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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3034323 No.3034323 [Reply] [Original]

>Espers(the logo alone is so pretentious and infuriating)
>Siggie bagholders
>Monaco shills

>> No.3034331


>> No.3034334


most overhyped vaporware shit ever

>> No.3034339
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>neo shills
>monero shills

they are really the worst, and they are both equally as toxic and delusional

but atleast i feel a tiny bit of pity for the monero shills, i'd also be salty AF if my coin did fuck all in 2017, while other coins like eth or zcash went 20x

>> No.3034354

t. faggots and racists that missed out on NEO

>> No.3034363

das homophobic nigga

>> No.3034369

not at all, i was on the neo train, but i knew it wouldn't last forever and got out at 35$, bought in at 9$

stop being emotional towards your coins

>> No.3034371

Dw, Espers is gonna get a new logo.

>> No.3034374

lmao i bet this nigger lost a lot on bancor

>> No.3034375

tenx and tkn, ever since Monaco mooned they have become too bitter. Learn to accept defeat guys.

>> No.3034380

Fuck Espers, get Wespers. Official 4chan meme currency that's going to make a bunch of neets into millionaires as long as they get in on the /biz/ giveaways.
Shill it harder so that the autistic normies invest in it in the coming future when they don't know how to look for winning tickets

>> No.3034396

How can you be racist towards sub-humans?
Racism only applies when a sub-human calls white people white trash
Even the pants sharters at walmart are better than the smartest,kindest chinese person alive

>> No.3034406

dgb because they are so lame.

>> No.3034415

You do realize what you just said was racist and retarded

>> No.3034422

homophobic negroid. gotta have someone else to shit on when you already have low self esteem

>> No.3034423
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>> No.3034426

Juden ratings off the chart
The Juden are just jealous they will never be aryan untermensch

>> No.3034430

True, espers is a yobit pajeet scam. Wespers is good coin based on Waves. Lots of monies to be made.

>> No.3034432

you do realize that you are retarded.

>> No.3034437

>aryan untermensch

>> No.3034443

>tell a fact
I believe underageb& is relevant now

>> No.3034453

NEOfags are insufferable.

DGBers are the best memers, along with bitbeaners. /biz/ would be boring without them. NEOfags bring nothing to the table except rampant autism.

>> No.3034456

In my country
There is problem
And the problem is the Jew
Throw the jew down the well
so my country can be free

>> No.3034459


That's literally one guy who is very likely the developer of said shitcoin hoping to unload his 99% premine.

>> No.3034465

The problem is you don't even know what the terms, that you parrot, mean.
>aryan untermensch
I believe the untermesch part when it comes to you

>> No.3034484

Just remember to tell people they can buy Wespers on the superior Waves Dex

>> No.3034504

Lmao,Juden admitting that Aryans are untermensch above all other races
Haha scum,now lick my boots and you won't be sent to the showers

>> No.3034519

Untermensch literally means "subhuman" you fucking low IQ noob can't you understand that already lmao
Google it

>> No.3034535

Google is a jew company
/pol/ told me all aryans were untermensch and everyone else ubermensch
I'd trust /pol/ over google