, 0EFC09F5-F104-4177-A987-ABDD73791AC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there weren’t enough German dollars in existence in 1922 to pay for a Berlin tram ticket in 1923.

>> No.30403963

18 20 22

>> No.30403988

Lol how mad are you leftist? Sitting here spam posting because you literally don't understand the first thing about even the most basic macro economics. Just admit you are jealous of the rich and own it. Don't pretend to be basing your communist ideology on real math

>> No.30404026

>printing money is good
>we can never run out of things to buy
>let our grandkids pay the bill

>> No.30404087
File: 24 KB, 974x522, 04DC24BA-9BE4-4455-965E-50D18726D1C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to when your political side is phased about by the browning of America

>> No.30404129

Nothing ever fucking happens.

>> No.30404166

>thinks they won’t do that anyway

>> No.30404167

>this gov money only helps niggers and city dwellers and not REAL Americans >:(
>implying the not only are people that were born in these borders or live and work within this country aren't "real" members of this nation
>implying those dammed "city dwellers" don't produce over half of the gap with only 15% of the land

>> No.30404171

>Since when has s o y b o y been filtered
how new...

>> No.30404183

>Kills his own voters with planned parenthood.

Based democrats. I really do appreciate you suppressing the nigger population

>> No.30404192

Yeah, a disproportionate amount of relief ends up in the tiny bars on your graph. Also happens that the smaller bars on your graph pay disproportionately less in taxes. Turns out, that small 13% bar is responsible for more violent crime than the largest bar. Thanks for illustrating why so many people are getting frustrated with this situation.

Oh wait we can't talk about that cause muh raycism

>> No.30404231
File: 24 KB, 758x644, 7B249B80-123C-4470-A836-02302A59B4EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republicans are just as shit as democrats dude, youre filling the counterseat they want you to fill

You should consider being economically liberal and socially conservative, if you know what i mean

>> No.30404238

What are you talking dems continue to grow voters every year
It’s the right who’s voters are growing older and dying out

>> No.30404288
File: 137 KB, 1024x536, 1CB0D55B-E1D7-46CE-9C85-7DEB307CC625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow the whole pol talking point wrapped up in one impotent post
Have you tried tweeting about it

>> No.30404326

>Turns out, that small 13% bar is responsible for more violent crime than the largest bar.

I see what you did there, Enron, fauci, bill gays, and dick Cheney

>> No.30404327

I do too. More room for refugees

>> No.30404346

The republican party is controlled opposition. as long as they get retards to believe in that party instead of natsoc then the elites think they can drive the nation.

It doesn't really matter with hyperinflation coming anyways.

>> No.30404349

Ecause most of it is just bailouts for leftist areas. Billions to new you’re city. Billions to New York State. Billions to California. Billions to LA county. Etc etc. when you analyze the bill it’s really just a payoff to democrat voters.

>> No.30404355

I'm not pro Republican either. I just am certainly against democrats as they are anti-free speech and support communist policies. Really just hoping we can balkanize America

>> No.30404367
File: 107 KB, 915x548, 1614729472051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Monarcy, hierarchy and order are the final redpill. Democracy is the big gay, and Jewish too.

>> No.30404387

Illegal immigrants
African immigrants
Indian immigrants
Chinese Rich kids
Etc etc

>> No.30404397

>Nigger population growth pegged to 13%


>> No.30404413

>why so many people
Racists aren't people. Dollar for dollar more money still goes to the bigger bar by the billions

>> No.30404437

The last natsoc guys you got into power led Germany into a suicide war and then killed him self in a bunker to leave his nation the bag
I don’t really think you want to go down that road of a strong man again
>inb4 hur he didnt actually kill himself

>> No.30404438

unironically bitcoin. If you aren't in crypto what are you even doing?

>> No.30404440

The Republican incumbent got more voters than ever last year. It just wasn’t enough to overtake all the cheating Dems did in Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee and Atlanta. Anyway, I’m gonna kick back and watch you fags implode by banning Dr. Seuss and foisting trannies on the simple folk.

>> No.30404471

That's the fun part. There is no such thing as an illegal refugee. Thats what refugee status is all about. I mean you're not gonna pick your own crops,are you?

>> No.30404474

Like metal

>> No.30404477

I hope to see abortion banned in my lifetime and then watch the black population increase 2 or 3% every odd year or so pol would lose their fucking minds

>> No.30404478

Why did they jew me out of 600 dollars?

>> No.30404479

Racists are logical tho. If the left understood math they could see why meloninated creatures produce crime as their export.

>> No.30404490

Producing keystrokes is not is not producing. What is produced in cities is not needed. Our financial wellness depends on consooming. There is literally noting from large cities that is produced that is needed for life. Yesterday I bought a engine puller and engine stand, last week I bought a welder. Cities exist to feed themselves. You produce things that are traded among yourselves to buy things actually needed to live that are produced by working Americans and Chinese slaves.

>> No.30404491

and everything he said was right
diversity destroys nations
brown people are worthless

>> No.30404499
File: 19 KB, 678x585, 1614952367876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-real estate
-guns, ammo, food
everything !
BUY you fools !
Number only go up from here.

>> No.30404517

Sucks we got a jump on russia and stopped their stealing of the election this year

>> No.30404522

Does Reddit not understand dollar per person? You’re a fucking retard. That stupid PillPull works on your fellow low IQ garbage people on Reddit but not here. GO BACK!!!

>> No.30404560


I can't thank commies enough for ensuring the black population is suppressed.

>> No.30404581

>Racists are logical tho
/pol/ is proof of that

>> No.30404582

Why do you fags come here and shit up the board? You’re not here for investment advice, so why can’t you just stay on /pol/?

>> No.30404593
File: 122 KB, 1182x1200, 4B7A2730-CD7F-4F82-8690-567C0C58006F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another person just assumes I’m a leftist
And no that doesn’t mean I’m a rightist

>> No.30404595

Two completely different and incomprable graphs. This is your brain on double digit iq /pol/shit

>> No.30404607

He isn't from /Pol/ he is from plebbit. You can smell the cum off him

>> No.30404629
File: 86 KB, 640x739, A2F56395-9319-4786-832A-15F4BBD2726B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice how you only ever target anti pol political talk any reason for that?

>> No.30404637

Someone has to do the paperwork

>> No.30404669

like cheese

>> No.30404670

Isn’t it nap time at the old folks home yet boomer

>> No.30404671

>those two graphs have nothing to do with each other
>the German dollar was backed by gold
>the American dollar is backed by hopes and wishes
>history can never repeat itself

>> No.30404673

What can I buy now then? I'm already priced out of housing with 200k euros

>> No.30404677

$1400 checks
Into XMR it goes.

>> No.30404681

Oh boy. You really drank the koolaid, huh? What is Biden going to do about taking Crimea back from Russia? Yknow, the massive land grab Obama simply allowed to happen. I hope you’re not stupid enough to think the Russia collusion scandal was anything but political gamesmanship.

>> No.30404753

Explain to me what /pol/‘s ideology is if I’m so transparent.

>> No.30404779

>99 white people don't commit a crime
>1 person of color does
I can now say off of my pool off 100 people that 100% of people of color commit crimes

>> No.30404785

Communists aren't people, they harvest the organs of their useful idiots like you.

>> No.30404815

Lmao this child

Come on kid you can do better than that. Your zoomed dick loving ass gave up trying to support your own opinions and that's what you came up with ? Lol

America will always be a capitalist country stay mad cuck.

>> No.30404819

They do their own paperwork. Like I said theysell hair weave for profit to buy starbucks coffee and cuckbook pays their employess to produce keystrokes so they can buy large houses in racially segregated communities. There is NOTHING produced in cities that is needed.

>> No.30404823

>Where do I park my money?
Ledger-books (paper), notery stamp equipment, red pens, black pens, pencils, scratch notepads, calculators, warehouse space, and literally your community in advance.
The more your neighbors have discussed how to deal with such an event, the better your life in general.

>> No.30404847

It also bailed out all their failed pensions.

>> No.30404868

>America will always be a capitalist country
How, exactly, will you prove this out? Gonna wave a magic piece of cloth? Sing a magic song? Vote harder?

>> No.30404880
File: 71 KB, 1200x632, FA507826-ADFD-4B1A-90AD-F62E0D69E3D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a plethora of political posts in this thread you could have linked every single one of them including mine and yet you didn’t you singled out the one anti pol political posts
You’re not just transparent you’re crystal clear

>> No.30404882

>le dont know about economics meme
it seems you being stuck and rooted in ideology made you think you understand economics

>> No.30404947

>person of color

Which color? Does it hurt you when you see the word “nigger” on a computer screen. You’re not some dumb, black as tar, monkey nigger are you, anon?

>> No.30404958

normies obey whatever CNN/MSNBC/FOX tell them. normies obey.

>> No.30404986
File: 51 KB, 398x600, 64CC5B10-34FE-4C53-8A05-34DB7C05F983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember how ActBlue on behalf of the nebulous "BLM" idea received billions of dollars from fearful white liberals hoping to bribe blacks into not attacking them? Remember how that money went right to the Democrats? That's what's happening here except it's become an official function of the state to transfer democrat individuals and institutions unfathomable wealth from the public coffers

>> No.30405018

>out of thin air
Nah, that's coming out of your pockets later kek

>> No.30405032

this^. i'm diversified as all hell into stocks/crypto/guns/gold/silver/ammo/almost a ton of dried food (white rice and pinto beans lol), and i own my house. any of you 'DONT DIVERSIFY LOL GO ALL IN' faggots will be welcome to chime in, i'll lend you a shoulder to cry on while fucking your formerly well to do housewife and your questionably aged daughter for a mercury dime.

>> No.30405040

>doesn’t attack his argument
>focuses on him not saying word
Why does the word give you such a sense of power? Is it because you have none in real life? /biz/ only cares about one color and that’s green you care more about blacks and whites and that’s why you will never make it

>> No.30405068

Where do people think abortions of black babies is predominant? It’s white babies who are being disproportionately aborted by nominally since whites are the highest percentage.

>> No.30405106

Pol is just glad the black population is kept at 13% they don’t care about perspective unless they can twist perspective to own the browns and blacks

>> No.30405115

What is a “pol political post”? I didn’t realize that pol had a singular ideology.

>> No.30405117

You are a sock puppet retard. School yourself ffs........ if you can.

>> No.30405126

>They do their own paperwork.
Clearly they can't be trusted to

>> No.30405155

Abortions are expensive

>> No.30405169
File: 221 KB, 750x1334, IMG-20151007-WA005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brace yourselves lads

>> No.30405179
File: 112 KB, 1080x1219, AA81A1EF-A37A-40D6-9547-93D596AD3EF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your actions spoke for you next time if you want to pretend to be unbiased attack all sides in an argument

>> No.30405182


The bank, on the other hand, would gladly accept gold instead of USD in a hyperinflation scenario. Under hyperinflation, the homeowner could pay off their mortgage with some gold rather than continue making money payments in USD.

Those dollars become increasingly necessary to pay for food, fuel, heat, etc.

If the homeowner has no hard assets, he might be forced to sell his house to pay for food and other necessities...

>> No.30405260

It doesn’t have power over me. No word has power over me. I don’t have a list of words that I don’t think or say because of some bull shit mega-culture. If the word “nigger” doesn’t have power over you then go ahead and post it.

Why didn’t sub Saharan niggers ever invent a written language?

>> No.30405286


Fine if you can stay solvent IRL

>> No.30405288
File: 43 KB, 650x400, F4A623BD-3546-4792-B7F4-151AD7DEF87A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a sock puppet retard. School yourself ffs........ if you can.
Okay boomer? What the fuck was even the point of your post

>> No.30405335


Jesus. Whether you google searched that or actually got that from ifunny says a lot about you.

>> No.30405338

why is mutt not listed as race? 60% of murrica is already mutts.

>> No.30405341
File: 41 KB, 594x582, 1565120875164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ only cares about one color and that’s green

>> No.30405346
File: 42 KB, 333x499, E9244DEB-5232-4261-A757-7A3B7FFB5736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly it’s why the only thing you focused on was his decision to not use nigger and adhere to your life as a Internet pirate free as the wind

>> No.30405361

no, that’s not how it works. say america was 100 apples and the value of those apples was represented by 100 dollars. well you can print more and more money, but you won’t have more apples, so now you have 100 apples and 10,000 dollars to represent them. tomorrow it could be $100,000. Who knows after that. you cannot invent additional wealth by printing additional currency to represent the existing wealth.

>> No.30405376

Germany fell cuz hitler was a megalomaniac who wanted to take over the world not cuz of National Socialism. The beginning of the NatSoc germany was great they went from no economy to a booming one its just Hitler started doing meth and wanting to take over the world

>> No.30405404
File: 29 KB, 680x534, F3050F2D-12BE-4BC8-B831-CFAF96C9E7C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you did it again
I could have easily cropped that out on my phone and you would have said nothing about the picture

>> No.30405448

Like delicious silver and gold

>> No.30405460
File: 475 KB, 418x681, FFAE23AB-FDEC-4105-A9E4-9CBEC1A83EAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess I missed the /race first business and finance second/ in the board name

>> No.30405467

2017 Tax Cuts for Billionaires Act

>> No.30405514


>> No.30405522

As someone who has been through the justice system a time or two I can safely say that the vast majority of the imprisoned deserve to be there, especially the niggers.

Anyway, what are you invested in? Homosexual nightclubs? HIV prep pills? Soi futures?

>> No.30405554

Ok now try the US population

>> No.30405603

I’ve starting putting most of my wages into crypto ,Because I’m starting to feel like my money is safer in btc than the bank ,economic collapse is surely coming

>> No.30405611

>40% crypto
>40% PMs / commodities
>20% stocks


>> No.30405620

are you being retarded on purpose? or just retarded?

>> No.30405619
File: 83 KB, 649x448, B9EF37CB-39E9-4C15-8239-58088991E8CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are not just transparent you are crystal clear?

>> No.30405682

Vibing to this tune as a european that didn't have their government print trillions of dollars, laughing in the faces of burgers

>> No.30405714

We didn't need a written language, because we didn't have a culture of trading which required it.

Why didn't natives in the Us invent a written language, why didn't polynesians? Or aboriginals, or the Inuits? Why did written language only get invented like 4 times tops in human history, without outside inspiration?

>> No.30405772

You just said what I said but stupider.

>> No.30405801

I just sold my 400k house for $1.1 million, am i fucked?

>> No.30405803

Well, it’s a dumb meme anyway.

>phone posting

Color me shocked. The shitposting sjw uses his phone to browse 4chan. Please, go back to Red-dit. There isn’t anything for you here. You lack the mental flexibility to perceive the utility of being able to say whatever it is you want.

>> No.30405804

Cuz theyre dumb niggers who never discovered the wheel

>> No.30405807

Honestly. How fucking retarded is the gop....

>> No.30405813

>$1.9 trillion bill
>$0.21 trillion goes to stimulus checks (assuming 150 million eligible people and $1400 check). Where did the rest of the money go?

>> No.30405814

>the election was rigged!
>but we'll win the next election you stupid libtard

Why are boomers like this

>> No.30405859

Actually, turns out I'm a racist myself, and there was written language. It's just that, like most racists, I don't look things up and my bias is laser focused on black people.

>> No.30405911
File: 33 KB, 680x450, 98B7E9F7-C6F7-4230-82FD-494BDD22F759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only just now bother to look at my file names
>again ignoring the irony of the monkey meme
At this point I can’t tell if this is some ingenious scheme to convince people you are functionally retarded or what but cheers

>> No.30405922

If my id is blue, you are a fag.

>> No.30405924

It goes to the Bogs so they can pump and then dump when we buy the top

>> No.30405976

Dubs as well. You are a super fag.

>> No.30406005
File: 221 KB, 1345x2048, 1605496305220-0(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be using my overdue $1.4K (we were suppose to get it in the summer of last year) to backorder that Beretta 92X Centurion in decocker-only configuration soon along with additional 9mm ammo. Much more valuable than holding onto paper money.

Silver coins might be helpful but blocks of copper would be good since you can make bullets from it as well as pipes. Zinc-phosphate would be a good investment since people can make primers from them.

>> No.30406016

Should I turn my crypto gains into a $300k condo? I can put $60k down on it

>> No.30406116
File: 44 KB, 720x766, 6B08E2A5-26E1-4F09-9210-3F4AE371B5E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve just gotta ask are guns the Jordans of white people(assuming you are white and inb4 you say you aren’t)
Because every single stimulus check we’ve gotten I’ve seen tons of posts saying they are gonna use it to buy a new gun

>> No.30406149

US is about to fall. China is ready.

>> No.30406195
File: 174 KB, 1067x946, 1615070628603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz should I buy stocks in precious metals companies or what? Should I try and buy the actual metals? What can I actually profit on? Need help bros

>> No.30406199

>26 posts by this id
people who reply more than 3 times to a thread should be forbidden any welfare

>> No.30406234

You should hire a financial advisor or you can just give your money to us. We'll be happy to spend it for you.

>> No.30406289
File: 156 KB, 1000x813, 7BBCACFA-3AC7-49BE-88B6-F9E372B39AEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stocks at an all time high. Houses. Bitcoin. People earning six figures becoming "normal".
So tired of this bullshit. The fed’s money printer has been going brrrrrrr since the 08’ crash and we’ve been literally giving banks and corps free money. But that was alright? Now that the plebs get a little bit to play with (((people))) want to scream hyper inflation. It’s all so fucking tiresome

>> No.30406296

You think I’m investigating your posts that closely? You think anyone here cares about your, or my, opinion?


Nah, fuck you. The British isles are a giant council house with nothing to show for their centuries of colonizing and it’s because of faggots like you that felt “bad” about giving the fuzzies centralized government, electricity and international markets.

>> No.30406343

What happens to debt? Im UK so this is just a curiosity question, but like, say you owe £5000 in debt. Does that scale with hyperinflation? Or does it basically just become nothing too?

>> No.30406352

>"You are a super fag."
>replies to his own post
kek, green id and im gonna make it plus you're a dubs fag.

>> No.30406435
File: 172 KB, 650x400, 93AF0AEF-B744-4C32-9359-097E4B0E46F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 but who’s keeping count

>> No.30406532

>stealing of the election this year
Mmmmm yes spooky soviet stole 2016 election goy!

>> No.30406540

Said every single slave master in history. How do you expect to give commoners enough of a cut of the slave money to keep them from rebelling? (But they haven't rebelled in more than 200 years, you think to yourself. Keep printing that money and importing the slaves, boy. You'll learn eventually why competition between groups destroys empires. You are doing nothing meaningful to bring the different groups together. And no, you getting some slave pussy on the side doesn't qualify as treating people fairly.)

>> No.30406545

Niggers despite making only 13% of the population commit 50% of the crimes

>> No.30406662


>> No.30406684

How the fuck are so many of you eligible? I make a shitty six figure income so much I won't be getting anything because apparently "I'm rich." Also nufags defending nuggets, get the fuck off this board.

>> No.30406694 [DELETED] 
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>German dollars
based retard.
But yeah, I'm holding on to my assets, only selling to buy more assets.

>> No.30406817


>> No.30406930

I'm not renting out shit. Are you aware of the block on evictions? Those cunts are just going to steal everything and destroy my property if I willingly let the leaches in.

>> No.30407102

this proves whites will become a minority in america in our lifetime
how do you think you won the argument liberal?

>> No.30407128

Yes, you may get change back unless the house is very nice

>> No.30407221
File: 50 KB, 660x371, D3FE328D-973D-430C-A46B-B2AA99B8F1AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was under the impression might makes right
and stop putting your shitty labels on me you faggot

>> No.30407446


>> No.30407491

It was just a rough estimate, but even if you assumed literally every man woman and child was eligible for the full amount it would only come to about 1/4 of the bills price.

>> No.30407700

if you think that's bad, just remember that your eligibility is determined by your pre-covid income lmao. so if you made over 75k pre-covid and then lost all your income because of covid, then I guess it's bootstraps time baby

>> No.30407799

The government doesn't "print" it, the Federal Reserve does.

>> No.30407819

America is poor

>> No.30407836

One is logorithmic the other is not

>> No.30407889

>since when
Literally half a decade you absolute fucking tourist

>> No.30407919

Why what’s the difference between green id and red is?

>> No.30407930

As an Australian NEET I've received over 7k in stimulus payments (coronavirus supplement) since April last year. Also, the government is permanently increasing my NEETbux by $25 per week from the end of this month.

>> No.30407974

If you have a paid-for house with off-grid electricity with enough land to grow food in a state with no property tax, you should be fine.

>> No.30408002

>People earning six figures in the normal. Where?????????? Middle class are lucky to get a job let alone making six figures

>> No.30408106

Hahahah. Weak human right here everyone

>> No.30408121
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It's real.

>> No.30408252

You can’t deny the start of the nazi Germany wasnt envied by the world powers. It was just such a fast climb to success they thought they could have it all. Imagine raising from the ashes of a failed nation to become the most prosperous land in the world within 20 years. Power tripping is one hell of a drug and that’s what killed German, an endless lust of expansion and power. German showed us what happens when you can’t stop

>> No.30408277

Your lack of faith in the fed and powell disgusts me.

>> No.30408385
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>> No.30408416

No, move to another country where your wealth will earn you and your family a generation or two of prosperity. Image you and your children’s children not needing to worry about jewish debt

>> No.30408523

Germany would have been wiped off the map by the Bolsheviks in the 40s. At least Germany struck first and put up a heroic fight while they still had the chance.

>> No.30408581

its not thin air dumb fking anon, the us buys bonds

>> No.30408699
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A functioning central government that is distributing pass through payments at a fraction of GDP to keep the economy afloat is something you tards should be thankful for

Say "thank you, boomers" or your check gets lost in the mail

>> No.30408806

Like hunger and missery. These hard times ahead are much needed tho

>> No.30408819


Also Hitler wanted peace with Britain, but that drunk Churchill wouldn't have it.

>> No.30408973

yeah if he would've figured out how to stop with france and worry about (((britain))) later we'd all be in a better place

>> No.30409132
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You used this word in the exact opposite context you should.
Btw over 50% of black pregnancies end in abortion.

Shitty thread anyway. I though we were gonna talk economics and it turned out to be political shitflinging

>> No.30409204

This is not a political reply. It’s based on facts.
Whites dominated states like WV , ID and WY are economically worst than liberal states like NY and CA. I would say about 70% of small white towns America are on welfare . If u don’t believe me go visit central and southern WV and u will see for urself. It’s as bad as the bad black parts of Detroit. Immigrants make up 13% of the population and own 18% of small businesses.
These are facts that u can verify . U do with these facts what u want

>> No.30409282

it's really insane how based the world was even 30-50 years ago. death to EVERY jew.

>> No.30409298

hey what are their crime rates? probably the same as detroit right?

>> No.30409410

>people making six figures is normal

Fucking where? Other than maybe commie-fornia and Washington state.

>> No.30409508

Percentage wise yes. Number wise obviously a lot lower bcs the population is a lot lower. These parts are drug infested and it’s sooo bad.

>> No.30409566

Like my cock.

>> No.30409603

>$1.9 trillion printed out of thin air.
..last year they "printed" thrice that amount, and yet nothing happen. Why would it be different this time? are you anticipating some kind of straw that breaks the camels back kind of scenario.
and why would the current QE/Relief bill be that straw?

Major inflation is so far away that "they" will effectively nationalize the entire US economy before it shows up.

>> No.30409662

How did Germany have such a turn around? Honestly never paid attention to world war 2 shit.

>> No.30409672
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Leaf here, we are at least a couple years closer to weimar than burgers are. So for now I feel comfortable with most of my networth in USD and crypto.

>> No.30409683

The Fed will buy a similar amount of treasuries, like before.

>> No.30409699
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 1614526044558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just before boomers die they gotta really fuck us. just as im getting my life together.

>> No.30409785

I made this thread to discuss hyperinflation. Not become a /pol/ safehouse. Please stop or else.

>> No.30409807

German dollars

>> No.30409879

Or else what ya FAGGGGGIT

>> No.30410004

>america was a big pump and dump
>started strong with good fundamentals
>went off the rails and became a society of strictly consumers
>we all get priced out with a whimper

>> No.30410019

you got a source for that, champ?

>> No.30410024

>white people create prosperity
>browns move to close proximity to get a slice of the prosperity
Wow that was hard to figure out.

>> No.30410074


>> No.30410143

The difference is that when the money is given out directly to poorfags, more of it goes directly into consumer goods and quickly drives those prices rather than being caught up in financial markets. It's bad either way, but the play is changing. They have also ramped up the rate of printing money. A 1 trillion dollar deficit was big in 08. Now they're running deficits of what, like 8 trillion per year?

>> No.30410196

What do people think this is going to do? Not even two months of rent. Do they just want free money? Covid pretty much hasn't affected me at all other than making my job (UPS driver) more frustrating delivering to a lot of businesses.

>> No.30410206

I warned you about the Elon effect and you ignored me dumb cunts i was right
t. landlord

>> No.30410230
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>One is logorithmic the other is not
>Stop noticing obvious patterns!

>> No.30410409


Milton Friedman is our guy

>> No.30410415

You're comparing areas that have never had any good wealth production to cities that once dominated the country's production, then fell apart. There's lots of primarily-white small towns in the midwest that are very stable and healthy.

>> No.30410557
File: 206 KB, 596x477, Arc-De-Triomphe-Avenue-Des-Champs-Elyses-Paris-Fr-3756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t really think you want to go down that road of a strong man again
It doesn't matter if you want it to or not, it's going to happen.

And this time, thanks to the internet, you won't need to create a hoax. We know exactly what to do with the jews and leftoids this go around. There won't be mercy when invading. Because after all, even if we didn't, you would just lie about it after the war.

>> No.30410640

Charleston wv crime rate : 74 per 1,000 resident
Detroit 62 per 1,000
Look it up

>> No.30410695

I wonder what would happen if we looked at violent crime rate only and didn't include drug related offenses.


>> No.30410716

no, the treasury does. Its the FEDs job to buy up the bonds the private market doesn't want.

>> No.30410735

Thank God niggers kill each other and abort their babies so fast they're population can't grow

>> No.30410778
File: 55 KB, 595x335, F6FAD5FF-115D-41CA-A121-5AB284590313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's going to happen.
After you keyboard warrior make sure you splatter your gray matter in the opposite direction

>> No.30410788

Let me guess- real communism has never been tried right?

>> No.30410829


Good information here from over 6 years ago. More applicable today than ever. Ignore that it's an 'advert' for Money Week magazine, it's essential viewing showing how economic collapse has happened in our recent past.


Argentina: https://youtu.be/og4YhOc2f2w?t=1255
Weimar: https://youtu.be/og4YhOc2f2w?t=2298

>> No.30410845
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Imagine someone being so fucking retarded that they try and compare cities in WV to Detroit lmao

>keyboard warrior
That's the left. Ever met a leftoid at a gun range? Me either. There's a reason why the capital is occupied by the military right now. It's not because of keyboard warriors.

>> No.30410875

>muh hyperinflation
I've heard this warning for more than a decade and the doomers have been wrong. They should rev up the money printer until it actually happens

>> No.30410895

>printed out of thin air.
The worst part of this statement is people actually believe this is what happens. The truth is SO much worse. especially once dirty floats get involved. The Mutts want us all do deepen out debt.
How much longer can the Mutts keep their exorbitant privilege?

Trifflin dilemma when?

>> No.30410945

>Different timeframes
>Fucking different scales
>German dollars

>> No.30411063

You act as if they didn't do this a year ago for 2.2 trillion. Google modern monetary theory. This shit doesn't matter when they print dollars. Post war deutschmarks are not US dollars

>> No.30411085
File: 112 KB, 1080x903, AECFE4A8-0F4D-4479-A629-6428E2D8CB7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger read the thread Christ

>> No.30411135

hey lets check chiraqs murder locations by zip code demographics for another layer of lulz

>> No.30411138

violent crime per 100k:
charleston, wv: 704
detroit, mi: 1,965

>> No.30411166
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Anons, they can print as much money as they want as long as there are enough goods and services available to absorb the money. Its a good thing, it stimulates growth in the real economy.

Stimulus checks are much more positive than the previous relief bills which did nothing to help the real economy, only inflated stock and real estate prices

>> No.30411307
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>> No.30411359
File: 761 KB, 1770x1700, prosperityruin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying exactly the same thing that America tried in the 1860s and expecting a different result

>> No.30411419


OP is a seething poor fag third worlder.

>> No.30411434

This shit is such LARP. Trump lost and Qtards never are right so you fags need anything HABBENING to try and live out some weird prepper acopalyse fantasy

>> No.30411550
File: 471 KB, 1600x4200, CollapseSelco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that sound-money realists believe in "a weird prepper apocalypse fantasy"

>> No.30411555
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so this is gonna cause everything to pump soon, right?

>> No.30411604
File: 3.68 MB, 1690x2490, D191E1C8-A076-4966-9602-F4B5E84AA4D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I will be spending my $1488 Biden bucks on and that’s Chainlink

>> No.30411665

unironically you're poor and going to stay poor, because biden isnt going to do a thing for you lmao.

>> No.30411666

>it stimulates growth in the real economy.

>> No.30411812

Yes. White people buy freedom tools.

>> No.30411818

>buy up as many N95 and cloth masks as possible
>covid scam continues for however long
>population eventually capitulates to wearing masks 24/7 in exchange for “back to normal” where they can go out to bars and work again
>everybody thinks yay, we are finally free
>money velocity ramps back up, suddenly consumer goods cost a mountain of money
>one mask goes for $10k
>masks are mandatory to participate in “back to normal” society
I’m thinking this is a surefire money machine idea

>> No.30411888

Because people spend money on things, and the receivers of that money spends money on things, and so on. The alternative is no one spends money on anything. This is why every time there's news that there will be no stimulus the market flops and vice versa

>> No.30411900

better song bout burgerland

>> No.30412040

Think about what stimulus check money goes towards. The lower and middle class doesn't save it or invest it in crypto/stocks. It is sorely needed money that goes to groceries, car payments, medical bills, consumer spending, every day living expenses etc. Stimulus checks to the lower and middle class directly result in job growth and a healthy economy.

If you think $1400 to every American is going to hyperinflate the currency, sorry you're just deluded and need to to understand inflation is much more complicated than that. Other countries have been much much much more generous in their direct relief to citizens and do not see inflation in the cost of goods and services.

What you should be worried about is when stimulus money goes to stocks and real estate to protect elites wealth, and detaches from the real economy.

>> No.30412115

I don't see the problem? Just switch the currency displayed in your portfolio to indicate your stocks' values to like EUR or JPY? Or am I missing on something out? That way you should have a way of knowing if your stocks are going up or dollar is just going down.

>> No.30412137
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Ah yes the shall not infringe crowd did you make sure to register your firearm with the local authorities and not make any illegal upgrades to your guns collection hate to read in the news about how you got red flagged in your sleep and they arrested your corpse

>> No.30412248

you're a dumb pol nigger and you're gonna stay poor

>> No.30412323

Pretty crazy how obvious and transparent it is. Good for me but not for thee.

>> No.30412336

>first red/green ID to reply
>calls post
collapse really is imminent

>> No.30412462
File: 766 KB, 1079x1209, lDOcJTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am White Europid and guns are more than just Jordans for White Europids but also survival tools for Black Congoids and Yellow Mongoloids. They are extensions of our will to destroy anyone or any group who wish to undermine or kills us. Plus, they are better than gold coins unless you can make computer components with them. Silver coins might be nice cause they can be used for smaller purchases and to make electronic solder.

>> No.30412497

As a europoor I'm honestly impressed with american boomers shear hatred for genx,millennials and genz it must give them the will to live because they won't die for at least 30 more years.

>> No.30412567

like a decentralized blockchain

>> No.30412575
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Boy do I hate niggers.

>> No.30412580

it truly is hate that drives them
be it bitter and contemptuous or blatant and wrathful

>> No.30412620

If you read about the Japanese Asset Price Bubble of circa 1990, it's almost exactly what we see happening here. And then the fed will be "surprised" when it goes clownworld and they are "forced" to raise interest rates.

>> No.30412706

republicans are just controlled opposition. it wouldn't look good to the public who still believes in that fucking puppet show. unironically don't fucking care anymore, just want my fucking money. Print it all I don't give a shit.

>> No.30412800

Our crypto will pump bros but at what cost.

>> No.30412915

>the more people spend, the healthier the economy is!
Then why stop at 2 trillion? Why not just pay everyone $1400/week? How about $1400/day? Then surely there would be lots of spending to create growth.

The fact is more money changing hands doesn't make the country as a whole more prosperous. Certain sectors might benefit because they get a disproportionate amount of that, but others are hurt because their savings are devalued. What makes an economy prosper is production of more goods that people actually want/need. Having more money chase the same amount of stuff simply increases the price for that stuff.

What makes it worse is that production is falling already, and the moral hazard created by these government programs makes it even worse. When people can get as much stuff as they ever need without ever having to work, why would people work? Most people would rather spend 40 hours per week relaxing or doing things other than working, so long as they don't need the money. As a supplier to several manufacturers, and by observing the signs all around me, I can tell people these businesses haven't been able to fill in job openings for the past year. Lots of them are behind on production because they can't get enough people in the factories to produce this stuff that everyone is now trying to buy more than ever before. You think that won't have any effect on prices? You think this will increase the wealth of our nation rather than depleting it?

>government inflating asset bubbles is worse
Maybe. They're both bad. Government shouldn't involve itself in any of this, and in the US they have no constitutional authority to do so in the first place. They are still inflating asset bubbles anyway. This is additional money printing on top of everything they have been doing for decades.

>> No.30412932

What a retard. The fact the first one is logarithmic only validates the point of extremely rapid growth in the money supply. Amuhricans are fucked beyond belief, everyone else perhaps to a lesser extent

>> No.30412950

>who wanted to take over the world
Objectively false. Germany didn't have the naval power necessary to do that. Had Hitler "wanted to take over the world", he would have needed a vastly larger navy.

>> No.30412975


>> No.30413235

>he thinks there's an alternative
Allow me to posit an unpopular opinion:
America is fucked and there's no saving it.

The fed wont allow the asset bubble to pop because that would mean a devaluation of American savings in nominal terms. If the bubble pops, the illusion pops, and then the American government faces a 100% disillusioned population. They will do anything they can to kick this can down the road. If the money doesn't go to you and me, it goes to big banks. So given this toilet paper currency is based on OUR ability to pay it back, I want that toilet paper in MY hands rather than in the hands of these fucking multinationals.

Do yourself a favor and forget the colorful beautiful picture you painted in your head about what America used to be. It no longer exists.

>> No.30413278
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>Say "thank you, boomers"
Fuck you, Boomers!

>> No.30413313

>You should consider being economically liberal and socially conservative
America is too diverse for that to fly without some cleansing.

>> No.30413397
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>> No.30413548
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>posting the crime statistics for the umpteenth time

>> No.30413712

Why not stop inflation by capping prices?

>> No.30413717

If you consider that it's mostly black men committing the crime, it's probably closer to 7% of the population committing 52% of the crime

>> No.30413837

How does Tether keep getting away with it?

>> No.30413855

>Why not just pay everyone $1400/week? How about $1400/day? Then surely there would be lots of spending to create growth.

Common argument against MMT and UBI, but facetious and not applicable. Stimulus checks are a measured response to the pandemics economic slowdown. Your argument is basically "why are they being measured and safe in their approach? they should just purposefully hyperinflate and destroy the country!"

>When people can get as much stuff as they ever need without ever having to work, why would people work?

Again facetious and nothing anyone is advocating for. Stimulus checks are an income supplement and not meant to replace work.

Obviously there are limits to how much money the economy can absorb before inflation. The limit is based on the goods and services the economy is producing. You won't reach the limit with $1400, you wouldn't even reach it with a UBI of $1000/month.

The austerity you're painting is much bleaker picture for everyday Americans. Without government relief there would be more businesses failing, job loss, and housing foreclosures. Great depression 2.0 and for nothing.

>> No.30413870

>Race card
>Police having to be called
>police find a defiant career criminal behaving badly
>Criminal attacks or threatens an officer, resulting in bring shot
>Then given sainthood treatment as looting and arson commence
>False cry of "systematic racism" erupts from liberal press who selectively report facts of the event
>The solution of more government transfer payments to blacks in general, more race based admissions and hiring is proposed
>Obeying the law and not being a violent thug is "racist"
>Perhaps soon freedom from prosecution for black criminals

>> No.30413961

US politicians are only loyal to Israel

>> No.30414486
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If you're betting on the market rather than Bitcoin alone you should look into xBTC.

>> No.30414616
File: 455 KB, 1170x1440, hyperinflationishere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Common argument against MMT and UBI, but facetious and not applicable. Stimulus checks are a measured response to the pandemics economic slowdown.

>> No.30414673
File: 404 KB, 1130x3100, covidhysteria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the pandemic"

>> No.30414678

great coin, sauce?

>> No.30414729
File: 1.24 MB, 1479x1279, paulprediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the pandemic's economic slowdown"

>> No.30414785

Holy shit get out.

>> No.30414825

Niggers won. America in permanent decline.

>> No.30414894

>they being measured and safe
You really trust a few beaurocrats to measure and safeguard everyone's wealth? Do you think governments have a good history of accurately assessing the consequences of their policies?

> income supplement and not meant to replace work
That isn't working. There are lots of people living off the government.

>Obviously there are limits to how much money the economy can absorb before inflation.
Any increase in the money supply is inflation which has the consequence of increased prices. The greater the increase in money supply, the greater the increase in prices. The rate of growth of the money supply is accelerating very quickly.

> Without government relief there would be more businesses failing, job loss, and housing foreclosures.
Businesses must fail and some people must go broke for the economy to prosper. There will be some pain for the people who fail, sure. However, bailing out those failing businesses and individuals prevents the market forces from telling them their strategies are not viable. Government bailouts not only steal from individuals now to temporarily prop up those bad businesses, but they create a moral hazard where people are encouraged and incentivized to continue with these bad practices that put them in such a fragile position to start with.
>Why should I save money in the good times to prepare for the bad times? I can spend it all now and the government will save me when the bad times come.
>Why should I save money to prepare for bad times when the government devalues my savings every day?
>Why should I change from this unprofitable business model? I can just keep squandering resources and the government will save my business.

The popping of the bubble is the only way out. Inflating it more will only lead to a bigger pop.

>> No.30414936

How hasn't hyperinflation already happened with the level of money printing we've seen just since rona started?
Because it won't and the next bubble that will end badly is the overvalued financial asset bubble.

>> No.30414937

This whole thread is full of retards but you are the biggest retard. Did you even read the graph? Schizo fags want hyperinflation to be real so bad but it will literally never happen in America.

>> No.30415004

I hear from very few anti-hyperinflation anons so each time I do I'm obliged to ask what you think is likely to happen next?

>> No.30415151

hyperinflation can take years to kick in
see Venezuela see germany; things don't happen in a flash; it just seems that way the way information is forced down your throat in school

>> No.30415169

Land is the ultimate hedge. It grows value (timber, firewood ie building materials and fuel) totally independent of human systems.

>> No.30415204
File: 270 KB, 852x878, 20210307_132241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I do decide to get silver coins for either small transactions or to barter with someone who wants to make silver solder, is it worthwhile to acquire the Emu War Victory commemorative coin?

>> No.30415221
File: 701 KB, 1106x1072, 75BB2A14-D802-4436-956B-38FCE19BE352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did fatman do about the bounties Russia put on American soldiers? It’s almost like every president fucking sucks.

>> No.30415220

An asset crash, like you mentioned.

>> No.30415271

Ah good, so not everyone here is a tool.
you're a tool though

>> No.30415297
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It doesn't go into the "normal sphere," it is tied into the parallel world of offshore banking and international loans. The USD is the standard and is not equivalent to Venezuela and Weimar, but yes, hyperinflation will occur if we continue this path.

>> No.30415394

Fuck nigger fuck kikes fuck faggots fuck commies

>> No.30415540


>> No.30415544

is UDN a good buy?

>> No.30415656

>1.9 trillion
Why not 10 or 100 trillion? It worked well for Yugoslavian, Venezuelan and other geniuses.

>> No.30415686

Kek. You saying an anon is poor does not make him poor nor make you rich. You are merely projecting your own insecurities onto others in this filthy thread. Pathetic.

>> No.30415710

the hyperinflation for the 2008 financial crisis money printing took a a decade to full manifest.

>> No.30415723

>claim about shitcoins
>lose everything
>cry on 4ch on every topic

I am not a fag to go this way, my purse with SWG and SWGb, I know how to do win-win operations

>> No.30415861

Nothing. Maybe the stock market crashes due to interest rates increasing but I refuse to believe any first word nation would collapse.

>> No.30415882


my thoughts exactly

>> No.30415887

Right. He got mad and called me poor and I didn't even claim to support Biden. I just said their fantasy LARP of hyperinflation is part of this ongoing prepper apocalypse fantasy that MAGAs have been trying to hype up since the Obama years. Nothing they hype comes to pass. The storm didn't materialize, the plan failed. Biden is a quiet, milquetoast old man who won't rock the markets much because he's a neoliberal that fears instability.

There will be some inflation, but only in the short term and rates will rise and assets will crash before the inflation is allowed to run wild. Theyre just projecting so much on anyone countering their fantasies.

>> No.30415912

buy the cheapest bullion you can

>> No.30415937
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>> No.30415970

There will be pain if we get a deflationary crisis. I also doubt it will cause collapse but if we factor in how things are already not healthy in the global economy after rona, then I'm not so sure. Strong 1st world nations will pull through the quickest, I agree on that.

>> No.30415987
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If most assets including crypto, stocks, property, and metals are getting inflated and bound to crash, then wtf do I do to protect my wealth?!

>> No.30416057

hes literally the reason equities are pumping if trump one dollar up equities down thank you papa biden for defi summer 2.0

>> No.30416090

salty milk and coins

>> No.30416095

>did you make sure to register your firearm with the local authorities
this isnt a law.
you are talking about something you know nothing about, mut.

>> No.30416284

guns and bullets
You are 3 years too late, sorry.

>> No.30416326

>You really trust a few beaurocrats to measure and safeguard everyone's wealth? Do you think governments have a good history of accurately assessing the consequences of their policies?
A decision by the government to not do anything is a decision in and of itself to opt for austerity and extreme economic contraction. "Businesses must fail because their strategies are not viable" is sound thinking but you are forgetting the fact that this is happening due to a global pandemic, not bad business strategy. Without government intervention entire sectors of the economy such and travel and hospitality cease to exist and would be extremely slow to recover through no fault of their own. Whether business are viable and deserve to fail or not isn't relevant when the cause of failure is due to government mandated closure. The government owes it to businesses to provide bailouts and relief to citizens after requiring them to close.

>Any increase in the money supply is inflation which has the consequence of increased prices.
Inflation is not increased money supply. Inflation is is rising aggregate prices. The limit of increased money supply would be when it leads to inflation of aggregate prices. MMT proposing that increased taxation could be used to reel in this effect.

Anyway bump limit is reached so no time to discuss further

>> No.30416393

>shall not be infring-
> The Federal government is barred by law from compiling a registry of guns or gun owners. The only guns the Federal government knows you own are machine guns, short barreled rifles and short barreled shotguns registered under the National Firearms Act.

>> No.30416408

That's fine. I can always just move to another country and change currency or buy assets there.

>> No.30416506
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>The Federal government is barred by law from compiling a registry of guns or gun owners.
>except it actually does for several gun types....

>> No.30416545

rifles need not be registered by that law, correct?
im a leaf either way and non restricted weapons need not be registered. I can order 50 SKSs or AR 180Bs to my house tomorrow and there is no law asking me to disclose that to the government
genuinely curious what race you are to be so assblasted by white people that you spend an entire sunday responding to posts on a songle 4chan thread.

>> No.30416745

>due to a global pandemic
you mean due to government shutdowns. don't shift blame onto something intangible.

>> No.30416936

What will be the short term ramifications of the stimulus on the crypto and stock market?

>> No.30416974

Both will increase

>> No.30417506

Authorized by who?