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30381955 No.30381955 [Reply] [Original]

is it even possible anymore to get a comfy white-collar job with a meme degree like my boomer parents said i would be able to

>no connections
>only experience is retail
>multiple gaps on resume

i tried learning coding but failed miserably; i just don't have the head for it

aren't there still white collar jobs that don't require experience and will offer training? They couldn't have *all* gotten automated away, right?


>> No.30382423


No there no jobs and the ones that do exist are glorified data analyst. Most engineering jobs are gone to automation. Even some coding jobs are going away due to automation. Google collab basically writes 50% of your code it does all the syntax that you learned in college for 4 years for you. Cs fags on rope watch. Just wait until 2024 when trump revamps nationalism and bring all the jobs back for the white peoples. For the moment I’d say just keep yourself in college which is a daycare and learn as much as you can until trump takes over in 2024 and fixes this job market that is clearly more than broken. Don’t believe me? Look up how trump ended the h1b visa program in March last year where basically the inflow of IT/eng jeets was stopped

>> No.30382491

fake it still you make it

>> No.30382520

>no connections
>only experience is retail
i had these 3 things and got 50k starting as a software tester with a philosophy degree.

>> No.30382543


There’s nothing to fake for when there are no jobs you regard. OP if you see any larper here saying they have a comfy job they’re larping. Most good paying jobs today are held by boomers or people with connections.

>> No.30382586

fuck donald trump

>> No.30382611

I just got a director level position at a startup.
No real relevant experience
Fake it til you make it

>> No.30382662

I am 25 with comfy job and had 0 connections. Don't believe what they tell you about learning a variety. Find a niche and go all in on that, you can easily become one of the best in the world at a very specific role. Once you are there are companies that will go out of their way to hire you

>> No.30382667

Idk what collar but I’m a heavy duty equipment (construction and agriculture) parts technician, got the job with no schooling and a high school dropout. Now I’ve almost got my red seal in this trade, company sent me to school, making decent money and obviously infrastructure and food aren’t going anywhere so job security fucking /comfy/

>> No.30382676
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If you’re healthy, aren’t on medications, and have money to burn start flying planes. Airlines have a shit ton of the old pilots retiring because they pushed the mandatory retirement age higher a few years back, and they’re gonna come back big when covid is done. Airlines don’t care what kind of degree you have, you just gotta have one. Comfy white collar shit you can retire on. Everything requires training or experience now, this is one of the best fields to get into if you can bankroll it and like doing fun shit.

>> No.30382747

how is that? for some reason, i though that driving a plane would be difficult. are most flights automated nowadays or something?

>> No.30382764

With that mindset, yeah. Anything is better than retail. You market yourself good enough to make it seem like you know what you're doing and you're set. Might as well grab a help desk position and do certs (or not and bs it).

>> No.30382799

I work with a guy who was a pilot and got laid off. Years and years of schooling, and the pay is abysmal. See my original post

>> No.30382840

I have a comfy job in enterprise data working for a company with government contracts, but I'm 39 so...ancient fucking boomer, I guess. Also it's stressful AF though.

>> No.30382855
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of course you can That's exactly why I can't comprehend some faggots here bragging about 1 bitcoin when that's lower than my monthly salary as an engineer lmao fucking losers

>> No.30382878

They still exist. The problem is they are very competitive to get into it. Everyone is going to college and these professions are being flooded with people. These white collar jobs are overrated, most people who enter these professions such as accounting or law (especially law) hate their careers.

The best opportunities right now are not 4 year degrees, but 2 year technical degrees.
It's community college tuition so it will only cost like about 10k-20k at worst in total; likely far less.
Less competition for jobs. I don't think normies even consider 2 yr technical degrees as a viable education/training.

Look into PLC/electrical technician programs or something like that. These are the hidden gem careers of today.
I also think trades are a better option than 4 year degrees, but they're not for everyone. They are physically intensive jobs.
Whatever you do please try avoid debt.

>> No.30382894
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>no connections
>only experience is retail
>philosophy degree
You are literally me except you have a job. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with a bachelors in bullshit

>> No.30382918

Okay, so you have retail experience, and tried to code. You are a perfect candidate for Best Buy. Work your way from the floor to the register, to the Geek Squad. Get a couple easy as shit certifications and start applying elsewhere, now you're rolling into a career in IT.

I've been IT for the past 15 years, and I can't tell you how many people followed that exact same path to get into the field.

>> No.30382936

Trump is a cuck. He should have doubled down when people stormed the capital but he betrayed his base and bent the knee to Biden.

>> No.30382963

It’s super fun and fulfilling when you finish a long or tough flight. Most planes have a certain degree of automation now, but pilots still have a decent workload. I’m hedging that it will be a long time before people are okay with replacing human pilots with robots flying the planes. The recent issues with the 737 Max crashes amplify that sentiment. If you’re young, get in it. It’s an investment in yourself.

>> No.30382962

based, what type of engineering

>> No.30383002

Unironically reveal this to your interviewer, especially if you are applying to a large company with diversity quotas. When I applied to a big 4 firm, I told the recruiter that I have autism so that they wouldn't grill me as hard during the interview. They aren't allowed to discriminate against "disabled" applicants, so they can't judge you for fucking up the interview, and you also get diversity points. I don't actually have diagnosed autism, but I can be awkward at times. I ended up getting the job. It's pretty boring, but I am grateful considering that half of my graduating class is unemployed. Always think outside the box, and you will be rewarded.

>> No.30383007

Yeah if you’re 40 getting into it, it’ll be a waste, but if you’re still young like I’m assuming OP is, it’s going to be an investment that will pay dividends.

>> No.30383008

Depending on your country consider joining the military as an officer. Not all military jobs are being grunt digging trenches and getting shot.

You could go into logistics, which is super white collar, or become a pilot or something. At least in my country you make like 100k a year, and have a pension at the end.

>> No.30383027

This is 100% correct, and you can do very well with a technical degree in the trades. Here in new england I myself would be looking at installing and maintaining something related to green energy for homes and businesses, heat pump / solar installation and maintenance or something like that. Big $$ if you can live with baristas with liberal arts degrees looking down their nose at you.

>> No.30383060
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Really? Flight school without military service is worth it? I don’t think it is but I want to believe.

>> No.30383071

leverage the fact that you were formally taught logic, can help if you want to get into a non-technical role in a technical field like software.

>> No.30383103

Also this, join the chair force and learn to do electronics or ATC or some shit like that. Although the military would be tough for a sperg, speaking as a total sperg.

>> No.30383119

Airline pilot is super cyclical as a career. Costs about 100k to get a license, and you will get shit-tier pay for the first 5-10 years, and hope for no economic crisis to swallow your job in the meantime. If you make it to widebodies you're set with a comfy 300k annually, but it's a really long road to get there.

>> No.30383136


I’ll have my Math/IT degree by the time I’m 32, If there is a glimmer of hope that flight school would be worth it for me I’ll jump on that shit and go all in. Student loans I don’t give a fuck.

>> No.30383171

Yes it is. Find a local flight school (not ATP or another some pilot mill because those are filled with muslims, gooks, and pajeets that barely speak English) and find an instructor you can work well with. If you have a few flights and decide you’re gonna follow all the way through with it, look into buying a plane. It’ll be way cheaper than renting in the long run. You can get a Cessna 150/152 shitbox for $15k-30k and use it for all of your training. Airplanes are a fucking amazing store of value too and have incredibly stable prices that don’t depreciate much, if at all. It’s worth bro

>> No.30383243

I'm in the airforce, and if you can suck it up and gamify it, you'll get through basic training and then it's incredibly comfy from there on out. I'm a non-pilot aircrew, and life is so incredibly chill. Mandatory crew rest, live in hotels, good pay. I have a useless uni-degree, but they didn't care.

10/10 recommend.

>> No.30383254

90% of my friends from high school etc are engineers now, making six figures, and I couldn't imagine anything more gay. I'm not impressed. I'm only impressed by business owners, don't even care what business. Janitorial shit stained walls cleaning business I don't care. Something about tech faggots is so uniquely lifeless and NPC.

>> No.30383263

Yeah don’t get in it if you’re a faggot boomer, but early 20s is setting you up for a job for the rest of your life to retire at a good age and have a nice bank account.

>> No.30383339

ex is pilot... shit pay until you fly for a big commercial company

>> No.30383346

i have a diagnosed mental disorder so i don't think the military would take me, even the chair force :/

>> No.30383356
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undecided freshman here
I have no fucking idea what I want to be I'm only here because my parents pressured me into it
I'm thinking about either masters in psychology or physician assistant (my school offers accelerated 5 year certification for both). any advice
at the end of the day I just want to NEET bros

>> No.30383365


Not who you were replying to but,

I wish. I’m my early 20s I got a few misdemeanors that would require a moral waver, I think it’s impossible for me.

I don’t want to fly f-22s or anything, just help with computer stuff.

>> No.30383476

>accounting degree
>working through the CPA exam
>Work 40 hours a week at a manufacturing company, only actually work about 20
>can get a job in just about any industry with upward mobility

I hope none of you fell for the business management meme or the marketing meme. There are only two common business degrees worth getting, and that’s Finance if you go to a high-tier school and accounting anywhere else.

>> No.30383489

That sucks dude. What's holding you back from trying anyways though? Worst case you try and don't get accepted.
If you're switched on and can demonstrate that you've changed they might still give you a go.

>> No.30383491

I'm the last person who should give life advice since I spent my entire 20s fucking around as a musician before I went back to school, but psych is the most useless of useless shit, unless you are gonna get a Phd, and even then...good luck.

>> No.30383496

I've been unemployed for five years. I mentioned autism in my resume for 4 of those but it never helped so I removed it.

>> No.30383593

I'm no recruiter, but if you're high functioning I don't see why it would make a difference. Maybe they have rules against bringing people with diagnosed mental disorders, but I've worked with some folks who I'm pretty sure are on the spectrum. Not saying it as an insult, I'm just pretty sure that they were.

>> No.30383596

I am switched on. I’m a completely different person now. I submitted a preliminary application and they sent an email saying not now but I can try again later, so I suppose I need to wait until they actually want to recruit.

>> No.30383605


Look at this Qtard

>> No.30383669

will keep this in mind, thanks anon.
>I spent my entire 20s fucking around as a musician
I'm turning 21 this year and wanted to do the same. I always wanted to make it in music, but live music is dead and no one buys records or cds. Pretty sure zoomers just listen to the same three rappers and lo-fi beats to study to

>> No.30383732

That's pretty promising then. If you're seriously considering it, I'd suggest actually going to the recruiting center to get more info about it. Just don't get roped into a trade that you don't actually want. If they say you can just sign up as an infantier and then change to airforce or whatever you want once you're in the system, that's just a bullshiting tactic to fill a quota.

>> No.30383793

OP you have to start from somewhere you dumbass, you cant listen to every retard here. Get a degree, get a job, and see where that takes you. Im currently working a comfy WFH job for very low wages but idgaf i sit on my ass and shitpost here while doubling my net worth every other week (im poor guessing you are too)

>> No.30383860


Flying one of those cool stealth planes is almost impossible to do. That would be my dream job but alas it will never happen. I’m a SWE at fandango and it’s comfy but I’m jelly AF towards fighter pilots.

>> No.30383861

learn to code WELL, retard
the part everyone misses is the WELL part
they learn to code like shit and then wonder why they can't get good coding jobs

>> No.30383950

We are all in very similiar positions, choose your degrees wisely kids .... Fuckin shit my degree sucks i might pickup a trade

>> No.30384065

Speaking as a former coder, good coders are like, 2% of the industry, and even good coders produce bad software half the time due to management, entropy, creep, blah blah etc. The secret of software is that nearly all of it is a disaster, not some Carmack work of art. You absolutely don't need to be good to get a job, just say the right words and maybe do some pseudocode algos.

>> No.30384277
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Not really OP, not really. I graduated from a top 5 mechanical engineering college in the US in 2014. I got a job doing independt research for lawsuits of a technical nature. My peers got jobs working for automotive companies, and a few of the best went to work building misses to kill illietatre brown people and they were paid the best. I worked my job and did very well, they gave me awards, were amazed at my ability, work ethic and vocabulary. I made $95k and hated my job. No true engineering was done. I dreamed of working in space exploration or something meaningful. I quit. Now I build fucking powerlines and destroy my body and risk my life in order to do so and make three times as much money. Of course, the income from my job pales in comparison to how much money I made from trading imaginary internet money which does little to enrich humanity except to free them from shackles placed upon them by governments and global financial instructions. I scored the top 1% on any standarized test I ever took through grade school, high school, ACT SAT etc, and what does it matter? I am a failure and I have failed in the nigh Herculean task of advancing the technological level of humanity. I suppose I at least provide electricity for someone who will be better than me. Anyways, fuck niggers, and fuck the chinese. There were so many fucking bugmen at college sent by their rich parents who only cheated, shirked work in group projects and were overall subhuman drones in college. I once had to work on a chink prodcust who killed some people and I never worked harder in my life. The chinese are useless huimans with no morals, integrity or dare I say humanity and I hope the missiles that my brilliant peers spent so many of their best years designing kills million of chinks.

>> No.30384379

Imagine how the world will look if China becomes the global super power for a few decades.

>> No.30384458

What's your comfy WFH job?

>> No.30384519

the state of the industry is in such a state that what I really mean by "good coder" is know your data structures, algorithms and at least one language.

>> No.30384624
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>> No.30384632

LOL your entire story sounds like me 10 years ago. barely made it through my CS degree, couldnt code worth a shit. started first job doing tech support answering phone calls, hating it so much i got an ulcer. wanted to join the air force to get out of it but right as i applied obama cut officer funding - not that i had a chance anyway
long story short, get a basic ass IT support gig and you'll do fine. i answered phones and eventually get let me work on the servers and now im just the infosec guy.

>> No.30384668
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>Anyways, fuck niggers, and fuck the chinese.
uh oh it's based

>> No.30384708

>Google collab basically writes 50% of your code
Um wtf this is blatantly untrue. I get you're qlarping but this was really low effort.

>> No.30385071

>Look up how trump ended the h1b visa program in March last year where basically the inflow of IT/eng jeets was stopped

he didn't, he ended the lottery system. h1b is now given preference to companies that offer the highest paying salaries, retard.

>> No.30385170

Dream of something greater? Nah have some niggers with guuchi and chinese killing rhinos.

>> No.30385174
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>> No.30385320

> Of course, the income from my job pales in comparison to how much money I made from trading imaginary internet money which does little to enrich humanity except to free them from shackles placed upon them by governments and global financial instructions.

It's a blessing though. I have like 5 year gaps in my resume. Last time I worked a real job was when I was 26. My networth broke over one million when I hit 30 years old.

The truth is, at least here in Europe, that all workplaces are nepotistic social daycare clubs where you get in by having good connections aka friends.

Sure my networth is a lot bigger at the moment than most of my peers/friends etc, even more so than in America because the taxation is so huge when it comes to your pay, but the truth is that I probably couldn't even get a real job anymore (that is not on the level of cleaning toilets). They do not want to have some 30 year old de-facto NEETs hanging around at your office who have not worked for years and have like 6 year old black holes in their resume. Then again, I do try to play my cards so that I will not have to ever work or to subsist on government gibs ever again and at the moment it is going to be more than likely.

>> No.30385598

Embracing it is the answer then I suppose.

>> No.30385731

They just printed an election, Trump has no chance unless we have blockchain verified votes

>> No.30385759

ive found mantradao, not sure its 100% pearl but guys r releasing a new product every month, worth think about

>> No.30385764
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>Grew up in section 8 housing
>Spent 6 years a in a penal colony to get the GI Bill and shoot browns
>4 year degree in STEM
>Get picked up by a FAANG/Unicorn
>370k TC
>40k tax free disability

Not even a bootstraps post, you are who you are because you want to be and you spend your time trying to get knitting lessons in a Indian sock puppet forum.

>> No.30385996

It's not necessarily the technical side, but the fact that most tech people's job is getting kids addicted to whatever online platform they're working for. Your work reflects you and vice-versa

>> No.30386065

Yup and you won’t need them

>> No.30386150

If you just want money definitely do the physician's assistant program. They make a comfy six figures and you would have to only to go to school for five years. There are way too many roastie psychology majors out there so you would only make money if you became a psychiatrist or filled some overlooked niche.

>> No.30387216

lmfao most of the jobs of the future will be "Blue collar" laborer positions in agriculture and low-end manufacturing once oil prices really start getting up there after the fracking boom is done by 2030.

You try running a conventional post-industrial economy on 20% of the electricity and 15% of the gasoline that's currently available.

Most of the west will be living like middle class Indians at best by 2050.

>> No.30387332

Kek. Why are trump cultists so delusional?