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30348218 No.30348218 [Reply] [Original]

2027 full internet of value status reached
Link 100k each
10 years of double to quadruple percentage gains without a losing year

It's inevitable

>> No.30348437

ok based on your financial advice i took the money i was saving for my grandpa's glass eye and put it all on LINK? now what?

>> No.30348809

I've been buying for a year while watching other coins 10x I can barely even afford the proper tools to kill myself

>> No.30348896

We all know it and yet the waiting is so hard.

>> No.30348934

I'm 100% in

>> No.30349501

>Chainlink will be the best investment in the history of the world
>30% up since last summer
Delusional retards

>> No.30349549
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This is a true future vision. There are current signs to confirm - pay close attention to this thread.

>> No.30349608

when the fuck will it reach $100 :(

>> No.30349611
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>There are current signs to confirm

>> No.30349879


>> No.30349971
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>> No.30350372

stink will never be above $35 ever again

>> No.30350891

I just took a look at CMC.
AAVE has third of Chainlink's market cap, and Uniswap has a higher ranking.
What the fuck is wrong in this world?
I regret not having diversified a bit in DeFi and now feel that's it's too late to enter without having a high risk due to the bubble territory they entered.

And now I watch NTFs...
Why can I not keep up with everything?
The world changes so quickly I can't keep up.
It takes a lot of time to analyze market opportunities and such a big change as NFT.
I have no clue how to invest in it and predict its future use.
It's far too complex.

>> No.30351308

I know what you mean. All in LINK since 2017. The lesson I take away from this is we made a slight mistake investing real fundamentals. Once we hit the next bear market I’m going to be more prepared to invest in clown fundamentals. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret LINK but the last 6 months have been brutal.

>> No.30351394

so every link thread

>> No.30351447

>The Dev Team is too Big
>Sergey has a time limit on how many wallets he can dump to fund his Chainlink system
>Its a downgraded ERC 10 coin

>> No.30351528

>The Dev Team is too Big
>Sergey has a time limit on how many wallets he can dump to fund his Chainlink system
>Its a downgraded ERC 10 coin
>He has people in his team that have attempted Rug Pulls

>> No.30351634


>> No.30351837

I still don't understand what happened.
Is it because following Link for years made us completely blind to everything else?
Or because we are just tired of spending so much time on it, and didn't need money that much to spend even more time on new opportunities?
I think having too much money in Link makes us more risk averse.
I tried to reset my mindset to be more hungry for success which made me look into it.
Maybe the key is to find a way to continuously remember the time we went all in on Link and this drive for success that got slowly eroded by time.

>> No.30351921

>can’t break 30

>> No.30351930
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>> No.30352058

we are unironically cultists
I'm a 28 year old neet living with my parents and have 105k link worth 3 million $
yet i live like a poorfag 0 profits taken and still all in.
we are the new bitcoin maxis and we probably sound to the rest of crypto as rogen ver and his goons sounded to us back in 2017.
the only explanation as to why I am like this is that i became a cultist sometime in the past 4 years

>> No.30352109

I think what happened for me is LINK made everything else in crypto look like a complete joke, so from that perspective that did make me more risk averse, in a way. I would also say I’m guilty of being a bit complacent, my mindset definitely shifted from being on the lookout to just waiting because I felt I had made it, all I had to do is wait. You live and you learn, we’ve still done very well.

>> No.30352200

Can somebody post a link to the pregnant sergey video where he gives birth? I have been looking for it all morning and cannot find it. https://youtube.com/watch?v=mPKG0nYP82s

>> No.30352710

I had the same issue.
All these DeFi platforms felt incredibly speculative and unsafe.
It's very easy to create a competitor which takes all the market away from one to another platform and makes you stay with worthless bags.
I wanted to take some rest after the last years and didn't like the mindset of the new speculators who entered the DeFi market.
We will have to change this mindset a bit because we are wasting too much time on Link without any big changes in it requiring our time.
We should watch out for L2 chains, because they are going to make the DeFi platforms explode even more in their efficiency and growth.

The shift happened slowly which made us not realize it.
But it's true that we have to watch our investment very carefully.
Being all in Link means we can get big profits from it, but we also need to watch it very carefully.
This may be the reason we have less time and motivation to watch other projects.
Our energy and time is limited and we have to spend a lot of it to protect our investment.

There may still be enough growth left in this bull run to diversify a bit into other projects without selling our Link stack, but we will have to watch it more closely.
I think the next triggers are going to come from L2 chain support and Linkpool's new token and Arbitrum support.

>> No.30352849
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>you vill eat ze gainz
Klaus Schwab openly professes transhumanist leanings in his books, even describing the use of mind-reading to determine people's level of security threat:




>> No.30352890
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I don't see why this defecating Sergay hurts linkies so much

>> No.30352933

after $36 stable coin status and it and has full adoption in most finance transactions including ALL CC payments and loans worldwide. Even then its gonna struggle to hit 50. Sorry its not even going to be stable 36 until sergay dumps the remaining 600million stinkies weekly until he has none remaining sometime in 2030s.

>> No.30352986

When link staking is live its going to take back the lead. Just chill fellas. Link is basically in beta. And when the staking is live its gonna moon as fuck. 81k eoy

>> No.30352984

nice larp if you had 105k link you would have dumped it at 36 last week with everyone else.

>> No.30353046

What's funny is that most people don't realize that Chainlink under $30 is essentially an offer not just to retire early, but to do so with hundreds of slaves (they will be called "employees" in the future) at your disposal. Think of all the meaningless jobs there are today. Sitting in a cubicle, disgusting damp mask firmly attached to your face, putting numbers into excel spreadsheets then sending the numbers to another person who looks at them and sends them along to someone else then someone else then someone else until finally one person makes a decision. Everyone prior to him is already redundant and can be automated. Only the decision maker matters. People will need work! And they will work for you, the Chainlink holder. You are the decision maker of the future, and your employees (slaves) will do your bidding within the parameters of expected employee labor. So don't get perverted or violent, that will not be tolerated, but do have them build you homes or other structures. Have them tend to your garden or read to your children. Have them cook for you, clean for you, run chores for you. Have them exercise whatever talents they have for your sole benefit.

When the employee auctions begin, remember this: Quality over Quantity. They too are investments.

>> No.30353093

as soon as that happens the whales will just switch to a new smart coin to reduce costs. Whales have no interests paying marines to do business they would rather do it themselves.

>> No.30353164

people like you act like you can only hold 1 coin at a time. stop being retarded please

>> No.30353231

Are you braindead?

>> No.30353292
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one word: you are based

>> No.30353315

do you really think they are gonna let you make it? If you started with 10-50k usd buy in 2018 maybe but you need to sell at the next ATH before the next post ATH 40% dump.

>> No.30353334

That is not how liquidity works anon. Shoo shoo

>> No.30353336

You are saying like no one is ever gonna make it? Now i know you are retarded.

>> No.30353381

I tend to believe you

>> No.30353479

stop coping dude

>> No.30353494

But Sergey made a very dangerous mistake.
He made his network grow a lot without staking.
The irony is that he may have proved to the world that staking is not needed.
At least for most projects and to the lesser minds.
He will need some kind of very strong marketing efforts to change people's mind over this.

As it stands he really has no need for staking.
There is even a workaround for this.
If you look at Bancor people are staking their link to facilitate trading and sharing the risk with the BNT token.

If Sergey doesn't release staking quickly he will be left behind with the same initiative for L2 chains.
It may be too late.
Just think about it. Why do you need staking?
To pay for losses in case of incorrect data and incentivize node operators.
But nature will always to fill a missing space.

Let's say a L2 chain needs this type of protection against errors in the network and data.
Chainlink nodes are supposed to provide some security to it, but without staking the L2 chain takes most of the risk.
Then they can do the same thing as Bancor did.
Create a token connected to the L2 chain and use it as collateral for errors in the execution of its contracts or other problems.
The more time Sergey takes to release staking the worse it will be for him and the more competition he will have.

Chainlink staking was supposed to provide all of this collateral for smart contracts.
The more competition creates alternative without using Link staking the less opportunities will be left for Chainlink to grow.

>> No.30353582

reddit spacing
go back

>> No.30353585

tbqh i'll be happy with $1k

>> No.30353601

if you make 300k a year as a consultant you will make it. Wagies buying retail CANNOT MAKE IT. Sorry its just the reality except for .0001% of buyers. Nice thread tricking dumb retail buyer americans on coinbase into buying that make it 25 stack for 700 bucks. 700 usd for 25 stickies LOL. Hope you make a bunch of money.

>> No.30353654


>> No.30353711

Projecting newfag...
You don't even know what reddit spacing looks like on 4chan.
If you want to discuss an argument please provide arguments.
Your inability to provide arguments just means you have none.

>> No.30353751
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I only have 4000 LINK

>> No.30353876
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750 Link here...

>> No.30353880

i only have 8k

>> No.30353895

dumb 9fag

>> No.30353966

34 linklet here
End my pain

>> No.30353976

how does 110640 USD sound as long as you sell now before sergey next dumps another 100k stack to fund integration on poopandpeepee coin desk. its really gonna change eth markets forever and it only cost 2,5 mil in usd and mcdonalds! 37eoy if you catch the 10 second ATH.
you bought them in 2018 for under $1 correct

>> No.30354022

just make sure to not buy anymore just buy bitcoin from here fren.