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File: 396 KB, 601x606, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30331366 No.30331366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

based chinks

>> No.30331447

wtf I can become an anime girl now?

>> No.30331473
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>> No.30331479

Just identify as one, it is that easy.

>> No.30331517

god i cant wait to fuck all the cute femboys once i make it from this bull run
life is good

>> No.30331539

why cant i smoke weed but people can do this?

>> No.30331552

thankfully all of these degenerates won't have children, and this shitskin pandering faggot accepting world will simply die out in the next couple of generations when they've all killed themselves

>> No.30331558
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>it will be very good for tx fees

>> No.30331566
File: 59 KB, 903x504, higurashi_rena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30331578

chinks are making bank turning the west into infertile, suicidal amoebas. fucking based. if you're on their side.

>> No.30331619

>why can't i smoke weed
you live in a red state

>> No.30331658

>gook thinks the primary audience of anime trap hentai is children
Wtf /biz/, I thought Asians were supposed to be smart?
>he doesn't have federally legal weed in his country

>> No.30331685

I can't wait to bust their heads in when I'm in my 40s and there's no police because every little boy got turned into a faggot

>> No.30331703


Checked. Rena is shit.

>> No.30331898
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Ponytail yakuza tomboy is better.

>> No.30331939

Is that latent closet sexuality getting to ya?

>> No.30331958

you'd have to be a pretty shit parent to not quickly notice your kid becoming a tranny

this is good, only low-IQ/mentally ill people will be sterilized. blacks are more likely to be trans than whites. bussy pressures women to be more feminine and less entitled. stop fudding tranny pills

>> No.30331985

Where can I buy this if I want to start converting some men into women?

>> No.30331989

Go back to your containment board

>> No.30331996

I'm gay you retard, I just want to kill trannies.

>> No.30331997

Why care? There are A LOT of useless men. Why not let them get doped up and stupid on estrogen?

>> No.30332019

I am. Death to the white race.

>> No.30332022


i can't wait to reject balding manlets who think that femboys might give them a shot

>> No.30332036

why not do both?

>> No.30332037

why would it be closet sexuality? truth is you need that skull caved in to cure that brain damage

>> No.30332045

The idea that the only people who want to exterminate faggots are closet gays is ridiculous.

>> No.30332067

You don't get to make that decision

>> No.30332086

Do you think they'd sell me the box by itself? I want to store my silver coins in it.

>> No.30332106

>these degenerates won't have children

They propagate by infecting other people's children. Their curricula are already in YOUR children's schools.

>> No.30332109
File: 108 KB, 828x825, 698F9C8F-31CD-4493-AF44-DE6AEB5A59F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move to leaf land
funny, I stopped smoking weed when it became legal

>> No.30332110

I want anonymity to end so every single mongoloid posting here can be revealed.

>> No.30332146

Don't worry, it's pretty obvious who's a mongoloid.
For example, (you).

>> No.30332213

Nah. There's nothing good about anonymity. It just breeds cowardice.

>> No.30332242

>he doesnt get weed delivered to his door
must suck living in the woods

>> No.30332255

wish granted!

oh shit, sorry anon, you've been cancelled for saying "mongoloid"

>> No.30332257

Just buy it and throw the hormones away or give them to your gf

>> No.30332282

t. seething gay top who wants to fuck manly men and is furious that all of the bottoms are becoming trannies to serve GAMP/bi/straight cock

>> No.30332314

I don't care anymore. I don't care about getting cancelled. I want to fight. I don't care about dying. We all should die if we can't guarantee a better future for the next generations than the shithole we got. I'm done

>> No.30332336

>There's nothing good about anonymity
You are free to go back

>> No.30332347
File: 207 KB, 1022x1024, 599c27e810e7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonimity is the backbone of freedom faggot. Once it's gone you will never know freedom again.

>> No.30332349

bussy is the most disturbing word

>> No.30332351

I kinda want one just to have on my shelf as decor kek

>> No.30332383

I can't go back. Just about all the worthwhile people are here. I've been here for years. All this "freedom" we have here will do is make us weak in the long term. We'll be picked apart and eaten slowly, when things should instead accelerate

>> No.30332391

what have you done beside post online?

I was repressing my gender dysphoria because I wanted to fight the federal government but then I realized that nobody else fucking cared, they mostly just paid lip service and got mad online.

You don't even have the balls to attach your name to edgy comedy like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLWvu51Vk4E let alone do anything meaningful

>> No.30332392

you mean jews
Those aren't chinks its literally a Brazilian and why the fuck would someone take shit coming from fucking brazil. I guess if you are gonna kill yourself why not take it right.

>> No.30332430
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I buy and use Lena injections, so I'm safe

>> No.30332449

Nice fucking freedom, being able to vent while the entire world goes to shit. Our libraries will burn. What's it worth being "free" in no ways but one?

>> No.30332452

Yes I do. We all do.

>> No.30332480

jews are already doing this on a global level

>> No.30332486

it produces truth

>> No.30332496

Better yet, put that shit in a vault in your bunker. It will be super valuable when shtf, you can easily get yourself a lifelong harem of trap maid slaves who have no other recourse. (Though as an investor in post-apocalyptic trap maid harems, my money is on raw powders rather than liquid forms, powders are dirt cheap and a few kg will easily let you acquire hundreds of traps throughout your lifetime.)

>> No.30332513

You don't. I will make sure of it. >>30332391
I'm part of a political org. You stupid faggot. All the people in my life know what I think. The only place I don't bring my politics is uni.

>> No.30332536

I honestly don't see a problem here. They decided that they want to be femenized. Let them opt out of the genepool. Don't care

>> No.30332553

>it's the Jews
>oh wait actually it's a Brazilian

Support for trannies and teen trannies has been rising since at least the mid-2000s, organically. The government and the journalists just latched on to transgenderism because every moment you spend seething/arguing over hons and 5 year old trannies and other horse shit is another moment you aren't talking about the fed, jews, HUD, birthright citizenship, the net tax burden of the average black person etc etc etc. No, look at the ugly tranny instead, fucking retards

>> No.30332593

Yes but I want to selectively convert some men into women for my personal harem. They'd still think mostly like men and not have been brought up in a toxic female environment. Bangable Bros

>> No.30332601

I have been pinning test for years and I'm trans as well completed my transition.
Male to alpha male.

>> No.30332602

are you training to be in stem or medicine? or completely wasting money?

>> No.30332625

Because I will need white soldiers in race wars to come?

>> No.30332630

where do i buy this

>> No.30332656

>shitskin pandering faggot accepting world
Shitskins are the ones who don’t allow traps you absolute retard. Whites are the ones crossdressing and sucking cock while OP’s asian is looking on in disgust.
Acting like the world would be perfect if only whites were in it is hilarious when you’re seeing the exact product of such a world. Whites trying to replicate anime girls by taking hormones and cutting off their dicks.

>> No.30332662

what's stopping you faggot?

>> No.30332670

Where do you think this faggots came from? Do you think there mom and dad were trannies?

>> No.30332677
File: 561 KB, 543x600, wewerekings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were kings who rules over these chinks. This is how they are getting their revenge.

>> No.30332678


I love anonymity, I love posting my shit and other people are anonymous, I get a real reaction and no one has to worry about hurting my feelings. The truest reactions and emotions you'll get from people is when they're anonymous and I fucking appreciate that.

>> No.30332726

>Shitskins are the ones who don’t allow traps you absolute retard
visit a shemale porn site and be proven immediately wrong

>> No.30332737

Bullshit. Truth isn't produced and there'd be better ways to discover it were it not for people just sitting in a honeypot all their lives thinking they're making a difference. I don't care about those that are here for fun. People have fun in all sorts of ways. It doesn't concern me.
I'm in STEM but even my field is starting to get pozzed. What recourse do I have but to go all out? Why would I be a limp wristed faggot just living a wasteful life rotting away? We are practically at war with an entire establishment that hates us. Everything I am tells me I should fight it till I leave this world.

>> No.30332758

Weed gives u estrogen too, look it up

>> No.30332773

To add, good luck "producing" truth with those mods and jannies. This site's ownership is as compromised as any other's.

>> No.30332814

you're looking to recruit future terrorists in the hormone addled sissyboy pool?

>> No.30332851

the wars of tomorrow will not be physical.
psyoped minds are the new soldiers, and trannies are really strong enforcement units.
also fuck you for thinking that sending whites to the meat grinder is what we need. even if you are on the purge mentality it's simply a waste to do that when swarm mind control/intelligence techniques are as advanced as they are now.

>> No.30332860

You're stopping me. I can't do it alone. And you think you're being truthful or realistic? How can just one man overturn this? I want to see you all faggots have to fight tooth and nail against the subhumans at the other end of the screen that you can't see.

>> No.30332891

Fucking moron. read what I said again i was saying that it was some brazilian fuck that is producing that shit. It is the jews who are promoting it and doing >>30331578

shut the fuck up you worthless sack of subhuman shit!

>> No.30332936

Never said I meant ww1 style soldiers. War has indeed changed

>> No.30332944

i appreciate you anon. I tried my hand at propaganda for years and definitely converted a few people over and helped them realize how serious things were, but the majority just ignored me.

I stopped around the time of Charlottesville, I just realized that people were way too stupid and heard about the DS getting taken down and lost hope.

I've been a fat, dysphoric faggot ever since I hit puberty so fighting or reproducing was never really an option for me. I held out for a long time but took my tranny pills about a year ago, and i'm much happier now. It's unfortunate that most normal people don't see it as a valid medical issue (or think that i'll be cured by talking to some jew therapist all day). But whatever, if I get killed during a system collapse I'll die happy, because I hate the system more than almost anything.

>> No.30332960

Kek, so if you hate Nazis does that mean you want to be dominated by a strong Nazi pounding your axe wound? Don't bet on it, you're not even passing.

>> No.30332984

How is this any different from the bodybuilding sites? Granted the shit I order is skin and fur oil, premium oil for clean and shiny dogs coat/fur, but in forums they make no effort to hide the fact that testosterone increases testosterone and even causes you to gain lots of weight and strength while losing fat. This Ian dude sounds like a piece of shit who wants to deny consumers their own choice and agency. He acts like a humorous packaging is enough to make someone inject drugs that cause immense changes to the body and mind with lots of side effects. Anyone taking hormones han done their homework and they do so willingly. Knowing the dangers of fucking up people aren't half assing this. Have you seen what the scammy men's anti aging clinics charge for testosterone? The markup on something as basic as estradiol valerate is even more insane. At least the company he's trying to expose charges a fair price. The online Grey market pharma stuff is like $700 for a shitty 20mg/ml vial of estrogen. It is unreasonable that any laws exist trying to regulate drug use by people willingly taking drugs. Most of all when it's fucking hormones that the body already produces. No death is too cruel for any politician or voters who support laws restricting the use, sale, purchase, production, etc. of drugs in any form whatsoever. It is our God given right to use our bodies as they were meant to be used.
Otokonoko, they're Brazilian and have some of the best prices and actual blood work from reviewers showing its legit.

>> No.30333002
File: 21 KB, 710x430, JapanFert4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the jews destroying Japan, too? It's women, and men who are too cowardly to institute patriarchal rules.

>> No.30333003

The truth is that we outnumber and overpower the enemy, but men are lulled into security, succumb to fear and don't fight. Why do you think there's demoralisation being run 24/7 on this site?

>> No.30333007
