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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30330185 No.30330185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best and worst investment you've made? What did you learn from them?

>> No.30330295



>> No.30330372

how do you invest in woman? do they go up in value or not? what's the return?

>> No.30330427

buying GRT at 0.18
selling GRT at 0.62

>> No.30330459


>Too many mistakes too count.

Lesson is you only need to be right once and the bad decisions don't really matter unless maybe they wipe you out or something.

>> No.30330471

you spend any amount of time paying attention to them and you never get a return on it

>> No.30330477

Best: buying link at 90 cents

Worst: selling link at 65 cents

>> No.30330493

Buying SNDL at 3.50

>> No.30330511
File: 72 KB, 726x720, 1614072107396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't make bad investments. I only win.

I would consider sharing your life with another person a bad investment. Because if you with them long enough, they'll take your all.

>> No.30330537

are you the french tranny from /lgbt/

>> No.30330559

Bought 2000 GRT at 2.65 and panic sold at 2.15 FOMO'd back in at 2.05 and am holding a bigger bag than before. Just need it to get back to 2.00 even and I can sell for a small loss and tell the wife the money is coming back. She unironically makes me sleep on the couch if I have bad grades. Spent a week out there after the first loss and pull a muscle in my back.

>> No.30330566

>buying PLTR the day it listed

>Selling PLTR at 10.30 for like $850 in profit

>> No.30330577
File: 123 KB, 1154x1535, nb26roodt7l61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You invest time, energy and money. Plus they are deprecating assets.

>> No.30330578

Going long on a woman

>> No.30330589
File: 104 KB, 765x1079, 1614955903649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is a man

>> No.30330591

HRT pills

Bad dragon (I need to wear adult diapers now)

>> No.30330593

bought ftm at 3c

bought yfv at the top

>> No.30330615

>fake eyelashes
Right in the garbage you go. Almost as bad as eyeliner slootness

>> No.30330629

best- swinging on RSR, i dont know what RSR is but it alway duz sumn
worst- owning a credit card

>> No.30330638

ok, that's a man

>> No.30330672

best: buying PRQ at 8 cents
wost: buying into bsc scam network

>> No.30330695

Not holding my 100,000 LINK.

Kleros will make up for it tho.

>> No.30330824

Best: my MechEng education that landed me a decently paid and interesting desktop job

Worst: bought some shares of the airline Norwegian, lets say it hasn't performed well so far

>> No.30331058

Kids. Don’t do it again.

>> No.30331212

Dose anyone have this guys name?

>> No.30331253

it's the eyelashes that got to you? not the obvious man face?

>> No.30331612

what a retard kek

>> No.30331706

Best: Buy Cobalt Blue shares
Worst: Not selling more two weeks ago at the top

>> No.30331733


>> No.30331794

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.30331947


>> No.30332137

worst was PAC
best so far will be BOND once it moons

>> No.30332294

don't you at least get a bj?

>> No.30332635

Hoge 30x my money... and y’all still think it’s a rug pull scamcoin