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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 109 KB, 1065x777, wsi-imageoptim-diversify1-e1544091968839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30316466 No.30316466 [Reply] [Original]

just HOLD, you fucking idiot
its a long term project

>> No.30316591


>> No.30316669

I dont understand why ppl say to hodl and at same time say that the bull run will eventually end in a major correction. Smartest thing to do is sell once u have profit and rebuy after the bullrun is over to double,triple etc. Your positions

>> No.30316678

brainlet cope. managing risk when swinging is not rocket appliances

>> No.30316702
File: 792 KB, 891x670, 1614834859663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitconnect logo 4th row down

>> No.30316759


This. Holding is a bad strategy no matter which market you're trading on. Why hold when you can use your profits to buy even more of whatever coin there is? If I had held my Doge when I was up 800% after buying it at 1 cent, then I'd just be fucked.

>> No.30316775
File: 22 KB, 557x550, pepe-big-brain-glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a massive brainlet

>> No.30316893

Why hold 5 btc when you can have 15btc by selling high buying low>>30316775

>> No.30316937

Ok, 70% of the projects in this image will disappear within the next 5 years.

>> No.30316950

Hodling is a reddit no-brainer strategy. Swinging is easy just dont be a retard like 90% of traders

>> No.30316971

i'm not paying short term holding taxes to the jewverment, never selling under a year at least

>> No.30317184

which tips would you give then?

>> No.30318149

Their logic is that you can’t time the top and potentially miss out on huge gains if you’re wrong. My logic is who gives a fuck bc if it tanks anywhere between 50-80% from my selling price I can double my stack at minimum. It’s a far better strategy than just holding through everything and watching your investment fall apart for 3 years

>> No.30318549

holding is not for, and has never been for altcoins. it works when the asset you're holding is bitcoin, it doesnt work when you're holding altcoins, because crypto would survive today if all alts disappeared, it would not if bitcoin (i.e. digital scarcity and digital store of value) failed.

the goal of alts is to get in on something like ethereum during the ico, or early, and sell after a couple of years back into bitcoin, then to go and find the next legitimate project. there's never going to be an end to new altcoins, and each one will eat into existing altcoin markets, and killing some of them. if you missed out on btc/eth playing the slow-alt game is the only way to make oversized gains against btc.

>> No.30318713

>it would not if bitcoin (i.e. digital scarcity and digital store of value) failed.

>> No.30318776

see, this kind of late adopter cope that bitcoin is replaceable is exactly why most people will just see their wealth sliding to zero against bitcoin long term.

>> No.30318984

Go back to the CMC snapshots for november 2017. How many of those coins broke even? How many got more than 1.5 returns? You are a fucking idiot if you don't try and time the bull run top. As long as you buy in decently early you don't even have to be smart, just look at the indicators like PI top.

>> No.30319050

LOL no LUKSO in their tells the story ... literally no one wants to buy eth 2.0.

>> No.30319090

>holding ”project” coins


>> No.30319166

ask the linkies who swung their stack at 50c how they feel about your strategy