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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30354334 No.30354334 [Reply] [Original]

You are early.

<500k Microcap, growing quickly. The dark horse of prediction markets.

>muh V1 was abandoned
V1 was upgraded to V2. If you held V1 previously, you can redeem V2 through the website.

As a reminder, all current defi prediction markets are seriously flawed:
>Augur brands itself as a betting platform, and thus is banned from several dozen countries, including the United States
>Polymarket requires an email address to sign up
>Omen and ALL others require group consensus to determine if a prediction has come true, which is vulnerable to tampering or other attacks
>Anything else is still in its testing phase
>Everything requires the prediction maker to deposit large sums of money to provide liquidity.

OrbetV2 does not make these mistakes. The most unique aspect is that a prediction's outcome is determined by values from other smart-contracts, and thus does not rely on any consensus mechanism. No tampering, no vulnerabilities. Just cold, hard data.
OrbetV2, despite its name, is a prediction market platform (name will most likely change in the short future).
No email addresses or phone numbers or other personal information will be needed to interact with OrbetV2, only a wallet.
A very small percent of all transactions with OrbetV2 provide system-wide liquidity, which is used for all predictions. This means that prediction makers don't need to deposit any liquidity to make a prediction. Cheap and simple.

Join the /biz/ original and get comfy.


>> No.30354812

wasn't this a pump and dump scam during the summer defi craze?

>> No.30355300

Naw, iirc it got dumped by whales, just like half the stuff that summer. The dev wallet doesn't look like it ever sold.

>> No.30355812

Dig the idea of this. Obvious ads made to look like posts are annoying af. Checked out telegram and looks to be just one autistic dev which has got me feeling bullish. I feel like the best coins end up being the ones done by 1 to 2 person teams, not these dumb "all white doxxed team" bullshit, look at IOTA,all it does is crab. Plus if anything is BTC crash proof it'd be something that literally let's you place bets on shit crashing. Fuck these ads though, let your token grow naturally, not this shit pajeet approach

>> No.30357136

I believe Orbi will do good work once V2 starts being useful. Will be interesting to see how it goes.